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阿伯德尔国家公园位于号称肯尼亚“水塔”的阿伯德尔山脉上,是肯尼亚重要的旅游景区和珍稀动植物保护区,开展该地生态环境质量评价对肯尼亚水资源保护与可持续发展具有重要的意义。本研究基于1987-2018年的Landsat系列遥感数据,通过计算综合遥感生态指数RSEI,结合趋势线分析法对阿伯德尔国家公园近32年间生态环境质量变化进行客观定量分析。研究结果显示:① 1987-2018年研究区RSEI均值从0.62下降到0.51,生态环境质量退化的区域面积为551.52 km 2,占总面积的71.85%,表明在气候变化和人类活动影响下,1987-2018年研究区的环境状况呈恶化趋势;②环境质量显著恶化的区域主要分布于亚高山植被区和东部低海拔森林覆盖区,亚高山地区植被生态系统结构单一,稳定性差,对气候变化和人类活动更为敏感;而东部区域存在过度开发,非法砍伐森林等现象,且旅游开发强度大,环境恶化与人类活动密切相关。  相似文献   
利用化学蚀变指数法恢复物源区的风化历史及沉积物通量是一种经济实用、行之有效的方法。前人对珠江口盆地荔湾凹陷对应物源区的研究相对薄弱。本文通过对区内岩心测试数据进行化学蚀变指数分析,恢复晚渐新世—早中新世物源区的风化历史,并进行沉积物通量的估算,在此基础上探讨物源特征对研究区内沉积充填的控制作用。研究表明,晚渐新世研究区对应物源区经历了强烈风化阶段,该阶段产生的丰富的沉积物供给是研究区西北部快速进积、规模壮观的陆架边缘三角洲及斜坡重力流沉积体系发育的重要控制因素之一;早中新世,西北物源区风化减弱,沉积供给减少,但研究区东部沉积物供应较西部要充分得多,表明早中新世,研究区南部除了来自西北部的主要物源外,局部物源对该时期的沉积具有重要影响;推测东部物源(东部古隆起、兴宁古隆起)的突然复活是促进研究区东部早中新世沟槽形成发育的重要原因之一。在超深水区进行沉积物源区的研究中,这种半定量的方法对盆内局部物源的确定具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   
四川作为农业大省,旱灾是导致农业减产最主要的因素。通过遥感和GIS手段进行四川省土壤干旱程度的时空分析,提高干旱的空间可视化程度,加强干旱监测的时效性尤为重要。本研究基于四川省2007—2016年逐季度的MODIS数据和1961—2011年40个气象站的月降水资料,采用温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)计算得到四川省干旱等级分布情况,辅以标准化降雨指数(SPI)进行相关性分析,并通过线性回归、反距离权重空间插值、GIS空间分析模型重建等方法,分析近十年来四川省地区以季度为时间尺度的土壤干旱时空变化特征,制作各时相土壤干旱分布图展示其微变化。结果表明:(1)在月时间尺度上,SPI-1与TVDI呈中等至强负相关关系,即TVDI值越小,SPI值越大,干旱程度越轻;验证结果表明TVDI都能够较好地对四川省的干旱空间分布状况进行反映。(2)四川省各区域、各季节干旱分布不均:空间上,干旱频发的区域集中在四川盆地及攀西南部区域。时间上,在春季,四川盆地区域的土壤干旱程度大致呈现加剧—持续—减缓的趋势;夏季,四川盆地的干旱变化趋势是加剧—减缓—加剧;秋季,四川盆地的干旱变化趋势是加剧—减缓—持续减缓;冬季,全川干旱程度变化不明显。本文的研究结果对四川省开展农业防灾减灾,引导农业灌溉具有指导意义。  相似文献   
Drought is a natural phenomenon posing severe implications for soil, groundwater and agricultural yield. It has been recognized as one of the most pervasive global change drivers to affect the soil. Soil being a weakly renewable resource takes a long time to form, but it takes no time to degrade. However, the response of soil to drought conditions as soil loss is not manifested in the existing literature. Thus, this study makes a concerted effort to analyze the relationship between drought conditions and soil erosion in the middle sub-basin of the Godavari River in India. MODIS remote sensing data was utilized for driving drought indices during 2000–2019. Firstly, we constricted Temperature condition index (TCI) and Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) from Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) derived from MODIS data. TCI and VCI were then integrated to determine the Vegetation Health Index (VHI). Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) was utilized for estimating soil loss. The relationship between drought condition and vegetation was ascertained using the Pearson correlation. Most of the northern and southern watersheds experienced severe drought condition in the sub-basin during 2000–2019. The mean frequency of the drought occurrence was 7.95 months. The average soil erosion in the sub-basin was estimated to be 9.88 t ha?1 year?1. A positive relationship was observed between drought indices and soil erosion values (r value being 0.35). However, wide variations were observed in the distribution of spatial correlation. Among various factors, the slope length and steepness were found to be the main drivers of soil erosion in the sub-basin. Thus, the study calls for policy measures to lessen the impact of drought and soil erosion.  相似文献   
幸福河是中国新时代江河治理的新目标,对保障河流健康及经济社会可持续发展意义重大。为定量评价幸福河状况,本文通过对幸福河概念内涵的进一步梳理,提出幸福河评价体系;以安全运行、持续供给、生态健康、和谐发展"四大判断准则"为框架,按"目标-准则-指标"三层级,构建幸福河评价指标体系,包括基本指标16个、备选指标34个;参考相关规范、标准文件和研究成果,将幸福河评价指标划分为5个等级,分别给出各指标5个等级的分级标准值;引入"幸福河指数"来定量评价河流幸福河状态,采用"单指标量化-多指标综合-多准则集成"方法,定量计算幸福河指数。最后,以黄河为例,分别对2017年黄河上中下游分段、支流渭河以及流经的9个省区开展幸福河评价的实例应用。经验证,所提出的幸福河评价体系能较好地反映黄河客观实际,具有较强的可靠性和适用性。  相似文献   
酉阳河流域典型年汛期的基流分割研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雷宇宽 《水文》2021,41(1):35-41
基流分割是水文学研究中的重难点问题之一,目前基流分割也存在许多方法。基于酉阳河典型年汛期实测日平均流量资料,分别采用Chapman-Maxwell改进方程数字滤波法一次滤波(参数N=1)以及二次滤波(参数N=2)、BFI(f)法、HYSEP固定步长法、HYSEP滑动步长法、HYSEP局部最小值法进行基流分割并对其结果进行分析对比。研究结果表明:不同方法下得到的基流分割线各不相同,各年份基流指数的统计特征也存在一定差异,采用Chapman-Maxwell改进方程数字滤波法二次滤波得到的基流成果更符合基流的一般特征以及酉阳河流域的降水径流关系特点。  相似文献   
文章选取通辽市各气象站点气象数据、基础地理信息数据、历史灾情数据、第二次土地调查数据及相关社会经济等统计数据,基于自然灾害风险原理,利用数理统计、层次分析法及空间叠加分析等方法,提出了通辽市暴雨洪涝灾害风险评价指标体系,得到通辽市暴雨洪涝灾害风险评估空间分布图。结果表明:高风险区主要分布在通辽市北部山区、中东部地区及偏南部地区,包括扎鲁特旗鲁北镇、科尔沁区、科左中旗东南部及库伦旗东南部;而科左后旗大部地区易形成由短时强降水引发的洪涝,为次高风险区;低风险区及次低风险区主要分布在通辽市中部、西南部地区,包括开鲁县、奈曼旗北部、科左中旗西部。  相似文献   
基于时间序列叶面积指数稀疏表示的作物种植区域提取   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王鹏新  荀兰  李俐  王蕾  孔庆玲 《遥感学报》2019,23(5):959-970
以华北平原黄河以北地区为研究区域,以时间序列叶面积指数LAI(Leaf Area Index)傅里叶变换的谐波特征作为不同作物识别的数据源,利用稀疏表示的分类方法识别2007年—2016年冬小麦、春玉米、夏玉米等主要农作物种植区域。首先利用上包络线Savitzky-Golay滤波分别对2007年—2016年的时间序列MODIS LAI曲线进行重构,进而对重构的年时间序列LAI进行傅里叶变换,以0—5级谐波振幅、1—5级谐波相位作为作物识别的依据,基于各类地物的训练样本,通过在线字典学习算法构建稀疏表示方法的判别字典,对每个待测样本利用正交匹配追踪算法求解稀疏系数,从而计算对应于各类地物的重构误差,根据最小重构误差判定待测样本的作物类型,并对作物识别结果的位置精度进行验证。结果表明,2007年—2016年作物识别的总体精度为77.97%,Kappa系数为0.74,表明本文提出的方法可以用于研究区域主要作物种植区域的提取。  相似文献   
马培培  李静  柳钦火  何彬彬  赵静 《遥感学报》2019,23(6):1232-1252
对多源遥感数据协同生产的2010年—2015年中国区域1 km空间分辨率5天合成的MuSyQ(Multi-source data Synergized Quantitative remote sensing production system)叶面积指数LAI产品进行验证。参考现有的LAI产品(MODIS c5,GLASS LAI)和中国生态系统研究网络部分农田和森林站点可用的LAI地面测量数据,从时空连续性、时空一致性、精度和准确性等方面对中国区域的MuSyQ LAI产品进行定性和定量分析与评价。结果表明:(1) MuSyQ LAI产品在保证精度优于MODIS产品的情况下,时间分辨率和时空连续性均有提高。MuSyQ LAI与其他LAI产品(MODIS c5,GLASS LAI)在整体上有很好的一致性(RMSE=1.0,RMSE=0.81),但对常绿阔叶林高值处的描述不稳定;(2) 与LAI地面测量数据相比,MuSyQ LAI产品与地面参考图对比结果较好(最高相关性(R2=0.54)和较低总体误差(RMSE=0.96)),其在阔叶作物生长季高值处有些许低估且在某些阔叶林站点有些高估。整体上,MuSyQ LAI产品呈现出较高的精度,可靠的空间分布和连续稳定的时间分布,且对森林LAI的描述具有更可靠的动态范围。  相似文献   
The Montagne Noire in the southernmost French Massif Central is made of an ENE‐elongated gneiss dome flanked by Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks. The tectonic evolution of the gneiss dome has generated controversy for more than half a century. As a result, a multitude of models have been proposed that invoke various tectonic regimes and exhumation mechanisms. Most of these models are based on data from the gneiss dome itself. Here, new constraints on the dome evolution are provided based on a combination of very low‐grade petrology, K–Ar geochronology, field mapping and structural analysis of the Palaeozoic western Mont Peyroux and Faugères units, which constitute part of the southern hangingwall of the dome. It is shown that southward‐directed Variscan nappe‐thrusting (D1) and a related medium‐P metamorphism (M1) are only preserved in the area furthest away from the gneiss dome. The regionally dominant pervasive tectono‐metamorphic event D2/M2 largely transposes D1 structures, comprises a higher metamorphic thermal gradient than M1 (transition low‐P and medium‐P metamorphic facies series) and affected the rocks between c. 309 and 300 Ma, post‐dating D1/M1 by more than 20 Ma. D2‐related fabrics are refolded by D3, which in its turn, is followed by dextral‐normal shearing along the basal shear zone of both units at c. 297 Ma. In the western Mont Peyroux and Faugères units, D2/M2 is largely synchronous with shearing along the southern dome margin between c. 311 and 303 Ma, facilitating the emplacement of the gneiss dome into the upper crust. D2/M2 also overlaps in time with granitic magmatism and migmatization in the Zone Axiale between c. 314 and 306 Ma, and a related low‐P/high‐T metamorphism at c. 308 Ma. The shearing that accompanied the exhumation of the dome therefore was synchronous with a peak in temperature expressed by migmatization and intrusion of melts within the dome, and also with the peak of metamorphism in the hangingwall. Both, the intensity of D2 fabrics and the M2 metamorphic grade within the hangingwall, decrease away from the gneiss dome, with grades ranging from the anchizone–epizone boundary to the diagenetic zone. The related zonation of the pre‐D3 metamorphic field gradients paralleled the dome. These observations indicate that D2/M2 is controlled by the exhumation of the Zone Axiale, and suggest a coherent kinematic between the different crustal levels at some time during D2/M2. Based on integration of these findings with regional geological constraints, a two‐stage exhumation of the gneiss dome is proposed: during a first stage between c. 316 and 300 Ma dome emplacement into the upper crust was controlled by dextral shear zones arranged in a pull‐apart‐like geometry. The second stage from 300 Ma onwards was characterized by northeast to northward extension, with exhumation accommodated by north‐dipping detachments and hangingwall basin formation along the northeastern dome margin.  相似文献   
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