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时少华  李享 《热带地理》2020,40(4):625-635
以云南省红河州元阳县哈尼梯田核心区域2个典型的旅游村寨(大鱼塘村和普高老寨)为例,对两村寨利益相关者从网络凝聚性、网络互惠性、网络核心边缘、网络传递性、网络经纪人等5个方面展开关系数据分析,结果显示:1)大鱼塘村压力集团内部、压力集团与社区、企业与政府之间的利益关联性和联系的紧密性不足;2)两村当地政府和压力集团与社区之间的互惠性低于整体平均互惠性;3)两村利益网络中边缘结构较核心结构更加明显,这导致了利益关系的不平衡;4)两村当地政府利益集团传递性相对较低,当地社区传递性最高;5)两村中利益集团间缺少部分协调人、守门人、代理人、联络人等角色。最后提出相应建议:1)提升哈尼梯田利益关系由弱利益关系转变为强利益关系,改变利益集团间核心边缘利益关系格局;2)进一步加强各利益集团内部及之间的关联性;3)加强以企业和政府机构为顶点的组间利益传递,让利益流动逐步打破哈尼梯田利益集团之间的核心边缘关系结构;4)重点加强社区在利益关系网络中的参与机会与权力,对社区进行增权;5)利益集团内部要重点培育协调人和顾问角色,利益集团之间要重点培育企业与政府、社区、压力集团之间的守门人、代理人和联络人角色,以及社区与政府和企业之间的守门人、代理人角色。  相似文献   
为建立和完善现代化的海洋灾害防治体系,提高我国海洋治理和应对全球气候变化的能力,文章以全球治理和国家治理为背景,在明确致灾因子、承灾体、灾害以及灾害风险和管理等基本概念及其内涵的基础上,分析全球气候变化背景下我国海洋灾害及其风险的特征以及海洋灾害防治的关键性和基础性科学问题,并提出我国构建海洋灾害防治体系的建议。研究结果表明:在全球气候变化的影响下,我国沿海地区的海洋灾害风险复杂多变且有所提升;提出以群-环-域为主体的体系架构,研究全球气候变化与区域海洋的响应和反馈、全球气候变化背景下海洋灾害与风险的特征和规律以及综合海洋灾害风险评估和海洋灾害防治等问题;在我国构建海洋灾害防治体系的过程中,应加强科学研究以及技术和信息支撑、促进区域和全球联动联防以及提高全社会对海洋灾害的认知和防范水平。  相似文献   
As the state’s primary means of both redistributing wealth and incentivizing private investment, tax plays an outsized role in a range of critical urban processes, including (re)development, gentrification, financialization, and local and regional governance. We argue, through reference to existing literature in urban and economic geography, as well as our own research on taxation and the state, that urban scholarship could benefit by close and careful engagement with taxation and the tax system. We term this new vein of research “fiscal geographies” and see it as offering potential for more nuanced study of urban political economy, politics, and processes.  相似文献   
京津冀协同治理的回顾与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
京津冀区域治理是伴随三地协作发展的进程,从政府层面的管制转向各利益主体协调治理,从自上而下的竞争合作转向上下结合的协同合作的一系列有效应对举措。经过30多年的努力,学界和政府部门已经形成了较为丰富的京津冀区域治理研究成果。通过梳理自1984年以来相关区域的研究,尝试从时空维度厘清京津冀区域治理的研究脉络及其变化,剖析目前京津冀区域治理所涉及的治理模式、协调体系、以及形成的发展策略,为改进和提高京津冀区域治理效果提供参考。京津冀协同治理过程是学术界与政府的互动融合过程,其中政府的作用居主导地位。未来将在治理主体、治理机制、治理效果评价和文化、医疗、养老等领域的协调发展方面得到深化和细化。  相似文献   

Natural resource challenges often span administrative jurisdictions and include actors and processes operating at different spatial and political scales. We applied concepts of new environmental governance to analyze Oregon’s approach to greater sage-grouse conservation. Through one in-depth case study in Lake County, we traced features of new environmental governance (cross-scale interactions, decentralization, and capacities of actors) through different governance levels. Interviews and qualitative analysis revealed that decentralization of administrative functions facilitated cross-scale interactions and relied on intermediaries, gap-filling, and perceptions of legitimacy at lower levels. State and agency guidelines steered the effort and were accompanied by financial and technical resources from multiple arenas, which increased local capacity. This study adds to the understandings of environmental governance for implementing multi-actor, multi-level conservation arrangements in resource-dependent communities. Further exploration of connections between higher levels and local contexts will reveal important, new ways to link policies with on-the-ground outcomes.  相似文献   
Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei each contributed to the comprehensive governance of bulk coal to treat bulk coal pollution in a mutually beneficial way in 2017. The cooperative game theory is used in this paper to study the environmental benefits and cost effectiveness brought about by this comprehensive governance strategy, primarily focusing on the issue of how to maximize the environmental benefits by choosing an appropriate strategy since the benefits to Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei are closely related. Therefore, the linear optimization, game theory and Shapley value method in the cooperative game model are used to find the ways to minimize the total governance cost of bulk coal in the three areas. In addition, the issues of how to carry out rational distribution and transfer of governance capital among the three places are explored according to the actual amounts of consumption of bulk coal, the influence of the coal burning on the PM2.5 and the actual cost of coal governance in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei in 2017. The results show that the governance task in Hebei Province is the most onerous, and requires more investment than the other two cities. Thus, it requires the support from other two cities, with the amount of increased capital required of about 600 million Yuan. At the same time, the cost saved after optimization in Tianjin is calculated to be the largest, which thus can be adjusted appropriately and allocated to Hebei for the governance of bulk coal. The model constructed in this paper can not only be used to solve the issues related to bulk coal consumption in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, but also to carry out the effective distribution of capital, by which a win-win scenario among the three places can be achieved.  相似文献   
广州城市流浪乞讨者的空间管治与日常生活实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尹铎  蔡慕言  梁金多  朱竑  高权 《地理科学》2019,39(3):450-458
以广州流浪乞讨者为研究对象,通过深度访谈等质性研究方法,解读针对流浪乞讨者的空间管治政策与手段,分析流浪乞讨者的日常生活实践与生境协商。研究发现:在地方城市政策对流动性与公共秩序限制的双重压力下,在流浪乞讨者的日常生活实践中,不仅有针对管治行动者而刻意为之的特殊营建,亦有基于程式化生活流程对自我身份认同的重塑与真情实感的展演。地方政府基于空间目标的救助与真实存在的日常生活实践存在着一种张力。研究关注了城市边缘群体日常生活对地理意义的主动塑造过程,对全面理解并规范管理中国城市流浪乞讨现象具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
梁坤  罗爽 《世界地理研究》2019,28(5):191-199
以社区为出发点,综合旅游商业化、社区治理等相关理论,在布达拉宫及周边社区旅游商业化表征分类的基础上,梳理其社区旅游商业化的治理成效及治理困境。再运用静态博弈模型与决策树,分析布达拉宫及周边社区旅游商业化的治理中各利益主体博弈的过程,并探析治理困境的原因。研究发现,旅游商业化的社区治理受到各利益主体间权力大小和利益选择的影响。政府及相关部门处于强势地位,主导并采取措施治理旅游商业化。布达拉宫的各空间圈层在商业化治理过程和难度上都存在明显差异。引起治理困境的原因主要是“权”与“利”的纠葛、商业化控制的阈限不清晰、利益主体之间的沟通不畅。在主要利益相关者的博弈中,各治理主体共同重构一个相对均衡的“利益-权力”关系结构,以保证社区旅游商业化得以有效治理。  相似文献   

Given the linkages between natural resources and social conflicts, evidence increasingly shows that successful natural resource management requires conflict mitigation and prevention. However, there may be a gap in practice between knowing what processes and tools need to be used to manage conservation conflicts and how to actually implement them. We present learning from a practice-based case study of conflict management in the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve in the Peruvian Amazon that aimed to develop natural resource governance institutions and build stakeholder capacity, including of indigenous groups, to navigate existing conflict resolution mechanisms. Through applying good practices in conservation conflict management and collaborative governance, we generated important lessons on the practical considerations involved in collaborative conservation. These lessons, while specific to our case, could be applied to a variety of protected areas facing complex social-ecological systems dynamics and wicked problems.  相似文献   
辽宁海洋生态补偿研究文献甚少,直面主要课题是机制创新。文章基于公共物品理论、外部性理论、生态价值理论、环境正义理论和可持续发展理论,遵循行为明确性原则、科学性原则、协商性原则、可操作性原则和动态性原则,依照海洋生态系统服务功能、海洋资源资产服务功能、海洋生态系统损害评估、海洋生态系统损失评估报告、海洋生态系统补偿与受偿主体确定、海洋生态系统补偿金额确定、海洋生态系统补偿执行、海洋生态系统补偿监控、海洋生态系统补偿评估与终结等运作程序创建了海洋生态补偿机制。进而,从提升社会公众认知、明确生态补偿制度、完善生态补偿机制、选定价值评估方法和评估生态补偿效益维度,探讨了海洋生态补偿实践路径。  相似文献   
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