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尼泊尔在地理位置上处于中国和印度包围之中,由于历史原因,其经济、政治、军事等长期受到制约。随着中国“一带一路”倡议的推进和中印近年来领土和国际政治问题的冲突与分歧,尼泊尔正在成为中印新的角力场。本文首先通过构建地缘影响力模型进行演变格局分析与趋势预测,并加入世界环境和区域环境两方面影响因素,运用定性与定量分析结合的方法,预测中、尼、印三国未来战略行动方向。综合以上分析发现:1)2000年—2016年,中国对尼泊尔地缘影响力较于印度对于尼泊尔地缘影响力上升趋势明显,预计在2022年至2023年中、印对尼泊尔地缘影响力达到平衡。2)硬实力是中国对尼泊尔地缘影响力上升的关键因素;软实力和交流互动力是未来中国增强在尼泊尔地缘影响力的发展因素;地理环境是中国对尼泊尔地缘影响力发展的制约因素。3)未来中国将继续实施积极性合作战略,印度形成对中国遏制性防范战略,尼泊尔维持被动性中印平衡战略。  相似文献   
The shortage of potassium salt seriously restricts the development of China's agriculture. Increasing the exploration and development of potash will help improve the self-sufficiency of potassium in China. With rich potassium salt resources, Sichuan basin is one of the most important research areas for potash exploration and development in China. Polyhalite is an important solid potassium salt mineral in Sichuan basin, often intercalated in rock minerals such as anhydrite, rock salt and dolomite. Aiming at the problem that conventional log interpretation methods are difficult to accurately identify polyhalites, this paper proposed a new Support Vector Machine (SVM) recognition method based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to classify polyhalites in Sichuan basin. Based on particle swarm optimization and support vector machine theory, combined with logging interpretation theory, the effective data sensitive to polyhalite logging response were selected as input samples to generate training sets and test sets randomly. The Radial Basis Function (RBF) parameters were optimized by particle swarm optimization, and the classification and prediction model of polyhalite was established. Compared with mud logging results, the recognition accuracy of SVM model based on particle swarm optimization reached 97.5758%, which is obviously better than that of SVM model optimized by cross validation method in recognition accuracy and speed. The results show that the model has broad application prospects in potash exploration in Sichuan basin.  相似文献   
利用GLAS激光测高数据评估DSM产品质量及精度优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种利用卫星激光测高数据直接优化提升数字表面模型(DSM)产品精度的方法。选取境外中亚地区的资源三号DSM开展试验,通过采用多准则约束方法提取激光高程控制点,分别利用偏度、中值、线性、二次多项式等进行DSM误差修正,发现4种模型均能有效消除DSM系统误差,其中基于二次多项式的方法更适用于平地和丘陵地貌,线性模型更适用于高山地貌。试验验证了采用卫星激光测高数据优化境外DSM技术流程的可行性,最终可提高DSM的绝对高程精度。  相似文献   
为了构建内蒙古扎鲁特地区无烟煤的分子结构模型,采用工业分析、元素分析、核磁共振碳谱、高分辨率透射电镜和X射线光电子能谱等测试方法对该地区无烟煤的分子结构进行研究。结果表明无烟煤分子结构中以芳香碳为主,脂肪碳以短烷基侧链和环烷烃为主。煤分子结构中氧原子主要以酚羟基和醚氧基的形式存在,氮原子主要以吡咯型氮和吡啶型氮的形式存在,硫原子主要的赋存形态是硫醇硫酚。结合由核磁共振碳谱测得的煤结构参数和由高分辨率透射电镜测得的芳香环尺寸和含量,构建了无烟煤大分子平均结构模型。对构建的模型进行了结构优化与能量分析,发现煤分子结构的芳香片层趋于平行排列,非键结势能中的范德华力是保持煤结构稳定的主要因素。本研究为采用分子动力学模拟从分子尺度研究扎鲁特地区无烟煤在石墨化过程中,其芳香碳层的拼叠过程及其反应路径提供了模型基础。   相似文献   
An origin-destination (OD) flow can be defined as the movement of objects between two locations. These movements must be determined for a range of purposes, and strong interactions can be visually represented via clustering of OD flows. Identification of such clusters may be useful in urban planning, traffic planning and logistics management research. However, few methods can identify arbitrarily shaped flow clusters. Here, we present a spatial scan statistical approach based on ant colony optimization (ACO) for detecting arbitrarily shaped clusters of OD flows (AntScan_flow). In this study, an OD flow cluster is defined as a regional pair with significant log likelihood ratio (LLR), and the ACO is employed to detect the clusters with maximum LLRs in the search space. Simulation experiments based on AntScan_flow and SaTScan_flow show that AntScan_flow yields better performance based on accuracy but requires a large computational demand. Finally, a case study of the morning commuting flows of Beijing residents was conducted. The AntScan_flow results show that the regions associated with moderate- and long-distance commuting OD flow clusters are highly consistent with subway lines and highways in the city. Additionally, the regions of short-distance commuting OD flow clusters are more likely to exhibit ‘residential-area to work-area’ patterns.  相似文献   
At present, most calculation results regarding foundation pit dewatering are ideal values, making construction resources prone to being wasted. In order to optimize the traditional pipe well design of large wells, the linear programming solution module in Excel is used, with the total water inflow taken as the objective function, the water level drawdown used as the constraint and test condition, and a station project on the Chengdu Metro Line 7 serving as the subject of this study. The total water inflow of the traditional pipe well design is optimized by the simplex method, producing a total water inflow of 4 040.65 m~3/d, which, compared with 4 829.79 m~3/d, the total water inflow calculated by means of the traditional design optimization method, engenders a reduction of roughly 16% per day. The feasibility of the optimization methodology is verified by the drawdown constraint, which reveals the decrease of construction costs and the diminution of the influence that the lowered groundwater level has on the surroundings of the metro station. Finally, references are provided as to optimizing the dewatering designs for other metro stations in similar engineering and hydrogeological conditions.  相似文献   
高速铁路路基的工后沉降严重影响着行车安全。在已有的预测模型中,所采用的初始数据往往不能满足等时间周期采集,而且还会伴随着一系列不可避免的观测误差,模型本身的误差累计,不能进行长期预测。文中利用最小二乘原理对初始值进行拟合改进,采用Lagrange插值方法将非等间隔序列转为等间隔序列,并基于新陈更替GM(1,1)模型利用MATLAB建立沉降预测模型;在此基础上,提出对模型残差进行GM改正以提高模型精度的方法。研究表明,通过对初始值序列改正后的模型具有较好的适应性,优化改进后的模型预测误差小,预测精度优于新陈更替GM(1,1)模型。  相似文献   
以双座串联大跨度斜拉桥-珠海洪鹤大桥为背景,根据桥梁自振特性及场地效应,生成了三组人工波,采用纵向+2/3竖向的地震作用组合输入方式,通过非线性时程分析,系统的研究了粘滞阻尼器对双座串联大跨度斜拉桥减震性能的影响。同时为了确定粘滞阻尼器的最优参数,对粘滞阻尼器的阻尼系数C和速度指数α进行了参数敏感性分析。结果表明:设置纵向粘滞阻尼器能够显著减小双座串联斜拉桥的纵向位移响应,减小主梁在串联处发生碰撞的概率,同时改善主塔塔底结构受力情况,具有良好的耗能减震效果。综合考虑安全性、适用性和经济性等方面,最后给出针对洪鹤大桥的最优粘滞阻尼器参数:速度指数α为0.3,阻尼系数C为3 000kN/(m/s)0.3。  相似文献   
青海省东北部地区复杂多样的地貌类型,为研究史前人类适应不同自然环境下的动物资源利用提供了条件.然而,已开展的动物考古研究主要聚焦在青海省东北部的河谷农业区,对于草原地带的研究相对薄弱,其先民对草原环境中的适应策略仍未得到充分讨论.本文选择农牧过渡带的青海湖盆地尖嘴遗址出土动物骨骼为研究对象,运用AMS 14C测年方法、动物种属鉴定和可鉴定标本数(NISP)统计,确认尖嘴遗址(3.2 ka B.P.左右)是一处卡约文化早期的人类活动遗迹,其先民以狩猎活动为主要生业策略,渔猎作为辅助生计,属"初级开发型"模式.在此基础上,结合青海省东北部地区已有动物研究资料,探讨了中晚全新世(8.0~2.0 ka B.P.)以来的动物资源获取利用及家畜饲养状态.结果显示:8.0~6.0 ka B.P.,本区先民以纯粹的狩猎经济为主,其猎取对象则为中小型哺乳动物,属"依赖型"生业模式;6.0~4.0 ka B.P.,本区先民获取动物资源方式仍以狩猎为主,并开始出现一定规模的家畜饲养(猪和狗),其生业属低水平的食物生产阶段,获取肉食资源的模式处于"初级开发型"阶段;4.0~2.0 ka B.P.,史前东西方文化交流的不断增强,驯化于西亚的家畜牲畜牛羊传入至青海省东北部地区,使得该区先民利用动物资源方式呈现多元化,构成了"初级开发型"和"开发型"两种生业模式,牛羊成为家畜饲养的主流.总体来讲,中晚全新世以来青海省东北部地区先民获取肉食资源的方式大致经历了由以狩猎-采集方式到家畜饲养方式的历时性转变,不同区域的自然环境差异及史前欧亚大陆东西方文化间的交流是起决定性作用的因素.  相似文献   
将微粒群算法与位错理论模型相结合,采用中国地壳运动观测网络提供的青藏高原地区2001~2004年GPS测量数据和2000~2006年水准测量数据,通过常规定权和附有相对权比的方法对祁连山北缘断裂的三维滑动速率进行联合反演,并与蚁群算法反演结果进行对比。结果表明,微粒群算法收敛速度快、稳定性高,结合经典位错理论模型,是一种可以有效求解断层三维滑动速率反演问题的优化算法,在大地测量反演领域极具应用潜力。  相似文献   
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