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Soil loss caused by erosion has enormous economic and social impacts. Splash effects of rainfall are an important driver of erosion processes; however, effects of vegetation on splash erosion are still not fully understood. Splash erosion processes under vegetation are investigated by means of throughfall kinetic energy (TKE). Previous studies on TKE utilized a heterogeneous set of plant and canopy parameters to assess vegetation's influence on erosion by rain splash but remained on individual plant- or plot-levels. In the present study we developed a method for the area-wide estimation of the influence of vegetation on TKE using remote sensing methods. In a literature review we identified key vegetation variables influencing splash erosion and developed a conceptual model to describe the interaction of vegetation and raindrops. Our model considers both amplifying and protecting effect of vegetation layers according to their height above the ground and aggregates them into a new indicator: the Vegetation Splash Factor (VSF). It is based on the proportional contribution of drips per layer, which can be calculated via the vegetation cover profile from airborne LiDAR datasets. In a case study, we calculated the VSF using a LiDAR dataset for La Campana National Park in central Chile. The studied catchment comprises a heterogeneous mosaic of vegetation layer combinations and types and is hence well suited to test the approach. We calculated a VSF map showing the relation between vegetation structure and its expected influence on TKE. Mean VSF was 1.42, indicating amplifying overall effect of vegetation on TKE that was present in 81% of the area. Values below 1 indicating a protective effect were calculated for 19% of the area. For future work, we recommend refining the weighting factor by calibration to local conditions using field-reference data and comparing the VSF with TKE field measurements. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   
低坡度基岩弯曲河流在地质构造控制区域广泛存在(床面坡度小于5‰),洪水对基岩弯曲河流的河床淤积与侵蚀具有较大影响,但以往研究对基岩弯曲河流的洪水动力结构认识不足。通过几何概化基岩弯曲河段,考虑Froude相似与边壁粗糙,建立基岩弯曲河道概化模型,分析洪水下的弯道水面线分布、时均流场与湍流结构特性。结果表明:在洪水流量下,弯顶上游出现最小水面横比降、凸岸水流分离、凹岸双环流发育、流速下潜且二次环流强度达到最大,在弯顶下游水面横比降达到最大并出现环流分裂;床面切应力分布于凸岸水流分离以及弯顶上游中心区域,横向动量输移集中于弯顶上游。试验结果为基岩弯曲河道中的床面侵蚀与沿程淤积提供了水动力方面的解释。  相似文献   
富营养化会导致浅水湖泊发生稳态转换,生态系统服务严重受损。磷是驱动湖泊发生稳态转换的重要环境因子,探究湖水磷浓度的变化规律是湖泊管理的关键。通过磷动力学模型,从影响湖水磷浓度的主要参数入手,探讨了每种参数变化对磷浓度的具体影响。结合前人研究结果,详细讨论了不同类型气候变化和人类活动对湖泊稳态转换时间、滞后时长、修复速率等的影响。研究认为,气候变化所导致的温度升高、光强减弱、风浪增强等和人类活动所导致的生物扰动、水位波动增强等因素变化虽不会改变湖泊稳态转换突变时间,但会推迟湖泊修复时间,造成突变阈值减小,滞后时间延长,稳态增大。在湖泊保护中要重点考虑主要外力驱动对湖泊稳态转换过程影响的区别,避免有害突变的发生。  相似文献   
潘劲松  周玲丽  陆玮  罗玲  翟国庆 《大气科学》2019,43(6):1399-1412
本文利用ERA-Interim 0.5°×0.5°再分析资料、自动站小时和分钟加密资料、风云2G(FY-2G)卫星红外云图及多普勒雷达和风廓线雷达资料对2015年路径高度相似的“苏迪罗”和“杜鹃”台风在浙江沿海引发的局地特大暴雨进行对比分析。这两次降水过程都是在台风减弱为热带低压甚至残压并深入内陆远离浙江沿海后发生的。结果表明,“苏迪罗”降水过程是由低层强东南和偏南急流长时间辐合加上有利地形共同作用导致的;经向环流背景下来自季风持续的水汽输送有利于“苏迪罗”维持较长的生命史和稳定的降水。“杜鹃”残压特大暴雨的触发系统则是高纬地面冷高压底部的东东北出流南下与“杜鹃”北象限的东东南风交汇形成的中尺度倒槽;纬向环流和强盛副热带高压造成的弱引导气流及夏季风南撤和低涡卷挟造成的水汽通道断裂是“杜鹃”登陆后快速减弱为残压和降水维持时间较短的原因。两次台风降水过程中均无外部动能输送和来自有效位能的动能转换。动能收支的主要影响因子为中低层局地次网格运动间的能量转换、旋转风和散度风效应及下垫面的摩擦耗散。所以,虽然“杜鹃”的对流有效位能很小,但仍可造成强对流和特大暴雨。此外,降水过程中释放的凝结潜热造成的局地非绝热加热使气柱中显热能大量累积,促使地面中小尺度涡旋和倒槽不断加深,造成降水的增幅。  相似文献   
利用WRF模式和NCEP再分析资料,对一次梅雨暴雨个例进行了数值模拟,基于高分辨率的模拟结果计算了水平动能谱、涡旋动能谱及辐散动能谱,诊断了动能收支谱方程。结果表明:在暴雨发展阶段,各个高度上都有中尺度动能增长,其显著增加始于中尺度低端,这导致了在中尺度波段出现谱转折特征,但在不同高度转折尺度不同;对流层高层涡旋动能大于辐散动能,平流层低层反之;不同降水阶段、不同高度和不同尺度上动能的来源不同,对流层高层,中尺度动能倾向由非线性项和气压项贡献;平流层低层,气压项的作用更为明显。  相似文献   
彭飞  李晓莉  陈静  李红祺 《气象学报》2019,77(2):180-195
为了体现次网格尺度能量升尺度转换过程中存在的不确定性, 文中将随机动能补偿(Stochastic Kinetic Energy Backscatter, SKEB)方案应用于GRAPES(Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System)全球集合预报系统(GRAPES-GEPS), 以更好地表征模式误差并且增大集合离散度。使用的SKEB方案基于具有一定时、空相关特征的随机型以及由数值扩散导致的局地动能耗散率来构造随机流函数强迫。并根据流函数与水平风速旋转分量的关系, 将SKEB方案中的流函数强迫转化为适用于GRAPES全球模式的水平风速扰动。结果表明, SKEB方案的使用一方面能够提高GRAPES对大气动能谱的模拟能力; 另一方面能够改善GRAPES-GEPS的集合离散度与集合平均误差的关系, 增加了集合离散度, 并在一定程度上减小了集合平均误差, 尤其是在热带地区这种改进更为显著。而且该方案使得热带地区连续分级概率评分(CRPS评分)显著减小。就降水预报而言, 从Brier评分与相对作用特征面积(AROC, Area under the Relative Operating Characteristics)的结果来看, SKEB方案有助于改善中国地区小雨[0.1 mm, 10 mm)、中雨[10 mm, 25 mm)与大雨[25 mm, 50 mm)量级降水的概率预报技巧, 而对暴雨[50 mm, ∞)量级降水预报技巧影响很小(24 h降水量)。总体上, 模式扰动随机动能补偿方案提高了GRAPES-GEPS的概率预报技巧。   相似文献   
Variability of the Kuroshio path to the south of Japan plays a central role in the local climate change and exerts tremendous influences on the local atmosphere and ocean. In this study, the response of ocean dynamics, in terms of the eddy kinetic energy (EKE), potential vorticity (PV), relative vorticity, and eddy-mean flow interaction, to the Kuroshio path change is discussed. Kuroshio path south of Japan includes the near-shore non-large meander (nNLM), the off-shore non-large meander (oNLM), and the typical large meander (tLM). Analyses reveal that the distribution of EKE, PV, relative vorticity, and energy exchange between the eddy field and the mean flow respectively varies with the Kuroshio path: (1) The tLM has the maximum EKE along the path; (2) The positive and negative PV are located at the onshore and offshore side of Kuroshio axis, respevetively; (3) The distributions of anomalous relative voritcity of nNLM, oNLM, and tLM are consistent with sea surface height anomalies (SSHAs); (4) The tLM has the largest energy exchange between the eddy field and the mean flow in terms of the rate of barotropic energy conversion. On the other hand, the stability analysis of ocean currents suggests that the three Kuroshio paths south of Japan have their own intrinsic properties of the instability.  相似文献   
An analysis of the kinetic energy budget during a case of interaction between middle latitude and extratropical cyclones has been made in this work. Horizontal flux convergence constitutes a major energy sink. Generation of kinetic energy via cross-contour flow is a persistent source throughout the growth and decay periods. Dissipation of kinetic energy from subgrid to grid scales is an important source during the pre-storm period; it acts as a sink during the growth and decay periods. The major contribution to kinetic energy comes from a persistent upper tropospheric jet stream activity throughout the period of the cyclone development. The characteristics of moisture-flux components (divergent and rotational) along with precipitable water content for different tropospheric layers throughout the life cycle of our cyclone are also studied in this work. It is found that most of required humidity for our cyclone are initiated from Arabian Sea and then to some extent are reinforced over Gulf of Aden and east of central Africa and then by passing over Red sea enter to the south and south east of Mediterranean Sea. The rotational component of the moisture transport brings moisture from two regions; the first which is considered the main region is the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden and north east of Sudan. The second source region is the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. In the middle troposphere, the primary moisture source is found over central Africa, which in turn is traced to the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Arabian Sea. The upper-level moisture fluxes are weak and play a minor role over the area of interaction between two cyclones.  相似文献   
夜间灯光遥感对城市发展类动能与相似性评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
评估城市发展水平与制定城市规划和城市发展政策息息相关。已有研究表明人口、国内生产总值(GDP)等统计数据和夜间灯光遥感数据能够用来衡量城市发展水平,但大多研究只关注城市发展总量,忽视了发展速度对城市发展的影响。因此,本文基于2012年—2019年Suomi NPP-VIIRS (Suomi National Polar-OrbitingPartnership-Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite)夜间灯光遥感数据,提出了兼顾城市发展水平和增速的夜间灯光类动能指数用于测度城市发展类动能;利用动态时间规整DTW (Dynamic Time Warping)算法构建了城市发展类动能相似性检测分析框架,并基于相似性检测结果对全国328个城市进行了等级划分。相较于2019年第一财经公布的一至五线城市,本文城市等级划分结果表明,在同一等级中的城市发展更为相似和合理,也证明了城市发展类动能更有利于城市发展水平的评估;以长江三角洲城市群为例,进一步验证了城市发展类动能和基于DTW相似性检测方法用于评估城市群发展情况与合理性的潜力。综上所述,基于夜间灯光遥感的城市发展类动能估算与相似性分析方法能够较好地评估城市发展水平,为城市分级与城市群发展评估提供科学依据。  相似文献   
藏南羊卓雍错湖面大气湍流特征观测分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
沈鹏珂  张雪芹 《湖泊科学》2019,31(1):243-255
湍流运动是大气边界层的本质特征,是地表与大气之间能量和物质交换的主要方式.本文利用2016和2017年4-10月藏南羊卓雍错湖泊涡动观测资料,分析了湖面大气湍流方差和湍流特征量的统计和变化特征.结果表明:(1)不稳定层结下,三维风速分量和超声虚温、水汽密度、CO2密度的无量纲标准差随稳定度变化符合Monin-Obukhov相似理论的"1/3"或"-1/3"次幂律,垂直风速的拟合效果最好;稳定层结下,除CO2密度无量纲标准差与稳定度无明显关系外,其他量基本上满足相似性规律;中性条件下,以上物理量的无量纲标准差分别趋近常数:3.57、3.93、0.77、20.91、6.35和11.96.(2)水平方向平均湍流强度(0.60和0.58)大于垂直方向(0.13),三维方向湍流强度与平均风速的变化呈显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.39、-0.42和-0.34.(3)湖面湍流动能随风速呈线性增长,增长率达0.45 m/s;近中性层结时湍流动能最大,层结越稳定或不稳定湍流动能均减小.(4)湖泊下午到傍晚动量输送较强,13:00-22:30时间段平均动量通量达0.091 kg/(m·s2);热量输送以潜热为主,潜热通量日平均值(77.3 W/m2)是感热通量(14.6 W/m2)的5.3倍,感热和潜热通量日变化峰值分别出现在5:30(22.4 W/m2)和16:00(106.6 W/m2).  相似文献   
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