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申元村  程维明 《地理研究》2019,38(2):348-356
地球表层是人类生存的家园,地表形态直接或间接影响人类生活、生产和社会经济活动。地貌学和生态学是与人类关系密切的学科。自然实体与人文实体都依附于地表,研究生态与地貌关系的科学便统称为生态地貌学,直接影响人类生存选址、生存保障、生产方向、产业布局、交通、城乡建设等,因此,生态地貌学是保障人类生存与社会经济可持续协调发展的基础性与应用性极强的学科,是国家实现生态文明战略的基础性学科。生态地貌学研究生态与地貌两者相互作用形成的生态地貌综合实体,学科体系包含地貌基础学科、生态基础学科及其相互作用形成的生态地貌学科。生态地貌学科下又包含生态地貌区划学、生态地貌类型学、生态地貌资源学、生态地貌岩态学、生态地貌遥感与GIS技术、生态地貌管理与规划等分支学科,是目前仍然属于探索性的学科。生态地貌结构可表达为:由地貌与生物成分、类型、区域组合、数量构成及其空间排列组合方式。从生态地貌结构理论出发,对其功能进行系统梳理,主要可以归纳为区域结构、类型结构、资源结构、岩态结构等多种类型。不同结构类型具有不同的功能,主要功能有提升中国自然地理区划质量与空间定位功能、生态评估与生态设计功能、土地利用评估与利用结构调整功能、地质地貌灾害成因和防灾减灾对策功能等。故该研究意在实现生态地貌功能间协调、高效可持续,通过对各功能进行整合,形成功能体系,并从调控管理上提出了提升功能能力的设计路径。  相似文献   
Finding potential sites for resilient prawn production in the tropical environment that also prevents wastage of natural resources is not an easy task. The purpose of this study is to evaluate water quality suitability for prawn farming in Negeri Sembilan of Peninsular Malaysia based on Geographic Information System (GIS). To achieve this goal, numerous criteria including sources of water, water temperature, water pH, sources of pollution, salinity, soil texture and availability of phytoplankton criteria were considered for the modelling process. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique was performed to standardize the criteria and the weighting process. The weighted overlay of indicators and results were accomplished by applying the Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method in GIS. It was indicated that the Negeri Sembilan area has potential for prawn farming. The results showed that about 25 per cent (163 056.93 ha) of the area was most suitable for prawn farming, about 58 per cent (384 656.88 ha) was considered moderately suitable, while 18 per cent (117 633.49 ha) was regarded as least suitable. The study concluded that the multi‐criteria decision analysis of water quality for prawn farming is vital for regional economic planning in the Negeri Sembilan area and also significant when establishing a model for aquaculture development.  相似文献   
Why do environmental defenders continue to participate in community-based efforts to protect the environment despite threats to their lives and minimal success in deterring or punishing offenders? Examining Community Forestry initiatives in Cambodia, we find that forest protection is not only a means to gain environmental, economic, or social benefits, but also a means for forest defenders to assert themselves as political actors in relation to the state and other citizens. Rather than simply repressing and disciplining forest dwelling populations, violence against defenders shapes their subjectivity and re-politicizes their lives. Distinguishing between various forms of violence associated with different illicit forest users, we highlight how forest protection becomes a means of political self-expression and rights-based resistance as forest defenders reinterpret direct violence through experiences and understandings of structural and symbolic violence. Participation in CF thus unlocks ways of being political and contesting oppressive structures while acting within sanctioned institutions.  相似文献   
The West Coast dusky kob Argyrosomus coronus is a commercially exploited fish with a distribution confined to the Angola–Benguela Frontal Zone (ABFZ) of the southeastern Atlantic Ocean. A previous study revealed that during a recent period of local warming the species extended its distribution into Namibian waters, where it hybridised with the resident and congeneric Argyrosomus inodorus. Environmental changes are a major threat to marine biodiversity and when combined with overfishing have the potential to accelerate the decline of species. However, little is known regarding the evolutionary history and population structure of A. coronus across the ABFZ. We investigated genetic diversity, population structure and historical demographic changes using mtDNA control region sequences and genotypes at six nuclear microsatellite loci, from 180 individuals. A single, genetically homogeneous population was indicated across the distributional range of A. coronusST = 0.041, FST = 0.000, D = 0.000; p > 0.05). These findings imply that the oceanographic features within the ABFZ do not appear to significantly influence population connectivity in A. coronus, which simplifies management of the species. However, reconstruction of the demographic history points to a close link between the evolutionary history of A. coronus and the environmental characteristics of the ABFZ. This outcome suggests the species’ vulnerability to the rapid environmental changes being observed across this region, and highlights a pressing need for transboundary management to mitigate the impacts of climate change in this global hotspot of seawater temperature changes.  相似文献   

Urban greening is a buzz term in urban policy and research settings in Australia and elsewhere. In a context of settler colonial urbanism, like Australia, a first fact becomes clear: urban greening is always being practiced on unceded Indigenous lands. Recognising this requires some honest reckoning with how this latest urban policy response perpetuates dispossessory settler-colonial structures. In this paper, we listen to the place-based ontologies of the peoples and lands from where we write to inform understanding the city as an always already Indigenous place – a sovereign Aboriginal City. In so doing, the paper tries to practice a way of creating more truthful and response-able urban knowledge practices. We analyse three distinct areas of scholarly research that are present in the contemporary literature: urban greening and green infrastructure; urban political ecology; and more-than-human cities. When placed in relationship of learning with the sovereign Aboriginal City, our analysis finds that these scholarly domains of urban greening work to re-organise colonial power relations. The paper considers what work the practice and scholarship of ‘urban greening’ might need to do in order to become response-able and learn to learn with Indigenous sovereignties and ontologies.  相似文献   
300 BC-1900 AD无定河流域城镇时空格局演变   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
佟彪  党安荣  许剑 《地理学报》2019,74(8):1508-1524
通过分析和整理从战国中晚期(约300 BC)至清末(约1900 AD)无定河流域历代县级及以上城址的位置、兴废年代数据,结合行政区划沿革、经济社会发展、政权更迭等资料,分析流域城镇格局的时空演变过程。研究表明:① 受气候周期性波动影响,无定河流域城镇的兴起与衰废具有明显的周期性特征,城镇几何中心的移动轨迹具有明显的“西北—东南”向潮汐性运动特征;② 城址存续年限普遍较短,具有明显的阶段性特征,流域内曾存在过4个阶段性中心城镇,中心城镇移动的方向和过程与城镇几何中心的潮汐性移动过程趋势一致;③ 流域城镇空间格局可分为3种类型,即秦汉与隋唐时期的沿河流谷地分布,宋、明两代的沿边境线与长城分布,以及元、清两代集中于流域下游分布。流域城镇未来的发展布局应重视气候变化对城镇分布的长期影响,关注区域环境的脆弱性,合理安排城镇体系发展规模与布局。  相似文献   
Partitioning beta diversity into its two components of spatial turnover and nestedness is a more robust method for checking spatial variability in biological communities than calculating the total beta diversity alone. The relative contribution of spatial turnover and nestedness has been used to test the effects of climatic, environmental, spatial and temporal variables on community composition. In this study, we tested the effects of environmental factors and microhabitat features on total beta diversity and its spatial turnover and nestedness components using a comprehensive dataset of aquatic Heteroptera collected from four types of permanent freshwater habitats (i.e. streams, ponds, rock tanks and reservoirs) in the Western Ghats of India. We observed that communities in all four types of habitats were predominantly shaped by dissimilarity caused due to spatial turnover (>85 %). Each type of habitat showed the presence of one or more species uniquely associated with it, which might contribute to the turnover between communities. The abiotic environment (climatic factors, topological factors, soil characteristics and microhabitat features) as well as assemblage structure differed significantly between habitat types. Communities in each type of habitat were affected by different environmental factors, such as precipitation and temperature patterns for streams, altitude and rocky substrate for rock tanks, and soil characteristics and the presence of aquatic macrophytes for ponds and reservoirs. Assemblages observed in the four types of permanent habitats are thus compositionally distinct due to species replacements between local communities, which in turn are strongly influenced by environmental variables. Similar to previous studies, our results show that spatial turnover largely measures the same phenomenon as total beta diversity on a regional scale.  相似文献   
东海北部小型底栖动物群落对径流及黑潮暖流入侵的响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探究小型底栖动物群落在东海北部及其临近海域的分布规律,及其对环境因子的响应,于2016年9月和12月,对研究海域共计20个站位的小型底栖动物和环境因子进行了取样调查。调查结果显示,研究海域内共鉴定出小型底栖动物类群16个,其中海洋线虫为绝对优势类群,其他优势类群主要包括桡足类、动吻类和多毛类。9月航次小型底栖动物平均丰度为(1 758±759)个/(10 cm2),线虫占95.6%;平均生物量为(1 216.4±464.7) μg/(10 cm2)(干重),线虫占55.26%。12月航次平均丰度为(2 011±1 471)个/(10 cm2),线虫占95.6%;平均生物量为(1 143.0±755.0)μg/(10 cm2)(干重),线虫占67.28%。聚类分析结果显示,小型底栖动物群落主要可以划分为近岸和外海两个组,其中近岸组小型底栖动物丰度显著高于外海站位。但在各断面分布上,绝大多数站位小型底栖动物丰度最高值均出现在60 m等深线附近,并且该水深处站位的温度和盐度数值均表现出黑潮水的特征。黑潮近岸分支对东海陆架入侵是导致小型底栖动物分布差异的重要原因,小型底栖动物在60 m等深线附近具有的高丰度值可作为其对黑潮入侵的响应。推测,黑潮入侵所导致的水体初级生产力增加以及黑潮水所携带的溶氧可能是导致该深度处小型底栖动物丰度增加的主要原因。  相似文献   
作者籍以能值和生态炯分析,将海洋生态内在价值补充到溢油损害评估中,并以"塔斯曼海"轮溢油事故为例,分析了生态系统内在价值损害评估的特点。结果表明溢油生态内在价值损害大于对生态服务价值的损害,前者是后者的6.9倍;能值变化反映对资本积累的损害,生态炯更突出了溢油对初级生产力的生态系统的影响。本评价是现有溢油损害评价的补充,可为彻底、有效环境治理、生态修复提供保障,对海洋开发管理决策和公众环保意识的提高将有积极的影响。  相似文献   
在广东实现“四个走在全国前列”的时代需求下,茂名应着力建设现代化海洋经济体系。近年来,茂名海洋经济总量快速增长、海洋经济体系基本形成、海洋创新成果初具规模、海洋生态建设成效显著、海洋管理能力不断增强,奠定了建设现代化海洋经济体系的基础,但也面临着海洋经济规模偏小且结构不够合理、现代化海洋产业进程缓慢、现代化海洋经济发展动力不足且受到制约和缺乏保障等问题。未来应从加快供给侧改革、实施创新驱动、推进开放合作、优化海洋生态系统和完善体制机制等方面寻求茂名建设现代化海洋经济体系的路径策略。  相似文献   
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