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作为重要的土壤物理性质,膨胀性在影响土壤导水性、持水性、抗蚀性以及土壤结构的形成和发育等方面发挥着重要作用。为了探讨生物土壤结皮(BSCs)土壤的膨胀特性及其主要影响因素,针对黄土高原风沙土和黄绵土两种典型土壤,利用膨胀仪测定并比较了有、无藓结皮及其在不同因素(初始含水量、干湿循环、冻融循环、温度)下膨胀率的差异,分析了BSCs对土壤膨胀性的影响及其与环境因素和BSCs性质的关系。结果显示:风沙土上藓结皮的膨胀率为1.93%,较无结皮增加了8.65倍;而黄绵土上藓结皮的膨胀率为2.05%,与无结皮相比降低了76.68%。藓结皮的生物量和厚度与其膨胀率在风沙土上均呈线性正相关关系(P < 0.05),在黄绵土上分别呈二次函数(P=0.02)和线性正相关关系(P=0.02)。初始含水量同时影响了土壤最大膨胀率和稳定膨胀时间,影响程度风沙土远大于黄绵土(包括藓结皮和无结皮);干湿循环次数对无结皮土壤膨胀率的影响程度大于藓结皮土壤,其中风沙土和黄绵土上无结皮的膨胀率分别是50.00%~620.00%和-2.28%~10.81%,而两种土壤上藓结皮的膨胀率分别是-5.70%~10.88%和-10.24%~-21.46%;冻融循环下4种土壤的膨胀率均有不同程度的降低,降幅为0~18.54%。黄绵土无结皮的膨胀率受温度影响程度较大,50℃下黄绵土无结皮的膨胀率分别是25℃和35℃下的1.17倍和1.21倍。BSCs显著地改变了风沙土和黄绵土表层的膨胀性,其影响的程度和方向取决于土壤类型。同时,BSCs的膨胀性受含水量、温度、干湿以及冻融循环等关键因素影响。  相似文献   
首先从人口、经济、用地3个维度综合考察武汉市增长与收缩的全貌,并采用县区及街道2个尺度的数据定量描述了武汉市增长与收缩的特征与空间格局,发现武汉市下辖青山区、硚口区、汉阳区和蔡甸区存在局部较严重的收缩现象,空间上形成集聚,形态上呈“穿孔式”。进一步以青山区为案例,着重从资本视角探讨发生局部收缩的内在机制,发现其存在老龄化、少子化趋势,但局部收缩的主因是资本从产业部门的“逃逸”。  相似文献   
This paper presents a thermo‐hydro‐mechanical framework to model the drying behavior of Boom clay. First, the experimental campaign conducted Noémie Prime is briefly presented because it is used to validate the model. The data acquisition and processing is emphasized because of the use of X‐ray microtomography to be able to more accurately compare experimental and numerical strain fields. The different submodels are introduced. Numerical simulations are performed to illustrate the capability of the proposed model to reproduce the observed behavior. Finally, a comprehensive sensitivity study on several key model parameters associated with the water retention curve, and the permeability of the medium, is performed to get a better understanding of the physics behind the coupled model.  相似文献   
三峡水库蓄水前后长江中下游流量特征变化及其对造床作用的影响一直受到学者的关注.采用枝城等6个水文站日均流量资料,分别统计了各站流量的经验频率分布,检验了8种概率密度函数的适用性,并讨论了三峡水库蓄水前后流量频率分布特征与造床流量的关系.研究表明:长江中下游干流洪中枯各级流量的频率分布具有分段特性,无法用皮尔逊Ⅲ型或对数正态等常见函数来整体描述,但中洪流量区段符合分段幂函数;拟合得到的分段幂函数转折点可近似反映造床流量,包括临界值在内的函数特征参数受洞庭湖等调蓄作用影响,在螺山站上下游差异较大;三峡水库蓄水后,洪水削减使得各站的流量频率分段特性增强,分段幂函数仍然适用;由于三峡水库蓄水后流量过程变化和频率调整的影响,枝城、沙市、监利站造床流量将变为蓄水前的0.79、0.73、0.74倍,螺山、汉口、大通站造床流量将变为蓄水前的0.89、0.90、0.93倍.本文的方法和认识对于长江中下游径流特征分析和造床流量计算具有参考价值.  相似文献   
为研究煤层气在排采过程中不同煤阶煤储层渗透率动态变化规律,利用煤岩三轴应力应变(基质收缩膨胀)测试系统,对褐煤、气煤和无烟煤样开展了有效应力与基质收缩双重效应物理模拟实验。固定轴压和围压不变,改变气体平衡压力,模拟开发过程中储层压力变化特征,测试其动态渗透率。利用实验结果,分析了不同煤阶煤岩在排采过程中动态渗透率反弹特征,并对比分析煤岩动态渗透率改善效果的差异性。研究表明:气体平衡压力从5 MPa降至1 MPa过程中,在有效应力和基质收缩双重效应作用下,褐煤样的归一化渗透率依次为1. 00、0. 60、0. 57、0. 57、0. 52,气煤样依次为1.00、0. 64、0. 50、0. 54和0. 55,无烟煤样依次为1.00、0. 74、0. 58、0. 50和0. 56。随气体平衡压力下降,中阶及高阶煤样动态渗透率先下降后上升,整体呈不对称“V”型变化规律,但拐点略有不同;低阶煤样动态渗透率呈先下降后基本稳定的趋势,整体呈斜“L”型变化规律。在有效应力和基质收缩双重效应影响下,中阶及高阶煤样动态渗透率改善效果优于低阶煤样。  相似文献   
李红梅  石逊 《探矿工程》2021,48(11):30-35
邢台白涧铁矿南区地层岩石破碎、部分地层含角砾、胶结性差、漏失严重,钻探施工中存在掉块卡钻、缩径、坍塌、埋钻及孔内泥浆全部漏失等难题。通过优化钻孔结构、使用新工艺、新方法,合理选择钻进参数,采用绳索取心钻进配合预留技术套管,有效解决了上部煤系地层的坍塌问题;采用反丝套管的方法,极大地减轻了由于地层缩径、掉块引起的套管下不到位、起拔困难等风险;常规型绳索取心钻杆替代套管方法的采用,提高了含角砾、松散地层的穿过速度,减少了钻探工作量的报废,加快了施工进度;特别是高胎体双水口钻头的使用,提高了钻进效率,节约了钻探施工成本,项目得以如期完成。  相似文献   
膨胀土是一种典型的问题性土,对气候变化非常敏感,在干旱气候条件下,极易发生体积收缩变形,引发各种工 程地质问题。为了研究膨胀土的干缩变形特性,开展了一系列室内干燥试验,测定了膨胀土的收缩特征曲线,重点分析 了初始含水率和干密度对干缩变形过程的影响,并进一步探讨了水泥固化抑制膨胀土干缩变形的效果和机理。结果表 明:(1) 膨胀土的干缩变形过程存在三个典型阶段:正常收缩、残余收缩和零收缩;(2) 初始含水率越高,试样蒸发速 率越快,且干缩变形完全后试样孔隙比越小而最终收缩应变越大,干缩变形越明显;(3) 初始干密度越大,试样蒸发速 率和最终体积收缩应变越小,提高初始干密度对试样干缩变形具有一定的抑制作用;(4) 在膨胀土中掺入适量的水泥能 显著降低试样的体积收缩应变,对干缩变形具有良好的抑制效果;(5) 膨胀土的干缩变形具有明显的各向异性特征,并 且与初始状态有关。  相似文献   
Constructing concrete jackets is a common technique when strengthening reinforced concrete (RC) columns, particularly in seismic regions. However, there are many uncertainties concerning the behavior of the composite specimen, particularly at the interface between the old and new concrete. In this paper, monotonic finite element (FE) analyses are performed to examine the behavior of strengthened columns under monotonic and cyclic loading. Through investigating two independent series of experimental results, it is demonstrated that monotonic FE analysis with appropriate assumptions can simulate both monotonic and cyclic loading conditions to a reasonable degree of accuracy. According to the results of this study, it is found that a simulation of the interface between the old and the new concrete is vital and cannot be ignored by simply considering a perfect bond at the interface. In the case of strengthened RC columns subjected to cyclic loading, strength degradation at the interface has to be included and can be effectively modeled by reducing the coefficients of friction and adhesion by using a proposed formula. Finally, the effect of jacket concrete shrinkage is simulated that leads to a reduced maximum load and stiffness of strengthened columns. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
当土体总应力状态保持不变时,基质吸力的提高是导致孔隙水排水、土样体积收缩、孔隙结构改变的根本原因,通过吸力可以将土壤收缩曲线和土水特征曲线联系起来进行比对研究。采用广义有效应力原理分析超固结土样和正常土样的失水过程,结果表明:超固结土样中存在着相应的先期固结压力的吸力值,称之为先期固结吸力ψc。当土样吸力小于ψc时,超固结土样和正常固结土样的收缩曲线、土水特征曲线不同:超固结土孔隙比随吸力提高而减小的坡度较缓,约等于土样的回弹再压缩指数,土样处于结构性收缩阶段;先期固结压力越大,土水特征曲线的进气值越高。当土样吸力高于ψc时,超固结土样和正常固结土样的收缩曲线、土水特征曲线重合。  相似文献   
The hydraulic characteristics of the plough pan of paddy fields provide continuous ponding conditions during the growing season and control the water use efficiency in wet rice production. Its saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks, however, exhibits a large spatiotemporal variability as a consequence of a highly dynamic soil structure involving temporary shrinkage cracks. Water flow through the earthen bunds surrounding the fields further contributes to the uncertainty in water flux calculations. The objective of this study was to develop a simple deterministic model with stochastic elements (‘PADDY‐FLUX’) for depiction of deep percolation, and to assess the effect of different water management scenarios on percolation in two channel command areas. Darcy's law is used as the fundamental equation for water flow calculations with the ponding water depth h as a time‐dependent variable. Flux uncertainty is estimated by a Monte‐Carlo‐type implementation. Ks is treated as a random variable of a bimodal probability density function (PDF), which is the weighted sum of two Gaussian PDFs (accounting for a matrix and a preferential flow domain). The weighing factor α is a function of h, reflecting an increasing risk for preferential flow situations after desiccation and the development of shrinkage cracks. Under‐bund percolation is calculated using transfer functions. The results demonstrate that percolation losses increase in the following order: continuous soil saturation < continuous flooding (CF) < mid‐season drainage and intermittent irrigation (MD + II) < mid‐season drainage and continuous flooding. The bunds contribute up to 54 and 17% to total fluxes under CF and MD + II, respectively. Preferential water fluxes are responsible for the major part of water losses as soon as desiccation causes the formation of shrinkage cracks. As a conclusion, continuous soil saturation should be promoted as the least water‐intensive irrigation regime, while intermittent irrigation is recommended only in case that irreversible shrinkage cracks have already developed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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