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The subsurface media are not perfectly elastic, thus anelastic absorption, attenuation and dispersion (aka Q filtering) effects occur during wave propagation, diminishing seismic resolution. Compensating for anelastic effects is imperative for resolution enhancement. Q values are required for most of conventional Q-compensation methods, and the source wavelet is additionally required for some of them. Based on the previous work of non-stationary sparse reflectivity inversion, we evaluate a series of methods for Q-compensation with/without knowing Q and with/without knowing wavelet. We demonstrate that if Q-compensation takes the wavelet into account, it generates better results for the severely attenuated components, benefiting from the sparsity promotion. We then evaluate a two-phase Q-compensation method in the frequency domain to eliminate Q requirement. In phase 1, the observed seismogram is disintegrated into the least number of Q-filtered wavelets chosen from a dictionary by optimizing a basis pursuit denoising problem, where the dictionary is composed of the known wavelet with different propagation times, each filtered with a range of possible values. The elements of the dictionary are weighted by the infinity norm of the corresponding column and further preconditioned to provide wavelets of different values and different propagation times equal probability to entry into the solution space. In phase 2, we derive analytic solutions for estimates of reflectivity and Q and solve an over-determined equation to obtain the final reflectivity series and Q values, where both the amplitude and phase information are utilized to estimate the Q values. The evaluated inversion-based Q estimation method handles the wave-interference effects better than conventional spectral-ratio-based methods. For Q-compensation, we investigate why sparsity promoting does matter. Numerical and field data experiments indicate the feasibility of the evaluated method of Q-compensation without knowing Q but with wavelet given.  相似文献   
冰冻圈是全球气候系统的主要圈层之一,既具有不可替代的气候效应,又维系着寒旱地区社会经济和自然生态系统良好运行,而中国是中低纬度地区冰川、积雪、冻土发育程度最高的国家。长期以来,针对冰冻圈“致害性”的研究众多,而聚焦冰冻圈服务的“致利性”研究则相对滞后,在此背景下着眼于人类福祉的冰冻圈服务识别与综合区划研究成为冰冻圈科学、人地系统可持续发展等的关键科学问题之一,也是目前迫切需要开展的研究方向。首先,确定以地域分异规律理论、人地关系地域系统理论、集合论和信息编码论等跨学科理论为研究基础;尔后,构建面向综合区划研究的冰冻圈服务分类体系,先以供需均衡模型为核心进行单项服务重要性空间识别,再以服务最大化模型为指导,通过区位熵算法判定冰冻圈主导服务的空间分布;最后,以三维魔方展开法为核心制定冰冻圈服务综合区划方案,将研究区划分多重空间层级、彼此独立完整、相互联系密切的冰冻圈服务单元。综上,形成综合自然供给和人文需求因素且适应地区特色的冰冻圈服务空间识别与综合区划技术体系和方法流程,为冰冻圈服务供给与社会经济发展需要架起一座桥梁,是满足国家重大战略需求和合理利用冰冻圈服务的必由之路。  相似文献   
选取闪电密度、雷暴日、经济损失风险、生命损失风险等作为各县(市、区)雷电灾害易损性评估指标;并在此基础上,建立雷电灾害评估体系,对各县(市、区)的雷灾易损性进行了综合评价,进行区划分析。基于南充市雷电监测数据和人文经济指标而制作的全市雷电灾害风险区划,可以为全市雷电灾害防御提供科学依据,能有效降低因雷电灾害带来的生命财产损失和社会影响,提高灾害天气预报、预警能力,提升气象防灾减灾能力。基于南充市雷电监测数据而统计出的闪电密度、雷暴日数更具客观性。  相似文献   
研究的第一部分讨论了如何有效应用集合预报误差的科学方案,确定了集合预报误差在GRAPES(Global Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System)全球4DVar(four dimensional variational data assimilation)中应用的分析框架。在此基础上研究了针对集合预报误差实际应用于GRAPES全球4DVar,解决接近或超过100个集合样本数时高效生成的计算效率问题,以及与GRAPES全球4DVar匹配的同化关键参数确定问题。选择基于4DVar的集合资料同化方法生成集合样本,通过将第1个样本极小化迭代过程中产生的预调节信息用于其他样本极小化做预调节,将计算效率提高了2倍。通过时间错位扰动方法增加集合样本数,实现集合样本增加到3倍。对集合方差进行膨胀,并选择水平局地化相关尺度为流函数背景误差水平相关的1.4倍。通过批量数值试验方法确定背景误差与集合预报误差的权重系数,对60个集合样本当集合预报误差权重为0.7时预报效果最好。对北半球夏、冬两季各52 d的批量试验表明,对于南、北半球En4DVar (ensemble 4DVar)较4DVar的改进在冬季主要集中在700—30 hPa,而在夏季主要集中在400—150 hPa。赤道地区受季节影响较小,En4DVar对位势高度、风场与温度的改进都较为明显,且经向风场的改进最为显著。文中研发的集合预报误差在GRAPES全球4DVar中应用的方法合理可行。   相似文献   
古植物化石是地质历史时期各类植物实体或遗迹的残留。对古植物化石产地进行系统的调查和区划研究是开展古生物化石保护和利用工作的基础。在资料研究和实地调查的基础上,对甘肃省24处重要古植物化石产地进行了评价和区划研究。甘肃省古植物化石产地可划分为北山地区、祁连山——河西走廊地区、鄂尔多斯和秦岭地区4个古生物化石大区以及6个古植物化石产地集中区。根据古植物化石产地的科学价值和美学价值,具体从科学性、稀有性、完整性、保存程度、可保护性5个单因素分别对24处重要古植物化石产地进行了评价。在单因素评价基础上进行了综合鉴评,共鉴评出世界级化石产地1处,国家级化石产地7处,省级化石产地16处。根据产地自然区划、行政区划等要素划分了古植物化石产地集中保护区6个。根据保护区内古植物化石产地级别及重要程度,划分出特级保护区2个,重点保护区2个和一般保护区2个。提出对重要古植物化石产地实行化石标本保护加原产地保护的建议。  相似文献   
参数区域化方法是解决资料缺乏地区水文模拟和预报的有效手段,主要包括回归法、空间邻近法和属性相似法三类方法,可将有资料流域的水文模型参数移用到资料缺乏流域。首先回顾了区域化方法的基本原理和应用方法,并分析了三类主要区域化方法的适用性。从流域特征因子、水文模型及参数、不确定性探讨三个方面综述了区域化方法的研究进展。分析发现,当前区域化方法缺乏完善的理论基础,流域特征因子选择存在主观性,水文模型及参数的适用性方面研究不足。最后展望了未来的研究重点:(1)多维度适用性比较;(2)水文过程和参数的空间分布规律;(3)参数的尺度问题;(4)参数区域化的不确定性问题。  相似文献   
新安江模型河网汇流参数Cs对洪峰模拟影响较大,目前Cs的确定需依赖于大量的历史数据,因此Cs的确定成为无资料地区和资料匮乏区水文模型应用中亟需解决的棘手问题.本文基于参数的物理意义,通过自相似河网结构的假定,构建Cs与河网形态、流域下垫面特征的相关联系,提出基于河链蓄量方程的Cs估算方法,对半干旱、半湿润和湿润地区等不同水文气象分区的11个流域的Cs值进行推算并代入新安江模型中进行模拟,经比较发现,11个流域子流域Cs计算均值与新安江模型率定结果相近,说明该Cs计算方法是合理的.选取陈河、屯溪两个典型流域研究单元流域属性对Cs的影响,由结果可以看出Cs与流域面积、河链数、河宽呈正相关,与单元流域距离出口的远近呈负相关,这表明流域分块后各单元流域Cs值不一致,而新安江模型中采用相同Cs值对不同单元进行调节必然会造成汇流计算的误差.为进一步提高该方法在无资料地区的应用效果,将新安江模型汇流模块修改为每个单元使用对应的Cs计算值进行滞后演算,以陈河和屯溪流域为例采用新安江模型Cs率定值、Cs计算均值以及修改后新安江模型3种不同方案进行模拟比较,从模拟结果可以得出,修改后的模型具有明显优势,将模型参数与下垫面条件建立了联系,模型物理机制提高且参数的独立性增强,对于新安江模型在无资料地区的应用具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   
基于同一区划方法、指标体系,使用1961—2014年辽宁省52站气象观测资料,分析辽宁省气温、气候区划指标、范围及界线的变动特征。结果表明:辽宁省年均气温在1988年发生一次突变,突变后气温开始显著上升;≥10 ℃积温日数比较显著地响应气温突变,而干燥指数、7月平均气温变化不显著。在空间分布上区划指标值均存在不同程度的变化。① 全省≥10 ℃积温日数均出现增加,但在中西部地区显著增加;② 在盘锦-抚顺一线以北(南),气候总体呈不显著变湿(干)趋势;③ 7月平均气温呈缓慢上升趋势。区划范围及界线位置出现更加显著地变化:① 暖温带范围主要向北向东扩展,中温带向东收缩;② 半湿润区范围主要向北向西扩展,半干旱区向西北方向收缩,湿润区范围基本不变;③ Tb范围显著向北向东扩展,Ta范围向北向东收缩。在此基础上分析了气候格局变化的可能气候成因,发现突变后≥10 ℃积温日数期间500 hPa高度场增加与4月和10月东亚冬季风减弱,4—10月东北冷涡持续天数增加和7月500 hPa高度场增加,可能分别是温度带,Tb区、Ta区和半湿润区、半干旱区变化的原因。  相似文献   
We present a new inversion method to estimate, from prestack seismic data, blocky P‐ and S‐wave velocity and density images and the associated sparse reflectivity levels. The method uses the three‐term Aki and Richards approximation to linearise the seismic inversion problem. To this end, we adopt a weighted mixed l2, 1‐norm that promotes structured forms of sparsity, thus leading to blocky solutions in time. In addition, our algorithm incorporates a covariance or scale matrix to simultaneously constrain P‐ and S‐wave velocities and density. This a priori information is obtained by nearby well‐log data. We also include a term containing a low‐frequency background model. The l2, 1 mixed norm leads to a convex objective function that can be minimised using proximal algorithms. In particular, we use the fast iterative shrinkage‐thresholding algorithm. A key advantage of this algorithm is that it only requires matrix–vector multiplications and no direct matrix inversion. The latter makes our algorithm numerically stable, easy to apply, and economical in terms of computational cost. Tests on synthetic and field data show that the proposed method, contrarily to conventional l2‐ or l1‐norm regularised solutions, is able to provide consistent blocky and/or sparse estimators of P‐ and S‐wave velocities and density from a noisy and limited number of observations.  相似文献   
An innovative approach for regionalizing the 3‐D effective porosity field is presented and applied to two large, overexploited, and deeply weathered crystalline aquifers located in southern India. The method derives from earlier work on regionalizing a 2‐D effective porosity field in that part of an aquifer where the water table fluctuates, which is now extended over the entire aquifer using a 3‐D approach. A method based on geological and geophysical surveys has also been developed for mapping the weathering profile layers (saprolite and fractured layers). The method for regionalizing 3‐D effective porosity combines water table fluctuation and groundwater budget techniques at various cell sizes with the use of satellite‐based data (for groundwater abstraction), the structure of the weathering profile, and geostatistical techniques. The approach is presented in detail for the Kudaliar watershed (983 km2) and tested on the 730 km2 Anantapur watershed. At watershed scale, the effective porosity of the aquifer ranges from 0.5% to 2% in Kudaliar and between 0.3% and 1% in Anantapur, which agrees with earlier works. Results show that (a) depending on the geology and on the structure of the weathering profile, the vertical distribution of effective porosity can be very different and that the fractured layers in crystalline aquifers are not necessarily characterized by a rapid decrease in effective porosity and (b) that the lateral variations in effective porosity can be larger than the vertical ones. These variations suggest that within a same weathering profile, the density of open fractures and/or degree of weathering in the fractured zone may significantly vary from a place to another. The proposed method provides information on the spatial distribution of effective porosity that is of prime interest in terms of flux and contaminant transport in crystalline aquifers. Implications for mapping groundwater storage and scarcity are also discussed, which should help in improving groundwater resource management strategies.  相似文献   
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