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文章将三种以面积平衡为原理的几何学方法应用在物理模拟拉张实验中,对比三种方法的结果与模型设计参数间的 误差,讨论了三种方法的优缺点和适用范围。其中层长守恒方法需要假设在构造变形过程中层长保持不变,通过曲线拉直 可以恢复构造各阶段拉张量和拉张总量。利用面积守恒可以计算拉张构造中滑脱层深度,面积深度法允许构造变形过程中 层长和层厚的变化,多个构造前沉积地层的面积深度拟合直线可以反映构造整体拉张量和滑脱层深度。面积守恒法在已知 构造滑脱层位置的基础上,通过同构造沉积地层可以计算出拉张活动不同阶段拉张量变化和拉张总量。结合琼东南长昌凹 陷剖面特征,面积守恒法是计算其拉张量变化最准确又有效的方法,面积守恒法应用结果确定过长昌凹陷剖面在岭头组、 崖城组和陵水组沉积阶段的拉张量分别为13.8 km、15 km和21.4 km,拉张总量为50.2 km,拉张率为42.7%。三种方法在物 理模拟实验和琼东南盆地中的应用结果表明,在伸张构造中由于剪切变形作用,基于面积守恒的方法优于层长守恒的方 法。面积深度法利用构造前沉积地层的几何形态来预测构造整体拉张量和滑脱层深度,面积守恒法可以利用同构造沉积地 层和已知的滑脱层位置来预测拉张构造整体的拉张量和不同阶段的拉张量变化。  相似文献   
在干旱少雨的山区开展小流域的暴雨山洪预报预警关键技术研究,对防灾减灾意义重大。2018年7月31日新疆哈密北部山区出现特大暴雨,发生罕见的山洪灾害,致使射月沟流域水库漫坝溃口,下游受灾严重。射月沟流域气象观测站点少且缺乏水文监测资料,为客观定量分析射月沟流域大暴雨面雨量、形成的洪水汇水量以及致灾水库过程。通过采用空间插值法和多源融合逐时降水资料(CMPAS)计算了射月沟水库上游面雨量并进行检验分析。根据不同面雨量驱动Floodarea模型得出射月沟水库上游累计汇水量,结果表明:多源融合降水产品估算所得最大洪峰流量和累计汇水量与水利部门事后调查数据较吻合,最大洪峰量为1 756 m3·s-1,精确性达到调查值的95%,射月沟水库上游暴雨山洪总量为2.64×107 m3,远超该水库的防洪库容和溢洪道承载能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine local level spatiotemporal rainfall and temperature variability in drought-prone districts of rural Sidama, Central Rift Valley region of Ethiopia. The study used 129 gridded monthly rainfall and temperature data of 32 years (1983–2014). The gridded rainfall and temperature records were encoded into GIS software and evaluated through different statistical and geospatial techniques. Mann-Kendal rank test and F distribution tests were used to test temporal and spatial statistical significance, respectively, of the data. The analysis revealed that Belg and Kiremt are the main rainfall seasons, constituting 81% of the annual rainfall. Although annual, Kiremt, and Belg rainfall amounts appear to have decreased over time, the decreasing trend is statistically significant only for Belg rainfall records. On the other hand, rainfall standard anomaly results indicated seven droughts of different magnitudes: one extreme, two severe, and four moderate. The study also revealed increasing temperature trends over the years under consideration that are statistically significant. The findings of this study on rainfall contradict other findings obtained around the study area. Thus, climate change adaptations need to focus on location-specific climate data analysis so that the intended adaptive interventions can be successful.  相似文献   
Effects of rainfall patterns on runoff and rainfall-induced erosion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rainfall-induced erosion involves the detachment of soil particles by raindrop impact and their transport by the combined action of the shallow surface runoff and raindrop impact. Although temporal variation in rainfall intensity (pattern) during natural rainstorms is a common phenomenon, the available information is inadequate to understand its effects on runoff and rainfall-induced erosion processes. To address this issue, four simulated rainfall patterns (constant, increasing, decreasing, and increasing - decreasing) with the same total kinetic energy were designed. Two soil types (sandy and sandy loam) were subjected to simulated rainfall using 15?cm × 30?cm long detachment trays under infiltration conditions. For each simulation, runoff and sediment concentration were sampled at regular intervals. No obvious difference was observed in runoff across the two soil types, but there were significant differences in soil losses among the different rainfall patterns and stages. For varying-intensity rainfall patterns, the dominant sediment transport mechanism was not only influenced by raindrop detachment but also was affected by raindrop-induced shallow flow transport. Moreover, the efficiency of equations that predict the interrill erosion rate increased when the integrated raindrop impact and surface runoff rate were applied. Although the processes of interrill erosion are complex, the findings in this study may provide useful insight for developing models that predict the effects of rainfall pattern on runoff and erosion.  相似文献   
Competition between human use and spring-dependent systems puts these systems in jeopardy. This study analyzed whether Florida springs have experienced reductions in springflow over the last century using time series data from state and federal agencies. Of 57 springs, 26 exhibited negative trends in springflow; these declines were correlated with population growth, with groundwater withdrawals, and to a lesser extent with rainfall. Even in a region with abundant rainfall, population growth has impacted spring integrity.  相似文献   
为提升对长江流域水文地质和地下水资源的认知程度,突破以往单独从地表水或地下水角度进行评价的局限性,长江流域水文地质调查工程以地球系统科学理论和水循环理论为指导,充分考虑地表水与地下水的转化关系,将水文地质单元和地表水流域有机结合,划分长江流域地下水评价单元,建立典型地下水资源评价模型,开展了新一轮长江流域地下水资源评价。评价结果表明:(1)长江流域水循环要素时空分布不均,降水以中游最多,并由东南向西北递减;地表径流主要集中在夏季,且长江北岸比南岸集中程度更高;蒸散发量总体上呈现东部高于西部的特征,最大值集中在长江中游一带;长江流域地下水位总体保持稳定,丰枯季水位变化总体不大,一般小于2 m;长三角超采区的地下水漏斗面积已明显减小,相关环境地质问题得到了有效控制。(2)2020年长江流域的地下水资源总量2421.70亿m~3/a,其中山丘区地下水资源量2092.79亿m~3/a,平原区地下水资源量331.35亿m~3/a;地下水储存量较2019年整体略有增加趋势,其中四川盆地最为明显,共增加23.72亿m~3。(3)长江流域的水质上游优于下游,优质地下水主要分布在赣南地区和大别山南麓一带,部分地区水质较差的主要原因是原生劣质水的广泛分布。长江流域地下水开发利用水平整体很低,局部地区由于过往不合理的开发所引发的环境地质问题已得到缓解,岩溶塌陷、地面沉降等问题得到了较好控制。建议适当开发利用赣南地区和大别山南麓一带优质的基岩裂隙水。  相似文献   
刘军  石鹏飞  孙凯 《岩土工程技术》2021,(2):134-136,F0003
对土工试验方法标准的新旧规范中无荷膨胀率和有荷膨胀率的变化内容进行对比分析,发现两者的计算公式发生显著变化,新规范的计算结果与旧规范相比,膨胀率明显变大,膨胀量随之增大,这将对工程勘察、设计、施工等产生明显影响。以某工程为例,新规范计算后地层总膨胀量由旧规范的16.7 mm变为51.8 mm,增加了2倍左右,地基土的胀缩等级由Ⅰ级变为Ⅱ级,地基基础设计等级由丙级变为乙级,地基处理措施和施工方案随之也发生改变。因此,工程技术人员对此应综合考虑,严谨对待。  相似文献   
曾智琳  谌芸  朱克云 《大气科学》2019,43(6):1295-1312
在华南北部或长江流域有锋面雨带活动时,华南沿海常常会出现对流性强降水,突发性很强,给预报造成很大的困惑。文章采用多种观测资料、ERA-Interim 0.125°×0.125°逐6 h再分析资料,对2017年6月15~16日华南北部的锋面雨带及沿海强降雨过程开展分析,对比了二者降水特征与环境条件,重点探讨了该次过程华南沿海强降雨的对流触发与维持,揭示了一种由边界层风切变强迫造成涡度持续发展的动力效应。结果表明:(1)锋面雨带与华南沿海强降雨在降水特征上有显著差异,并各有特点。锋面雨带以大尺度层状云降水和弱对流性降水为主,降水强度东段弱西段强。沿海强降雨以对流性降水为主,局地性强、落区集中、强降雨持续时间长、夜发性明显。(2)水汽方程诊断发现沿海强降雨在边界层水平水汽平流项、垂直水汽输送项比锋面雨带东段具有更大量级,大气层结反映出更深厚的暖层、湿层与对流不稳定,是二者降水强度及性质差异的主要原因。(3)莲花山、峨眉嶂造成气流侧向摩擦与正面阻挡促使漯河河谷内垂直涡度发展,暖湿空气堆积上升并达到自由对流高度,触发了华南沿海最初的降水。夜间建立的西南风急流使边界层垂直风速切变增强,水平涡度倾斜部分转化为垂直涡度发展,与风速水平切变造成的垂直涡度叠加,是强降雨持续时间长的动力机制。海陆边界摩擦差异造成水平、垂直两个方向的风切变增强,共同强迫垂直涡度发展是此次强降雨过程对流维持的动力效应。(4)方程诊断表明华南沿海强降雨由对流潜热释放造成的垂直上升速度占总垂直上升速度的39%~75%,持续、稳定的对流潜热释放是强降雨持续时间长的热力驱动因素。  相似文献   
利用逐小时风云卫星TBB资料、逐小时中国自动站与CMORPH降水产品融合数据以及国家级地面观测站24小时累积降水量,统计分析2010~2016年夏季,伴随下游地区(104°E以东)降水的青藏高原云团东传过程以及东传过程中镶嵌于云团中的中尺度对流系统(Mesoscale Convective System,简称MCS)特征。结果表明,共出现120次伴随下游降水的高原云团东传过程,6月出现最频繁,但持续时间较长的过程多出现在7月。云团向东传播的主要三条路径是平直东传、沿长江折向东传和复合东传。其中路径二——沿长江折向东传中的过程是高影响过程,因为过程次数较多(46次),过程平均持续时间较长(62小时),在下游地区引发的降水日数和暴雨日数最多。属于东传过程的MCS在7月形成最多,集中分布在青藏高原东坡、云贵高原东部、长江沿岸及其以南地区。高原MCS影响长江中下游地区降水主要是通过向东传播的形式实现,因为即使生命史更长的中α尺度对流系统(Meso-α Convective System,简称MαCS)也鲜少直接移动至110°E以东地区。不同区域的中α尺度持续性拉长形对流系统(Permanent Elongated Convective System,简称PECS)的日变化特征显示,东传过程MCS更容易在夜间从高原东坡向东传播至下游地区。在三条路径中,路径二中的东传过程MCS数量最多、在下游地区发展最旺盛并与降水日数和覆盖范围存在更好的对应关系。  相似文献   
To carry out this research, interpolated data of daily rainfall from Iran’s Asfazari data base during 1/1/1979–31/12/2013 is used. The day along with pervasive rainfall considered a day that at least 50% of Iran’s territory has received more than 1 mm for at least two consecutive days. Based on mentioned thresholds, 224 days selected for statistical analysis. The sea level pressure data, zonal and meridional wind components and specific humidity with spatial resolution of 0.25*0.25 Gaussian degree in spatial domain of 10 °N to 60 °N and 15 °E to 75 °E obtained from the European Center for Medium range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) ERA-Interim for selected days. Then on the data matrix of sea level pressure, the cluster analysis by Ward linkage method done and 4 sea level pressure patterns with different configuration of synoptic systems were identified. The findings showed that in the sea level, the interaction between southern thermal low pressure systems (Arabia low pressure) with Europe and Siberia cold immigrant high pressure both by individual and integration and anticyclone circulation of Arab sea from the low level of 1000–500 hPa of troposphere have the most role on occurrence of durable and pervasive rainfall of Iran. The most Vertically Integrated Moisture Flux Convergence in the first layer of troposphere (1000–850 hPa) observed in low height regions, in the second layer of troposphere (775–700 hPa) on Zagros Mountains and in third layer of troposphere (600–500 hPa) is seen in mountains leeward of Iran. Also the results showed that the maximum rainfall cores has the most coordination with Vertically Integrated Moisture Flux Convergence (VIMFC) in the second layer of troposphere (775–700 hPa) on the Zagros heights in the southwest of Iran.  相似文献   
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