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The importance of large wood (LW) to riverine functions is well established scientifically and increasingly recognized by river managers in many countries. However, public perceptions largely associate LW with elevated danger and/or need for intervention. Such perspectives are amplified amongst recreational river users (defined here as any individuals that recreate by floating on the water surface of a river) who interact more directly with rivers than the general public and commonly view wood in life-or-death terms. Given that human life occupies a highest-order charge for river managers, they are left in a difficult position when safety appears to conflict with environmental services. LW deficits are perpetuated partly because wood removal, often in the name of safety, is far easier than placing wood in rivers. Further, river restoration practitioners are frequently burdened with expectations and liability unparalleled in built environments. A fundamentally different mindset is necessary to achieve desired ecologic outcomes when working with rivers. Based on two decades of experience as boaters, LW practitioners, and emergency responders, we (1) discuss LW hazard and risk from recreational and management viewpoints, (2) discretize objective and measurable physical properties of LW hazards, and (3) propose a decision framework that implicitly addresses risk by considering LW hazards relative to river use and ambient hazards. The approach is structured to increase objectivity in LW hazard mitigation and diminish asymmetric biases that favor LW removal. Our intent is to build understanding and rational flexibility among risk-averse management, regulatory, and funding entities to facilitate implementation of scientific understanding without undue risk to river users. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基于甘肃省清水县汤峪河径流小区2015—2017年的观测数据,研究不同植被恢复模式条件下坡面次降雨入渗、产流产沙特征。结果表明:不同植被恢复模式条件下的土壤入渗量与降雨强度呈二次函数关系,存在入渗量达到最大值的临界降雨强度。入渗速率与降雨历时可以用幂函数关系表达,符合考斯恰可夫入渗模型。不同植被恢复模式条件下的产流率在0.003 3~0.003 6 mm·min-1之间,相对裸地的减流率为54%~58%。产流率与降雨强度之间呈二次函数关系(R2>0.88),产流率的主要影响因素是降雨强度。径流含沙量平均值乔灌混合区(3.13 g·L-1)>灌木林(2.95 g·L-1)>乔木林(2.79 g·L-1)>草地(2.58 g·L-1),径流含沙量与降雨强度呈线性递增函数关系。裸地的产沙量显著高于各植被小区(P<0.05),是各植被小区的43~57倍,各植被小区的减沙率在93%~94%之间,减沙效益高于其减流效益。各植被坡面土壤流失量与降雨侵蚀力呈线性递增函数关系;产流率与侵蚀产沙率之间呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),二者间可采用二次函数关系表达。本研究成果可为黄土高原丘陵沟壑区水土保持优化配置提供理论依据。  相似文献   
煤炭资源的开采引发了采煤塌陷、农田损毁、生态破坏、农民失地等后果,给矿区带来了一系列经济、社会、环境问题。该文以兖州煤田为例,对平原地区高潜水位条件下煤炭开采引起的地表塌陷现状进行调查,充分掌握了塌陷区土地利用现状、塌陷区稳沉状况及破坏现状。分析了兖州煤田采煤塌陷区的土地损毁特点,研究了塌陷区综合治理的手段和方法,针对性地提出了高潜水位地区采煤塌陷综合治理的途径,为采煤塌陷区的规划治理提供了参考。  相似文献   
Beaver dam analogues (BDAs) are a cost-effective stream restoration approach that leverages the recognized environmental benefits of natural beaver dams on channel stability and local hydrology. Although natural beaver dams are known to exert considerable influence on the hydrologic conditions of a stream system by mediating geomorphic processes, nutrient cycling, and groundwater–surface water interactions, the impacts of beaver-derived restoration methods on groundwater–surface water exchange are poorly characterized. To address this deficit, we monitored hyporheic exchange fluxes and streambed porewater biogeochemistry across a sequence of BDAs installed along a central Wyoming stream during the summer of 2019. Streambed fluxes were quantified by heat tracing methods and vertical hydraulic gradients. Biogeochemical activity was evaluated using major ion porewater chemistry and principal component analysis. Vertical fluxes of approximately 1.0 m/day were observed around the BDAs, as was the development of spatially heterogeneous zones of nitrate production, groundwater upwelling, and anaerobic reduction. Strong contrasts in hyporheic zone processes were observed across BDAs of differing sizes. This suggests that structures may function with size-dependent behaviour, only altering groundwater–surface water interactions after a threshold hydraulic step height is exceeded. Patterns of hyporheic exchange and biogeochemical cycling around the studied BDAs resemble those around natural beaver dams, suggesting that BDAs may provide comparable benefits to channel complexity and near-stream function over a 1-year period.  相似文献   
滨海湿地是地球上十分重要的一类生态系统, 可为人类社会提供诸如调节气候、降解污染、碳汇氮汇等众多生态服务功能。近年来, 由于气候变化和围填海等开发活动的影响, 我国滨海湿地面积锐减, 功能退化, 面临多种生态问题。为应对滨海湿地退化及日益凸显的生态环境问题, 滨海湿地保护和修复工作逐渐受到重视, 滨海湿地生态修复工程项目的数量和规模也随之急剧增加。滨海湿地生态修复技术规范对滨海湿地生态修复工作具有重要意义, 然而我国滨海湿地生态修复领域规范体系尚不完善, 导致滨海湿地生态修复项目实施无序以及生态修复成效低等问题。本文全面搜集了我国滨海湿地生态修复领域规范, 对检索到的规范进行分类统计与分析, 从而揭示其存在的问题, 主要包括规范体系系统性不足、生态修复理念滞后、规范之间缺乏协调性、规范可操作性差、规范更新迟滞等。针对存在的问题提出了相应的对策建议, 为完善我国滨海湿地生态修复领域规范体系、不断推进我国生态文明建设进程提供参考。  相似文献   
This paper reviewed the main achievements of hydrogeological survey in China, summarized the significant progress of hydrogeological survey over the past decade, and forecasted the key responsibilities for hydrogeological survey in the p14th Five-year Planq. The significant progress includes: China established the 1: 50 000 standard hydrogeological survey system with Chinese characteristics and produced the new generation of high-quality hydrogeological maps; the national groundwater monitoring project was completed and accepted, which marks China taking the leading position in groundwater monitoring internationally; fruitful results were achieved in the national groundwater quality survey, and groundwater quality background values were basically identified and checked; hydrogeological and environmental geological survey was continuously promoted in karst areas and the ecological restoration of rocky desertification achieved remarkable results; China strengthened layer exploration techniques for groundwater, integrating the key and practical techniques of layer exploration and monitoring; the exploration of groundwater in the poverty-stricken regions and old revolutionary base areas were effectively promoted to strongly guarantee the poverty alleviation and drinking water safety; the mystery of desert groundwater was uncovered, making up for the shortage of 1: 250 000 hydrogeological survey in the Badain Jaran Desert; and more efforts were made to conduct survey on the water resources in the basin, and to finish the unified measurement of national-scale groundwater level.  相似文献   
以额河源流采金后废弃矿区为研究对象,于2011—2015年期间,通过采取不同恢复措施从被破坏矿区草地植物多样性和生物量的角度分析植被恢复效果。结果表明:(1)不同恢复措施促使各植物群落的物种数增加了5%~30%,说明采取恢复措施使得矿区生态环境得到了一定程度的恢复。(2)综合植被群落结构、盖度和地上生物量、物种多样性指数分析,措施A5(推平+圈羊)、A4(推平+补水)、A3(推平+覆土+黑加仑)较其他措施恢复效果更为显著。(3)通过对各样地植被丰富度指数(R)、Shannon Wiener指数(H′)、Simpson指数(D)、Pielou (Jsw)指数与地上生物量分别进行回归分析,发现指数曲线拟合关系最好。表明物种多样性与地上生物量均存在较显著的正相关关系(P <0.05)。本研究可为类似矿区的植被恢复与重建提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
海滩对风暴的响应及风暴后海滩的恢复过程一直以来都是国内外海滩研究的热点。本文通过对浙江舟山市朱家尖岛东沙海滩地形地貌的现场调查,对比分析了热带风暴"娜基莉"影响下东沙海滩剖面的蚀积变化,探讨了海滩在热带风暴发生后的恢复情况。结果表明,在"娜基莉"影响期间,因风暴浪为向岸浪,东沙海滩几乎遭受全线侵蚀,12个剖面单宽侵蚀总量为73.46 m3/m,其中海滩直线段较两个遮蔽段侵蚀显著。由于海滩在风暴前进方向的左侧,且"娜基莉"距东沙较远,使得东沙海滩普遍侵蚀但强度较小。东沙海滩在热带风暴后的恢复过程中,不同部位的地貌调整和冲淤变化不同,下岬角遮蔽段基本趋于稳定,直线段和上岬角遮蔽段在恢复过程中因受海滩季节性调整的影响呈现持续侵蚀。  相似文献   
The restoration of meadowland using the pond and plug technique of gully elimination was performed in a 9‐mile segment along Last Chance Creek, Feather River Basin, California, in order to rehabilitate floodplain functions such as mitigating floods, retaining groundwater, and reducing sediment yield associated with bank erosion and to significantly alter the hydrologic regime. However, because the atmospheric and hydrological conditions have evolved over the restoration period, it was difficult to obtain a comprehensible evaluation of the impact of restoration activities by means of field measurements. In this paper, a new use of physically based models for environmental assessment is described. The atmospheric conditions over the sparsely gauged Last Chance Creek watershed (which does not have any precipitation or weather stations) during the combined historical critical dry and wet period (1982–1993) were reconstructed over the whole watershed using the atmospheric fifth‐generation mesoscale model driven with the US National Center for Atmospheric Research and US National Center for Environmental Prediction reanalysis data. Using the downscaled atmospheric data as its input, the watershed environmental hydrology (WEHY) model was applied to this watershed. All physical parameters of the WEHY model were derived from the existing geographic information system and satellite‐driven data sets. By comparing the prerestoration and postrestoration simulation results under the identical atmospheric conditions, a more complete environmental assessment of the restoration project was made. Model results indicate that the flood peak may be reduced by 10–20% during the wet year and the baseflow may be enhanced by 10–20% during the following dry seasons (summer to fall) in the postrestoration condition. The model results also showed that the hydrologic impact of the land management associated with the restoration mitigates bank erosion and sediment discharge during winter storm events. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
中国草畜平衡状态时空演变指示的草地生态保护格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄麟  翟俊  祝萍  郑瑜晗 《地理学报》2020,75(11):2396-2407
中国草原牧区作为重要生态安全屏障和草地畜牧业生产基地,其草畜平衡状态直接影响草地退化与恢复,进而影响草地生态系统服务能力的强弱。本文分析了2000—2015年主要草原牧区草地植被覆盖、牧草供给、草畜平衡状态的时空变化特征,深入探讨草地退化与恢复及载畜压力下草地生态系统保护与恢复空间格局。结果表明:过去16年主要草原牧区草地面积净减少约163万hm2,6.7%的草地出现植被覆盖退化,而5.4%的草地呈现植被覆盖明显恢复。天然草地牧草供给量以增加为主,年增率约0.3 kg/hm2,然而其载畜压力亦持续增加,不考虑补饲的载畜压力指数高达3.8,除内蒙古东北部、青藏高原中部仍有载畜潜力,其余多处于超载状态;考虑实际冷季补饲的载畜压力指数约3.1,内蒙古中东部有所缓解;假设冷季全额补饲则载畜压力指数减至1.9,内蒙古、青藏高原等区域明显缓解。叠加上述数据,本文针对自然保护地、牧区、半农半牧区和农区等不同区域的草地生态保护格局,提出了平衡草地生态保护与畜牧生产利用的不同发展策略。  相似文献   
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