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大凉山断裂带南段滑动速率估计   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
大凉山断裂带是川滇活动块体东边界的重要组成部分,其活动速率的估计不仅对评价青藏高原东南边缘的地壳运动和变形模型具有重要理论意义,还对大凉山地区的地震危险性评价和地震中长期预测具有重要的应用价值。通过对大凉山断裂带南段交际河断裂和布拖断裂的详细野外调查、典型构造地貌GPS精细测量以及断错地貌的时间约束,获得大凉山断裂带南段全新世以来的滑动速率为2.5~4.5mm/a,交际河断裂平均滑动速率略大于布拖断裂的滑动速率。对比滑动速率发现,大凉山断裂带南段与鲜水河-小江断裂系中段西支的安宁河、则木河断裂带的水平滑动速率相当,表明大凉山断裂带活动强度不低于安宁河和则木河断裂带,随着大凉山断裂带逐渐取代安宁河和则木河断裂在鲜水河-小江断裂系中的作用,大凉山断裂带的活动强度将增强。  相似文献   
为了实现三维倾斜界面真正的共反射点叠加,获得更加精确的P波速度模型,进行可靠的AVO/AVA分析,形成与三维多分量PS转换波共转换点道集配套的技术,在常速介质共反射点精确走时的基础上,推导并给出三维倾斜界面P波共反射点道集近似双曲时距关系及NMO速度;认识到近似时距在偏移距与深度比小于2时具有较高的拟合精度;指出P波共反射点道集NMO速度是P波速度、界面倾角、界面倾向和测线方位的函数,且随测线方位变化而呈现椭圆特征.与P波共中心点道集NMO速度不同.P波共反射点道集NMO速度小于介质速度.且随界面倾角增大而减小;椭圆长轴方向为倾斜界面走向方位,短轴方向为倾斜界面倾向方位.  相似文献   
The Bolokenu-Aqikekuduk fault zone(B-A Fault)is a 1 000km long right-lateral strike-slip active fault in the Tianshan Mountains. Its late Quaternary activity characteristics are helpful to understand the role of active strike-slip faults in regional compressional strain distribution and orogenic processes in the continental compression environment, as well as seismic hazard assessment. In this paper, research on the paleoearthquakes is carried out by remote sensing image interpretation, field investigation, trench excavation and Quaternary dating in the Jinghe section of B-A Fault. In this paper, two trenches were excavated on in the pluvial fans of Fan2b in the bulge and Fan3a in the fault scarp. The markers such as different strata, cracks and colluvial wedges in the trenches are identified and the age of sedimentation is determined by means of OSL dating for different strata. Four most recent paleoearthquakes on the B-A Fault are revealed in trench TC1 and three most recent paleoearthquakes are revealed in trench TC2. Only the latest event was constrained by the OSL age among the three events revealed in the trench TC2. Therefore, when establishing the recurrence of the paleoearthquakes, we mainly rely on the paleoearthquake events in trench TC1, which are labeled E1-E4 from oldest to youngest, and their dates are constrained to the following time ranges: E1(19.4±2.5)~(19.0±2.5)ka BP, E2(18.6±1.4)~(17.3±1.4)ka BP, E3(12.2±1.2)~(6.6±0.8)ka BP, and E4 6.9~6.2ka BP, respectively. The earthquake recurrence intervals are(1.2±0.5)ka, (8.7±3.0)ka and(2.8±3)ka, respectively. According to the sedimentation rate of the stratum, it can be judged that there is a sedimentary discontinuity between the paleoearthquakes E2 and E3, and the paleoearthquake events between E2 and E3 may not be recorded by the stratum. Ignoring the sedimentary discontinuous strata and the earthquakes occurring during the sedimentary discontinuity, the earthquake recurrence interval of the Jinghe section of B-A Fault is ~1~3ka. This is consistent with the earthquake recurrence interval(~2ka)calculated from the slip rate and the minimum displacement. The elapsed time of the latest paleoearthquake recorded in the trench is ~6.9~6.2ka BP. The magnitude of the latest event defined by the single event displacement on the fault is ~MW7.4, and a longer earthquake elapsed time indicates the higher seismic risk of the B-A Fault.  相似文献   
The Yushu County, Qinghai Province, China, April 14, 2010, earthquake triggered thousands of landslides in a zone between 96°20′32.9″E and 97°10′8.9″E, and 32°52′6.7″N and 33°19′47.9″N. This study examines the use of geographic information system (GIS) technology and Bayesian statistics in creating a suitable landslide hazard-zone map of good predictive power. A total of 2,036 landslides were interpreted from high-resolution aerial photographs and multi-source satellite images pre- and post-earthquake, and verified by selected field checking before a final landslide-inventory map of the study area could be established using GIS software. The 2,036 landslides were randomly partitioned into two subsets: a training dataset, which contains 80 % (1,628 landslides), for training the model; and a testing dataset 20 % (408 landslides). Twelve earthquake triggered landslide associated controlling parameters, such as elevation, slope gradient, slope aspect, slope curvature, topographic position, distance from main surface ruptures, peak ground acceleration, distance from roads, normalized difference vegetation index, distance from drainages, lithology, and distance from all faults were obtained from variety of data sources. Landslide hazard indices were calculated using the weight of evidence model. The landslide hazard map was compared with training data and testing data to obtain the success rate and predictive rate of the model, respectively. The validation results showed satisfactory agreement between the hazard map and the existing landslide distribution data. The success rate is 80.607 %, and the predictive rate is 78.855 %. The resulting landslide hazard map showed five classes of landslide hazard, i.e., very high, high, moderate, low and very low. The landslide hazard evaluation map should be useful for environmental recovery planning and reconstruction work.  相似文献   
青海省贵德—共和—同德盆地位于青藏高原东北缘,黄河干流流经这3个盆地.为了解该区全新世以来河流侵蚀所指示的构造和气候信息,利用数字高程模型(DEM)结合地质资料,采用地质剖面网,计算了全新世以来3个盆地的侵蚀量.首先,通过一系列地质剖面选取代表更新统沉积顶面的样本点,恢复盆地内部更新统最小古沉积面,最大限度地排除更新统沉积之后因侵蚀作用造成的误差;然后,将恢复的更新统最小古沉积面DEM与现今DEM进行差值运算,获得全新世以来的最低侵蚀量和侵蚀速率.结果表明,全新世以来的侵蚀速率在接近高原内部的同德盆地最小,在高原边缘的贵德盆地最大.这种侵蚀速率在空间上的差异表明,全新世以来青藏高原东北缘的地表隆升有大于其内部隆升的趋势.  相似文献   
龙岗金龙顶子火山空降碎屑物数值模拟及概率性灾害评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空降碎屑物为爆炸式火山喷发产生的一种重要的灾害类型,数值模拟已成为一个快速有效地确定火山灰扩散和沉积范围的方法。本文根据改进的Suzuki(1983)二维扩散模型,编写了基于Windows环境下的火山灰扩散程序。通过对前人资料的分析,模拟了龙岗火山群中最新火山喷发——金龙顶子火山喷发产生的空降碎屑物扩散范围,与实测结果具有很好的一致性,证实了模型的可靠性和参数的合理性。根据该区10年的风参数,模拟了7021次不同风参数时金龙顶子火山灰的扩散范围,以此制作了火山灰沉积厚度超过1cm和0.5cm时的概率性空降碎屑灾害区划图。本文的研究可为龙岗火山区火山危险性分析和灾害预警与对策提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   
焉耆盆地北缘和静逆断裂-褶皱带第四纪变形   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
焉耆盆地是塔里木盆地东北缘天山山间的重要坳陷区,盆地北缘发育的和静逆断裂-褶皱带是一条现今活动强烈的逆断裂-褶皱带,对其第四纪以来缩短量和隆升量的计算有利于分析该区域的构造活动情况,对缩短速率和隆升速率的估计可以与天山造山带其他区域的活动速率进行横向对比,从而反映出焉耆盆地在天山晚新生代构造变形的作用。在深部资料不足的情况下,对背斜形态完整、构造样式简单的和静逆断裂-褶皱带,利用地表可获得的地层和断层产状,通过恢复褶皱几何形态,计算褶皱的缩短量、隆升量和断层滑动量,得到逆断裂-褶皱带早更新世晚期(1.8Ma)、中更新世(780ka)和晚更新世中期(80ka)以来的缩短量分别为1.79km、0.88km和26m,初步估计的缩短速率分别为0.99mm/a、1.13mm/a和0.33mm/a。显示和静逆断裂-褶皱带自开始形成以来构造活动强度并不一致。与地壳形变观测结果对比,作为南天山东段最主要的坳陷区,焉耆盆地吸收了这一区域(86°~88°E)的大部分地壳缩短,且主要表现为盆地北缘新生逆断裂-褶皱带的强烈变形。  相似文献   
2011年5月4日至5月30日,由中国地震局地质研究所和新疆维吾尔自治区地震局组成的科考队,完成了2010年度地震行业专项“新疆于田7.3级地震与阿什库勒火山综合科学考察”的野外综合科学考察。火山地质组通过对阿什库勒火山群的野外地质、地貌实地考察,初步查明了阿什库勒盆地新生代火山类型、数量、结构参数和火山活动历史,并且对该地区存在的一些有争议的问题, 如阿什火山1951年5月27日喷发事件的报道、大黑山火山的喷发方式、高台山火山的存在与否等问题提供了野外证据。  相似文献   
选用Hayes和Guangfu Shao等给出的震源破裂模型(2011年3月网上公布)、哈佛CMT目录和日本F-net目录给出的余震目录,使用Coulomb3.2软件,对2011年3月11日发生在日本本州东海岸附近海域的M_W9.0地震序列间的静态库仑应力触发关系进行了初步研究。结果表明:1)3月9日发生的M_W7.2前震破裂分布产生的库仑应力对随后发生的M_W9.0主震存在触发作用;2)M_W9.0主震对余震的触发统计结果表明,选用不同的主震模型、余震目录、等效摩擦系数和震源机制解中不同的节面作为接收断层面时,会得到不同的触发统计结果,该研究得到的主震对余震的触发率最小为56.8%,最大为75.3%;3)利用震源机制解计算库仑应力时,理论上震源机制解的2个节面上的剪切应力是相同的,但在实际计算中可能由于2个节面的非正交或震源机制解结果的取整,导致2个节面上计算出的剪切应力不同,但一般差异很小。由于节面的选取对接收断层面上的剪切应力有一定影响,而对接收断层面上正应力的影响较大,因而会影响到库仑应力的计算结果,因此讨论某个具体余震是否被触发或统计余震触发率时,对接收断层面的选取应加以注意。  相似文献   
汶川MS8.0地震是近代少有的大陆褶皱逆断层型巨大地震,其地表破裂带是研究和解剖褶皱逆断层地表同震变形样式,并以此探讨古地震遗迹的不可多得的现实案例。在整理和分析汶川地震地表破裂带地质地貌调查资料的基础上,选择可能仅记录1次事件的平通、邓家(北川-映秀断裂)和九龙(江油-灌县断裂)等地为例,分析同震变形的特点和类型,并结合映秀、桂溪等地的古地震研究成果,讨论褶皱逆断层型古地震识别的技术要点。结果显示:地表变形主要包括逆断层直接位错、折曲位错变形和弯曲褶皱变形等类型;崩积楔、断层与地层切盖关系是分析断错地表型古地震事件的可行依据,而折曲位错变形型和弯曲褶皱变形型古地震识别则强调在上盘是否存在侵蚀不整合面,下盘是否存在生长地层,以及标志地层在断层两盘位差的突然增减;断层陡坎高度的倍数关系在一定程度上与古地震次数相关,但不能简单地用同震位移量除以陡坎高度的方法确定古地震期次;对于低角度逆断层的古地震识别,薄长状崩积楔、断层与堆积地层的切错关系和不同标志地层在断层两侧的累积位差的突变是重要的标志。识别古地震应因地制宜、思考多种因素的影响、用多种证据相互印证。  相似文献   
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