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为进一步了解蔚县地区农村房屋的抗震性能,在该地区选取43个村庄、7732栋房屋进行实地调查和统计分析。主要调查房屋结构、建筑材料、房屋抗震构造措施等内容,分析各结构类型房屋抗震薄弱环节及房屋抗震性能,并统计分析经济、交通、地形等因素与房屋结构类型及抗震性能的关系,提出提高该地区农村房屋抗震性能的建议。  相似文献   
丁华  丁辉  张悦  廖文强  陈鑫源 《地质论评》2021,67(2):467-474
区域综合地质调查是助力乡村振兴的基础性工作和重要技术支撑。本研究基于地质视角解读乡村振兴,围绕乡村人地安全、产业发展、地质文化、环境保护等方面进行剖析,提出地质灾害调查、工程地质评价、水文地质调查、农业地质调查、旅游地质遗迹调查等区域综合地质调查助力乡村振兴的关键内容;为提高助力效率效果,需做好项目顶层设计、制定乡村地区区域地质调查技术要求等标准、构建服务地方工作机制、开展系统人才培训培养等战略路径。未来乡村发展中,应进一步解决区域统筹部署与重点发展村镇选择、综合地质调查与乡村规划建设空间尺度匹配、综合地质调查和纵向专业性调查配合使用、工程地质评价与乡村地下空间集约利用、地质文化村建设与乡村规划建设衔接等问题,不断提高区域综合地质调查技术方法的服务能力,为乡村可持续振兴提供解决思路和方案。  相似文献   
九寨沟7.0级地震房屋震害现场调查及其破坏特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2017年8月8日四川省阿坝州九寨沟县发生7.0级地震,震源深度20 km,造成大量房屋不同程度的破坏,引发地质灾害。针对Ⅷ、Ⅸ区的337栋不同结构类型的房屋进行了震害特征分析,给出震害矩阵,揭示各类结构房屋的破坏机理。经过统计,所调查的房屋中3.3%的建筑保持完好,19.9%的建筑发生轻微破坏,51.3%的建筑发生中等破坏,21.1%的建筑发生严重破坏,4.5%的建筑发生毁坏。经过调查,钢筋混凝土框架结构、大跨度空间结构、钢框架结构以及采用木板作为填充墙的穿斗式木构架房屋在本次地震中表现良好。分析表明,经过合理的抗震设计,基本达到了中震可修的抗震设防目标,极大程度地保护了人们的生命及财产安全。  相似文献   
为了解辽宁省地震重点监视防御区典型村镇房屋抗震能力现状,通过现场调查的方式对辽阳、锦州和盘锦等地的村镇民居进行了随机抽样调查,并从场地选择、地基基础、建筑材料、构件的连接及抗震构造措施等方面对其抗震性能进行了分析。总体上看:房屋抗震能力不足的比例占85%左右,主要体现在抗震构造措施缺失及构件连接问题上。在此基础上对提高村镇房屋抗震性能提出了一些对策和建议,为辽宁省农村防震减灾工作提供参考。  相似文献   
Accelerated by economic reforms, a large scale migration of younger workers from rural to urban China has taken place since the 1990s. This has separated many adult children from their ageing parents and imposed significant challenges on traditional patterns of familial support for rural older people. These challenges are augmented by the fact that in rural China the elderly have been deprived a state pension and other welfare provisions available to urban residents.Drawing upon qualitative data from a project on ageing in rural China, this article examines the agency of older people and their families in responding to geographical separation resulting from the migration of the economically active to the cities. Through 32 life history interviews with multiple generations of nine households in one rural village, this article sheds light on the resilience and flexibility of rural households which have experienced migration and highlights the webs of interdependence that feature in the daily strategies of householding. It shows how members of the household across different geographical locations worked together to build and maintain the collective welfare of the family. In particular, this article argues that it would be over simplistic to suggest that migration is always detrimental to the older generation who stay behind. Contrary to assumptions in some migration studies and ageing literature in China, it shows that it is the breakdown of the webs of interdependence and reciprocity rather than the event of migration that will have inevitable negative effects upon old age care for the seniors in the household. Further, while highlighting the significance of householding, this article reveals the internal dynamics within a household. It identifies the role of gender in daily householding and suggests that the caring, supportive and kin-keeping roles performed mainly by women played a critical role in ensuring social and physical reproduction across generations. The article finds that while daughters took over some responsibilities which were traditionally expected from their brothers and sisters-in-law in old age support, the persistence of gendered practices and traditions in rural villages allowed sons more symbolic status and material benefits.  相似文献   
以张掖市甘州区为例,利用系统科学理论与方法,研究农村居民点整理与农村社会经济之间的动态耦合规律,并以甘州区18个乡镇为研究单元,构建了农村居民点用地整理分区评价指标体系,利用熵值法确定权重,计算农村居民点整理的综合评价值,运用层次筛选法将研究区划分为5个整理区。研究结果:①甘州区农村居民点与农村社会经济的耦合度演化分为3个阶段:1995—1997年,二者不甚协调;1998—2003年,二者都处于持续、稳定、最佳协调发展状态;2004—2007年,二者处于相对稳定协调状态;目前二者处于不甚协调发展阶段。②农村居民点整理分区包括优先整理区、强化整理区、适度整理区、一般整理区和完善整理区。  相似文献   
东明县农村宅基地管理中,非法占地、非法转让土地、超面积占地、一户多宅、擅自改变宅基地用途和批新不交旧等各种违法行为普遍存在,造成了农村宅基地管理混乱的局面。针对存在的问题,提出了加强法制宣传力度,制定政策抓管理落实,节约挖潜整治土地资源,推进城乡一体化发展等对策建议。  相似文献   
农村宅基地管理工作中,非法占地、非法转让土地、超面积占地、一户多宅、擅自改变宅基地用途和划新不丢旧等各种违法行为层出不穷,造成了农村宅基地管理混乱的局面。因此,必须加强宣传,做好规划、编制,完善相关法律、法规及执法监察等工作。  相似文献   
随着农业和农村经济的发展,特别是农业产业化经营的兴起和农村劳动力转移的推进,农村土地承包经营权流转速度明显加快,规模不断扩大。该文论述了我国农村土地承包经营权流转的现状,针对目前农村土地承包经营权流转过程中出现的问题,从现行的法律体系中寻找解决思路,并对现行法律中的不足之处,提出了改良建议。  相似文献   
This paper examines the importance of national-level institutional arrangements for promoting the EU’s Protected Geographic Indication scheme (PGI). Taking the example of Ireland, for which PGI designations remain comparatively low, it explores whether the approach to providing institutional supports to the PGI scheme is influenced by top-down technocratic governance structures that pertain to food safety and quality certification that encompass the broader operating environment for food production in Ireland. Although the regulation of food safety and quality certification are distinct remits to the administration of the PGI scheme, in the Irish context the same institutional bodies are involved in governance of both. Using a discourse analysis interpretative framework, this paper draws on interviews with Irish producer group members and institutional representatives to examine how governance of the PGI scheme reflects management perspectives and practices more in keeping with a regulatory environment for food safety and quality than with development of place-based food product links. It suggests that incentives to avail of the PGI scheme as a means of realising value-added for producers are not well established because they require the development of more subjective, context-dependent processes and practices linked to geographical place and place identity. These are not easily accommodated under current institutional arrangements that also incorporate food safety and quality remits because these are in turn strongly established through nationally and internationally recognised systems of regulation and benchmarking. The findings point to the benefits to be gained from a more layered governance structure for PGI; devolving operation of the scheme to relevant regional and local development organisations that possess the expertise and relevant local knowledge to (a) incentivise the formation of producer groups, and (b) prioritise mentoring and support for PGI concept development as a clearer reflection of bottom-up rural sustainability policy.  相似文献   
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