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随着海洋生态系统模型的发展,生态变量增多,众多生物过程参数量值的确定成为制约生态环境模拟的瓶颈问题,生态系统结构区域性要求模型中的生态参数具有区域差异。为探究不同海区的关键参数及参数敏感度的空间差异,本研究在渤、黄海建立了ROMS-CoSiNE物理–生物耦合的高分辨率生态系统模型,并对13种生态参数的敏感度空间分布进行分析。结果表明:南黄海中部与渤海及近岸海域的敏感度差异较大。渤海敏感度最大的参数为决定光合速率的浮游植物P-I曲线初始斜率,其次为浮游动物捕食半饱和常数和浮游动物最大捕食率。而南黄海中部敏感度最大的参数为浮游动物最大捕食率,其次为浮游植物死亡率和浮游植物P-I曲线初始斜率。结合敏感度分布及浮游植物生物量收支得出,渤海水体透明度较南黄海偏低、浮游植物生长光限制较强,是引起浮游植物P-I曲线初始斜率敏感度在渤海高于黄海的主要原因。浮游动物最大捕食率及浮游植物死亡率的敏感度空间差异,受渤、黄海浮游植物生物量差异的影响,与生态系统中的高度非线性特征有关。  相似文献   
为探究莱州湾和牟平近海小型底栖生物群落组成及影响因子,作者于2016年7月在这两个海域采集了沉积物样品,并结合沉积环境因子进行了小型底栖生物群落组成分析。结果表明,在莱州湾和牟平近海各仅检获了7个小型底栖生物类群,且莱州湾的小型底栖生物平均丰度和生物量均明显低于牟平近岸海域。莱州湾线虫和桡足类平均丰度分别占小型底栖生物的91.9%和6.3%,牟平近海分别占92.1%和4.2%。对两个海域小型底栖生物群落组成与环境因子进行Pearson相关性分析,结果显示:小型底栖生物丰度与底层水溶解氧含量呈显著正相关;表层小型底栖生物丰度比与沉积物中叶绿素a含量、脱镁叶绿素含量、沉积物有机质含量以及水深呈显著正相关,与中值粒径和底层水温度呈显著负相关。本研究显示,基于不同沉积物类型中的参考比值,线虫和桡足类丰度比值(N/C)可用于莱州湾和牟平近海沉积环境有机污染状况的评估。研究还发现,牟平海域的小型底栖生物丰度和生物量呈现由近岸向外海增加的异常趋势,且小型底栖生物的数量和类群多样性较十年前显著降低,显示沉积环境受到了明显干扰。  相似文献   
It is important to find a reliable method to estimate maximum sustainable yield(MSY) or total allowable catch(TAC) for fishery management, especially when the data availability is limited which is a case in China. A recently developed method(CMSY) is a data-poor method, which requires only catch data, resilience and exploitation history at the first and final years of the catch data. CMSY was used in this study to estimate the biological reference points for Largehead hairtail(Trichiurus lepturus, Temminck and Schlegel) in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, based on the fishery data from China Fishery Statistical Year Books during 1986 to 2012. Additionally,Bayesian state-space Schaefer surplus production model(BSM) and the classical surplus production models(Schaefer and Fox) performed by software CEDA and ASPIC, were also projected in this study to compare with the performance of CMSY. The estimated MSYs from all models are about 19.7×104–27.0×104 t, while CMSY and BSM yielded more reasonable population parameter estimates(the intrinsic population growth rate and the carrying capacity). The biological reference points of B/BMSY smaller than 1.0, while F/FMSY higher than 1.0 revealed an over-exploitation of the fishery, indicating that more conservative management strategies are required for Largehead hairtail fishery.  相似文献   
2015年以来,秦皇岛近岸海域暴发了绿潮,对北戴河旅游区的环境和生态系统造成了严重影响。绿藻微观繁殖体在绿潮的形成过程中起到重要作用,主要包括孢子、配子、幼苗和营养片段。绿藻微观繁殖体作为绿潮的“种源”,其分布规律可以反映绿潮的“藻源”位置。本研究于2016年4-9月和2017年1月对秦皇岛近岸海域绿藻微观繁殖体的调查,探究了其分布规律以及生物量变化。结果显示,绿藻微观繁殖体主要分布在近岸海域,由近岸向远岸海域逐渐降低。绿藻微观繁殖体的数量在7、8月份最高,在冬季最低。受绿潮影响严重的海域微观繁殖体数量高于其它海域。秦皇岛近岸海域的绿藻微观繁殖体为该海域绿潮的种源,其分布规律表明秦皇岛近岸海域绿潮起源于本地。  相似文献   
深化含油气沉积盆地的压力结构研究,厘清异常压力的空间展布,对划分含油气系统、评价有利输导体系与明确勘探甜点区带具有重要的理论和实践意义。为深化渤海湾盆地富油凹陷的油气二次勘探,本文以歧口凹陷为研究对象,对其压力结构进行重点刻画。在实测地层压力的校正下,综合单井、连井和二维地震地层压力结构分析,厘清了歧口凹陷的压力结构特征,识别出4类纵向压力结构:①单超压带结构;②双超压带结构;③多超压带结构;④静水压力结构。纵向上,歧口地区存在3类纵向压力系统样式——单超压系统、双超压系统、静水常压系统。双超压系统是歧口凹陷的主要压力系统样式,广泛发育于主凹和各大次凹;从凹陷中心向盆地边缘,双超压系统逐渐向单超压系统、静水常压系统过渡。单超压系统主要分布于盆地边缘的斜坡和潜山区,如歧北高斜坡、羊三木-扣村潜山等。静水常压系统则主要分布在离深凹区更远的沈青庄潜山和埕北斜坡区域。上部超压系统和下部超压系统的顶板分别位于东营组和沙三段内部,侧向上受盆地边缘和深大断裂控制。上部超压系统的形成主要受欠压实作用控制,以歧口主凹为中心呈环带分布;而下部超压系统的形成主要受生烃作用控制,以主凹和几大次凹为中心分布。未来,下部超压系统中保存的天然气将成为歧口地区超深层天然气勘探的重点对象。  相似文献   
渤海海峡跨海通道建设将极大改变环渤海乃至整个东部沿海的交通格局,势必对其目标城市大连、烟台带来直接的经济影响,同时也会对辽东半岛、山东半岛乃至东北、华北和华东不同尺度地区的经济联系产生深远影响。文章选取山东省17个和辽宁省14个地级市的地区的生产总值、城市人口以及城市间的最短时间距离等指标,测度渤海海峡跨海通道建成前后,对山东、辽宁两省区域城市经济联系的影响。研究表明:渤海海峡跨海通道建成后,对大连、烟台间的经济联系强度有显著提高,各城市经济联系度的平均增幅明显不同;同时,受距离衰减规律的影响,两省的城市分别以大连、烟台为中心,根据距离远近及城市自身发展程度分为4个层次,经济联系强度由内向外逐层次减弱;从整体上看,渤海通道的建设对带动两省城市之间的经济联系度都有大幅度提升。  相似文献   
环渤海地区海洋经济增长质量空间溢出效应研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
李博  田闯  金翠  史钊源 《地理科学》2020,40(8):1266-1275
海洋经济向质量效益型转变是建设海洋强国的新要求。通过构建海洋经济?地理距离空间权重矩阵对2000—2014年环渤海地区17个沿海地级市海洋经济增长质量主体的空间交互作用及空间效应进行研究;借助空间计量模型对海洋经济增长质量空间效应影响因素进行甄别。研究表明:① 环渤海地区海洋经济增长质量主体呈显著空间相关性,存在空间交互作用;② 海洋经济增长质量存在空间溢出的正反馈效应。影响因素中对环渤海地区海洋经济增长质量的直接贡献强度排序为:海洋环境>海洋产业>海洋人才>海洋资本>海洋科技,对其他地区溢出效应影响的排序为:海洋基建>海洋人才>海洋资本。研究为环渤海地区海洋政策制定提供一定参考依据。  相似文献   
Bohai Bay, a representative semi-enclosed bay of China, has been severely impacted in recent decades by rapid human development. Although the mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria plays an important role in the Bohai Bay ecosystem and fishery, its feeding ecology and the impact of habitat changes on its feeding habits are poorly known. In this study, we sought to identify its feeding strategy through the separation of stomach contents, and to describe its trophic ecology during maturation in the Tianjin coastal zone of Bohai Bay by the DNA barcoding method using a fragment (about 690 bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (CO I) gene. A total of 594 specimens were collected from March to July 2018, and 347 (58.42%) stomachs were found to have food remains. More than half of the O. oratoria individuals had poor feeding activity, and the degree of feeding of females was higher than that of males, but there was no significant difference in the visual fullness index and the fullness weight index (FWI) between sexes for each month. In addition, the feeding activity of O. oratoria was consistent across the months, suggesting in artificial breeding programs it is not worried too much about the accessional diet supplied to the female bloodstocks except maintaining their normal food. A total of 167 retrieved prey items yielded 187 readable sequences; 86.63% of these sequences could be assigned to the species level. Consequently, 25 different prey taxa covering all readable sequences were identified, showing O. oratoria is a generalist predator. In terms of percent composition by frequency of occurrences (%N), crustaceans and fishes accounted for the same and highest percentage (35.83%) in the mantis shrimp diet, followed by mollusks (24.59%) and the remaining marine organisms (3.73%) including Polychaeta (2.67%), Sagittoidea (0.53%), and Chromadorea (0.53%). The result shows the benthic fish Oxudercidae (family) appears to be an especially important food supply for O. oratoria during maturation. The degree of cannibalism decreased with an increase in diet species and the frequencies of cannibalism in this study was noticeably higher than that in previous studies, suggesting that cannibalism may be a significant feeding strategy in the mantis shrimp O. oratoria in the Tianjin coastal zone of Bohai Bay, and because of the frequently cannibalistic behavior, the high stocking density of broodstocks should be avoided.  相似文献   
2014年秋季渤海网采浮游植物群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张雪  王俊  马武  王宏  高燕  刘克奉 《海洋学报》2020,42(8):89-100
基于2014年秋季在渤海进行的水文、化学和生物方面的综合大面调查,研究了渤海网采浮游植物群落的结构特征,并结合文献资料,分析影响浮游植物群落结构形成的原因。结果显示:2014年渤海秋季共鉴定浮游植物3个门42属96种,其中以硅藻为主,为34属79种,占总物种的82%;甲藻门7属16种,占总物种的17%;金藻门1属1种。其中,角毛藻属的种类最多,共17种;其次为圆筛藻属,共13种。浮游植物总细胞丰度介于(0.71~72.15)×104 cells/m3,平均为13.88×104 cells/m3,硅藻与甲藻细胞丰度比值为2∶1,硅藻在莱州湾的细胞丰度极显著高于其他海区,甲藻在渤海中部海区的细胞丰度显著高于其他海区。浮游植物优势种主要为星脐圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus asteromphalus)、威氏圆筛藻(C. wailesii)、具槽帕拉藻(Paralia sulcata)、梭状角藻(Ceratium fusus)和夜光藻(Noctiluca scintillans)。渤海秋季浮游植物群落多样性水平分布不均,局部海域由于单一优势种过量繁殖多样性降低,低值区分布于辽东湾和渤海海峡海域。与历史同期资料对比,渤海海域浮游植物群落出现明显的物种演替现象,甲藻中的角藻逐渐兴起,其在渤海中部及辽东湾的优势地位已经超过角毛藻属和圆筛藻属,渤海秋季局部海区浮游植物群落结构已经由硅藻控制转为硅藻和甲藻共同控制。  相似文献   
Uncovering the role of environmental factors and finding critical factors which harbor significant fractions in governing microbial communities remain key questions in coastal marine systems. To detect the interactions between environmental factors and distributions of virio-and bacterioplankton in trophic coastal areas, we used flow cytometry to investigate the abundance of virio-and bacterioplankton covering 31 stations in the Bohai Sea of China. Our results suggested that the average abundance of total virus(TV) in winter(~2.29×10~8 particles/mL)was slightly lower than in summer(~3.83×10~8 particles/mL). The mean total bacterial abundance(TB) was much lower in winter(~2.54×107 particles/mL) than in summer(~5.43×10~7 particles/mL). Correlation analysis via redundancy analysis(RDA) and network analysis among virioplankton, bacterioplankton and environmental factors revealed that the abundances of viral and bacterial subpopulations depend on environmental factors. In winter, only temperature significantly influenced the abundances of virio-and bacterioplankton. In summer, in addition to temperature, both salinity and nutrient(SiO_2) had a remarkable impact on the distribution of virioand bacterioplankton. Our results showed a clear seasonal and trophic pattern throughout the whole water system, which revealed that temperature and eutrophication may play crucial roles in microbial distribution pattern.  相似文献   
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