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INTRODUCTIONAstasiaandEuglena,bothbelongingtoEuglenaphyta,werefirstclassifiedbyKlebs(1883)intodifferentfamiliesaccordingtotheirmodeofnutrition(AstasiaissaprophyticandEuglenaisphototrophic).Butwithdeeperresearchesonitsmorphocytology,Astasiawasfoundtobeverys…  相似文献   
Although both Astasia longa and Euglena gracdlis belong to different genera, they share many morphological characters except that A. longa has no chloroplast. In the 1940‘ s, on the basis of the finding that in darkness or upon addition of scrne chemicals, E. gmcilis would fade reversibly or irreversibly, scrne scholars hypothesised that A. longa evolved from E. gracilis by losing chloroplast.The authors‘ use of RAPD and cladistic analyses in a study on the evolutionary relationship between A .longa and E. gmcilis showed that the A. longa ‘ s relationship with E. gmcilis was closer than that with other green euglenoids. This proves the hypothesis that A. longa evolved from E. gmcills is reasonable. The results d this study suggest that saprophytic colorless euglenoids were transformed fromgreen euglenoids by losing their choroplasts.  相似文献   
山西运城盐池湖区浮游绿藻及其分布特点   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在山西运城盐池湖区采用的浮游绿藻共33属80种(含变种),其中团藻目5属7种,四孢藻目3属3种,绿球藻目20属51种,鼓藻目5属19种。该区域的水体根据其含盐量的不同可分为4种类型:淡水水体(含盐量0.011%-0.05%)、混盐水体(含盐量0.05% ̄3%),真盐水体(含盐量3% ̄4%)和高盐水体(含盐量4% ̄34.7%),由于受含盐量的影响,浮游绿藻在4种水体中的分布有明显差异,总的趋势是含盐  相似文献   
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