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Reservoirs of lowland floodplain rivers with eutrophic backgrounds cause variations in the hydrological and hydraulic conditions of estuaries and low-dam reservoir areas, which can promote planktonic algae to proliferate and algal bloom outbreaks. Understanding the ecological effects of variations in hydrological and hydraulic processes in lowland rivers is important for algal bloom control. In this study, the middle and lower reaches of the Han River, China, a typical regulated lowland river with a eutrophic background, are selected. Based on the effect of hydrological and hydraulic variability on algal blooms, a hydrological management strategy for river algal bloom control is proposed. The results showed that (a) differences in river morphology and background nutrient levels cause significant differences in the critical threshold flow velocities for algal bloom outbreaks between natural river and low-dam reservoir sections; there is no uniform threshold flow velocity for algal bloom control. (b) There are significant differences in the river hydrological/hydraulic conditions between years with and without algal blooms. The average river flow, water level and velocity in years with algal blooms are significantly lower than those in years without algal blooms. (c) For different river sections where algal blooms occur and to meet the threshold flow velocities, the joint operation of cascade reservoirs and diversion projects is an effective method to prevent and control algal blooms in regulated lowland rivers. This study is expected to deepen our understanding of the ecological significance of special hydrological processes and guide algal bloom management in regulated lowland rivers.  相似文献   
拥有强大的渗透压调节能力对广盐性鱼类的生存至关重要。目前,关于鱼类渗透压调节机制已有不少研究,但均存在较大的局限性。本文从广盐性鱼类渗透压信号转导机制、渗透胁迫的细胞调控机制、渗透调控的内分泌调节机制和无机离子通道和转运蛋白介导的渗透调控等方面对广盐性鱼类的渗透压适应性和生理可塑性机制进行分析,以期从分子、细胞、通路和生理等层次初步探索广盐性鱼类盐度胁迫后的可塑性表型变化和不同盐度条件下的应答机制,为广盐性鱼类的渗透压调节机制的深入研究奠定基础。对广盐性鱼类渗透压适应性与生理可塑性机制研究,有助于研究其环境适应机理,促进野生鱼种的人工化养殖以及新品种的育种从而提高经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,对促进水产养殖学进步以及养殖业的发展具有重要意义,同时,为研究广盐性鱼类的渗透压调节机制开辟新的研究方向。  相似文献   
The Three Gorges Project is the world's largest water conservancy project. According to the design standards for the 1,000‐year flood, flood diversion areas in the Jingjiang reach of the Yangtze River must be utilized to ensure the safety of the Jingjiang area and the city of Wuhan. However, once these areas are used, the economic and life loss in these areas may be very great. Therefore, it is vital to reduce this loss by developing a scheme that reduces the use of the flood diversion areas through flood regulation by the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), under the premise of ensuring the safety of the Three Gorges Dam. For a 1,000‐year flood on the basis of a highly destructive flood in 1954, this paper evaluates scheduling schemes in which flood diversion areas are or are not used. The schemes are simulated based on 2.5‐m resolution reservoir topography and an optimized model of dynamic capacity flood regulation. The simulation results show the following. (a) In accord with the normal flood‐control regulation discharge, the maximum water level above the dam should be not more than 175 m, which ensures the safety of the dam and reservoir area. However, it is necessary to utilize the flood diversion areas within the Jingjiang area, and flood discharge can reach 2.81 billion m3. (b) In the case of relying on the TGR to impound floodwaters independently rather than using the flood diversion areas, the maximum water level above the dam reaches 177.35 m, which is less than the flood check level of 180.4 m to ensure the safety of the Three Gorges Dam. The average increase of the TGR water level in the Chongqing area is not more than 0.11 m, which indicates no significant effect on the upstream reservoir area. Comparing the various scheduling schemes, when the flood diversion areas are not used, it is believed that the TGR can execute safe flood control for a 1,000‐year flood, thereby greatly reducing flood damage.  相似文献   
徐元  贾雨少 《海洋工程》2018,36(2):64-72
在总结分析现有整治水位确定方法的基础上,根据潮流界以下河段的水沙运动特性,本文提出一种基于输沙能力的航道整治水位确定方法。考虑上游来水、下游潮汐为独立事件,统计潮流界以下河段上游来水、下游潮汐不同等级组合出现的频率,采用数学模型计算相应组合下河段沿程的潮位、流速过程,以流速四次方代表水流的输沙能力,统计不同潮位等级对应的综合净输沙能力,确定最大综合净输沙能力对应的水位为(最优)航道整治水位。以长江下游白茆沙水道和福姜沙水道为例,计算了所在河段的航道整治水位,并探讨了起动流速对整治水位计算的影响和最高整治水位概念对工程的意义。  相似文献   
为了明确黄河调水调沙对河口海域大型底栖动物群落结构的影响,本研究于2012至2016年调水调沙后进行了大型底栖动物样品的采集工作。整个研究时期共鉴定出大型底栖动物7门138种,生物量和丰度2012年显著高于2016年,生物量年间无显著差异;研究时期内优势种以小型多毛类为主,鲜见软体动物、节肢动物和棘皮动物,其中2016年优势种全部为小个体多毛类;MDS显示,随时间的推移距河口不同距离梯度的大型底栖动物逐渐演变为相同的群落结构,且Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Margalef丰富度指数呈下降趋势;CCA显示研究海域主要底栖动物种类的生态需求为高中值粒径、低溶解氧、pH、黏土和硫化物含量。本研究推测调水调沙工程一定程度上影响了底层生物群落结构,特别是研究海域的A断面。  相似文献   
冰川作为固体水库以“削峰填谷”的形式显著调节径流丰枯变化,冰川的水文调节功能对于中国西北干旱区至关重要。使用现有VIC-CAS模型模拟得到中国西部寒区2014—2100年径流预估数据,从趋势和波动变化相结合的视角,基于径流变差系数法,构建了冰川水文调节指数(GlacierR),分析了9个寒区流域冰川径流变化的稳定性,详细剖析了历史时期(1971—2010年)和未来到21世纪末这些流域冰川水文调节功能的强弱变化。结果表明:历史时期及RCP2.6和RCP4.5情景下,除长江流域外,青藏高原其余流域的冰川径流减小时间节点为2020s,西北内陆河流域则为2010s。历史时期及RCP2.6和RCP4.5情景下至21世纪末,尽管西部寒区大部分流域的冰川径流呈减少趋势,但波动幅度减小或无明显变化,冰川径流稳定性增强或无变化。总体上,西北内陆河流域的冰川水文调节功能较高,青藏高原流域的冰川水文调节功能较低。RCP2.6和RCP4.5情景下,至21世纪末,西部寒区各流域冰川水文调节功能均呈现减弱趋势,西北内陆河流域减弱更加显著,如RCP4.5情景下,木扎提河冰川水文调节功能降幅达25.4%,而青藏高原各流域的冰川水文调节功能一直处于较低水平。从年代际变化来看,1970s—2010s是寒区流域冰川水文调节功能较强的时期,1980s和2000s两个时段冰川水文调节功能尤强;RCP2.6和RCP4.5情景下,未来到21世纪末,冰川调节功能明显减弱。减弱的时间节点不同,最早为1970s,最晚为2020s。  相似文献   
辽宁省宽甸县甬子沟滑石矿床分布于古元古界辽河群大石桥组三段的白云质大理岩中,矿床明显受控于北西向断裂,围岩蚀变以滑石化、透闪石化最为发育.矿床成因属中低温热液交代型层控矿床.依成矿地质条件和找矿潜力,寻找隐伏矿体、已知矿体外围是主要的找矿方向.  相似文献   
城乡建设用地增减挂钩是改善农村生产生活条件和环境,实现城乡统筹,建立城乡统一的土地市场的必然要求。通过对临沂市兰山区的分析,在对"挂钩政策"实施中存在的问题分析的基础上,得出"挂钩政策"应遵循的基本原则,提出了在挂钩政策下的一条切实可行的操作模式,并依此提出政策建议,为政府决策提供了依据,使其为新农村建设做出更大的贡献。  相似文献   
新世纪上海地区相对海平面变化影响因素及预测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统相对海平面变化分析方法均将理论海平面变化和地面沉降进行的叠加分析,本文讨论和分析了近20年来全球理论海平面上升速率加快背景下的区域海平面变化速率,利用灰色线性回归组合模型预测上海地区海平面变化趋势。考虑了上海地面沉降发展的新特点,以及长江流域来沙显著减少和河口大型工程建设对上海地区相对海平面变化的影响。在流域来沙量显著减少但来水量变化不大情况下,流域大坝的坝下冲刷使得河槽刷深,河口水位降低,同时长江口深水航道整治工程和促淤围垦工程束狭入海口,使得潮位站水位发生变化,两者的综合效应是目前研究长江口相对海平面变化时必须考虑的重要因素。  相似文献   
任杭洲  李翔 《探矿工程》2011,38(10):15-18
吉林松辽地区的腰英台、秦家屯十屋、八屋区块以及梨树断陷、长岭断陷的外围中深探井和伏龙泉浅层气井是中石化东北地区的重点区块。自勘探开发以来钻井提速面临重重困难,2010年是中原油田钻井队伍进入该市场以来的提速年,以提速为目标,大胆创新,通过大量的邻井调研分析,针对不同井的特点分别制定了不同的钻井提速措施。在成熟的钻井模式下通过不断地、连续地优化钻头选型,强化钻井参数,推广大功率高温螺杆复合钻进技术,细致的单井钻井方案优选,挖掘提速潜力,创出了有史以来最好的钻探成绩。详细介绍了松辽地区油气勘探优快钻井技术方案及具体措施。  相似文献   
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