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葛茂卉  张进江  刘恺 《岩石学报》2020,36(3):726-740
小兴安岭-张广才岭地区中生代岩浆活动的成因及动力学背景对于揭示古太平洋的构造演化具有重要意义。本文选取小兴安岭-张广才岭铁力地区出露的辉绿岩墙为研究对象,进行锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学、全岩地球化学和锆石Hf同位素等分析,对该基性岩的形成时代、岩石成因、岩浆源区以及形成的大地构造背景进行讨论。研究表明:辉绿岩锆石具有高Th/U比值( 0.3),CL图像显示微弱的振荡环带结构,具有岩浆锆石特征,~(206)Pb/~(238)U加权平均年龄为187±2Ma,即形成于早侏罗世;该岩体主要经历了橄榄石和单斜辉石的分离结晶作用,未遭受明显的地壳混染作用,并且具有Rb、Ba、U、Pb、K和Sr等流体活动元素相对富集,Th、Nb和Ta等非流体活动性元素相对亏损的地球化学特征,暗示其形成于被俯冲流体富集交代的亏损地幔部分熔融,源区可能为尖晶石-石榴石二辉橄榄岩,部分熔融程度约为6%~20%。结合该地区同时代的岩浆岩、变形构造、矿床特征和黑龙江蓝片岩的相关报道,本文认为小兴安岭-张广才岭地区在中生代期间处于活动大陆边缘环境,其岩浆岩的形成主要是由于存在于佳木斯地块和松嫩-小兴安岭地块间的牡丹江洋西向俯冲造成的。  相似文献   
文章结合国家有关海洋生态文明建设的要求和澳门海域实际情况,分析海域对于澳门经济社会发展的重要意义,明确“十四五”时期海洋生态环境保护的应对策略,包括:强化海洋空间管控,构建绿色发展格局;开展岸线整治修复,实施生态恢复工程;维护滨海湿地功能,推动海湾综合治理;建设旅游基础设施,发展海洋旅游市场;实施污染联防联控,有效推动公众参与。同时,结合澳门实际情况,提出中长期海洋生态环境保护策略,助力澳门在新时代“粤港澳大湾区”和“一带一路”建设中发挥更大作用。  相似文献   
海洋经济创新发展对粤港澳大湾区创新驱动、打造具有国际竞争力的科技创新中心具有重要意义。文章介绍粤港澳大湾区当前的海洋经济创新发展情况及其优势和不足,从构建大湾区海洋创新发展产业链、驱动陆海科技创新一体化、完善科技创新驱动体制机制和推动科技金融服务蓝色经济发展等方面,提出粤港澳大湾区海洋经济创新发展的突破要点和路径。  相似文献   

Despite extensive studies being devoted to housing affordability in Australia, few have investigated housing affordability at a disaggregated level. This is in spite of the fact that there are existing socio-economic and demographic disparities across different regions of a city. This study aims to fill this gap by examining housing affordability in Sydney, a city that is characterised by diverse demographic and socio-economic mix, from a sub-city perspective. Two dimensions of affordability are assessed from 1991 to 2016: entry-level and ongoing housing affordability. The study finds that entry-level housing remains extremely unaffordable in all regions of Greater Sydney, although the level of unaffordability varies across regions. Specifically, the deterioration in housing affordability is more obvious in low-income regions such as Western Sydney. In addition, the ongoing housing affordability of those who have entered the market improves considerably within 5–10 years, although there are significant variations between different regions. Importantly, residents in low-income regions such as Western Sydney take a longer period to improve their ongoing affordability. The findings of differential geography of housing affordability have some profound policy implications. Policymakers should consider the disparities across different regions by formulating a more targeted and regionally balanced housing policy.  相似文献   
大兴安岭北段作为中亚造山带东段重要组成单元,该区域的构造背景一直悬而未决,它涉及兴安与松辽地块基底属性、额尔古纳地块亲缘性以及三者之间的拼贴位置、时限和方式等众多科学问题。蛇绿岩作为研究造山带的重要工具之一,不仅是古板块或微地块的重要边界,而且是认识地幔组成和壳幔演化的重要窗口。然而大兴安岭北段蛇绿岩却鲜有报道。根据近年来野外工作及结合前人研究成果,文章探讨了蛇绿岩形成时代及构造环境。研究表明:(1)大兴安岭北段蛇绿岩整体呈北东向展布,但时代跨越较大,主要包括新元古代、早奥陶世-志留纪、石炭纪-二叠纪;(2)大兴安岭北段蛇绿岩均有E-MORB地球化学特征,其中新元古代的蛇绿岩明显亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta,而晚古生代的蛇绿岩则相对富集高场强元素;(3)大兴安岭北段新元古代蛇绿岩可能形成于洋内岛弧环境,记录着前寒武纪陆弧碰撞信息,而早奥陶世-志留纪蛇绿岩可能与早古生代弧盆体系演化相关。尽管上述认识为大兴安岭北段古生代的地球动力学背景研究提供了新的依据,但大兴安岭北段蛇绿岩仍存在较多问题亟须解决。  相似文献   
道伦达坝中型铜钨锡矿床位于大兴安岭南段,矿体呈脉状赋存于二叠系板岩及华力西期黑云母花岗岩的断裂破碎带中。道伦达坝矿床发育铜矿体、锡矿体、钨矿体、铜钨矿体、铜锡矿体、钨锡矿体和铜钨锡矿体。矿床的成矿过程可以划分为石英-萤石-白云母-电气石-锡石-黑钨矿阶段(Ⅰ阶段)、石英-萤石-黑钨矿-黄铜矿-毒砂-磁黄铁矿阶段(Ⅱ阶段)、石英-萤石-绢云母-黄铜矿-磁黄铁矿-黄铁矿-银矿物阶段(Ⅲ阶段)和方解石-石英-萤石-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅳ阶段)。道伦达坝矿床外围的张家营子岩体中的细粒花岗岩的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为136.1±0.4Ma。Ⅱ阶段Cu-W共生矿体中2件独居石的LAICP-MS U-Pb年龄分别为136.0±2.3Ma和135.1±2.2Ma。Ⅲ阶段Cu矿体中1件独居石的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄为134.7±2.8Ma。Ⅲ阶段铜矿体中1件绢云母的40Ar-39Ar坪年龄为138.8±0.47Ma,等时线年龄为140.0±1.1Ma。系统的定年结果表明,道伦达坝矿床的铜钨矿体和铜矿体均形成于早白垩世,它们属于同一个成矿系统;成矿与早白垩世高分异花岗岩有密切的成因联系。  相似文献   
粤港澳大湾区是中国开放程度最高、经济活力最强的区域之一,在国家发展大局中具有重要的战略地位,大湾区未来的发展离不开水资源的支撑和良好的水生态环境。近年来,随着大湾区经济的快速发展,人口激增,需水量上升,水资源环境问题也日益突出,水安全保障程度不足;地下水是水资源的重要组成部分,具有水量稳定、水质较好的特点,可作为重要的应急备用水源。本文从地下水资源着手,系统梳理了大湾区水资源环境条件、地下水资源状况、特征和开发利用潜力,并提出了应急后备水源地建议,得到以下认识:(1)地下水可划分为松散岩类孔隙水、碳酸盐岩岩溶水、基岩裂隙水三大类,其中松散岩类孔隙水和基岩裂隙水分布最广;(2)湾区内地下水水化学类型较为复杂,丘陵山区以HCO_3-Na型、HCO_3-Ca型及HCO_3-Na+Ca型为主,冲积平原及山间盆地以HCO_3+Cl-Na型及HCO_3+Cl-Na+Ca型为主,三角洲地区以Cl-Na型微咸-咸水为主;(3)西江、北江及东江干流构成湾区内地下水排泄的总渠道,各支流为地下水的局部排泄基准面,地下水动态变化具季节性特征;(4)地下水整体水质较好,Ⅰ-Ⅲ类水占比高达66.25%,从丘陵山区到三角洲平原,水质呈变差趋势,尤其在广州、江门、中山、东莞等城市周边水质较差,超标因子主要为氨氮、氯化物、氟化物、硫酸盐等,三角洲地区发育大量"铁质水"和"氨氮水",水质性缺水问题突出;(5)地下水开发利用程度很低,东莞及中山等城市基本未开发利用地下水,在各类地下水中,碳酸盐岩岩溶裂隙水具有规模开采的开发利用潜力;(6)综合分析相关资料,提出将广花盆地等10处富水块段作为应急水源地备选,经初步计算每年可为大湾区提供约4.18亿m~3的应急水源保障。为应对突发性水质污染及极端干旱气候等大规模供水危机,保障粤港澳大湾区用水安全,促进大湾区高质量发展,建议加强大湾区的基础水文地质调查工作,掌握地下水的水位、水质、水量的动态变化特征,精准计算可用于应急备用开采的地下水储存量。  相似文献   
The large-scale Bayanbaolege Ag polymetallic deposit is situated in the Tuquan–Linxi Fe-Sn-Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag metallogenic sub-belt in eastern slopes of the southern Great Xing’an Range, NE China. The sulfide-quartz vein-type orebodies in the deposit are hosted primarily in the Early Cretaceous granodiorite porphyry and Late Permian strata. Three primary paragenetic stages of veining have been identified: (I) arsenopyrite- pyrite-quartz stage, (II) pyrite-sphalerite-quartz stage, and (III) galena-silver minerals (pyrargyrite, argentite, and pearceite)-calcite stage. The Rb–Sr dating of sulfides yielded an isochron age of 129.9 ± 2.9 Ma (MSWD = 2.1) for the sphalerite, which constrains the mineralization age to the Early Cretaceous. Rb and Sr concentrations in the sulfides ranged from 0.0940 to 1.0294 ppm and 0.0950–3.3818 ppm, respectively. The initial 87Sr/86Sr value of the sphalerite was 0.70852 ± 0.00018, indicating that the mineralized materials were derived from the mixed crust-mantle source area. S isotope analysis showed that the δ34S values of the sulfide samples varied in a narrow range, from −1.5‰ to +1.3‰ (mean −0.65‰), indicating a magmatic S source. Pb isotopic ratios of the sulfides (206Pb/204Pb = 18.306–18.416, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.524–15.605, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.095–38.479) and the granodiorite porphyry (206Pb/204Pb = 18.341–18.933, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.539–15.600, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.134–38.944) reflect that the ore-forming materials originated from contemporaneous magma with Early Cretaceous granodiorite porphyry. This study of the Bayanbaolege deposit and other hydrothermal deposits in the area provides compelling evidence that the widespread Mesozoic magmatism and mineralization in the southern Great Xing’an Range occurred in an intracontinental extensional tectonic setting, which was associated with the westward subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate.  相似文献   
We use scaled physical analog (centrifuge) modeling to investigate along- and across-strike structural variations in the Salt Range and Potwar Plateau of the Himalayan foreland fold-thrust belt of Pakistan. The models, composed of interlayered plasticine and silicone putty laminae, comprise four mechanical units representing the Neoproterozoic Salt Range Formation (basal detachment), Cambrian–Eocene carapace sequence, and Rawalpindi and Siwalik Groups (Neogene molasse), on a rigid base representing the Indian craton. Pre-cut ramps simulate basement faults with various structural geometries.A pre-existing north-dipping basement normal fault under the model foreland induces a frontal ramp and a prominent fault-bend-fold culmination, simulating the Salt Range. The ramp localizes displacement on a frontal thrust that occurs out-of-sequence with respect to other foreland folds and thrusts. With a frontal basement fault terminating to the east against a right-stepping, east-dipping lateral ramp, deformation propagates further south in the east; strata to the east of the lateral ramp are telescoped in ENE-trending detachment folds, fault-propagation folds and pop-up structures above a thick basal detachment (Salt Range Formation), in contrast to translated but less-deformed strata with E–W-trending Salt-Range structures to the west. The models are consistent with Salt Range–Potwar Plateau structural style contrasts being due to basement fault geometry and variation in detachment thickness.  相似文献   
The leading edge of the ENE-trending Himalayan thrust front in Pakistan exhibits along-strike changes in deformational style, ranging from fault-bend to fault-propagation folds. Although the structural geometry is very gently deformed throughout the Salt Range, it becomes progressively more complex to the east as the leading edge of the emergent Salt Range Thrust becomes blind. Surface geology, seismic reflection, petroleum well, and chronostratigraphic data are synthesized to produce a 3-D kinematic model that reconciles the contrasting structural geometries along this part of the Himalayan thrust front. We propose a model whereby displacement was transferred, across a newly-identified lateral ramp, from a fault-bend fold in the west to fault-propagation folds in the east and comparable shortening was synchronously accommodated by two fundamentally different mechanisms: translation vs. telescoping. However, substantially different shortening distribution patterns within these structurally contrasting segments require a tear fault, which later is reactivated as a thrust fault. The present geometry of this S-shaped displacement transfer zone is a combined result of the NW–SE compression of the lateral culmination wall and associated tear fault, and their subsequent modification due to mobilization of underlying ductile salt.  相似文献   
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