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Because of the high elevation and complex topography of the Tibetan Plateau (TP), the role of lakes in the climate system over the Tibetan Plateau is not well understood. For this study, we investigated the impact of lake processes on local and regional climate using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, which includes a one-dimensional physically based lake model. The first simulation with the WRF model was performed for the TP over the 2000–2010 period, and the second was carried out during the same period but with the lakes filled with nearby land-use types. Results with the lake simulation show that the model captures the spatial and temporal patterns of annual mean precipitation and temperature well over the TP. Through comparison of the two simulations, we found that the TP lakes mainly cool the near-surface air, inducing a decreasing sensible heat flux for the entire year. Meanwhile, stronger evaporation produced by the lakes is found in the fall. During the summer, the cooling effect of the lakes decreases precipitation in the surrounding area and generates anomalous circulation patterns. In conclusion, the TP lakes cool the near-surface atmosphere most of the time, weaken the sensible heat flux, and strengthen the latent heat flux, resulting in changes in mesoscale precipitation and regional-scale circulation.  相似文献   
承德市臭氧污染气象条件预报方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2014-2016年承德市环境监测站和气象站的数据,分析了气象条件对承德市O3-8h浓度的影响,探讨了臭氧污染气象条件的预报方法。结果表明:4-7月是承德市O3-8h浓度较高的月份,O3浓度的日变化特征为午后浓度高而夜间浓度低;O3污染的天气形势为500 hPa受高压脊和偏西气流影响,850 hPa有强暖平流和20℃以上的高温,地面受低压前部和高压后部之间的偏南气流影响;有利于O3-8h出现高浓度的气象因子为日平均气温大于23℃、日最高气温大于28℃、日平均海平面气压995-1007 hPa、日平均水汽压18-28 hPa、偏南风大于1 m·s-1。利用气象因子综合评分建立臭氧污染指数,与O3-8h浓度的相关系数高达0.7553,说明臭氧污染指数能较好地预报臭氧污染天气。  相似文献   
摘要:针对目前医疗费用不断上涨的现实问题,基于安徽省阜南县和贵州省锦屏县相关医疗机构的全部住院数据和气象资料,首先分析两县疾病谱特征,然后从季节和24节气角度,分析两县主要气象敏感性疾病(因天气和气候异常变化而诱发或加重的相关疾病)住院人次和医疗费用的变化特征以及人体舒适度对当地主要气象敏感性疾病发病的影响。结果表明,阜南县和锦屏县人群中住院人数最多的疾病分别是循环和呼吸系统两大类气象敏感性疾病,医疗费用最高的前六位疾病都包含循环、呼吸和消化系统疾病,其三者医疗费用总和分别占两县总医疗费用的44.9%和45.8%,因此,从降低医疗费用的角度来看加强这三类主要气象敏感性疾病的预防十分重要。此外,三种系统疾病医疗费用呈现出明显的季节变化特征:其中,循环系统疾病的医疗费用在季节转换期间明显高于各季节内,呼吸系统疾病冬春季的医疗费用远高于夏秋季节,消化系统疾病夏季医疗费用最高。两县9月的体感温度最接近人体最佳舒适温度,而此时上述三类疾病的住院人次及医疗费用也是相对低点。此研究结果可为当地相关疾病的适时防控、有效降低医疗费用提供科学依据。  相似文献   
2016年5月15日清晨河西走廊东部发生区域性强霜冻天气,对农林业生产造成了2004年以来最为严重的灾害。本文利用实时MICAPS常规观测资料、物理量场和河西走廊东部区域内6个国家自动气象观测站和93个区域气象站观测资料,对这次冻害天气过程的天气学成因进行分析,在此基础上分析了霜冻对农业的影响。结果表明强冷空气爆发是造成冻害的直接原因;0 cm地面温度和气温≤0 ℃持续时间长,导致农林作物深度冻伤;前期气温偏高使得农林作物发育期提前,加之霜冻出现时间偏迟,农林作物抵抗冻害的能力明显下降,冻害影响加重;冻害发生后,温度急剧上升、湿度迅速减小,作物水分强烈蒸腾,作物细胞失去受损,导致受灾程度加重。  相似文献   
地面自动气象观测设备运行状态信息检测技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李雁  周青  李峰  周薇  徐鸣一  梁海河 《气象科技》2015,43(6):1030-1039
地面自动气象观测设备运行状态检测机制不足一直是困扰我国地面气象观测运行保障工作的一大难题。本研究从运行监控实际业务需求角度出发,在梳理现有业务运行地面自动气象观测设备结构基础上,结合部分研究成果,从数据采集模块、气压观测模块、温湿度观测模块、风观测模块、地温观测模块、雨量观测模块、供电系统模块、软件模块、能见度观测模块和称重降水观测模块共10个方面逐一细化了每一主要部件的状态检测点,并对其进行了分类和编码,同时参考现行业务运行设备长Z数据报文,制定了地面自动气象观测设备运行状态报文规范,最终研制了地面自动气象观测设备运行状态信息检测技术。通过统一规范、标准,研究结果可解决目前我国地面自动气象观测设备监控信息设计规范缺失的问题,可缓解当前厂家多、型号杂、设备不统一的不利局面,有利于推进地面自动气象观测设备运行监控技术规范化建设工作。  相似文献   
韩燕  张爽娜  李海涛 《地下水》2011,33(2):85-86,104
衡水市是河北省缺水的城市之一,同时也是水体污染较突出的城市之一.由于衡水市经济的快速发展和人口的不断增长,工业废水和生活污水的排放在大量增加,根据2010年对全市水功能区及非水功能区重新进行的排污口核查与监测结果,从水功能区划分、水质状况、排污现状等方面,详细探讨了衡水市水功能区排污状况,并提出了排污治理建议.  相似文献   
宜春地区主要气象灾害分布规律及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1959-2008 年气象观测资料和1949-2008 年气象灾情资料,对发生在宜春地区的暴雨和洪涝、大风、冰雹、干旱、高温、低温和冷冻、雷电等7 类主要气象灾害的分布规律及成因进行了分类分析.结果表明,宜春地区每年都会出现不同程度的洪涝灾害,重度洪涝灾害为3-5 a 一遇.东部和西部各有1 个大风多发区;大风7-...  相似文献   
贵州高等级公路气象特征及预报   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据近4a逐日气象资料以及交管部门近10a的交通事故统计数据,分析了影响贵州高等级公路交通安全运输的主要气象因子特征,揭示了贵州复杂地形条件下不同公路路段的气象条件差异较大,主要表现为:(1)各路段夜间雨日比白天雨日多30d左右;(2)降雨日、大雨日和暴雨日最多的路段均是镇胜路;(3)能见度条件最差的路段是玉凯路,其次是贵新路和镇胜路;(4)凝冻出现机率较大的路段是镇胜路、贵黄路和贵新路;降雪最多的路段是崇遵路;(5)高温天气最多的路段是玉凯路.另外,综合考虑了降雨、能见度、凝冻以及高温等天气条件对公路交通的影响程度,探讨了贵州高等级公路交通气象指数预报方法.  相似文献   
风廓线雷达资料在一次强对流天气过程中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析2010年6月28日广州市南沙区强对流天气过程的风廓线雷达资料发现:风廓线雷达测得的温度廓线资料可以很直观地显示边界层逆温及高温区域随时间的变化;风廓线雷达产品(垂直速度和信号噪声比)能清楚地反映降水的开始、结束以及降水的强度;风廓线雷达可以很好的监测到低空急流的发生发展及水平风的垂直切变.对强对流天气的预报有...  相似文献   
We examine the warm season (April-September) rainfall climatology of the northeastern US through analyses of high-resolution radar rainfall fields from the Hydro-NEXRAD system and regional climate model simulations using the weather research and forecasting (WRF) model. Analyses center on the 5-year period from 2003 to 2007 and the study area includes the New York-New Jersey metropolitan region covered by radar rainfall fields from the Fort Dix, NJ WSR-88D. The objective of this study is to develop and test tools for examining rainfall climatology, with a special focus on heavy rainfall. An additional emphasis is on rainfall climatology in regions of complex terrain, like the northeastern US, which is characterized by land-water boundaries, large heterogeneity in land use and cover, and mountainous terrain in the western portion of the region. We develop a 5-year record of warm season radar rainfall fields for the study region using the Hydro-NEXRAD system. We perform regional downscaling simulations for the 5-year study period using the WRF model. Radar rainfall fields are used to characterize the interannual, seasonal and diurnal variation of rainfall over the study region and to examine spatial heterogeneity of rainfall. Regional climate model simulations are characterized by a wet bias in the rainfall fields, with the largest bias in the high-elevation regions of the model domain. We show that model simulations capture broad features of the interannual, seasonal, and diurnal variation of rainfall. Model simulations do not capture spatial gradients in radar rainfall fields around the New York metropolitan region and land-water boundaries to the east. The model climatology of convective available potential energy (CAPE) is used to interpret the regional distribution of warm season rainfall and the seasonal and diurnal variability of rainfall. We use hydrologic and meteorological observations from July 2007 to examine the interactions of land surface processes and rainfall from a regional perspective.  相似文献   
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