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This paper examines the conflicting sentiments generated by Macau’s recent developments and how these dynamics have helped galvanize particular visions among Macau’s residents holding different possessive relationships to the city. More specifically, it explores these processes through the simultaneous construction of two incongruent landscapes: a fantasyland of gaming and leisure propelled by the liberalization of the casino industry, and a ‘historic city of culture’ exemplified by Macau’s newly acquired UNESCO World Heritage City status. Building on Debord’s conception of the dialectic of the spectacle, this paper illustrates how the growing support for heritage conservation in Macau has been propelled by a shared anxiety over the phenomenal changes brought by an expanding casino industry and concomitant erosion of Macau’s cultural identity. Through extensive interviews with local architects, conservation experts and activists, I elucidate how the designation of Macau as a World Heritage City has helped consolidate particular sets of moral claims around heritage and culture as well as introduced new commodifications of the environment that cannot be easily delinked from other spaces of the ‘spectacle city’.  相似文献   
良渚时期文化发展与海平面变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浙沪苏地区良渚考古资料和海平面变化研究表明,良渚文化的兴、盛、衰与5.5-4 ka B.P.期间海平面升降密切关联。5.5-4.9 ka B.P.,浙沪苏地区海平面处于高海面之后的急剧下降期,降幅约3.9 m,陆地生存空间扩大,加之气候温暖,良渚文化开始兴起,良渚人择高地而居,盛行干栏式建筑,遗址分布相对分散,从事稻作农业生产。4.9-4.3 ka B.P.,浙沪苏地区进入低海面时期,良渚文化发展达到鼎盛,遗址数量增多,分布相对集中,并向外围地区扩展。此时气候干凉,水井大量出现、盛行地面建筑、稻作农业和手工业发展,社会等级分化,揭示出低海面促进了良渚文化的繁荣。4.3-4 ka B.P.,海平面回升,渐渐进入又一高海面时期,良渚先民生存空间缩小,文化分布范围相对压缩,且以台墩和坡地建筑为主,遗址数量较中期减少,海面回升的同时,洪涝灾害,异常降温等灾变加速了良渚文化的衰落。总体来讲,5.3-4.0 ka B.P.期间“海面下降-低海面-海面回升”的过程推动了良渚文化由兴起到繁盛再到衰落的演替过程。  相似文献   
夜光藻的室内培养   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
夜光藻的室内培养对于研究夜光藻的生理生态特性及其增殖机理是一个关键性的环节。通过试验,发现在实验室条件下以扁藻作为饵料,夜光藻能良好的生长和繁殖,从而为夜光藻的室内培养解决了关键性的饵料问题,实现了国内夜光藻室内的长期培养。  相似文献   
Tracy A.  Villareal 《Marine Ecology》1990,11(2):117-132
Abstract. The oceanic diatom Rhizosolenia clevei and its cyanobactcrial symbiont Richelia intracel-luluris were isolated into laboratory culture and their biology and growth dynamics examined. Nitrogen-fixation by the symbiont could sustain the symbiosis. Growth and nitrogenase activity demonstrated light saturation kinetics, with no photoinhibition up to 315 μE m-1 s-1 for growth and 780μE m-1 s-1 for nitrogen fixation. The symbiosis is not obligate for Rhizosolenia , which is capable of growth independent of the symbiont if a nitrogen source is available. The symbiont is contained in the pcriplasmic space between the Rhizosolenia plasmalcmma and frustulc, and preliminary evidence suggests excretion of fixed nitrogen into the medium may be occurring.  相似文献   
扇贝的养殖环境及其体内的细菌学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1992年9月~1994年11月,对青岛胶州湾养殖的扇贝及环境中的细菌组成和某些生态学特性进行了调查。养殖区表层海水中异养菌和弧菌平均数各波动于(21.2~39.7)×102/cm3和(7.3~19.2)×102/cm3之间。其中1号和4号站位的菌数比其它越位都高,这和它们靠近码头,受到附近的排水污染有关。在扇贝的消化盲囊和性腺内也分离到异养菌和弧菌,分别为103~105个g和103~105个/g。这些细菌可能因扇贝遇到环境改变防御能力下降时,扩散到其它器官并大量繁殖,因而造成感染而死亡。从对分离菌的药物敏感试验结果看,近年一些菌株对原来敏感的药物产生了抗药性,如四环索和链霉素,今后在育苗过程中避免滥用抗菌药物是十分重要的。  相似文献   
采用生态学单因子梯度试验方法,进行了白脊藤壶金星幼体的室内培养以及附着基、温度、盐度、幼体密度和幼体低温保存时间等因子分别对白脊藤壶金星幼体附着的影响的研究,结果表明,在培养水体为水温25℃、盐度30的膜滤海水,幼体培养密度为1只/ml,饵料为牟氏角毛藻,投饵量为(0.75-5)×10 5 cells/ml的培养条件下,白脊藤壶无节幼体在培养4天后即大部分顺利发育至金星幼体阶段,实现了白脊藤壶金星幼体在实验室内的大量培养.另一方面,实验结果还表明,在白脊藤壶金星幼体附着抑制实验中,玻璃培养皿和聚苯乙烯六孔板都可采用作为附着基,温度、盐度、幼体密度及幼体低温保存时间的适宜范围分别为20-35℃、15-45、1-20只/ml和0-8天.本研究结果揭示了白脊藤壶可作为筛选天然海洋防污产物的模型生物,并确定了其基础实验条件的适宜范围.  相似文献   
厦门同安西柯对虾养殖池的细菌数量动态   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文研究了对虾养成期间养殖池生态系中细菌的数量动态,探讨其变化规律与虾病的关系。结果表明,总细菌、弧菌和发光细菌在水体、底质和虾体中的数量变化各异。在水体各菌数与其环境因子的关系中,除了总菌数与COD存在着正相关外,其它的不存在相关性。虾体的总细菌、弧菌和发光细菌的数量(以细胞计)可以用来预报虾病,三者的阅值分别为107个 /g(湿重)、105个/g(湿重)和104介/g(湿重)。通过对对虾的细菌学跟踪监测,可以及时采取有效的应急防治措施。  相似文献   
养殖水体营养状态及自净能力的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据1997年2~12月间对对虾 养殖水全的监测结果,应用营养指数法进行养殖水体的营养水平评价,结合自养指数对水体的自净能力进行分析。结果表明,养殖水体内具有较高的DIP和COD是造成水体富营养化的主要因素。较高的Chl-a含量则是富营养化水体的表现。养殖池内水质状况同养殖周期和季节变更密切相关。养殖水体浮游值物和微生物的代谢偶联,是反映水体自净能力,保持水体稳定的基础。  相似文献   
在分析民俗类公共选修课在高校中受欢迎的原因的基础上,探讨了高校开设民俗类公共选修课的意义:(1)学习民俗文化是高校毕业生参与未来国际竞争的需要;(2)让学生了解民俗文化潜在的强制性、规范性和宣泄性;(3)增强学生的民族自豪感和荣誉感;(4)培养高校学生的“和合”观念;(5)帮助学生形成正确的世界观、人生观和价值观等。  相似文献   
Scientific and effective heritage monitoring can not only realize the conservation of the heritage itself and the maintenance of its values, but it can also realize the sustainable development of the heritage site. In order to promote the conservation and management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), this study proposed a design for the annual report of GIAHS monitoring under the overall framework of the GIAHS monitoring system, and explored the application of the annual report in the first GIAHS site in China: the Qingtian Rice-Fish Culture System. In the design scheme of this study, the GIAHS annual monitoring report is composed of 24 monitoring items, with each of them logically related. It is to be filled in by the bureaus of the heritage site and reported through the GIAHS dynamic monitoring system. The results of an analysis of the annual reports of Qingtian Rice-Fish Culture System for four years showed that Qingtian County has taken a series of conservation and development measures which have reduced the area of abandoned paddy, enhanced the unit benefit of agri-products, and increased the farmers’ income. At the same time, the heritage site is faced with various challenges and threats, such as the weakening of the tourism attraction, the aging of the heritage practitioners, and the limitation of the heritage-themed agri-products and tourism income, which need to be addressed with proper measures. The results can also provide guidance for other GIAHS based on indications that heritage sites should improve the development of cultural products, the construction of social organization and the cultivation of spontaneous publicity, and an exchange and learning mechanism should be established among them in the future. The design and application of the GIAHS annual monitoring reports can not only provide specific guidance for conducting the GIAHS monitoring, but also lay the foundation for evaluating the effectiveness of GIAHS conservation and management. This study is expected to help enrich the theory of GIAHS monitoring, further promote China’s GIAHS monitoring work, and also provide China’s experience for the benefit of international GIAHS monitoring efforts.  相似文献   
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