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为揭示树木的不同空间配植方案对行人呼吸高度气流的影响,本文将树木视为均匀多孔介质,通过附加源项法从空气动力学角度用CFD模拟了H/W=2的典型深街谷几何内4种树木配植情景,实验表明,不同空间配置下树木对街谷内行人呼吸高度处局地气流的影响强弱在空间分布模式上差异悬殊:① 均匀种植的树木对街谷内行人呼吸高度的气流起到阻碍作用,不均匀种植则有效提升街谷的整体流速。4种空间配植方案下树木对气流的影响程度不同,阻碍作用从大到小的顺序为均匀间距8 m(Spa8m)>均匀间距6 m(Spa6m)>均匀间距20 m(Spa20m)>不均匀配植(Non-uniform);对应的平均气流增强指标顺序为$\bar{D}_{spa8}$(-19.31%)<$\bar{D}_{spa6}$(-16.14%)<$\bar{D}_{spa20}$(-10.73%)<$\bar{D}_{non-uniform}$(1.25%)。② 对比不均匀和均匀的种植方案,不均匀植树的街谷内部行人呼吸高度的气流流速比其对照案例(均匀植树Spa8m方案)整体增强了106.49%。街谷中部不种树,在街谷两端配置树木并预留足够的自由空间的不均匀植树方案,能够让角涡渗入街谷中部,促使街谷内部的垂直漩涡和两端的水平角涡运动,增强湍流和垂直交换,有效减少了街道两端“风口效应”和街道中部“风影效应”的区域,改善了整个街谷行人呼吸平面的风环境。④ 合理空间配置的树木能够改善街谷内部的行人风环境。街谷内行人呼吸高度处的气流对局地条件很敏感,树木的局部配置(空间簇集、密度)将引起强烈的空间变化。在既有城市建筑布局条件下,如何通过谨慎的景观设计,利用树木等城市绿化措施有效地改善城市的行人风环境,缓解污染扩散、疾病传播等问题,本文的方法可提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
高山峡谷区是滑坡灾害频发地区,随着气候变化和人类活动加剧,滑坡呈多发、频发态势。本文选择坐落于横断山高山峡谷区的西藏江达县作为研究区,利用野外调查获取的85个滑坡数据,选取坡度、河流密度、地貌类型、降水量、距断层距离、道路密度、地震动峰值加速度、岩性等8个稳定性影响因素,运用地理探测器对滑坡稳定性的影响因素进行了探测。结果表明:(1)按滑坡体体积划分等级,江达县滑坡主要以中、小型滑坡为主;按其稳定性划分,50%以上的滑坡处于稳定状态;按危险等级划分,以Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级为主;江达县滑坡主要沿河流与道路分布,全县地面调查发现85处滑坡全部分布于河流附近,其中71.76%的滑坡分布于道路两侧。(2)江达县滑坡稳定性的主要影响因子为地貌类型、河流密度、道路密度和距断层距离,其贡献率分别为0.501,0.477,0.465,0.332;当影响因子两两相互作用时,因子解释力总是大于单个因子对滑坡稳定性的解释力,即当两种影响因子相互作用时,对于滑坡的失稳具有促进作用。  相似文献   
采用样方法和土地利用转移矩阵,以贵州省西南部的晴隆县为研究区域,研究了典型喀斯特峡谷区不同土地利用类型在1988、1999和2009年的碳储量空间格局和演变过程,并由此估算了贵州省喀斯特峡谷区的碳储量及贡献率。结果表明:晴隆县喀斯特区域的碳储量和平均碳密度呈先减少后增加的趋势。由晴隆县不同情况下的碳储量比例关系,估算出贵州省喀斯特峡谷区碳储量的实际值为42.55 Tg。同时,研究结果表明人类活动对碳储量的空间格局和演变有很大的影响。此外,估算的贵州省喀斯特峡谷区生态系统的平均碳密度远高于中国陆地生态系统的平均值,土壤平均碳密度则接近全国陆地生态系统平均值,但其植被平均碳密度却远高于全国陆地生态系统平均值,与全国森林系统的植被平均碳密度持平。这说明喀斯特峡谷区具有极大的固碳潜力,对其进行石漠化防治,是极其必要的。  相似文献   
南海北部琼东南盆地陵水段峡谷沉积建造及勘探意义   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
琼东南盆地中央峡谷为一大型轴向峡谷体系,具有明显的"分段性"特征,不同区段沉积充填和内部结构均存在明显的差异,其中陵水段位于峡谷西段,具有非常好的储层物性特征,是深水区峡谷勘探的重点区域。为了进一步精细刻画陵水段峡谷内部水道复合体的沉积充填及沉积微相展布特征,本文借助新增加的三维地震资料和新钻井资料,通过峡谷三级层序界面的识别,将峡谷充填划分为3个三级层序SQ1、SQ2和SQ3,并通过古生物有孔虫化石带、钙质超微化石带及井-震结合确定了峡谷底界为中中新世晚期S40界面,陵水段峡谷自西向东依次识别出6种主要的内部充填结构,且将SQ3层序细分为5个次级层序(SSQ1~SSQ5);结合属性特征,精细刻画了陵水段峡谷内沉积微相平面展布及空间演化特征,并指出点砂坝在SSQ1层序最发育,且规模较大,横向上连片分布,将是下步勘探的有利储集体。  相似文献   
琼东南盆地深水区中央峡谷黄流组物源特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
物源分析作为岩相-古地理研究的前提和基础,物源体系决定了砂体的展布和储集性能。为明确中央峡谷体系黄流组储集体展布规律及下一步勘探方向,本文应用中央峡谷最新钻井资料,采用重矿物组合、锆石U-Pb测年等分析方法,结合地震反射特征,对中央峡谷黄流组物源体系特征进行分析。地震反射特征表明来自海南隆起和昆嵩隆起物源的三角洲体系,通过二次搬运沉积了陆架斜坡区和盆底的低位海底扇,为中央峡谷的沉积充填提供了充足的粗碎屑沉积物;新钻井黄流组样品中重矿物组合以白钛矿、石榴石、磁铁矿含量较高为主要特征,与莺歌海盆地受蓝江物源影响和琼东南盆地受丽水-秋滨河物源影响的地层重矿物组合相似;锆石U-Pb测年分析表明,中央峡谷黄流组地层中样品年龄图谱具有30~2 000Ma变化范围,与莺歌海盆地受昆嵩隆起物源影响的钻井以及越南现代河流采集的沙样具有非常一致的年龄段和丰度。综上所述,中央峡谷受多物源的影响,越南昆嵩隆起为主的琼东南盆地西部物源体系,是琼东南盆地乐东凹陷晚中新世深水扇以及中央峡谷粗碎屑物质的主要沉积物供给来源区。  相似文献   
东海海底地形分区特征和成因研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
东海一直以其特殊的大地构造地位受到国内外地学界的关注,但作为主要受构造控制的东海海底地形的研究,以往简单趋势性描述居多,专门深入系统的研究尚不多见。不久前完成的高精度、全覆盖多波束海底地形勘测覆盖了东海部分外陆架、大陆坡全部、冲绳海槽和东部岛坡的一部分,取得了海量的测深数据。据此编绘的勘测多波束水深图和结合测区外的传统资料编绘的海底地形图使我们有机会可以重新审视和系统研究东海的海底地形特征。在定量确定了陆架坡折线、陆坡坡脚线和东部槽坡坡脚线的基础上划分出了大陆架、大陆坡、冲绳海槽平原和东部岛坡4大地形区,继之对各区的海底地形特征进行了研究和描述,并在区内选取了有代表性的5条剖面进行了剖析。另外,从地球内营力和外营力两方面分析了影响东海海底地形发育的因素。调查分析表明:整个东海地形分带明显,地形类型多样:大陆架十分宽阔,总体北宽南窄,从大陆向海平缓倾斜,发育了广泛的NW-SE向沙脊群,自大陆向东南呈扇形发散;大陆坡呈NE-SW向条带展布,海底地形陡峻,呈阶梯状下掉,总体北缓南陡,其上峡谷密布,上穿切外陆架,下直达海槽,同时坡麓上海台沟谷伴生发育;冲绳海槽北浅南深,其内在平坦的背景上发育了众多的海山和海丘,其中心又有槽中槽地形;东槽坡地形复杂,发育了  相似文献   
Degradation of basin‐margin clinothems around the shelf‐edge rollover zone may lead to the generation of conduits through which gravity flows transport sediment downslope. Many studies from seismic‐reflection data sets show these features, but they lack small‐scale (centimetre to metre) sedimentary and stratigraphic observations on process interactions. Exhumed basin‐margin clinothems in the Tanqua depocentre (Karoo Basin) provide seismic‐reflection‐scale geometries and internal details of architecture with depositional dip and strike control. At the Geelhoek locality, clinothem parasequences comprise siltstone‐rich offshore deposits overlain by heterolithic prodelta facies and sandstone‐dominated deformed mouth bars. Three of these parasequences are truncated by a steep (6 to 22°), 100 m deep and 1·5 km wide asymmetrical composite erosion surface that delineates a shelf‐incised canyon. The fill, from base to top comprises: (i) thick‐bedded sandstone with intrabasinal clasts and multiple erosion surfaces; (ii) scour‐based interbedded sandstone and siltstone with tractional structures; and (iii) inverse‐graded to normal‐graded siltstone beds. An overlying 55 m thick coarsening‐upward parasequence fills the upper section of the canyon and extends across its interfluves. Younger parasequences display progressively shallower gradients during progradation and healing of the local accommodation. The incision surface resulted from initial oversteepening and high sediment supply triggering deformation and collapse at the shelf edge, enhanced by a relative sea‐level fall that did not result in subaerial exposure of the shelf edge. Previous work identified an underlying highly incised, sandstone‐rich shelf‐edge rollover zone across‐margin strike, suggesting that there was migration in the zone of shelf edge to upper‐slope incision over time. This study provides an unusual example of clinothem degradation and readjustment with three‐dimensional control in an exhumed basin‐margin succession. The work demonstrates that large‐scale erosion surfaces can develop and migrate due to a combination of factors at the shelf‐edge rollover zone and proposes additional criteria to predict clinothem incision and differential sediment bypass in consistently progradational systems.  相似文献   
Previous work in the Gulf of Lions (western Mediterranean Sea) has suggested that significant amounts of sediment escape through the western part of this tectonically passive margin, despite it being far removed from the primary sediment source (the Rhone River, ∼160 km to the NE). The primary mechanism behind this export is hypothesized to be the interaction of a regional, southwestward sediment-transport path with a canyon deeply incising the southwestern part of the shelf, Cap de Creus Canyon.  相似文献   
Shelf-to-canyon suspended sediment transport during major storms was studied at the southwestern end of the Gulf of Lions. Waves, near-bottom currents, temperature and water turbidity were measured on the inner shelf at 28-m water depth and in the Cap de Creus submarine canyon head at 300 m depth from November 2003 to March 2004. Two major storm events producing waves Hs>6 m coming from the E–SE sector took place, the first on 3–4 December 2003 (max Hs: 8.4 m) and the second on 20–22 February 2004 (max Hs: 7 m). During these events, shelf water flowed downcanyon producing strong near-bottom currents on the canyon head due to storm-induced downwelling, which was enhanced by dense shelf water cascading in February 2004. These processes generated different pulses of downcanyon suspended sediment transport. During the peak of both storms, the highest waves and the increasing near-bottom currents resuspended sediment on the canyon head and the adjacent outer shelf causing the first downcanyon sediment transport pulses. The December event ended just after these first pulses, when the induced downwelling finished suddenly due to restoration of shelf water stratification. This event was too short to allow the sediment resuspended on the shallow shelf to reach the canyon head. In contrast, the February event, reinforced by dense shelf water cascading, was long enough to transfer resuspended sediment from shallow shelf areas to the canyon head in two different pulses at the end of the event. The downcanyon transport during these last two pulses was one order of magnitude higher than those during the December event and during the first pulses of the February event and accounted for more than half of the total downcanyon sediment transport during the fall 2003 and winter 2004 period. Major storm events, especially during winter vertical mixing periods, produce major episodes of shelf-to-canyon sediment transport at the southwestern end of the Gulf of Lions. Hydrographic structure and storm duration are important factors controlling off-shelf sediment transport during these events.  相似文献   
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