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李娜  周训  郭娟  拓明明  徐艳秋 《现代地质》2020,34(1):177-188
研究天然盐泉的形成有助于揭示陆地水文循环过程中的物质迁移。采用水文地球化学的方法,分析四川省盐源县的9个泉水和卤水水样的水化学特征和同位素特征,探讨盐泉的溶质来源,总结盐泉的成因模式。水样可以分为TDS为311.69 g/L的Cl-Na型卤水、TDS为55.77~89.43 g/L的Cl-Na型盐泉、TDS为1.17 g/L的Cl-Na型微咸泉和TDS为0.26~0.56 g/L的以HCO3-Ca、HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg型为主的淡水泉。泉水和卤水的氢氧同位素显示其来源于大气降水;水样的特征系数显示盐泉和卤水都属于溶滤型,且指示研究区基本不具有找钾前景。泉水的盐分主要来源于石盐、方解石、石膏和白云石等矿物的溶滤。盐泉的形成模式可以概括为:在山区获得大气降水入渗补给后,地下水经历较浅和较深的地下径流并且溶滤含盐地层或者盐矿,使其矿化度升高,在地形较低处汇集出露地表成泉。  相似文献   
Lake Baikal is facing several environmental stressors, including climate change and nearshore eutrophication. To assess recent ecological changes in Lake Baikal and provide a baseline for future comparisons, we sampled spring plankton communities from the pelagic zone of the lake in 2016 and compared these data with unpublished and published historical information going back to 1990. In 2016, one pelagic long-term monitoring station was sampled in early spring (March) during ice cover and 21 long-term monitoring stations located throughout the lake were sampled in late spring (May-June). We measured water chemistry parameters at most stations and the abundance, taxonomic composition and biomass of bacteria, ciliates and phytoplankton at several locations in different areas of the lake. Biotic parameters from 2016 were compared with historical data, showing significant changes in the spring pelagic microbial community since the 1990s. We show increased quantities of small species, mixotrophic ciliates, and the appearance (or increasing number) of small coloured and colourless flagellates. We also show substantially decreased densities of formerly dominant heavily silicified diatoms such as Aulacoseira spp. Since 2007, Synedra acus subsp. radians, a smaller and weakly silicified diatom, has dominated the spring plankton of the lake. These results suggest that Lake Baikal’s pelagic plankton community may be changing, with climate likely playing a dominant role in these changes.  相似文献   
温泉钙华沉积的影响因素   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
钙华是在泉水、河水、湖水、洞穴周围沉积的非海相碳酸钙沉积物。钙华是陆地水循环过程中物质迁移的一种表现形式,研究钙华的形成有助于了解局部水文循环中的物质迁移规律并间接了解古气候与古水文地质条件。部分温泉的泉口附近沉积有形态多样的钙华。本文综述温泉钙华的形成过程、钙华沉积的主要影响因素和它们之间的相互影响关系。水化学条件是钙华沉积的物质基础和必要条件,水动力条件是钙华沉积的充分条件,生物效应对钙华沉积起到加强的作用,沉积环境通过影响水化学条件或水动力条件间接控制钙华的沉积。  相似文献   
This paper studies dynamic crack propagation by employing the distinct lattice spring model (DLSM) and 3‐dimensional (3D) printing technique. A damage‐plasticity model was developed and implemented in a 2D DLSM. Applicability of the damage‐plasticity DLSM was verified against analytical elastic solutions and experimental results for crack propagation. As a physical analogy, dynamic fracturing tests were conducted on 3D printed specimens using the split Hopkinson pressure bar. The dynamic stress intensity factors were recorded, and crack paths were captured by a high‐speed camera. A parametric study was conducted to find the influences of the parameters on cracking behaviors, including initial and peak fracture toughness, crack speed, and crack patterns. Finally, selection of parameters for the damage‐plasticity model was determined through the comparison of numerical predictions and the experimentally observed cracking features.  相似文献   
曹永强  齐静威  王菲  李玲慧  路洁 《地理科学》2020,40(7):1210-1220
为评价气候变化对玉米生长的影响,以辽宁省为例选取1969—2018年18个气象站点的逐日实测气象数据,利用模糊数学法建立春玉米气候适宜度评估模型,以地理信息技术为依托,探究春玉米气候适宜度的时空特征,并在此基础上进行玉米气候年景的综合评估。结果表明:① 辽宁省春玉米全生育期内日照、温度、降水适宜度波动幅度较大;然而春玉米种植气候适宜度的空间差异性较弱。② 春玉米各生育期气候适宜度由高到低为:出苗期>开花期>成熟期>播种期。全生育期温度适宜度最高,日照适宜度次之,降水适宜度最低。③ 春玉米播种期、出苗期、开花期和成熟期的气候适宜度最高值分别出现在辽阳、葫芦岛、营口和铁岭。④ 春玉米气候年景准确率达64%,表明该评估方法可以较为准确地反映气候年景。近50 a辽宁省春玉米偏好的年景有4个年份(1971、1979、1993、1998年),较差的有1969年(4.98%)及1973年(5.59%)。  相似文献   
秦岭为我国气候分界线和南水北调中线重要水源地,太白山为其最高峰,了解太白山区域的过去干湿变化特征对气候变化机制研究和未来水资源持续利用具有重要意义。基于秦岭太白山地区太白红杉树木年轮资料及其附近的宝鸡、眉县气象站1959—2016年气象数据进行分析,重建了1852—2016年春季(3~5月)SPEI值,分析了近165 a太白山春季干湿变化特征及其与大尺度环流变化关系。结果表明:(1) 太白山地区太白红杉径向生长主要受春季气候限制;与春季SPEI值相关性最高,达到–0.72(P<0.01),重建方程方差解释量为51.8%(调整自由度后为51.0%)。(2) 重建结果表明,近165 a来,有29 a春季为湿润年份,有23 a春季为干旱年份,分别占比为17.58%和13.94%。极端干旱年份为1892年、1929年、1945年和2006年,极端湿润年份为1881年、1921年和1990年,其中1892年(–1.73)和1881年(1.53)分别为最干旱和最湿润的年份。(3) 重建结果得到了周边地区干湿变化重建结果和历史文献灾害记载的验证;太白山地区干湿变化可以准确表征大区域干湿变化且存在2.5 a、3.1 a、3.8 a和8.4 a周期变化。太白山地区SPEI与赤道东太平洋海面温度成负相关以及与赤道西太平洋海面温度呈正相关,其干湿变化可能与ENSO活动有关。  相似文献   
安栋 《地震工程学报》2020,42(6):1444-1450
采用SeismoStruct软件建立有限元模型对某汽轮发电机组弹簧隔振基础进行时程分析,研究弹簧隔振基础的频率振型和地震响应、层间变形、弹簧变形等特性。研究表明,弹簧隔振基础的自振频率较低,竖向自振频率远离机组工作扰频;弹簧隔振装置能够在地震作用时减小台板加速度反应,并根据刚度重新分配水平地震作用,充分发挥立柱的抗震能力。结果表明基础设计符合《建筑抗震设计规范》标准,达到了弹簧隔振抗震的目标,基础设计合理、安全可靠。SeismoStrcut作为有限元分析软件,对汽机基础的模拟能够达到工程需要。  相似文献   
岩溶水是指赋存于岩溶孔隙中的地下水,是我国南方生产生活主要用水来源.随着社会对水资源需求的逐步扩大,岩溶水资源的开发利用越发重要.通过定期监测岳麓山泉水流量、电导率、pH值,结合岳麓山岩土层性质和长沙市降雨量,采用统计分析和Spearman秩相关系数法对泉水流量变化和泉水水质定性评价进行研究.研究结果表明,大气降雨对岩溶水进行补给从而使泉水流量增大,泉水流量的改变除与降雨量有关外,还受土壤入渗率和降雨时长的影响.采用Spearman秩相关系数法可定量计算电导率与时间的相关性,间接判断周围环境对泉水水质影响的难易程度,有利于识别电导率代表性位置泉眼,更好地监测和评价岩溶水.土壤酸沉降污染严重或酸雨频繁地区易导致岩溶水pH值呈酸性.对泉水流量和水质的研究有利于科学开发利用岩溶水资源.  相似文献   
临沂市地处鲁西隆起南部,地热资源丰富。该文介绍了临沂市的地层、岩浆岩、构造、地热背景、主要控热断裂及20余眼温泉(井)的情况和分布。通过分析汤头温泉、白塔地热井、汤坊崖地热井、铜井地热井、松山地热井、新村地热井、西高都地热井等主要温泉(井)的控热断裂、成热机制,认为该区地热主要分布在沂沭断裂带与NW向深大断裂交会处,地下水补给多沿NW—SE断裂,热源以深大断裂沟通深部热源,水温、水量较好地热井均处在沂沭断裂带沂水-汤头断裂以西的、控热断裂为张性断裂或的张扭性断裂凹陷区内。结合临沂市区域地质构造特点,认为蒙山断裂与鄌郚-葛沟断裂深部交会处,尼山断裂、峄城断裂与鄌郚-葛沟断裂交会处为地热勘探靶区。  相似文献   
Recent studies of continental carbonates revealed that carbonates with similar fabrics can be formed either by biotic, biologically-induced, biologically-influenced or purely abiotic processes, or a combination of all. The aim of this research is to advance knowledge on the formation of carbonates precipitated (or diagenetically altered) in extreme, continental environments by studying biotic versus abiotic mechanisms of crystallization, and to contribute to the astrobiology debate around terrestrial analogues of Martian extreme environments. Both fossil (upper Pleistocene to Holocene) and active carbonate spring mounds from the Great Artesian Basin (South Australia) have been investigated. These carbonates consist of low-Mg to high-Mg calcite tufa. Four facies have been described: (i) carbonate mudstone/wackestone; (ii) phytohermal framestone/boundstone; (iii) micrite boundstone; and (iv) coarsely crystalline boundstone. The presence of filaments encrusted by micrite, rich in organic compounds, including ultraviolet-protectants, in phytohermal framestone/boundstone and micrite boundstone is clear evidence of the existence of microbial mats at the time of deposition. In contrast, peloidal micrite, despite commonly being considered a microbial precipitate, is not directly associated with filaments in the Great Artesian Basin mounds. It has probably formed from nanocrystal aggregation on colloid particulate. Thus, where biofilms have been documented, it is likely that bacteria catalyzed the development of fabrics. It is less certain that microbes induced calcium carbonate precipitation elsewhere. Trace elements, including rare earth element distribution from laminated facies, highlight strongly evaporative settings (for example, high Li contents). Carbon dioxide degassing and evaporation are two of the main drivers for an increase in fluid alkalinity, resulting in precipitation of carbonates. Hence, although the growth of certain fabrics is fostered by the presence of microbial mats, the formation of carbonate crystals might be independent from it and mainly driven by extrinsic factors. More generally, biological processes may be responsible for fabric and facies development in micritic boundstone whilst micrite nucleation and growth are driven by abiotic factors. Non-classical crystallization pathways (aggregation and fusion of nanoparticles from nucleation clusters) may be more common than previously thought in spring carbonate and this should be carefully considered to avoid misinterpretation of certain fabrics as by-products of life. It is proposed here that the term ‘organic-compound catalyzed mineralization’ should be used for crystal growth in the presence of organic compounds when dealing with astrobiological problems. This term would account for the possibility of multiple crystallization pathways (including non-classical crystallization) that occurred directly from an aqueous solution without the direct influence of microbial mats.  相似文献   
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