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广西土壤有机质空间变异特征及其影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于广西第二次土壤普查的270个土壤剖面资料,结合1∶50万数字化土壤类型图、土地利用类型图和气象监测数据等资料,利用地统计学和逐步回归分析等方法对广西表层土壤有机质空间变异特征及其影响因素进行了探究。结果表明:广西表层土壤有机质平均含量为3.11±2.19%,变异系数为70.72%,空间分布呈北高南低的趋势。广西表层土壤有机质空间分布受到自然和人为因素的共同影响,土壤类型、成土母质、海拔、土地利用、气候和坡度6个环境因子对全区土壤有机质含量变异的综合解释能力为47.9%。其中,土壤类型是最重要的影响因素,能独立解释其变异的36.0%,海拔和成土母质分别能独立解释28.5%和15.8%。气温对广西土壤有机质空间分布的影响比降水量更加显著,从而造成了广西土壤有机质整体呈南低北高的趋势。同时,土壤有机质对气温的敏感性在一定程度上受到降雨量的制约。此外,研究区农业耕作管理等因素对土壤有机质的影响也不容忽视。  相似文献   
海南省连片贫困地区农户致贫风险分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
农村贫困与减贫是世界性难题,也是中国各级政府高度重视并着力解决的重大民生问题。基于农户及致贫风险的文献梳理,从区位、社会和劳动力3个要素维度构建了农户致贫风险分析的二元Logistic回归模型。采用484户农户问卷调查数据,分析了海南省连片贫困地区农户的致贫风险,提出有效减贫和持续发展对策。研究发现:① 海南连片贫困地区生态环境良好但贫困发生率较高,家庭劳动力较充裕但受教育水平较低,子女教育支出负担重,因病因残致贫比例较高,女性务工人口较多,农户自身脱贫致富的发展动力不足。② 海拔高度200 m以下、男性户主、拥有残疾或患病成员、务工人口比例低、女性务工人员占比高、以及单位劳动力供养学生数高的农户具有更大的致贫风险。③ 研究未发现女性户主、少数民族、低受教育水平户主、大型规模家庭有更高的致贫风险,女性成员比例、抚养比等因素对农户贫困影响较小。激发农户内生动力、大力发展特色化和规模化农业、增加农户就业机会、加强针对农民工、女性务工人员和病残群体的社会保障等减贫政策制定实施是实现脱贫攻坚目标的重要途径。  相似文献   
以祠庙祭祀为主体且祠庙保存良好的民间信仰是甘肃陇中地区民间文化的重要组成。甘肃陇中地区的民间信仰具有很强的趋同性,本文以陇中地区的榆中县为例,以各村的祠庙为民间文化载体,通过核密度分析、Logistic回归等方法探讨榆中县民间文化载体的空间分布及其影响因素对于探讨陇中地区人地关系,保护和弘扬民俗文化有着重要意义。研究结果表明:(1)根据已有研究将榆中县民间信仰归纳为山神信仰、水神信仰、天地信仰、女性信仰、英雄崇拜和祖先崇拜,祖先崇拜的祠庙数量占有重要地位;(2)榆中县祠庙主要分布在西北黄河南岸、中部陇海铁路沿线及南部风景名胜集聚区,村级层面空间差异不显著、乡镇空间差异相对较大。通过核密度分析,不同类别民间信仰空间分布热点各有不同;(3)榆中县民间信仰空间分布受到区位条件限制,民间信仰的祠庙多位于海拔高度较低、人口密度较大、交通可达性较好的地区,坡度和到水源的距离成为山神信仰和水神信仰祠庙空间分布显著的影响因子,榆中县祠庙呈现出山神信仰类祠庙“依山”,水神信仰类祠庙“傍水”的空间特点。  相似文献   
近年来日益严重的登革热疫情已在中国南部地区形成疫情高发区,并对中国的公共卫生安全形成了一定的威胁。登革热主要受到区域内复杂的自然环境条件以及社会经济因素的影响,而利用地理空间分析方法和模型探究登革热疫情的影响因素,并对其未来流行风险的空间分布进行模拟,是有效开展登革热预防控制工作的重要基础。本文收集了珠江三角洲地区2010-2014年的登革热病例资料和土地利用、人口密度两种社会经济要素数据,构建土地利用回归(LUR)模型以分析登革热疫情与不同空间范围内的土地利用和人口密度之间的关系,并结合SLEUTH模型获取的2030年土地利用数据以及基于人口密度预测模型获取的2030年人口密度数据,预测珠江三角洲地区2030年登革热疫情风险的空间分布。结果表明,社会经济要素对登革热疫情空间分布的影响在不同范围内存在差异,半径分别为10、7、10、2和1 km的缓冲区内的人口密度、草地、城镇用地、林地和耕地进入LUR模型并对疫情有显著的影响(相关系数分别为0.779、-0.473、0.818、-0.642和-0.403),所构建的LUR模型效果较好(调整R2为0.796,F=390.409,P<0.01),留一交叉检验结果显示模型的相对均方根误差为0.7046,预测值与实测值的拟合精度达到0.7101。2030年城市空间扩展的区域主要分布在深圳、东莞以及广佛的交界地区,而登革热风险预测模型表明2030年登革热疫情风险较大的区域与珠江三角洲城镇用地占比、人口分布较高的地区有高度的一致性,尤其是广佛地区。因此,LUR模型可以较好地预测登革热疫情的空间分布,从而为当地卫生部门防控登革热提供方法支持。  相似文献   
合理构建PM2.5浓度预测模型是科学、准确地预测PM2.5浓度变化的关键。传统PM2.5预测EEMD-GRNN模型具有较好的预测精度,但是存在过于关注研究数据本身而忽略其物理意义的不足。本研究基于南京市2014-2017年PM2.5浓度时间序列数据,分析PM2.5浓度多尺度变化特征及其对气象因子和大气污染因子的尺度响应,基于时间尺度重构进行EEMD-GRNN模型的改进与实证研究。南京市样本数据PM2.5浓度变化表现为明显的天际尺度和月际尺度,从重构尺度(天际、月际)构建GRNN模型更具有现实意义;同时,PM2.5对PM10、NO2、O3、RH、MinT等因子存在多尺度响应效应,以其作为GRNN模型中的输入变量更具有时间序列上的解释意义。改进后的EEMD-GRNN模型具有更高的PM2.5浓度预测精度,MAE、MAPE、RMSE和R2分别为6.17、18.41%、8.32和0.95,而传统EEMD-GRNN模型的模型有效性检验结果分别为8.37、27.56%、11.56、0.91。对于高浓度天(PM2.5浓度大于100 μg/m3)的预测,改进模型更是全面优于传统EEMD-GRNN模型,MAPE为12.02%,相较于传统模型提高了9.03%。  相似文献   
Landslides are abundant in mountainous regions.They are responsible for substantial damages and losses in those areas.The A1 Highway,which is an important road in Algeria,was sometimes constructed in mountainous and/or semi-mountainous areas.Previous studies of landslide susceptibility mapping conducted near this road using statistical and expert methods have yielded ordinary results.In this research,we are interested in how do machine learning techniques help in increasing accuracy of landslide susceptibility maps in the vicinity of the A1 Highway corridor.To do this,an important section at Ain Bouziane(NE,Algeria) is chosen as a case study to evaluate the landslide susceptibility using three different machine learning methods,namely,random forest(RF),support vector machine(SVM),and boosted regression tree(BRT).First,an inventory map and nine input factors were prepared for landslide susceptibility mapping(LSM) analyses.The three models were constructed to find the most susceptible areas to this phenomenon.The results were assessed by calculating the receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curve,the standard error(Std.error),and the confidence interval(CI) at 95%.The RF model reached the highest predictive accuracy(AUC=97.2%) comparatively to the other models.The outcomes of this research proved that the obtained machine learning models had the ability to predict future landslide locations in this important road section.In addition,their application gives an improvement of the accuracy of LSMs near the road corridor.The machine learning models may become an important prediction tool that will identify landslide alleviation actions.  相似文献   
Changing urban landscape with multistoried high rises, roads and pavements is continuously reducing urban green space. These structures result in high surface temperature variation within cities. To explore the relationship between surface temperature and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), this study estimates two models—geographically weighted regression (GWR) and a fixed effect panel data model in relation to the Guwahati Metropolitan Area (GMA), a secondary city in north east India. The results indicate the superiority of GWR regression in presence of spatial dependence. Panel data analysis shows that the densely populated urban areas in the GMA with less than 10 per cent greenery are 1°C warmer than the sub-urban areas with 50 per cent greenery.  相似文献   
Global helium(He) shortage is a challenging problem; however, the types of helium source rock and the mechanisms of He generation and release therein remain still poorly understood. In this study, in order to evaluate the potential of granite as an effective helium source rock, we collected granitic samples from the North Qinling Orogen, Central China, in the south of the helium-rich Weihe Basin. The helium generation and release behaviors in granite were studied through analysis of U and Th concentrations, EMPA images, and He and Ar concentrations and isotopic ratios extracted by crushing and stepwise heating. The results indicate that Ar has a better retention and a lower mobility than He. 3 He/4 He ratios released by crushing and stepwise heating are 0.016–0.056 RA and 0.003–0.572 RA, respectively, where RA is the atmospheric 3 He/4 He of 1.4×10-6, reflecting a crustal and radiogenic source. Helium concentrations extracted by the two ways are 0.13–0.95 ucm3 STP/g and 7.82–115.62 ucm3 STP/g, respectively, suggesting that matrix-sited He accounts for more than 98% of total helium preserved in granite. In addition, the total generated He amounts in granites are calculated based on the measured U and Th concentrations in granitic samples. Dividing the preserved He quantities by the generated He amounts, it turned out that less than 10% of He produced since the formation of the granite is preserved in the rock over geological time, suggesting that more than 90% generated He can be transferred to the Weihe Basin. Temperature and fracture are the two critical factors controlling He release. Based on the relationship between He diffusivity of granites and temperature and the He closure temperatures of a variety of U-and Th-rich minerals(27–250°C), we estimate that He can be partially released out of granite at the depths 400 m and totally released at the depths 7800 m. Fractures provide effective transfer of free He from deep source rocks to shallow reservoirs. Finally, a model on granite as an effective helium source rock is established. We suggest exploring He resources in hydrocarbon basins with granitic basement(or adjacent to granite bodies), high geothermal field, and young active fractures.  相似文献   
When travelling, people are accustomed to taking and uploading photos on social media websites, which has led to the accumulation of huge numbers of geotagged photos. Combined with multisource information (e.g. weather, transportation, or textual information), these geotagged photos could help us in constructing user preference profiles at a high level of detail. Therefore, using these geotagged photos, we built a personalised recommendation system to provide attraction recommendations that match a user's preferences. Specifically, we retrieved a geotagged photo collection from the public API for Flickr (Flickr.com) and fetched a large amount of other contextual information to rebuild a user's travel history. We then created a model-based recommendation method with a two-stage architecture that consists of candidate generation (the matching process) and candidate ranking. In the matching process, we used a support vector machine model that was modified for multiclass classification to generate the candidate list. In addition, we used a gradient boosting regression tree to score each candidate and rerank the list. Finally, we evaluated our recommendation results with respect to accuracy and ranking ability. Compared with widely used memory-based methods, our proposed method performs significantly better in the cold-start situation and when mining ‘long-tail’ data.  相似文献   
Land cover and land use change (LCLUC) is a global phenomenon, and LCLUC in urbanizing regions has substantial impacts on humans and their environments. In this paper, a semi-automatic approach to identifying the type and starting time of urbanization was developed and tested based on dense time series of Vegetation-Impervious-Soil (V-I-S) maps derived from Landsat surface reflectance imagery. The accuracy of modeled V-I-S fractions and the estimated time of initial change in impervious cover were assessed. North Taiwan, one of the regions of the island of Taiwan that experienced the greatest urban LCLUC, was chosen as a test area, and the study period is 1990 to 2015, a period of substantial urbanization. In total, 295 dates of Landsat imagery were used to create 295 V-I-S fraction maps that were used to construct fractional cover time series for each pixel. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)s for the modeled Vegetation, Impervious, and Soil were 25 %, 22 %, 24 % respectively. The time of Urban Expansion is estimated by logistic regression applied to Impervious cover time series, while the time of change for Urban Renewal is determined by the period of brief Soil exposure. The identified location and estimated time for newly urbanized lands were generally accurate, with 80% of Urban Expansion estimated within ±2.4 years. However, the accuracy of identified Urban Renewal was relatively low. Our approach to identifying Urban Expansion with dense time series of Landsat imagery is shown to be reliable, while Urban Renewal identification is not.  相似文献   
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