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中国东部层积云发展过程中云微物理特征的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于2007—2010年的CloudSat卫星观测数据,以云层液态水路径为指标将层积云的发展过程划分为五个阶段,对比研究了中国东部降水与非降水层积云发展过程中云微物理特征和云微物理机制的演变,并分析了其海陆差异.研究表明:非降水层积云中,云滴增长主要通过凝结过程完成,但云滴的凝结增长有限,难以形成降水,在非降水层积云发展的旺盛阶段,云层中上部云滴发生较弱的碰并过程.降水层积云中云滴碰并增长活跃,当云层液态水路径小于500 g·m~(-2)时,云滴在从云顶下落至云底的过程中持续碰并,并在云底附近出现云水向雨水的转化;当降水层积云液态水路径超过500 g·m~(-2)时,云滴碰并增长主要发生在云层上部,在云层中部,云液态水含量、液态粒子数浓度和液态粒子有效半径达到最大,云水向雨水的转化最为活跃.层积云微物理特征的海陆差异主要是由海陆上空气溶胶浓度和云中上升气流强度不同导致的.在非降水层积云中下部,陆地丰富的气溶胶为云滴凝结增长提供了充足的云凝结核,因而云微物理量的量值在陆地上空更大,而在云层中上部,云滴凝结增长达到极限,海洋充足的水汽输送使云微物理量的量值在海洋上空更大.当降水层积云液态水路径大于500 g·m~(-2)时,陆地层积云中更强的上升气流使大量云滴在云层中上部累积滞留,云滴碰并增长活跃,云层中上部云微物理量的量值在陆地上空更大.  相似文献   
Competition between human use and spring-dependent systems puts these systems in jeopardy. This study analyzed whether Florida springs have experienced reductions in springflow over the last century using time series data from state and federal agencies. Of 57 springs, 26 exhibited negative trends in springflow; these declines were correlated with population growth, with groundwater withdrawals, and to a lesser extent with rainfall. Even in a region with abundant rainfall, population growth has impacted spring integrity.  相似文献   
近20多年,济南泉水流量逐渐衰竭,泉水断流时有发生,为保护泉水,恢复泉水喷涌,塑造济南城市形象,该次研究基于50多年的济南地下水勘查、试验和研究成果,实现对城市多源、海量、多期次、多比例尺、异构地质数据的有效管理,然后建立不同地质数据的专业模型,实现对模型时空展布特征的三维可视化再现,并提供对模型的专业处理与分析。最后,从二维三维等水文地质概念模型出发,加入时间维度,由历史积累的时空关系,反映济南城市地下水的时空变化规律,在三维地质模型的基础上实现地下水动态监测数据的嵌入,构成地下水四维地质信息系统,在其空间表征的基础上,介绍了城市地下水的形成,泉水的分布、成因、演化以及泉水断流的原因、保泉供水的对策措施等,引导城市地下水的保护和发展,为政府决策提供参考。  相似文献   
大气CO2浓度增加,大气辐射平衡调整,将影响到大气的辐射加热,对季风环流的产生影响.CMIP6结果显示,大气CO2浓度增加,可减弱季风区主雨季对流层高,低层的辐射加热,加强对流层中层的辐射加热.各季风区加热响应的峰值层次不同:亚洲季风区平均层次最高(500-775 hPa),北非,南美,澳洲季风区次之(550-600 hPa),北美(600hPa)和南非季风区(600-775 hPa)较低.各季风区水云的垂直分布及其长波辐射效应的变化是形成峰值层次差异的主因.  相似文献   
Guided by the theory of groundwater system, based on the groundwater level data from the northern basin of Laiyuan Spring area, the authors took into account factors such as the lithology, geological structure and topography to study the relationship between groundwater recharge, runoff and drainage in this area. It was concluded that the infiltration of atmospheric precipitation is the main source of groundwater supply in this area; the upper layer of the Spring area is distributed with the Cambrian-Lower Ordovician karst water, and the lower layer is filled with the Jixian system karst water. The upper layer of karst water supplies to the lower layer of karst water or the pore water in loose strata through the fault while the lower layer of karst water runs to the three strong runoff belts from the east and west sides of the watershed, southwards into the basin, partially replenishing the pore water in loose strata, or forming fault Springs (e.g. Nanguan Spring, Beihai Spring) when dolomite movement encounters faults. Replenished by atmospheric precipitation and the upper and lower layers of karst waters, the pore water in loose strata joins the groundwater in the southern basin and then flows eastwards, in the end it flows out of the system in Shangfanpu. Through the analyses of groundwater level data and hydrogeological drilling data, based on groundwater D and 18O isotope test results, the karst groundwater circulation system in the northern basin of Laiyuan Spring area is further verified, which provides hydrogeological basis for water resources development and utilization as well as protection in this area.  相似文献   
基于1960—2017年沈阳市5个气象观测站4—5月降水量资料,采用线性趋势法和累积距平分析了沈阳市春播期(4—5月)降水量演变特征,并分析首场透雨及最大连续无有效降水日数演变特征及对春播期降水量影响,对春播期降水量资源变化特征进行相关分析。结果表明:近58a沈阳春播期降水量整体呈现弱的增加趋势,平均每10a增加3.1mm,2004年开始降水量迅速增加,且波动性较大,降水量异常偏多或偏少年份较多,易诱发春旱春涝事件。春播期首场透雨出现日期平均每10a偏晚0.051d,首场透雨日期偏晚,将导致春播期前期雨水条件不足,引起土壤干旱,不利于春播开展。最大连续无有效降水日数呈波动性增加趋势,平均每10a增加0.56d,对4月降水量影响较大,虽然春播期降水资源总量增加,但存在降水资源时间分配不均的问题,且长时间无有效降水事件频发,将导致春播期干旱灾害事件发生风险加大,导致适播期延后。  相似文献   
为了查明山西省晋祠泉泉水断流、泉口水位下降及近年来泉口水位回升的原因,为泉水复流工作提供理论参考,以长系列气象、水文、开采量、泉流量、地下水位等资料为基础,在详细分析了晋祠泉域不同水动力分区年内、年际动态特征的基础上,从自然气候与人类活动两方面出发,阐述了不同历史时期晋祠泉域岩溶水位变化的影响因素。结果表明:1956-1994年,因20世纪80、90年代人工开采量达到历史高峰期,一度超过2.4 m3/s,且80年代以后我国北方干旱化发展趋势较为严重,晋祠泉水流量逐渐减小直至断流;1994-2008年,人工开采量虽有一定程度减少,但仍维持在2.0 m3/s左右,且恰逢连续枯水年,降水量、河流径流量较多年平均值分别减小了11%和27%,此阶段泉口水位快速下降至历史最低值;2008年以后进入相对丰水期,在采取多项措施减少泉域岩溶水开采量的同时,汾河二库蓄水水位逐步抬高,其对岩溶水的渗漏补给量在经历了约2 a的滞后期后到达泉域排泄区,晋祠泉口水位近年来逐步回升。  相似文献   
毫米波雷达云回波的自动分类技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
毫米波雷达在云探测方面比厘米波天气雷达和激光雷达具有显著优势,可获得更多的云粒子信息,是研究云特性的主要遥感探测设备。为了开展对毫米波雷达探测的云回波进行自动分类的研究,利用161次云回波的个例数据,统计得到了卷云、高层云、高积云、层云、层积云和积云6类云型的特征量和其他参量的数值范围,利用分级的多参数阈值判别方法,达到了自动分类的目标,通过与人工分类的初步验证,两种分类结果的一致性达到84%,其中,层云和积云的识别一致较低的原因在于样本数据有限,仅有6次层云和8次积云的个例样本数据。通过更多样本的处理,提取的特征参量更可靠,自动分类的准确率会得到提高,以便将基于毫米波雷达的云分类技术应用于将来的云观测自动化业务。   相似文献   
In this study, linkage between changing characteristics of precipitation extremes and cloud covers over Central India is explored during summer monsoon period using Satellite data (1998–2015). This is a first attempt to relate the changes in cloud cover to the changes in precipitation extremes. Non-rainy cirrus clouds are excluded from this study. Results show that heavy rainfall (≥ 60 mm/day) is associated with cold cloud tops (Tb≤220 K) while moderate rainfall (<60 mm/day and ≥20 mm) occurs mostly with middle clouds (Tb>220 K and ≤245 K). Low level clouds (Tb> 245 K) are responsible for light rainfall (<20 mm/day). Increases in top 20%, 10%, 5% and 1% heavy precipitation relate well with the increases in very deep convective, deep convective and convective cloud cover. Among these relations, increase in top 5% heavy precipitation relates best with increase in very deep convective cloud cover. Decrease in bottom 30% low precipitation relates with decrease in low level cloud cover. The results reported in this study fit into the framework of how weather extremes respond to climate change.  相似文献   
The Western Yunnan Earthquake Predication Test Site set up jointly by the China Earthquake Administration, the National Science Foundation Commission of America, and United States Geological Survey has played an important role in development of early earthquake research work in China. Due to various objective reasons, most of the predicted targets in the earthquake prediction test site have not been achieved, and the development has been hindered. In recent years, the experiment site has been reconsidered, and renamed the “Earthquake Science Experimental Site”. Combined with the current development of seismology and the practical needs of disaster prevention and mitigation, we propose adding the “Underground Cloud Map” as the new direction of the experimental site. Using highly repeatable, environmentally friendly and safe airgun sources, we could send constant seismic signals, which realizes continuous monitoring of subsurface velocity changes. Utilizing the high-resolution 3-D crustal structure from ambient noise tomography, we could obtain 4-D (3-D space + 1-D time) images of subsurface structures, which we termed the “Underground Cloud Map”. The “Underground Cloud Map” can reflect underground velocity and stress changes, providing new means for the earthquake monitoring forecast nationwide, which promotes the conversion of experience-based earthquake prediction to physics-based prediction.  相似文献   
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