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基于SMAP卫星雷达资料的海冰密集度反演技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SMAP是美国于2015年初发射的一颗卫星,搭载了L波段的雷达。它采用圆锥扫描方式,具有固定的入射角、较大的幅宽和千米级的分辨率,在海冰监测方面具有独特的优势。本文利用SMAP卫星雷达资料分别与德国Bremen大学海冰密集度产品和美国国家冰雪数据中心(NSIDC)海冰密集度产品建立3.125 km和25 km匹配数据集,分析了L波段雷达后向散射系数、极化比和归一化极化差与海冰密集度之间相关性,建立基于人工神经网络的海冰密集度反演算法。为了验证SMAP卫星雷达资料反演海冰密集度的精度,本文选择德国Bremen大学和美国冰雪数据中心发布的海冰密集度产品分别与SMAP海冰密集度产品进行对比分析,SMAP海冰密集度与Bremen海冰密集度的偏差为0.07、均方根误差为0.14;与NSIDC海冰密集度的偏差为0.04、均方根误差为0.18,这表明SMAP海冰密集度产品与现有业务化海冰密集度产品具有很好的一致性。  相似文献   
River corridors exhibit landforms nested within landforms repeatedly down spatial scales. In Pasternack et al. ( 2018 ), a new, scale‐independent, hierarchical river classification was developed that uses five landform types to map the domains of a single fluvial process – flow convergence routing – at each of three–five spatial scales. Given those methods, this study investigated the details of how flow convergence routing organizes nested landform sequences. The method involved analyzing landform abundance, sequencing, and hierarchical nesting along the 35 km gravel/cobble lower Yuba River in California. Independent testing of flow convergence routing found that hydraulic patterns at every flow matched the essential predictions from classification, substantiating the process–morphology link. River width and bed elevation sequences exhibit large, nonrandom, and linked oscillations structured to preferentially yield wide bars and constricted pools at base flow and bankfull flow. At a flow of 8.44 times bankfull, there is still an abundance of wide bar and constricted pool landforms, but larger topographic drivers also yield an abundance of nozzle and oversized landforms. The nested structure of flow convergence routing landforms reveals that base flow and bankfull landforms are nested together within specific floodprone valley landform types, and these landform types control channel morphodynamics during moderate to large floods. As a result, this study calls into question the prevailing theory that the bankfull channel of a gravel/cobble river is controlled by in‐channel, bankfull, and/or small flood flows. Such flows may initiate sediment transport, but they are too small to control landform organization in a gravel/cobble river with topographic complexity. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文利用常规观测资料、逐小时区域自动站观测资料、NCEP1°× 1°逐6小时再分析资料等对安顺2019年6月5-11日和9月5-10日的持续性暴雨天气进行分析,结果表明:(1)6月5-11日天气过程主要是由于两高之间不断有短波槽东移造成的,9月5-10日天气过程主要是由于副高稳定少动,西南涡在副高外围稳定维持较造成的;(2)垂直螺旋度垂直积分越大越有利于产生强的短时强降雨,垂直螺旋度强中心发展高度越高越有利于短时强降雨持续不断的产生;(3)水汽垂直螺旋度在这2次持续性暴雨天气过程中对短时强降雨的发生和降雨强度有很好的指示,水汽垂直螺旋度在短时强降雨出现前6小时出现增大,且中心值越大短时强降雨强度越强,在短时强降雨发生期间迅速减小;(4)6月5-11日天气过程中,质量垂直螺旋度值增大-减小得越多,出现的短时强降雨强度越强。  相似文献   
Helmert方差分量估计严密公式与简化公式等价性的证明   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析了Helmert方差分量估计严密公式与简化公式迭代收敛结果一些统计性质的基础上,导出了关于收敛结果共同的求解方程,从理论上证明了两种结果的等价性,为使用简化公式提供了依据。  相似文献   
利用贵州省预报业务常规、地面自动站加密观测资料、NCEP/FNL1°×1°再分析资料、业务数值预报模式,分析2020年6月29日铜仁市东部高空西北气流影响下的特大暴雨环境场特征、地面中小尺度场特征以及3家数值预报模式检验,初步分析产生此次特大暴雨的可能成因是在副高东南退、东北冷涡槽后高空西北气流维持、低层冷平流下传西输、地面辐合维持增强为涡旋、地面东路弱冷空气侵入、能量锋区斜压性增强;短临监测发现雷达回波有列车效应、低层辐合高层辐散的共轭配置、中层气旋式辐合;初步得出了西北气流影响下弱天气尺度环境场的铜仁市东部暴雨的预报着眼点。  相似文献   
An increasing number of palaeo-climatic records have been reported to identify the Holocene climate history in the arid Xinjiang region of northwest China. However, few studies have fully considered the internal linkages within the regional climate system, which may limit our understanding of the forcing mechanisms of Holocene climate change in this region. Here, we systematically consider three major issues of the moisture/precipitation, temperature and near-surface wind relevant to the Holocene climate history of Xinjiang. First, despite there still has debated for the Holocene moisture evolution in this region, more climatic reconstructions from lake sediments, loess, sand-dunes and peats support a long-term regional wetting trend. Second, temperature records from ice cores, peats and stalagmites demonstrate a long-term winter warming trend during the Holocene in middle- to high-latitudes of Asia. Third, recent studies of aeolian sedimentary sequences reveal that the near-surface winds in winter gradually weakened during the Holocene, whereas the winter mid-latitude Westerlies strengthened in the Tienshan Mountains. Based on this evidence, in the arid Xinjiang region we propose an early to middle Holocene relatively cold and dry interval, with strong near-surface winds; and a warmer, wetter interval with weaker near-surface winds in the middle to late Holocene during winter. Additionally, we develop a conceptual model to explain the pattern of Holocene climate changes in this region. From the early to the late Holocene, the increasing atmospheric CO2 content and winter insolation, and the shrinking of high-latitude continental ice-sheets, resulted in increasing winter temperatures in middle to high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Subsequently, the increased winter temperature strengthened the winter mid-latitude Westerlies and weakened the Siberian high-pressure system, which caused an increase in winter precipitation and a decrease in near-surface wind strength. This scenario is strongly supported by evidence from geological records, climate simulation results, and modern reanalysis data. Our hypothesis highlights the important contribution of winter temperature in driving the Holocene climatic evolution of the arid Xinjiang region, and it implies that the socio-economic development and water resources security of this region will face serious challenges presented by the increasing winter temperature in the future.  相似文献   
为了进一步研究高原涡、西南涡对西南地区暴雨的影响,本文用中国气象局自动站与CMORPH降水数据融合的逐时降水资料、国家卫星气象中心的逐时FY-2E卫星的云顶亮温(TBB)资料、欧洲气象资料中心(ERA-interim)的再分析资料,通过天气学诊断分析方法以及拉格朗日轨迹模式HYSPLITv4.9,对发生在四川盆地的有高原涡东移影响西南涡发展引发暴雨的两次过程进行对比分析,发现:(1)两次暴雨过程的降水强度和分布有明显区别,并且TBB活动特征显示在过程一中有MCC(Mesoscale Convective Complex)的产生和发展,过程二则没有。(2)对于过程一,500 hPa上,高原涡逐渐减弱为高原槽并伸展到四川盆地上空,850 hPa上,在鞍型场附近有MCC的产生和发展,200 hPa上,高原涡在南亚高压北部偏西风急流下方的强辐散区内,位于南亚高压东南侧急流区下方稳定少动,偏东风急流北部有辐散中心,有利于西南涡的加强。对于过程二,500 hPa高原涡东移在四川盆地上空与西南涡耦合,形成一个稳定且深厚的系统,这也是过程二的暴雨强度比过程一强的最主要原因。200 hPa上,四川盆地始终位于南亚高压东侧的西北气流中,“抽吸作用”明显。(3)在过程一中,位涡逐渐东传且位涡增加的地方对应强降水区与MCC发展区,反映了暴雨和位涡的发展基本一致。在过程二中,中层位涡高值区从高原上东移并下传至盆地上空,两涡耦合使得上下层打通,位涡值比耦合之前单独的两涡强度更强。 MCC产生的必要条件是中层大气要有强正涡度、强辐合和强上升运动,在未产生MCC前,过程一与过程二在盆地上空的动力条件甚至是相反的;从热力条件看,过程一中有明显的干冷空气入侵,增强不稳定条件,有利于MCC的产生并引发强降水;另一方面,本文也应证了二阶位涡的水平分布与暴雨落区有较好的对应关系。(4)通过拉格朗日方法的水汽轨迹追踪模式和聚类分析方法分析可得两次暴雨过程的水汽输送源地和通道也有明显区别,过程一主要有两条水汽通道,通道一来自阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾洋面的底层,通道二来自四川南部750 m以下高度;而过程二的主要水汽输送通道有三条,通道一来自西方地中海、黑海和里海上空1500~2500 m高度附近,通道二来自阿拉伯海和印度洋的底层,通道三的水汽从孟加拉湾低层绕过云贵高原直接输送到四川盆地。  相似文献   
An analysis of the kinetic energy budget during a case of interaction between middle latitude and extratropical cyclones has been made in this work. Horizontal flux convergence constitutes a major energy sink. Generation of kinetic energy via cross-contour flow is a persistent source throughout the growth and decay periods. Dissipation of kinetic energy from subgrid to grid scales is an important source during the pre-storm period; it acts as a sink during the growth and decay periods. The major contribution to kinetic energy comes from a persistent upper tropospheric jet stream activity throughout the period of the cyclone development. The characteristics of moisture-flux components (divergent and rotational) along with precipitable water content for different tropospheric layers throughout the life cycle of our cyclone are also studied in this work. It is found that most of required humidity for our cyclone are initiated from Arabian Sea and then to some extent are reinforced over Gulf of Aden and east of central Africa and then by passing over Red sea enter to the south and south east of Mediterranean Sea. The rotational component of the moisture transport brings moisture from two regions; the first which is considered the main region is the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden and north east of Sudan. The second source region is the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. In the middle troposphere, the primary moisture source is found over central Africa, which in turn is traced to the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Arabian Sea. The upper-level moisture fluxes are weak and play a minor role over the area of interaction between two cyclones.  相似文献   
为探讨系统偏差最优估计策略,利用IGS提供的GPS、BDS、GLONASS和Galileo 四系统的观测数据以及GFZ提供的精密卫星钟差和精密轨道产品,将系统偏差(ISB)按照高斯白噪声、20 min、30 min、1 h、2 h分段常数进行单天静态解,分别获得E、N、U方向上的坐标偏差,分析不同系统偏差求解策略下多系统融合PPP的收敛时间和定位精度。结果表明,在多系统融合静态PPP中,从观测模型强度与定位结果稳定性和可靠性角度综合考虑,对ISB采用20 min分段常数估计策略是最优的,静态PPP收敛时间在30 min左右,收敛后的定位精度E方向优于2 cm、N方向优于1 cm、U方向优于5 cm。  相似文献   
By dating detrital zircon U-Pb ages of deposition sequence in foreland basins, we can analyze the provenance of these zircons and further infer the tectonic history of the mountain belts. This is a new direction of the zircon U-Pb chronology. The precondition of using this method is that we have to have all-around understanding to the U-Pb ages of the rocks of the orogenic belts, while the varied topography, high altitude of the zircon U-Pb ages of the orogenic belts are very rare and uneven. This restricts the application of this method. Modern river deposits contain abundant geologic information of their provenances, so we can probe the zircon U-Pb ages of the geological bodies in the provenances by dating the detrital zircon U-Pb ages of modern rivers' deposits. We collected modern river deposits of 14 main rivers draining from Pamir, South Tian Shan and their convergence zone and conducted detrital zircon U-Pb dating. Combining with the massive bed rock zircon U-Pb ages of the magmatic rocks and the detrital zircon U-Pb ages of the modern fluvial deposit of other authors, we obtained the distribution characteristics of zircon U-Pb ages of different tectonic blocks of Pamir and South Tian Shan. Overlaying on the regional geological map, we pointed out the specific provenance geological bodies of different U-Pb age populations and speculated the existence of some new geological bodies. The results show that different tectonic blocks have different age peaks. The main age peaks of South Tian Shan are 270~289Ma and 428~449Ma, that of North Pamir are 205~224Ma and 448~477Ma, Central Pamir 36~40Ma, and South Pamir 80~82Ma and 102~106Ma. The Pamir syntaxis locates at the west end of the India-Eurasia collision zone. The northern boundary of the Pamir is the Main Pamir Thrust(MPT)and the Pamir Front Thrust(PFT). In the Cenozoic, because of the squeezing action of the India Plate, the Pamir thrust a lot toward the north and the internal terranes of the Pamir strongly uplifted. For the far-field effect of the India-Eurasia collision, the Tian Shan on the north margin of the Tarim Basin also uplifted intensely during this period. Extensive exhumation went along with these upliftings. The material of the exhumation was transported to the foreland basin by rivers, which formed the very thick Cenozoic deposition sequence. These age peaks can be used as characteristic ages to recognize these tectonic blocks. These results lay a solid foundation for tracing the convergence process of Pamir and South Tian Shan in Cenozoic with the help of detrital zircon U-Pb ages of sediments in the foreland basin.  相似文献   
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