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采用互相关系数法,计算了2011年安庆Ms4.8地震的余震S波分裂参数.结果表明,余震序列的S波分裂现象明显,快S波平均偏振方向在近NNW向,与区域最大水平主压应力方向基本一致.通过分析延迟时间随时间的变化趋势,可以看出Ms4.8地震后有明显的应力释放现象.在几次较大余震前,观测到延迟时间呈现增加的特征,并且其中一次余...  相似文献   
采用超限率方法,分析滁州地震台2011-2013年电磁扰动数据,结果发现,2012年7月20日江苏高邮M4.9地震前,电磁扰动脉冲超限频次和超限幅度均出现明显增强;进一步分析该台电磁扰动子夜时段(00:00-04:00)的脉冲变化,结果显示,子夜时段的电磁扰动脉冲在震前明显增强.分析认为,2012年滁州地震台电磁扰动脉冲增强变化与高邮M4.9地震具有明显的相关性.  相似文献   
本文对郯庐断裂带南段开展了分段加卸载响应比变化研究,总结了区域内显著地震前加卸载响应比时序曲线的变化特征。研究表明,加卸载响应比表征了地下介质的损伤程度,具有明确的物理意义,在实际应用中取得了较好的效果。在中小地震较为丰富的研究区域,加卸载响应比在显著地震前会出现短临高值异常;而在中小地震活动水平不高的区域,加卸载响应比在震前更多地表现为长期的背景高值异常。  相似文献   
应用Snoke最新发展的利用P波、SV波和SH波的初动和振幅比联合计算震源机制解的方法(FOCMEC),以2005年11月26日九江—瑞昌MS5.7地震为例,分析速度结构模型、震源定位误差、初动与振幅比资料和台站分布等对计算震源机制解的影响.结果表明,FOCMEC方法应采用研究区内的精细速度结构模型,各层速度误差在5%...  相似文献   
郯庐断裂带安徽段土壤气体的地球化学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在郯庐断裂带安徽段由北向南分别于泗县、明光、肥东、桐城布设了4个测区,每个测区各布设了4条跨断层土壤气测量剖面,测量土壤气Rn、Hg和CO_2的浓度。根据16条跨断层土壤气剖面的测量结果,对郯庐断裂带安徽段的3种土壤气体的释放特征及其与断层空间位置间的关系进行了初步分析。结果表明,气体在断裂带附近较为富集,对断层位置有一定指示作用;气体的富集程度与断裂的活动性、该区段断层岩性及地质环境有一定关系。该结果对于认识测量区域气体的积累特征及构造地球化学研究有一定意义。  相似文献   
利用地震背景噪声提取台站间的面波频散信息,进而进行地下结构研究是目前地球物理学的研究热点之一.本文详细介绍了该方法的发展历程,并以流动台阵和固定地震台站数据为例给出了较为详细的噪声数据处理过程,重点阐述了如何利用地震背景噪声提取瑞利面波的频散曲线.此外,对基层科研人员如何更好地应用固定台站数据资料的技术细节问题给出了具体解决方案.  相似文献   
Chishan is located in Sixian County of Anhui Province, and the west branch fault of Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone passes through here. According to previous research, the Chishan segment of Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone has been obviously active since the Quaternary. Trenches excavated perpendicular to the Chishan segment for this study have revealed many prehistoric earthquake ruins-the multi-phase reverse faulting colluvial wedge, which is represented as the western brick-red sandstone of the late Cretaceous or maize gravel stratum of the mid Pleistocene of the hanging wall of the fault overlapping eastward the mid-late Pleistocene brown clay. In the base of the wedges, steep NW-dipping faults were found, and the steep fault planes turned upward to gently dipping collapse planes. As revealed by the trenches, the connection line of the breaking points strikes NNE in general. Heaving landforms are preserved at most parts of the tailing edge of the hanging wall where the fault passes through, and some EW-trending gullies were offset by right-lateral faulting. The two walls of several trenches have consistently shown that the collapse of traces have been pushed by a west-to-east force. Among them, Tc1~Tc4 show that the brick red limestone(K2)overthrust and collapsed on the yellow-brown clay containing ferro-manganese nodules (Q2-3P); Tc5 reveals that the yellowish-white gravel (Q2P) and the sandstone (K2) and overthrust and collapsed on the aforementioned clay. Reverse faulting colluvial wedges are found on both walls of each of the 8 trenches, but the number of wedges revealed in different trenches is different: there is 1 wedge, and 2 wedges in Tc1 and Tc3. 3 wedges in Tc2, Tc4 and Tc5, and in individual trenches, few wedges are revealed. This may be related to the trench’s location, depth and height of the remaining denudation. From the analysis of the trenches and the thermoluminescence dating results, we can preliminarily conclude that multiple large-scale reverse faulting stick events have taken place on the Chishan segment of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone during the mid-late Pleistocene, that is to say, many pre-historic strong earthquakes have occurred.  相似文献   
地下水动态的异常变化既有可能是地震前兆异常信息,也有可能是某种环境干扰所引起的,如何及时识别并排除环境干扰,对于成功判定地震前兆异常至关重要。马鞍山皖27井水位自2012年10月以来反复出现下降型异常,下降程度超正常年份最低值,最大降幅达70cm。为了准确客观地判定该异常的成因,本文利用水化学和物理相结合的方法对皖27井地下水动态变化成因及开采干扰进行分析,研究表明:大气降水在皖27井水补给源中占了一定的份额,除此之外,还存在深部补给来源;深井抽水活动影响着皖27井水位的变化,但不能将皖27井本次异常变化完全归因于深井抽水,区域构造活动是引起本次水位异常的主要原因。本文所采取的异常识别与分析方法,为今后地下水动态异常识别及前兆判定工作提供重要依据。  相似文献   
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