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通过把地层格架信息作用于立体层析Fréchet导数矩阵,使得更新后的速度模型呈现出符合地质规律的块状特征.地层格架信息基于立体层析反演中得到的反射点位置进行非规则B样条插值拟合得到,因此在反演中它将会随着反射点位置的更新自然得到更新.与前人提出的保边缘层析算法或多层立体层析算法相比,本文提出的地层格架正则化无需引入混合正则化项或定义某种复杂的混合速度格式,更为直接也更容易实现.理论和实际数据算例证实了该正则化技巧的稳健性和可靠性,能够得到与实际地质构造特征更为一致的地质一致性反演结果.  相似文献   
The fractional Brownian motion (fBm) and fractional Lévy motion (fLm) can easily describe the geometry and the statistical structure of hydraulic conductivity (K) for real-world. However, the fBm and fLm models have not been systematically evaluated when building the K field for a low-permeability site. In this study, both the fBm and fLm are used to simulate the low-K field at NingCheGu (NCG), Tianjin, China. Groundwater flow and solute transport are then computed using MODFLOW and MT3DMS, respectively, and the influence of the fBm/fLm models for K on groundwater flow and solute transport is discussed. Results show that the fLm fits better the statistics of the low-K medium than fBm, and the random logarithmic K (LnK) field generated by fLm is more stable because the resultant LnK field captures more of the measured properties at the field site than that generated by fBm. In contrast, the LnK generated by fBm is more likely to form both high-K channels and low-K barriers. The fBm therefore predicts more extreme behaviours in flow and transport, including the preferential flow, low-concentration blocks and solute retention. The overall groundwater renewal period and solute travel time for the fLm simulation are slightly shorter than those for fBm. The impacts of the fLm and fBm models on the statistics of the resultant LnK fields and the dynamics of groundwater flow and solute transport revealed by this study shed light on the selection and evaluation of the fractional probability distribution models in capturing the K fields for low-K media.  相似文献   
针对第三类反应体系的反应器网络综合问题,提出将串联反应以反应物到目的产物的反应步数为依据的新分段策略。通过比较不分段目的产物、不分段目的产物和中间产品、分段副产物和分段目的产物这四种不同的瞬时选择性,提出以分段副产物瞬时选择性为参数,以其对关键组分浓度或转化率的导数为依据选择各阶段最合适的反应器,以目的产物总选择性最大为目标采用遗传算法优化反应器网络。通过三个实例验证了本文所建立方法在解决复杂反应反应器网络综合问题的有效性,且本方法同样适用于简单反应体系。  相似文献   
本文提出了一种全张量磁梯度数据的斜导数边界识别方法,该方法利用全张量磁梯度数据定义了北向斜导数、东向斜导数和垂向斜导数.模型试验表明,北向和东向斜导数无法有效识别磁性异常体边界,异常形态复杂虚假异常较多,而垂向斜导数在高纬度斜磁化或者垂直磁化条件下可以清晰而准确得识别地质体的边界,具有一定的深度识别能力.与现有磁张量梯度的边界识别方法相比,识别效果好,可以有效均衡不同深度地质体的响应.将上述方法应用于大兴安岭地区实测航磁三分量数据转换得到的全张量数据,获得了研究区浅部磁性体的分布,并与三分量数据进行联合解释,取得良好的地质效果.  相似文献   
现有像元二分模型MODIS植被覆盖度模型因其形式简单、适用性较强的特点被广泛应用于区域植被覆盖度(FVC)的估算。然而,研究表明在沙漠和低植被覆盖的西部干旱区,从250 m的影像上很难精准地获取NDVIveg(全植被覆盖植被指数)和NDVIsoil(全裸土区植被指数)参数。利用常用的直方图累计法获取模型所需参数NDVIveg和NDVIsoil,估算结果存在普遍高估现象。为此,本文首先引入同期获取的GF-2号卫星数据,从GF-2号影像上提取植被覆盖像元;然后,利用Pixel Aggregate方法重采样至250 m分辨率,获取250 m空间分辨率下纯植被和纯裸土像元;最后,将纯植被和纯裸土像元各自空间位置相对应的MODIS NDVI数据最大值作为模型所需NDVIveg和NDVIsoil参数,实现研究区内植被覆盖度的估算。试验通过与线性回归法、多项式回归法和直方图累计像元二分模型法估算结果进行精度对比,结果表明:利用GF-2影像辅助的像元二分模型,精准地获取了低植被覆盖区NDVIveg和NDVIsoil模型参数,提高了干旱区植被覆盖度的估算精度,并有效地抑制了受稀疏植被影响NDVI在干旱区普遍偏高问题导致的FVC高估的现象。  相似文献   
In order to model non‐Fickian transport behaviour in groundwater aquifers, various forms of the time–space fractional advection–dispersion equation have been developed and used by several researchers in the last decade. The solute transport in groundwater aquifers in fractional time–space takes place by means of an underlying groundwater flow field. However, the governing equations for such groundwater flow in fractional time–space are yet to be developed in a comprehensive framework. In this study, a finite difference numerical scheme based on Caputo fractional derivative is proposed to investigate the properties of a newly developed time–space fractional governing equations of transient groundwater flow in confined aquifers in terms of the time–space fractional mass conservation equation and the time–space fractional water flux equation. Here, we apply these time–space fractional governing equations numerically to transient groundwater flow in a confined aquifer for different boundary conditions to explore their behaviour in modelling groundwater flow in fractional time–space. The numerical results demonstrate that the proposed time–space fractional governing equation for groundwater flow in confined aquifers may provide a new perspective on modelling groundwater flow and on interpreting the dynamics of groundwater level fluctuations. Additionally, the numerical results may imply that the newly derived fractional groundwater governing equation may help explain the observed heavy‐tailed solute transport behaviour in groundwater flow by incorporating nonlocal or long‐range dependence of the underlying groundwater flow field.  相似文献   

A super-resolution enhancement algorithm was proposed based on the combination of fractional calculus and Projection onto Convex Sets (POCS) for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) images. The representative problems of UAV images including motion blur, fisheye effect distortion, overexposed, and so on can be improved by the proposed algorithm. The fractional calculus operator is used to enhance the high-resolution and low-resolution reference frames for POCS. The affine transformation parameters between low-resolution images and reference frame are calculated by Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) for matching. The point spread function of POCS is simulated by a fractional integral filter instead of Gaussian filter for more clarity of texture and detail. The objective indices and subjective effect are compared between the proposed and other methods. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method outperforms other algorithms in most cases, especially in the structure and detail clarity of the reconstructed images.  相似文献   
文章对内蒙古四子王旗—土默特右旗中北部近年发现的翁公敖包航磁异常进行推断与解释,在对找矿有望的航磁异常进行筛选后,对翁公敖包航磁异常进行了野外地质-地球物理查证,确定异常为铁矿所致;采用向上延拓、垂向导数、斜导数及小波变换等方法对航磁异常进行数据转换处理,以获取铁矿体的横向及纵向分布信息,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
提出一种分数阶傅里叶变换(fractional Fourier transformation, FrFT)与支持向量机(support vector machine, SVM)相结合的建筑物变形组合预测模型。首先利用FrFT对变形时间序列进行多尺度分析,将复杂时间序列分解为一系列结构较为简单的子序列;然后利用SVM对每个子序列分别建立预测模型,通过将各个子序列的预测结果进行综合叠加,得到最终预测结果;同时考虑到SVM模型参数选择的难题,提出一种改进果蝇优化算法(improved fruit fly optimization algorithm, IFOA)对其进行全局寻优,提升预测性能。以西南地区某混凝土坝变形实测数据为例开展验证实验,结果表明,本文组合预测模型能够充分挖掘数据中隐含的趋势性和规律性信息,获得较高的预测精度。  相似文献   
The Panzhihua mafic intrusion, which hosts a world-class Fe-Ti-V ore deposit, is in the western Emeishan region, SW China. The formation age(~260 Ma), and Sr and Nd isotopes indicate that the Panzhihua intrusion is part of the Emeishan large igneous province and has little crustal contamination. To assess ore genesis of the Panzhihua Fe-Ti-V ore deposit, two different models have been provided to explain the formation, namely silicate immiscibility and normal fractional crystallization. Silicate...  相似文献   
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