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高丽  潘佳文  蒋璐璐  翁之梅 《气象》2021,(2):170-182
2019年3月21日一次长生命史超级单体导致浙江省中部多个县(市)降雹,为了研究超级单体得以长时间维持的环境背景及其云物理特征,利用常规资料以及宁波S波段双偏振雷达数据,结合粒子相态识别算法,对此次过程的演变进行了分析。结果表明:高空槽前、850 hPa切变线附近和地面冷锋为超级单体提供了合适的环流背景;风暴传播区域对流有效位能的增加、风暴承载层的平均风向与风暴移动方向相近、风速大、对流风暴沿地面假相当位温梯度大值区向东传播及沿海强垂直风切变,导致中气旋旋转速度和旋转厚度的增加,这些都是对流风暴长时间维持的原因。通过此次降雹单体风暴结构分析发现:整个生命史对流发展非常旺盛,最大反射率维持在60 dBz以上,风暴顶维持在8 km以上,风暴质心高度出现的三次明显波动,对应三次降雹过程。垂直累积液态含水量(VIL)跃增量虽不及传统指标,但结合垂直累积液态含水量密度(VILD)、VIL最大值及最大反射率因子大值区,对冰雹业务预报有指示作用。通过降雹单体双偏振特征分析发现:冰雹下落过程中的翻滚现象,导致差分反射率(Zdr)值接近0 dB,水平和垂直偏振波差异导致三体散射特征(TBSS)根部Zdr大值区的出现;冰雹降落融化产生的外包水膜现象,使其Zdr值增大,相关系数(CC)值减小;通过偏振参数Zdr和CC特征,有助于识别高空大冰雹;超级单体的有界弱回波区(BWER)附近的Zdr柱不仅可指示上升运动,同时对降雹单体不同的成长阶段具有指示作用。  相似文献   
By using the conventional observations, radar data, NCEP/NCAR FNL 1o×1o reanalysis data and numerical simulation data and with the construction and calculation of radar echo parameters, this paper presents the structural characteristics and physical processes of a short-time heavy precipitation supercell that occurred in the squall line process in Shanxi Province on 24 June 2020. The results show that this squall line event occurred in front of a surface cold front, combined with infiltration of low-level cold air and continuous increase of near-surface humidity in the afternoon. The surface mesoscale convergence line and mesoscale dew point front contributed to the development and systemization of the squall line by a large degree. The short-time extremely heavy precipitation in Pingshun County was caused by the development of a supercell from thunderstorm cells on the front side of the squall line. The characteristics of sharp increase in vertical integral liquid water content, persistent increase in reflectivity factor and continuous rise in the echo top height appeared about 23 min earlier than the severe precipitation, which has qualitative indicating significance for the nowcasting of short-time heavy precipitation. A quantitative analysis of the radar echo parameters suggests that the “sudden drop”of FV40 was a precursor signal of cells’coalescence and rapid development to the mature stage. The areal change of the echo core at the 6 km height was highly subject to the merging and developing of cells, the rapid change of hydrometeor particles in clouds and the precipitation intensity. Changes in the cross-sectional area of convective cells at different heights can indirectly reflect the changes of liquid particles and ice particles in clouds, which is indicatively meaningful for predicting the coalescing and developing-to-maturing of cells and heavy precipitation 30-45 min earlier. A comprehensive echo parameter prediction model constructed by the random forest principle can predict the magnitude of short-time heavy precipitation 40-50 min in advance. Numerical simulation reveals that large amounts of water vapor existed in the near-surface atmosphere, and that the cells rapidly obtained moisture from the ambient atmosphere and developed rapidly through maternal feeding. The cold cloud zone was narrow, upright and had a high stretch height. The upward motion in clouds was strong and deep, and very rich in liquid water content. The graupel particles had a large vertical distribution range, the coexistence area of graupel and snow was large, the height of raindrops was close to the surface with a wide horizontal scale, and the precipitation efficiency was high. These may be the important elements responsible for the occurrence of the short-time heavy precipitation that exceeded historical extreme values. On the basis of the above analyses, a comprehensive parameter (CP) prediction model is worked out, which can estimate the developing trend of supercells and the intensity of short-time heavy precipitation about 1 h in advance.  相似文献   
张文龙  崔晓鹏  黄荣  黎慧琦 《大气科学》2019,43(5):1171-1190
本文利用雷达、加密地面自动站等高时空分辨率的观测资料,结合NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料、常规观测等资料,对2011年6月23日发生在北京城区的极端强降水事件开展了细致的观测和诊断分析。结果表明,这次极端强降水事件,主要是由向东南移动的东北—西南走向的飑线右端的强降水超级单体(High Precipitation Supercell,简称HPS)造成的,这是目前已有文献记载的中国发生纬度最高的HPS。HPS在移动方向的右后侧和右前侧均有明显的“V”型入流,这不同于已有HPS模型,表明中、低层干冷空气和低层暖湿气流特征显著。在环境条件方面,存在对流层低层逆温层,其能量存储盖作用使得雷暴具有爆发性增强的潜势,但该逆温层是在08:00~14:00(北京时,下同)的6小时内形成的,对业务预报极具挑战性。相对其他大气层结热动力参数, 风暴相对螺旋度和粗理查逊数在14:00较08:00显著增大,对HPS的发生具有一定指示作用。高空偏西风急流和低层偏东风活动显著,使得北京地区的水平风垂直切变增强,形成上干下湿的对流不稳定以及次级环流圈。高空急流造成强烈的相当位温差动平流,促进对流不稳定度发展加强。结合复杂地形作用,在北京西部100 m地形高度线附近形成显著的平原暖湿空气与山地干冷空气的干湿分界线以及风场辐合线。水汽供应主要源自低层偏东风和本地水汽积累。当飑线从西北方向侵入北京并向东南方向移动时,在北部山区,由于条件不足,雷暴没有显著发展加强;然而,在西部山区,在湖面、城市热岛、低层偏东风、冷池出流共同作用下,加之其他有利的环境条件,飑线右端雷暴强烈发展加强,特别是当经过100 m地形高度线附近时发展成为HPS,进而造成石景山区模式口站的大暴雨中心。  相似文献   
Derechos occur frequently in Europe and the United States, but reports of derechos in China are scarce. In this paper, radar, satellite, and surface observation data are used to analyze a derecho event in South China on 17 April 2011. A derecho-producing mesoscale convective system formed in an environment with medium convective available energy, strong vertical wind shear, and a dry layer in the middle troposphere, and progressed southward in tandem with a front and a surface wind convergence line. The windstorm can be divided into two stages according to differences in the characteristics of the radar echo and the causes of the gale. One stage was a supercell stage, in which the sinking rear inflow of a high-precipitation supercell with a bow-shaped radar echo induced a Fujita F0 class gale. The other stage was a non-supercell stage (the echo was sequentially kidney-shaped, foot-shaped, and an ordinary single cell), in which downbursts induced a gale in Fujita F1 class. This derecho event had many similarities with derechos observed in western countries. For example, the windstorm was perpendicular to the mean flow, the gale was located in the bulging portion of the bow echo, and the derecho moved southward along with the surface front. Some differences were observed as well. The synoptic-scale forcing was weak in the absence of an advancing high-amplitude midlevel trough and an accompanying strong surface cyclone; however, the vertical wind shear was very strong, a characteristic typical of derechos associated with strong synoptic-scale forcing. Extremely high values of convective available potential energy and downdraft convective available potential energy have previously been considered necessary to the formation of weak-forcing archetype and hybrid derechos; however, these values were much less than 2000 J during this derecho event.  相似文献   
新一代天气雷达超级单体风暴中气旋特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
超级单体风暴常伴随着冰雹、雷雨大风等强对流天气,最本质的特征是有一持久深厚的几千米尺度的涡旋——中气旋。利用2003--2009年福建龙岩新一代天气雷达观测到的32次超级单体风暴,分析了超级单体风暴中气旋的时空分布、结构特征以及旋转速度大小、中气旋顶和底的高度、伸长厚度以及切变值等特征量。结果表明:90%以上的超级单体中尺度气旋是与冰雹、雷雨大风、短时强降水等强对流天气相联系的。统计8次有详细灾情的雷雨大风或冰雹天气过程发现,中气旋强度不断加强,中气旋厚度加大,最强切变中心突降时将产生大风或冰雹等强对流天气。  相似文献   
利用湖北省闪电定位仪、新一代天气雷达资料并结合常规气象观测等资料,对2011年7月24日下午出现在湖北襄阳的一次强雷暴天气过程进行了分析。该过程的两个强风暴分别产生了冰雹和雷雨大风(后期强降水),重点分析了两个强风暴系统生命期雷达回波和闪电(地闪)特征。结果表明:产生冰雹的强风暴是一个孤立的超级单体,降雹发生在超级单体成熟阶段;产生雷雨大风和强降水的强风暴是一个弓状回波,雷雨大风发生在弓状回波顶部,强降水回波成片状且移速较慢;两个风暴的地闪演变特征及闪电在风暴生命史各阶段分布的位置不同。  相似文献   
利用NCEP再分析资料和北京、天津的多普勒天气雷达产品对2007年7月9日华北中部地区一次伴有短时暴雨、局地冰雹和短时大风等强对流天气过程进行分析研究。分析表明,此次天气过程发生前高空转为前倾槽,并具有较强的不稳定层结;近地层的风切变线是雷暴生成的条件。物理量诊断分析表明:降水前水汽辐合区已从近地层扩展到850 hPa,但比较浅薄;低层辐合、高层辐散的配置加强了垂直上升运动;强对流天气发生区域处于垂直上升运动最强的区域内。多普勒天气雷达产品分析表明:致雹风暴具有中气旋特征和类似强降水超级单体的性质;路径预报的准确率与雷暴的总数目和移动异向性有关,雷暴的实际移向角度与雷达的路径预报相比存在明显偏差,总体偏差在29~67°之间,但路径预报产品仍对天气预报具有一定指示性;风廓线产品中3-7 km高度内垂直风切变矢量随高度呈顺时针旋转,在这种有利的条件下风暴有可能发展成强降水超级单体。  相似文献   
一次强飑线内强降水超级单体风暴的单多普勒雷达分析   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
潘玉洁  赵坤  潘益农 《气象学报》2008,66(4):621-636
文中利用位于福建建阳新一代S波段多普勒天气雷达资料和探空、地面观测资料,对2003年4月12日07-09时发生在建阳附近的一次强降水超级单体风暴进行了分析.天气分析显示,风暴发生于地面冷锋北侧、低层高湿、中等对流不稳定(1601 J/kg)和强风切变(0-5 km,22 m/s)环境,总理查逊数为16,同典型的强降水超级单体生成环境相当接近.雷达回波分析揭示,风暴发生在一强飑线系统的前沿,初期为一普通单体,随后逐渐发展成为弓状并发生分裂,分裂后风暴移动方向左侧单体逐渐减弱.而右侧的单体发展成为超级单体,持续时间约为1 h.在强降水超级单体成熟期,其移动前侧的低层反射率因子出现明显的钩状回波,中层反射率则显示在宽广的反射率高值区(>60 dBz)内存在有界弱回波区,强度大于40 dBz.沿入流方向穿过最强回波位置的反射率因子也呈现典型的回波悬垂和有界弱回波区.相应的中低层径向速度场显示在钩状回刎波附近的强降水区中存在一个强烈的中气旋,其起源于中层3.5-5 km,随后向上、下发展,最大旋转速度达到24 m/s,持续时间达1 h.由GBVTD方法分析,中气旋成熟时(08:33 UTC)轴对称环流结构显示,轴对称切向风分布在中层接近兰金涡旋模型,最大轴对称切线风位于高度4-5 km,离气旋中心约3 km,强度约20 m/s.4 km高度以下为气旋式辐合,气旋中心为上升运动.至4-7 km以旋转为主,在最大切向风半径以内为外流,以外为内流,相应的在最大风速半径处伴随较强的辐合和上升运动,7 km以上则为辐散对应的出流.此结构同经典超级单体内的中气旋结构相当一致.此外.风暴结构同Moller(1994)提出的中纬度强降水超级单体风暴的特征非常相似.但演变过程却明显不同,是由普通单体形成弓状回波,弓状回波分裂后沿移动方向右侧的单体发展成为强降水超级单体.  相似文献   
“12.7.21”西南涡极端强降雨的成因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈贵川  谌芸  张勇  陈鹏  王欢  黎中菊  刘念  翟丹华  龙美希 《气象》2013,39(12):1529-1541
利用常规观测资料、ECMWF分析场、区域自动站、多普勒雷达及SWAN系统产品等资料对2012年7月21日西南涡暴雨过程及盘龙极端强降雨进行分析。分析发现:此次过程是“北槽南涡”形势下,地面冷空气触发西南涡其东侧辐合上升运动强烈发展,高层强辐散,因而产生了对流性暴雨天气过程;冷空气从西侧侵入西南涡是925 hPa “S”形冷锋形成的直接原因,也是地面辐合线形成的重要因素;极端短时强降雨就发生在西南涡东侧中尺度雨带的中部偏北区域,有地面辐合线相配合,降雨最强时MCC冷云中心TBB达最低值。雷达回波表明:西南涡两侧冷暖空气的交绥促进了β中尺度气旋式环流的形成;偏南风低空急流为强降雨提供了充足的水汽,增强了中低层的垂直风切变,有利于强降水超级单体风暴的发展和维持;盘龙的极端短时强降雨是β中尺度气旋式环流中,伴随有深厚中气旋的强降水超级单体风暴在环流中心附近持续发展的结果。  相似文献   
2016年6月海南一次龙卷过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用19612015年陕西省70个气象观测站的逐日降水资料,采用线性倾向估计、趋势分析及Mann Kendall等方法,分析了陕西省不同等级降水量、降水日数及降水强度的气候变化特征。结果表明:无论是降水量、降水日数,还是降水强度,均呈现出南多北少的分布特征,且随着降水级别的逐级增加,地区分布差异逐渐增大;整体上降水量和降水日数呈现出减少趋势,其中降水日数的下降趋势均非常显著,全省年均降水日数的气候倾向率达到了-3.83天·10a-1,通过了0.01的显著性检验,降水强度的增加趋势通过了0.05的显著性检验,每10 a全省年均降水强度增加0.15 mm·d-1;陕西降水量及降水日数的减少主要体现在春秋两季小雨及中雨的减少上,小雨降水强度在夏、秋两季的气候倾向率分别为0.05和0.04 mm·d-1·10a-1,其上升趋势分别通过了0.01和0.1的显著性检验,这是年均降水强度上升的主要原因;陕西年均降水量及降水日数自1984年出现了突变性下降,而降水强度的突变则出现在2004年,之后一直呈现持续的上升趋势。  相似文献   
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