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A simplified method with a dynamic Winkler model to study the seismic response of composite caisson–piles foundations (CCPF1) is developed. Firstly, with the dynamic Winkler model, the kinematic response of the CCPF subjected to vertically propagating seismic S-wave is analyzed by coupling the responses of caisson part and pile part. Secondly, a simplified model for the foundation–structure system is created with the structure simplified as a lumped mass connected to the foundation with an elastic column, and through the Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) this model is enabled to solve transient seismic problems. Thirdly, the proposed method for the seismic response of CCPF-structure systems is verified by comparison against 3D dynamic finite element simulation, in which the Domain Reduction Method (DRM2) is utilized. Lastly, the mechanism and significance of adding piles in improving the earthquake resistance of the foundation and structure is analyzed through an example with different soil conditions. Discovered in this study is that adding piles under the caisson is an efficient way to increase seismic resistant capability of the soil–foundation–structure system, and the main mechanism of that is the elimination of the pseudo-resonance.  相似文献   
山区高填方地基处理简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对山区高填方常用的地基处理方法进行介绍,阐述山区高填方的地基处理设计、施工、检测需要注意的问题,最后通过三个山区高填方案例,总结了采用分层碾压法、分层强夯法是山区高填方地基处理比较有效理想的地基处理方法。  相似文献   
基于全站仪对任意亮星的观测采样,提出了一种利用高度角序列和水平角速率进行联合匹配的任意亮星识别算法。通过引入天体地平坐标计算程序,算法可正确辨别行星和恒星。本文分析了任意亮星高度角和水平角速率的观测误差和计算误差,以此给出了匹配阈值条件的设定依据,并在此基础上制定了有效的匹配策略。仿真计算及实际观测试验均表明,该算法具有100%的识别成功率,远优于现有算法。将此算法应用于任意亮星天文定向,定向结果的内符合精度达到2″,外部检核精度达到1.6″。采用多颗任意亮星进行定向,可有效减弱由测站位置误差引入的定向系统误差,提高绝对定向精度。本文提出的天文定向适用于多云及雾霾天气。  相似文献   
This paper gives a brief presentation of the study on foundation of a residential business complex. The unfavourable geotechnical conditions of the site considered led to the need to improve the natural foundation soil. The most favourable and rational solution for providing safety and stability of structures was the combination of gravel and a sub-base. Computations were done as follows: analysis of the stress–strain state by using the parameters of the natural non-improved soil and analyses performed by using the parameters of the improved soil. The results from these analyses were used for analysis of the integral soil–structure system. Hence, complete information on the possibility for optimisation of the foundation structure was obtained.  相似文献   
夏露 《地质论评》2023,69(5):2023050022-2023050022
地下水属于基础性、战略性水资源,其科学开发利用和保护关系到人类社会与生态系统的协同健康发展。因此,地下水一直是自然科学关注的热点和焦点之一。笔者统计分析了1986~2022年期间国家自然科学基金委对地下水科学领域的资助情况,从受资助项目的学部学科分布、项目类型和主要研究方向入手,总结了地下水科学研究现状,揭示了目前存在的短板和瓶颈问题,并分析了地下水科学发展趋势。研究结果表明:①地下水科学领域资助项目的数量和类型均呈快速增长态势;②地下水科学领域与其他学科领域的交叉融合越来越频繁、紧密,涉及多个学部和学科,申报与资助均呈现“多点开花”态势;③地下水科学作为地球科学的分支学科,面临新的机遇和挑战,许多重大科学问题亟待解决,需进一步提高重大项目支持力度;④地下水科学研究具备与更多相关领域交叉渗透的潜力,如海洋学、化学、气象学和大气科学等,国家自然科学基金委可为地下水科学与其他学科交叉提供培育平台。  相似文献   
李书春 《江苏地质》2012,36(2):198-202
在大型工程的岩土工程勘察中,如何确定岩石地基的承载力,直接影响到建筑的质量、造价和进度。载荷试验作为模拟建筑物基础受力条件的试验,科学、直观地提供了地基的承载力和变形模量,给设计部门提供了不可或缺的设计依据。然而,岩基载荷试验结果受基岩埋深及孔径的影响尚不清楚。利用ABAQUS有限元分析软件,对深层岩基载荷试验影响因素进行数值模拟分析,得出的结论可为今后岩土工程勘察提供借鉴。  相似文献   
水电站坝的砂层地基地震液化可靠度研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对四川地区江河上数座水电站坝基砂层的26组动力三轴试验资料进行了统计分析,基于动剪应力比法的液化判别方法推导了的地震液化的极限状态方程,使用蒙特卡洛随机抽样的方法计算了砂层液化的失效概率,并对某水电站的厂房地基砂层的液化可靠度进行了计算分析。研究表明,统计按粉砂样总体和中细砂样总体划分较为合理;砂层的动剪应力比可采用正态分布;电站砂层地基地震液化的最危险工况为,闸坝盖重加稳定的向上渗流及遭遇Ⅶ度地震荷载,为高液化风险,其液化概率随埋深加大而增大,最危险部位为砂层底板,对坝基砂层应进行抗液化处理。  相似文献   
高文信 《云南地质》2014,(2):268-272
基于瑞雷波测试原理及测试方法,主要研究了瑞雷波检测结果在含块石人工填土强夯地基处理中的应用.瑞雷波检测数据不仅可以对场地均匀性及有效加固深度进行评价,采这数据,结合其它检测手段,还可以确定强夯地基的变形模量、地基承载力、地基沉降量等地基参数,具有现实的工程指导意义.  相似文献   
针对北京市基础地理信息DLG数据库物理无缝数据层的更新方案进行了探讨,并介绍了具体更新流程设计及相应的更新编辑实施方法,旨在建立一种高效可行的物理无缝数据更新机制,以减少对不同比例尺每一版更新数据的重复拼接整合工作。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the role of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in advancing human geography in China by focusing on five key research areas: land use, urban systems and urban agglomeration, economic globalization, climate change and social and cultural geographies. All NSFC-funded human geography programs related to these five topics from 1986 to 2017 comprise the sample for analysis, and the research topics, content, teams, and peer-reviewed journal publications supported by these programs are investigated. Specifically, this paper analyzes the NSFC’s promotion of the expansion of research topics in response to national developmental needs and the shifting frontiers of human geography research internationally, its enhancement of interdisciplinary research, and its contributions to the assembly of specialized research teams. The paper also reports important progress in Chinese human geography over the past 30 years through the institutional lens of the NSFC, revealing major characteristics and trends in the discipline. The paper concludes by calling for further collaboration between the research community and the NSFC for the development of a locally suitable and globally influential Chinese human geography.  相似文献   
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