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海泡石改性及吸附Zn2+研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金属离子型无机抗菌剂具有安全性好、抗菌广谱、时效长和耐热等许多优良性能,在许多领域有广泛的应用价值。金属离子型无机抗菌剂由金属抗菌离子和无机载体材料组成,其抗菌性能与载体材料对抗菌金属离子的吸附量有关。本文初步研究了对海泡石进行酸改性及用海泡石载抗菌锌离子(Zn2+)的两种工艺方式对海泡石结构及载Zn2+量的影响。通过原子吸收发射光谱、X射线衍射、扫描能谱电子显微镜及傅立叶变换红外光谱等技术的分析表明,用体积浓度为5%的HCL,在70℃温度下对海泡石进行酸处理,在提高海泡石纯度,分散海泡石纤维束、使海泡石结构中孔隙扩大,进而达到更多载入Zn2+目的等方面都是十分必要和有效的方法;采用干湿循环方式将Zn2+载于海泡石能提高海泡石的载Zn2+量,但干湿循环方式操作更复杂,能耗更大,应视具体情况酌情选择使用。  相似文献   
非饱和黏土的冻胀融沉过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴礼舟  许强  黄润秋 《岩土力学》2011,32(4):1025-1028
通过非饱和黏土的冻胀融沉试验,分析了非饱和黏土在不同含水率(饱和度)和密度情况下冻胀融沉变化特征,探讨了非饱和状态下不同含水率对热传导的影响规律,重点研究了冻胀过程中冻结锋面的移动规律。在一定冻结条件下,冻结锋面移动速度与干密度和含水率有关,尤其是含水率对冻结锋面移动速度产生较大的影响。含水率越大,冻结锋面移动越快。根据该非饱和冻土的试验与分析,旨在为理论研究与工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   
锚杆框架梁加固膨胀土边坡的数值模拟及优化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴礼舟  黄润秋 《岩土力学》2006,27(4):605-608
锚杆框架梁是加固膨胀土路堑边坡的一种方式,能够有效地抑止膨胀土边坡裂隙的扩展和发展,阻止边坡体的变形。为了研究锚杆框架梁的加固效果及其坡率对膨胀土路堑边坡的影响,采用了快速拉格朗日差分分析三维软件FLAC3D模拟锚杆框架梁加固膨胀土路堑边坡。数值分析及结果表明,坡率与膨胀土路堑边坡变形密切,锚杆框架梁参数中锚杆布设角度和间距对膨胀土边坡变形影响较大,同时对锚杆框架梁的主要参数提出相关的建议,为工程和设计优化提供了参考。  相似文献   
土水特征曲线的通用数学模型研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
土水特征曲线对于研究非饱和土的物理力学特性至关重要。根据土水特征曲线可以确定非饱和土的强度、体应变和渗透系数 ,甚至可以确定地下水面以上水份分布。由于土体物理力学特性的差异 ,导致描述其土水特征曲线的数学模型也各不相同。因此 ,建立土水特征曲线的通用数学表达式 ,显得尤为必要。本文对土水特征曲线数学模型进行了研究 ,依据这些模型的数学表达式形式 ,将其划分为 4种类型。分别由这 4种类型的数学模型推导出具有统一表达式形式的土水特征曲线通用数学模型 ,并运用陕北高原黄土土水特征曲线试验数据对通用数学模型进行了研究  相似文献   
我国是有辽阔海洋国土的海洋大国,海陆总国土面积约1 260×104km2。中国海处于大陆边缘,其海底地貌可分为大陆架、大陆坡、岛弧、海沟和深海海盆五大类。本文按地体构造分析我国海域及邻区的构造,其主体处于欧亚板块的华北亚板块、扬子亚板块、华南亚板块、南海亚板块和东南亚亚板块,其中亚板块可分为若干地体。台湾海岸山脉及其以东区域位于菲律宾海板块。三叠纪以来,这些板块、亚板块和地体处于不断拼合、增生或离散之中。按照联合国海洋法公约,渤海是内海。黄海的西部海域,东海和南海的大部分海域都是我国国家管辖的专属经济区,都是中国海洋国土,根本不是什么公海。我国海洋矿产资源极其丰富,海洋油气资源的勘探与开发居最重要的地位。除了已开采海滨砂矿、铜、煤等固体矿产之外,应特别要重视海洋多金属结核、天然气水合物等资源的勘探和开发。  相似文献   
An analytical solution to 1D coupled water infiltration and deformation is derived using a Fourier integral transform. Exponential functional forms are used to represent the hydraulic conductivity–pore‐water pressure relationship and the soil‐water characteristic curve. Fredlund's incremental‐linear constitutive model for unsaturated soils is adopted. The analytical solution considers arbitrary initial pore‐water pressure distributions and flux and pressure boundary conditions. The corresponding analytical solutions to coupled steady‐state problems are also obtained. The analytical solutions demonstrate that the coupling of seepage and deformation plays an important role in water infiltration in unsaturated soils. In the early stages of infiltration, the difference between uncoupled and coupled conditions becomes marked over time, and in late stages, the difference caused by the coupling effects diminishes toward the steady state. The difference between the uncoupled and coupled conditions increases with decreasing desaturation coefficient (α). Pore‐water pressure or deformation changes caused by the coupling effects are mainly controlled by the degree of soil volume change due to a change in soil suction (H). The smaller the absolute value of H, the greater the effect of coupling on the infiltration and deformation. The ratio of rainfall intensity to saturated permeability (q/ks) also has a strong influence on the coupled seepage and deformation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
An analytical solution to 1D coupled water infiltration and deformation in layered soils is derived using a Laplace transformation. Coupling between seepage and deformation, and initial conditions defined by arbitrary continuous pore‐water pressure distributions are considered. The analytical solutions describe the transient pore‐water pressure distributions during 1D, vertical infiltration toward the water table through two‐layer unsaturated soils. The nonlinear coupled formulations are first linearized and transformed into a form that is solvable using a Laplace transformation. The solutions provide a reliable means of comparing the accuracy of various numerical methods. Parameters considered in the coupled analysis include the saturated permeability (ks), desaturation coefficient (α), and saturated volumetric water content (θs) of each soil layer, and antecedent and subsequent rainfall infiltration rates. The analytical solution demonstrates that the coupling of seepage and deformation plays an important role in water infiltration in layered unsaturated soils. A smaller value of α or a smaller absolute value of the elastic modulus of the soil with respect to a change in soil suction (H) for layered unsaturated soils means more marked coupling effect. A smaller absolute value of H of the upper layer soil also tends to cause more marked coupling effect. A large difference between the saturated coefficients of permeability for the top and bottom soil layers leads to reduced rainfall infiltration into the deep soil layer. The initial conditions also play a significant role in the pore‐water pressure redistribution and coupling effect. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
泥石流危险范围预测模型及在昆明东川城区的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合泥石流危险范围模型实验数据,运用多元回归分析方法探讨了泥石流危险范围预测,并进行了误差分析。以昆明市东川城区后山3条泥石流沟为例,运用该模型对其危险范围进行了预测分析,为东川城区泥石流防灾提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
高边坡岩体卸荷带划分的量化研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
边坡卸荷及其卸荷带是西南地区高边坡一种常见的现象,对岩石边坡稳定性及其它岩石工程问题有重要的影响。在分析目前卸荷带划分方法的基础上,根据卸荷带的形成机理及地质表现,提出了用裂隙率、张开裂隙率和“隙宽和”3个量化指标进行卸荷带的划分。结合实际工程,进行了大量的现场裂隙测量,分析结果表明,3个量化指标对卸荷带的强弱有较好的响应关系,作为卸荷带划分的量化指标具有较好的可操作性。进一步,结合卸荷带的地质特点,提出了所研究的具体工程其卸荷带划分的建议方案。  相似文献   
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