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为提高海岛测绘的技术手段,将无人机引入海岛地形调查中,以Swallow-P小型固定翼无人机开展惠州市大亚湾虎洲海岛大比例尺测图为例,系统归纳了无人机外业数据采集与内业数据处理的具体流程,并制作了DEM和DOM成果;经过实测地面点精度分析得出虎洲无人机大比例尺测图成果平面位置中误差和高程中误差符合1∶1000测图精度要求。  相似文献   
为实现对用海项目施工期悬浮泥沙扩散的实时跟踪监测,尝试采用无人机携带可见光、多光谱传感器对古雷围填海项目的围堰区进行遥感探测。利用Pix4d软件对无人机携带的可见光及多光谱照片进行处理,结果表明,可见光及多光谱影像对水体中的悬浮泥沙分布均具有一定的识别能力。通过研究分析多光谱影像的光谱特征发现,近红外波段对悬浮泥沙含量的升高较为敏感,运用波段比值公式计算结果显示,围堰内含沙水体经溢流口排入海域后浓度明显降低,并可向南继续扩散约300 m。该方法可克服遥感卫星影像时空分辨率低的特点,为用海项目资源环境影响跟踪监测提供新的技术手段。  相似文献   
Coastal boulder fields provide clues to long-term frequency-magnitude patterns of coastal flooding events and have the potential to play an important role in coastal hazard assessment. Mapping boulders in the field is time and labour-intensive, and work on intertidal reef platforms, as in the present study, is physically challenging. By addressing coastal scientists who are not specialists in remote sensing, this contribution reports on the possibilities and limitations of digital applications in boulder mapping in Eastern Samar, Philippines, where recent supertyphoons Haiyan and Hagupit induced high waves, coastal flooding and boulder transport. It is demonstrated how satellite imagery of sub-metre resolution (from Pléiades and WorldView-3 imagery) enables efficient analysis of transport vectors and distances of larger boulders, reflecting variation in latitudes of both typhoon tracks and approaching angles of typhoon-generated waves. During the investigated events, boulders with a-axes of up to 8 m were clearly identified to have been shifted for up to 32 m, mostly along the seaward margin of the boulder field. It is, however, hard to keep track of smaller boulders, and the length of a-axes and b-axes including their orientation is often impossible to map with sufficient accuracy. Orthophotographs and digital surface models created through the application of an unmanned aerial vehicle and the ‘Structure from Motion’ technique provide ultra-high-resolution data, and have the potential to not only improve the results of satellite image analysis, but also those from field mapping and may significantly reduce overall time in the field. Orthophotographs permit unequivocal mapping of a-axes and b-axes including their orientation, while precise values for c-axes can be derived from the respective digital surface models. Volume of boulders is best inferred from boulder-specific Structure from Motion-based three-dimensional models. Battery power, flight speed and altitude determine the limits of the area covered, while patches shielded by the boulders are difficult to resolve. For some tasks, field mapping remains mandatory and cannot be replaced by currently available remote sensing tools: for example, sampling for rock type, density and age dating, recording of lithological separation of boulders from the underlying geological unit and of geomorphic features on a millimetre to decimetre-scale, or documentation of fine-grained sediment transport in between the boulders in supratidal settings. In terms of future events, the digital products presented here will provide a valuable reference to track boulder transport on a centimetre to decimetre-scale and to better understand the hydrodynamics of extreme-wave events on a fringing reef coastline.  相似文献   
张衡  李骁  叶朋飞 《测绘通报》2020,(1):102-106
使用无人机实施测绘航空摄影时,由于无人机相对航高较低,地面起伏会对无人机影像的分辨率、覆盖范围、重叠度造成较大的影响,影像成果会出现分辨率不足、重叠度不够、覆盖漏洞等缺陷。针对这一情况,本文提出了一种利用数字微分正解法的计算方法,借助DEM准确计算每张影像的覆盖范围,并使用FME软件高效生成全部影像的覆盖范围。经过实际使用,验证了该方法可以在航线设计阶段准确预测并分析全部影像的覆盖范围、重叠度,因此可及时发现设计问题并调整航线。该方法可以有效减少因地形起伏造成的影像覆盖缺陷,减少返工现象,从整体上提高了作业效率。  相似文献   
智慧地铁的建设需要三维模型的支撑,运用倾斜摄影测量技术,结合三维可视化技术,为智慧地铁提供了三维数据支撑,推动了全生命周期智慧地铁建设的全面发展。本文旨在以雄安新区城市轨道交通R1线为研究区,对其沿线85 km进行了无人机航飞工作,通过数据处理获取了沿线三维实景模型,并对模型成果精度进行了详细对比。结果表明,此次倾斜摄影测量成果满足1:500比例尺要求。此外,还对倾斜摄影测量技术在城市轨道交通建设中的相关应用进行了介绍,为城市轨道交通建设工作由二维向三维转变开拓了新的方向。  相似文献   
车载移动测量系统可以快速、高精度地对测区进行三维激光扫描,但是因地物遮挡、视角限制,使得点云数据存在缺失;无人机航测具有高效率、高灵活性和低成本等优势,但是稳定性差,受天气影像严重,易导致影像不清晰或精度低。无人机航测技术可以弥补车载移动测量技术的采集盲区,后者可以发挥高精度的优点,二者技术联合应用,将极大提高测绘精度及生产效率。本文以某小区为例,进行了相关方法实验,对建筑物顶部或植被茂密处等扫描盲区,采用无人机航测补测,通过高精度激光点云对航摄影像进行纠正匹配,综合利用激光点云与航摄影像进行大比例尺测图。  相似文献   
Soil surface roughness (SSR) is an important factor in controlling sediment and runoff generation, influencing directly a wide spectrum of erosion parameters. SSR is highly variable in time and space under natural conditions, and characterizing SSR to improve the parameterization of hydrological and erosion models has proved challenging. Our study uses recent technological and algorithmic developments in capturing and processing close aerial sensing data to evaluate how high-resolution imagery can assist the temporally and spatially explicit monitoring of SSR. We evaluated the evolution of SSR under natural rainfall and growing vegetation conditions on two arable fields in Denmark. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry was used to monitor small field plots over 7 months after seeding of winter wheat following conventional and reduced tillage treatments. Field campaigns were conducted at least once a month from October until April, resulting in nine time steps of data acquisition. Structure from motion photogrammetry was used to derive high-resolution point clouds with an average ground sampling distance of 2.7 mm and a mean ground control point accuracy of 1.8 mm. A comprehensive workflow was developed to process the point clouds, including the detection of vegetation and the removal of vegetation-induced point cloud noise. Rasterized and filtered point clouds were then used to determine SSR geostatistically as the standard deviation of height, applying different kernel sizes and using semivariograms. The results showed an influence of kernel size on roughness, with a value range of 0.2–1 cm of average height deviation during the monitoring period. Semivariograms showed a measurable decrease in sill variance and an increase in range over time. This research demonstrated multiple challenges to measuring SSR with UAV under natural conditions with increasing vegetation cover. The proposed workflow represents a step forward in tackling those challenges and provides a knowledge base for future research. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
To support the adoption of precision agricultural practices in horticultural tree crops, prior research has investigated the relationship between crop vigour (height, canopy density, health) as measured by remote sensing technologies, to fruit quality, yield and pruning requirements. However, few studies have compared the accuracy of different remote sensing technologies for the estimation of tree height. In this study, we evaluated the accuracy, flexibility, aerial coverage and limitations of five techniques to measure the height of two types of horticultural tree crops, mango and avocado trees. Canopy height estimates from Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) were used as a reference dataset against height estimates from Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data, WorldView-3 (WV-3) stereo imagery, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) based RGB and multi-spectral imagery, and field measurements. Overall, imagery obtained from the UAV platform were found to provide tree height measurement comparable to that from the TLS (R2 = 0.89, RMSE = 0.19 m and rRMSE = 5.37 % for mango trees; R2 = 0.81, RMSE = 0.42 m and rRMSE = 4.75 % for avocado trees), although coverage area is limited to 1–10 km2 due to battery life and line-of-sight flight regulations. The ALS data also achieved reasonable accuracy for both mango and avocado trees (R2 = 0.67, RMSE = 0.24 m and rRMSE = 7.39 % for mango trees; R2 = 0.63, RMSE = 0.43 m and rRMSE = 5.04 % for avocado trees), providing both optimal point density and flight altitude, and therefore offers an effective platform for large areas (10 km2–100 km2). However, cost and availability of ALS data is a consideration. WV-3 stereo imagery produced the lowest accuracies for both tree crops (R2 = 0.50, RMSE = 0.84 m and rRMSE = 32.64 % for mango trees; R2 = 0.45, RMSE = 0.74 m and rRMSE = 8.51 % for avocado trees) when compared to other remote sensing platforms, but may still present a viable option due to cost and commercial availability when large area coverage is required. This research provides industries and growers with valuable information on how to select the most appropriate approach and the optimal parameters for each remote sensing platform to assess canopy height for mango and avocado trees.  相似文献   
无人机在重大地质灾害应急调查中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统的地质灾害应急调查受限于地形、天气等外界条件,不能快速全面地获取灾害的详细信息,而无人机具有灵活性强、时效性高和不受复杂地形影响等特点,在地质灾害应急调查中有独特的优势。本文以“6·24”新磨村滑坡和“10·11”白格滑坡为例,阐述了无人机数据获取及处理流程,重点介绍了无人机获取的数字地形产品在地质灾害精确描述、定性及定量分析中的应用。结果表明:无人机摄影测量技术为重大地质灾害应急调查提供了更加科学高效的现场影像采集和遥感成果处理及应用方案,为应急救灾工作的顺利实施及分析研判提供了重要数据支撑,科学有效地保证了现场施工救援人员的安全。  相似文献   
土地增减挂钩项目的质量检查的传统流程需到实地逐一核实,检查周期长。本文提出一种基于无人机航摄的检查技术流程,结合研发的野外实地调绘软件系统,提出一种新型的基于无人机航摄的增减挂钩项目质量检查流程,并基于DOM检查构建指标评价体系。流程优化了传统外业检查流程,实现地块的全覆盖内业检查和外业的实时取证,确保成果耕地质量指标的准确性,对土地增减挂钩项目给予客观评价。评价体系的应用选取广西几个县增减挂钩为研究对象,探究体系评价的合理性,初步确定该方法基本可行。  相似文献   
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