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Multiple ridges across prograding coasts may display variable geometries, commonly expressed through varying elevations. Changes in ridge elevation have been traditionally related to the occurrence of fluctuating progradation rates, which might, in turn, be driven by shifting environmental conditions. Here, we explore the geometry and growth mechanisms of multiple ridges, generated at Barreta Island (Ria Formosa, southern Portugal), as a consequence of the rapid progradation of the island over the last 70 years, following the artificial fixation of the downdrift Faro-Olhão inlet with jetties in 1955. The variability in the morphology of these features was analysed in combination with available wind and wave data, in order to better distinguish growth mechanisms and understand the main parameters determining the final geometry of the observed ridges. The results suggest that (1) most of the identified ridges fall in the beach ridge classification, as they have been mostly built by marine processes, and (2) the parameters derived from, or closely related to wave climate variability (e.g. progradation rates, storm occurrence) can jointly explain most of the observed morphological changes, while aeolian processes played a secondary role. Indeed, ridge geometry appears mainly controlled by progradation rates, with higher ridges associated with lower progradation rates. Progradation rate, in turn, is mostly related to longshore wave power, storminess, and the occurrence storm groups. Yet, the final configuration of ridges can also be affected by runup levels and onshore winds. Therefore, establishing the relation between ridge geometry and wave climate is not a straightforward task, because of the complex processes and interactions that control coastal morphodynamics. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
为提高海岛测绘的技术手段,将无人机引入海岛地形调查中,以Swallow-P小型固定翼无人机开展惠州市大亚湾虎洲海岛大比例尺测图为例,系统归纳了无人机外业数据采集与内业数据处理的具体流程,并制作了DEM和DOM成果;经过实测地面点精度分析得出虎洲无人机大比例尺测图成果平面位置中误差和高程中误差符合1∶1000测图精度要求。  相似文献   
敦煌-格尔木铁路沿线地形复杂、起沙因素多变、沙源丰富,沙害问题日益严重。目前对其风沙活动规律还未有研究,不利于防沙工作的开展。为此,通过对自北向南的5个观测点(S1、S2、S3、S4、S5)风速和风向的观测、计算和分析,利用平均风速、起沙风况及输沙势对敦格铁路沿线的风动力环境特征进行研究。结果表明:S5、S4和S3的风况对铁路风沙灾害防治意义较大。S5年平均风速、起沙风频率和输沙势最大,春季风沙活动最为强烈,且风向单一、风力强劲,风沙运动方向基本与铁路垂直,沙粒易在铁路附近堆积。S4夏季风沙活动最为强烈;S3春季风沙活动最为强烈,且风向单一,S4和S3的风沙运动方向与铁路夹角小于90°,附近沙源广阔,铁路易受风沙侵蚀,阻碍交通运营。  相似文献   
由于缺乏长期观测资料,前人对山东半岛邻近海域海水溶解氧的时间变化和空间分布特征的研究较少。本文基于威海刘公岛海洋牧场于2016年7月20日至2017年3月14日期间,利用生态环境实时在线观测系统获得的底层海水的温度、盐度、水深、溶解氧数据,分析了该牧场海水溶解氧浓度的时间变化特征及其影响因素,并探讨了低氧灾害发生的可能性。结果表明在观测期间,该牧场海水溶解氧浓度以季节变化为主,冬季最大、夏季最小,其中2月份平均值最高,约为10.86mg/L,8月份平均值最低,约为5.91mg/L。同时海水溶解氧浓度也存在显著的小时变化和日变化,且变化幅度于8月份最大、3月份最小。影响海水溶解氧浓度变化的主要因素是海水温度,溶解氧浓度随着温度的季节性变化而变化。夏季,水体分层会使溶解氧浓度发生大幅度的降低,大风过程对于溶解氧浓度也有一定的影响,通过打破夏季的季节性温跃层使水体发生垂向混合从而为海底提供氧气,但大风过程之后的几天会出现溶解氧浓度降低的现象。本次研究发现刘公岛海洋牧场在观测期间不存在低氧现象。  相似文献   
Floating wind turbine has been the highlight in offshore wind industry lately. There has been great effort on developing highly sophisticated numerical model to better understand its hydrodynamic behaviour. A engineering-practical method to study the nonlinear wave effects on floating wind turbine has been recently developed. Based on the method established, the focus of this paper is to quantify the wave nonlinearity effect due to nonlinear wave kinematics by comparing the structural responses of floating wind turbine when exposed to irregular linear Airy wave and fully nonlinear wave. Critical responses and fatigue damage are studied in operational conditions and short-term extreme values are predicted in extreme conditions respectively. In the operational condition, wind effects are dominating the mean value and standard deviation of most responses except floater heave motion. The fatigue damage at the tower base is dominated by wind effects. The fatigue damage for the mooring line is more influenced by wind effects for conditions with small wave and wave effects for conditions with large wave. The wave nonlinearity effect becomes significant for surge and mooring line tension for large waves while floater heave, pitch motion, tower base bending moment and pontoon axial force are less sensitive to the nonlinear wave effect. In the extreme condition, linear wave theory underestimates wave elevation, floater surge motion and mooring line tension compared with fully nonlinear wave theory while quite close results are predicted for other responses.  相似文献   
Large diameter monopiles are typical foundation solutions for offshore wind turbines. In design of the monopile foundations in sand, it is necessary to understand the drainage conditions of the foundation soil under the design loading conditions as the soil performance (strength and stiffness) is highly dependent on the drainage conditions. This paper presents a numerical investigation into this issue, with a purpose to develop a simple design criterion for assessing the soil drainage conditions around a monopile in sand. It is found that for typical monopile foundations in sand, the drainage condition during a single load cycle is generally expected to be undrained. However, the current state-of-practice uses p-y springs derived for drained soil responses for monopile design. The impact of this discrepancy on monopile foundation design was evaluated and found to be insignificant due to the relatively low level of loading as compared to the capacity of the soil.  相似文献   
基于正交匹配追踪的声层析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
声速剖面的变化会对声传播产生较大的影响,经验正交函数模型经常用来实现对声速剖面数据的简化描述。然而在内波、湍流等海水不均匀性存在时,这种正则化操作会造成声速重构精度的大幅降低。本文利用字典学习生成声速剖面的非正交原子,在稀疏编码时采用正交匹配追踪(OMP,Orthogonal Matching Pursuit)算法,更新字典则使用KSVD (Kernel Singular Value Decomposition)的字典更新算法。由于字典学习不需要强制使用正交条件,对于训练数据更加灵活,从而可以使用少数的原子组合达到更高的重构精度。利用一次浅海声学实验多次测量的声速剖面研究了海水声速剖面的经验正交函数表示和字典学习,研究表明:相比于正交函数表示,学习字典可以利用少数原子(甚至一个原子)更好的解释声速剖面扰动。字典学习可以提高声速剖面的稀疏性,从而提高声速剖面的反演精度。  相似文献   
介绍了国内外基于风能、太阳能、波浪能和潮流能等海上可再生能源进行多能互补集成发电的研究发展情况,从不同技术研究侧重点、不同装置机理差异性和多能互补集成发电方式等方面进行了概括和综述,对已有设备和理论研究等进行了对比,评述了目前海洋多能互补集成发电技术研究中存在的主要问题以及未来的研究发展趋势,指出未来海洋能源集成发电需在离岸化、新材料、大型化和阵列布局等方面进行技术研究和攻关。  相似文献   
不同时相遥感影像变化检测已成为土地利用变更调查、城市扩张分析、自然灾害分析及其他环境问题必不可少的技术手段之一。本文提出了一种结合IR-MAD与均值漂移算法的密集城区遥感影像变化检测方法。该方法通过伪不变特征法完成两期影像的相对辐射校正,有效改善影像间的配准误差,并利用IR-MAD算法对校正后的影像进行迭代运算,采用均值漂移算法对迭代后的影像进行分割,同时运用形态学方法处理分割后的影像,最终提取变化图斑。试验结果表明,该方法可以有效检测出变化区域,可应用于城市地表覆盖的变化检测。  相似文献   
星载微波散射计是获取全球海面风场信息的主要手段, HY-2B卫星散射计的成功发射为全球海面风场数据获取的持续性提供了重要保障。本文利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF)再分析风场数据、热带大气海洋观测计划(Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Array, TAO)和美国国家数据浮标中心(National Data Buoy Center, NDBC)浮标获取的海面风矢量实测数据, 对HY-2B散射计海面风场数据产品的质量进行统计分析。分析表明, HY-2B风场与ECMWF再分析风场对比, 在4~24m·s-1风速区间内, 风速和风向均方根误差(root mean square error, RMSE)分别为1.58m·s-1和15.34°; 与位于开阔海域的TAO浮标数据对比, 风速、风向RMSE分别为1.03m·s-1和14.98°, 可见HY-2B风场能较好地满足业务化应用的精度要求(风速优于2m·s-1, 风向优于20°)。与主要位于近海海域的NDBC浮标对比, HY-2B风场的风速、风向RMSE分别为1.60m·s-1和19.14°, 说明HY-2B散射计同时具备了对近海海域风场的良好观测能力。本文还发现HY-2B风场质量会随风速、地面交轨位置等变化, 为用户更好地使用HY-2B风场产品提供参考。  相似文献   
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