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南海是西太平洋最大的边缘海, 通过一系列的海峡与西太平洋和印度洋相联通, 其不同时空尺度的海洋环流动力过程及其生态环境效应是南海区域海洋学研究的重要内容。自20世纪50年代末全国第一次海洋普查开始, 我国对海洋调查的支持力度不断加大, 以科学考察船为代表的海洋科学观测平台建设不断加强; 进入新千年以来, 国内海洋科考船依托的各主要研究所和院校本着开放的理念, 先后组织多单位联合进行海上观测。尤其是最近10年, 国家自然科学基金委员会支持实施了船时共享航次计划, 进一步促进了国内海洋界的交流和合作, 南海区域海洋学的相关研究取得了很多重要的成果。从多尺度环流动力学的角度出发, 本文简要回顾了南海海洋观测的发展历程, 并初步总结了近些年来南海关键科学问题的研究进展, 包括南海和西太平洋的水体交换过程、南海中小尺度过程、多尺度相互作用及其生态环境效应等; 并且在现有的研究基础上, 对未来南海的观测和科学问题提出若干思考与展望。  相似文献   
姜浩  赵中阔  樊伟  宋金宝 《海洋与湖沼》2018,49(6):1138-1150
基于时长38天的海表风场实测数据,应用经验模态分解(EmpiricalModeDecomposition,EMD)和小波分解(Wavelet Decomposition, WD)这两种数据处理方法首先对涡相关法中的截断时间尺度(CutoffTimescale,CTS)进行估算,结果显示:基于EMD与WD方法估算出的CTS一般都在40秒左右(EMD的结果略小),远远小于传统涡相关法中CTS的取值(固定为10分钟),且EMD和WD的使用使得每一段数据都能够根据自身的湍流特点而获得合适的CTS; EMD方法和WD方法有效的去除了计算结果中的非湍部分,且对通量传输方向的刻画也更加合理,极大提高了通量的计算精度,所得通量与传统方法计算的通量偏差平均值高达45%;研究还对EMD和WD的优缺点进行了对比分析,结果表明EMD相比于WD有更高的自主性,而WD对信号的分离程度则更高。  相似文献   
Stream mesoscale habitats have systematic topographic relationships to hyporheic flow patterns, which may create predictable temperature variation between mesoscale habitat types. We investigated whether systematic differences in temperature metrics occurred between mesoscale habitats within reaches of small streams tributary to the upper Little Tennessee River, southern Appalachians. Surface water temperature was recorded over three or four mid‐summer days in four mesoscale habitat types: riffle, main riffle, pool and alcove in 44 stream segments (sites). Temperature metrics were calculated for each mesoscale habitat relative to the mean value of the metric over the stream: Δ maximum temperature, Δ average maximum temperature and Δ maximum daily variation and also for each site: standard deviation of the maximum temperature and average diurnal variation (ADV). Sites were categorized as fully or partially forested. Pool tailouts had statistically significantly lower Δ maximum temperature and Δ average maximum temperature than riffle tailouts in partially forested sites, although differences were small. This was the opposite of what was expected in the presence of hyporheic exchange, indicating hyporheic exchange is not a dominant driver of mesoscale habitat temperatures at these sites. Temperature differences between mesoscale habitat units were small and unlikely to have ecological significance. We also evaluated relationships between stream temperature and riparian condition, watershed % impervious surfaces, watershed % non‐forested and elevation. ADV and standard deviation of the maximum temperature were significantly higher in partially forested sites, indicating that partially forested sites have greater temperature ranges and spatial variation of maximum temperatures. ADV decreased with elevation and increased with % impervious surfaces. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
刘佳 《测绘通报》2019,(3):113-115,119
中尺度对流系统(MCS)是形成强对流天气的主要原因,云团在MCS生命周期中的分裂合并问题是临近预报的难点。为解决这一问题,本文提出了FCC方法,该方法使用质心位移和FY-2卫星数据预测多个对流单体的运动轨迹。多个案例分析证明,FCC算法在MCS的各个生命周期均能进行有效的预测,包括初生、成熟和消散阶段。此外,通过列联表方法验证了所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   
A three-dimensional numerical model is established to simulate the turbulent oscillatory boundary layer over a fixed and rough bed composed by randomly arrayed solid spheres based on the lattice Boltzmann method and the large eddy simulation model.The equivalent roughness height,the location of the theoretical bed and the time variation of the friction velocity are investigated using the log-fit method.The time series of turbulent intensity and Reynolds stress are also investigated.The equivalent roughness height of cases with Reynolds numbers of 1×10~4–6×10~4 is approximately 2.81 d(grain size).The time variation of the friction velocity in an oscillatory cycle exhibits sinusoidal-like behavior.The friction factor depends on the relative roughness in the rough turbulent regime,and the pattern of solid particles arrayed as the rough bed in the numerical simulations has no obvious effect on the friction factor.  相似文献   
杨兵  侯一筠 《海洋与湖沼》2020,51(5):978-990
基于高分辨率CFSR(climate forecast system reanalysis)风场资料、气候态海洋混合层厚度资料和卫星高度计海面高度异常资料,本文估计了大气风场向全球海洋混合层的近惯性能通量和近惯性能量输入功率,并探究了混合层厚度、风场时间分辨率、经验衰减系数和中尺度涡旋涡度对近惯性能通量和能量输入功率的影响。浮标实测风场和流速表明,本文所用的风场和阻尼平板模型可用于估计风场向全球海洋的近惯性能通量。本文计算得到的大气向全球海洋输入近惯性能量的功率为0.56TW(1TW=10~(12)W),其中北半球贡献0.22TW,南半球贡献0.34TW。在时间上,风场的近惯性能通量呈现各个半球冬季最强、夏季最弱的特征,这和西风带风场的季节变化有关。在空间上,近惯性能通量的高值海域为南、北半球西风带海洋,尤其是南大洋。混合层厚度和风场空间不均匀性使得西风带近惯性能通量呈现纬向变化,即海盆西部强于海盆东部。风场时间分辨率对近惯性能通量的估计至关重要,低时间分辨率风场对近惯性能通量的低估达到13%—30%。阻尼平板模型中的经验衰减系数对近惯性能通量估计的影响不超过5%。中尺度涡旋涡度仅改变近惯性能通量的空间分布,而对全球近惯性能量输入功率的影响可以忽略。  相似文献   
中尺度暖涡对热带气旋强度变化的影响及作用机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于两组理想化数值试验,对比研究了分布于热带气旋不同位置处的海洋中尺度暖涡所引发的热带气旋强度变化的时空特征。研究发现,热带气旋中心附近的暖涡对热带气旋强度有增强作用,而位于热带气旋外围的暖涡则会抑制热带气旋的发展。本研究将暖涡增强(减弱)热带气旋强度的区域称为内(外)区。随着时间的推移,内(外)区暖涡对热带气旋强度的增强(减弱)幅度逐渐减小(增大),区域范围同步减小(增大)。内区暖涡增强了热带气旋的次级环流和结构对称性、增加了海气界面热通量,同时减弱了外围螺旋雨带,进而导致热带气旋强度增强;若暖涡在外区,其对热带气旋的作用相反,导致热带气旋强度减弱。由于理想化试验中热带气旋静止不动,因此研究结果可能只适用于传播速度较慢的热带气旋。本研究结果有助于更好地理解热带气旋和海洋中尺度暖涡之间的相互作用,并通过引入热带气旋外区暖涡的影响助力提高热带气旋强度预报工作。  相似文献   
利用欧洲中心气候再分析资料和美国国家冰雪数据中心北极海冰面积资料,分析了夏季北极海冰面积与前期大气经向热量输送年际变化的联系。结果表明:6月北半球中高纬大气的经向热量输送以瞬变热量形式为主,其中巴芬湾西部(B区)和格陵兰岛东部(G区)是瞬变热量向极区传输的两个通道,二者之间存在反位相的协同变化,且这种协同变化与夏季北极海冰面积变化密切相关。可能的机制为:6月,AD、AO和NAO三种北极大气环流型能够引起巴芬湾西部和格陵兰岛东部瞬变热量输送的协同变化,这种协同变化通过涡旋动力作用激发夏季极区大气表现为AD异常,同时影响途经区域的气温,从而通过热动力作用影响夏季北极海冰。将向极区输送的热量称为暖输送,从极区输出的热量为冷输送,则上述两个区域的瞬变热量协同输送可分为三种情况:B暖G冷、B冷G暖、B和G均冷,而B和G均暖的情况十分罕见。当B区向极区输入、G区输出热量时,有利于太平洋扇区和喀拉海的海冰偏少;当G区输入、B区输出热量时,利于喀拉海和拉普捷夫海海冰偏少;当B区和G区均输出热量时,利于波佛特海南部、喀拉海和拉普捷夫海海冰偏多,反之则相反。  相似文献   
A coupled ocean-ice-wave model is used to study ice-edge jet and eddy genesis during surface gravity wave dissipation in a frazil-pancake ice zone. With observational data from the Beaufort Sea, possible wave dissipation processes are evaluated using sensitivity experiments. As wave energy dissipated, energy was transferred into ice floe through radiation stress. Later, energy was in turn transferred into current through ocean-ice interfacial stress. Since most of the wave energy is dissipated at the ice edge, ice-edge jets, which contained strong horizontal shear, appeared both in the ice zone and the ocean. Meanwhile, the wave propagation direction determines the velocity partition in the along-ice-edge and cross-ice-edge directions, which in turn determines the strength of the along-ice-edge jet and cross-ice-edge velocity. The momentum applied in the along-ice-edge(cross-ice-edge)direction increased(decreased) with larger incident angle, which is favorable condition for producing stronger mesoscale eddies, vice versa. The dissipation rate increases(decreases) with larger(smaller) wavenumber, which enhances(reduces) the jet strength and the strength of the mesoscale eddy. The strong along-ice-edge jet may extend to a deep layer(> 200 m). If the water depth is too shallow(e.g., 80 m), the jet may be largely dampened by bottom drag, and no visible mesoscale eddies are found. The results suggest that the bathymetry and incident wavenumber(magnitude and propagation direction) are important for wave-driven current and mesoscale eddy genesis.  相似文献   
南海北部具有丰富的温度锋面和中尺度涡,它们调节着局地的热量和能量平衡。本文利用卫星海洋高度异常和海表温度数据,并基于自动探测方法,探究了2007年至2017年南海北部中尺度涡边缘的海表温度锋面(涡致锋面)特征。反气旋/气旋边缘出现锋面的概率可达20%。气旋涡在各个方向上出现锋面的概率比较均匀,反气旋涡的东北部和西南部出现锋面的概率大于西北部和东南部。中尺度涡致锋面的数量有明显的季节变化,而涡动能未表现出明显的季节变化。中尺度涡致锋区的总涡动能是中尺度涡内动能的3倍,并且反气旋涡致锋面的总涡动能明显强于气旋涡致锋面的总涡动能。中尺度涡致锋面的数量和涡动能的年际变化与厄尔尼诺南方涛动指数没有明显的相关性。本研究也讨论了中尺度涡致锋面的可能机制,但是中尺度涡对海表温度锋的贡献需要进一步定量研究。  相似文献   
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