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新元古代晚期—寒武纪早期是地球历史演化的关键时期,整个生物圈、大气圈和水圈在此期间都发生了巨大的变化,海水成分在其间也发生了明显的变化。而石盐流体包裹体恰恰记录了该时段海水主要离子成分的转变:海水成分从新元古代晚期的“文石海”,快速转化为寒武纪的“方解石海”;同时海水中的碳、锶、硫同位素都发生了剧烈的改变,其中海水硫酸根的硫同位素从新元古代冰期前的20‰左右,迅速升高到新元古代冰期后的35‰左右,甚至可以到45‰,海相蒸发岩沉积中的硫酸盐沉积(主要是石膏、硬石膏)则直接记录了当时海水中硫酸根的硫同位素变化。现有研究表明,新元古代晚期——寒武纪时期的海相蒸发岩沉积记录了当时海洋中存在着地质历史时期最大的硫同位素异常,即“Yudomski事件”。塔里木盆地的寒武纪早期、中期蒸发岩记录了“Yudomski事件”的硫同位素异常高值(35‰左右,甚至更高),表明这一起源于新元古代晚期的同位素异常事件持续到了寒武纪的早期和中期;塔里木盆地奥陶纪早期的蒸发岩、鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶纪中期蒸发岩和美国Williston盆地奥陶纪晚期地层的蒸发岩的硫同位素数据相似,都在+25‰左右则记录了较低的海洋硫同位素值,表明起源于新元古代冰期之后的“Yudomski事件”的硫同位素异常,持续到了寒武纪的中期,而结束于寒武纪的晚期。  相似文献   
Anisotropy correction is necessary during the processing of converted PSwave seismic data to achieve accurate structural imaging, reservoir prediction, and fracture detection. To effectively eliminate the adverse effects of S-wave splitting and to improve PSwave imaging quality, we tested methods for pre-stack migration imaging and anisotropic correction of PS-wave data. We based this on the propagation rules of seismic waves in a horizontal transverse isotropy medium, which is a fractured medium model that reflects likely subsurface conditions in the field. We used the radial (R) and transverse (T) components of PS-wave data to separate the fast and slow S-wave components, after which their propagation moveout was effectively extracted. Meanwhile, corrections for the energies and propagation moveouts of the R and T components were implemented using mathematical rotation. The PS-wave imaging quality was distinctly improved, and we demonstrated the reliability of our methods through numerical simulations. Applying our methods to three-dimensional and three-component seismic field data from the Xinchang-Hexingchang region of the Western Sichuan Depression in China, we obtained high-quality seismic imaging with continuous reflection wave groups, distinct structural features, and specific stratigraphic contact relationships. This study provides an effective and reliable approach for data processing that will improve the exploration of complex, hidden lithologic gas reservoirs.  相似文献   
为了系统研究塔河油田碎屑岩油气运聚过程,针对研究区目的层的地质特征,文章采用流径和逾渗综合方法进行油气运聚模拟分析。该方法基于断裂-砂体输导格架来开展油气运聚模拟,首先通过断层的分级、分期研究,结合实际资料形成了断层开启性判别标准,进而建立断层输导格架模型;综合使用压实曲线和孔渗关系,利用相控建模技术建立砂体输导格架模型。在断裂-砂体输导格架基础上开展了油气运聚模拟,模拟结果与现有的油气藏吻合较好,表明流径与逾渗综合法是一种模拟研究区目的层油气运聚过程的有效方法。同时,利用模拟结果,明确了主要目的层的潜力区域,对研究区碎屑岩的勘探部署有重要意义和实际价值。   相似文献   
四川盆地震旦系灯影组白云岩成因   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于岩芯观察、薄片鉴定、地球化学分析,结合区域地质背景,系统研究了四川盆地震旦系灯影组白云岩成因。岩石学特征分析发现,灯影组白云岩可分为泥粉晶云岩、粒屑云岩、微生物云岩、岩溶角砾云岩4类,其结构类型一般为泥晶-粉晶,说明白云岩化时间较早,为准同生期。地球化学分析表明,灯影组白云岩δ13C平均值与震旦纪原始海水较为接近,δ18O值呈现中-高负偏的特征,有序度和Fe、Mn含量相对偏低,Na含量相对较高,稀土元素配分模式则与海水配分曲线类似,表明白云岩化主要受到海源流体的影响。盆地周缘的古陆和水下隆起使盆内海水极易封隔浓缩,盆内发育的富Ca2+菌藻类可间接提高海水的Mg2+/Ca2+比值,加之灯影期干旱炎热的古气候让盆内蒸发作用强烈,可伴生石膏等蒸发性矿物,促进白云石化。综合上述特征,四川盆地灯影组白云岩成因为微生物参与的蒸发海水回流渗透白云石化。  相似文献   
利用传统有限差分方法对基于Biot理论的双相介质波动方程进行数值求解时,由于慢纵波的存在,数值频散效应较为明显,影响模拟精度.相对于声学近似方程及普通弹性波方程,Biot双相介质波动方程在同等数值求解算法和精度要求条件下,其地震波场正演模拟需要更多的计算时间.本文针对Biot一阶速度-应力方程组发展了一种变阶数优化有限差分数值模拟方法,旨在同时提高其正演模拟的精度和效率.首先结合交错网格差分格式推导Biot方程的数值频散关系式.然后基于Remez迭代算法求取一阶空间偏导数的优化差分系数,并用于Biot方程的交错网格有限差分数值模拟.在此基础上把三类波的平均频散误差参数限制在给定的频散误差阈值和频率范围内,此时优化有限差分算子的长度就能自适应非均匀双相介质模型中的不同速度区间.数值频散曲线分析表明:基于Remez迭代算法的优化有限差分方法相较传统泰勒级数展开方法在大波数范围对频散误差的压制效果更明显;可变阶数的优化有限差分方法能取得与固定阶数优化有限差分方法相近的模拟精度.在均匀介质和河道模型的数值模拟实验中将本文变阶数优化有限差分算法与传统泰勒展开算法、最小二乘优化算法进行比较,进一步证明其在复杂地下介质中的有效性和适用性.  相似文献   
焉耆盆地经历了20多年的勘探开发,取得了一系列认识,但目前急需开辟新的油气勘探领域来缓解增储上产的压力。焉耆隆起区是盆地的油气远景区,通过新焉参1井钻探,初步分析了研究区石油地质条件,明确了其缺失中生界大部分地层,缺乏油源和有效的油气运移通道。讨论后认为应继续探索隆起区油气成藏的可能性,加强焉耆隆起区与博湖坳陷构造演化关系的研究,寻找有效的油气运移通道及隐蔽型油气藏。这些认识对今后焉耆盆地的勘探具有重要意义。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2019,2(1):94-107
Based on the interpretation of two-dimensional seismic data, this paper analyzes the characteristics of three boundary fault systems including the Shajingzi fault, the Aqia fault and the Tumuxiuke fault around the Awati sag of the Tarim Basin, and studies its controlling on hydrocarbon accumulation. Neotectonic movement is ubiquitous in oil and gas bearing basins in China, such as Neogene intense activities of large boundary thrusting faults of the Awati sag: Shajingzi fault, Aqia fault and Tumuxiuke fault. Based on a large number of seismic data, it is showed that they have section wise characteristics in the direction of fault strike, and active periods and associated structures formed of different sections are different. Usually, large anticlinal structures are formed in the upper wall, and faulted anticline controlled by companion faults are formed in the bottom wall. Large faults cut the strata from Cambrian up to Neogene. For the anticline in the upper wall, fault activities caused by neotectonic movement played a destructive role in hydrocarbon accumulation, thus the preservation condition is critical for reservoir formation. In this sense, attention should be paid to formations in the upper walls of Aqia fault and Tumuxiuke fault under the Cambrian salt bed, whose plastic deformation could help to heal faults. Companion faults in the bottom wall cut down to the Cambrian and up to the Triassic serving as the pathway for hydrocarbon migration, and associated structures in the bottom wall are noteworthy exploration targets.©2019 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
The Chagan Depression in the Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin, located at the intersection of the Paleo-Asian Ocean and the Tethys Ocean domains is an important region to gain insights on terrestrial heat flow, lithospheric thermal structure and deep geodynamic processes. Here, we compute terrestrial heat flow values in the Chagan Depression using a large set of system steady-state temperature data from four representative wells and rock thermal conductivity. We also estimate the “thermal” lithospheric thickness, mantle heat flow, ratio of mantle heat flow to surface heat flow and Moho temperature to evaluate the regional tectonic framework and deep dynamics. The results show that the heat flow in the Chagan Depression ranges from 66.5 to 69.8 mW/m2, with an average value of 68.3 ± 1.2 mW/m2. The Chagan Depression is characterized by a thin “thermal” lithosphere, high mantle heat flow, and high Moho temperature, corresponding to the lithospheric thermal structure of “cold mantle and hot crust” type. We correlate the formation of the Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin to the Early Cretaceous and Cenozoic subduction of the western Pacific Plate and the Cenozoic multiple extrusions. Our results provide new insights into the thermal structure and dynamics of the lithospheric evolution in central China.  相似文献   
密度参数是页岩储层评价的重要敏感参数,但通常认为准确获得密度信息难度较大.本文探索提出了一种稳定的基于弹性阻抗的叠前密度反演方法,以提高优质页岩的识别精度.首先,基于不同的参数化弹性阻抗方程开展密度敏感性分析,优选了敏感性最高的Aki-Richards近似弹性阻抗方程作为反演方程.然后,在弹性阻抗方程线性化的基础上,假设反演方程系数矩阵的逆存在,将密度(取对数)表示为多个角度弹性阻抗(取对数)的加权和,通过井旁道弹性阻抗反演结果与测井数据的回归求取加权系数,避免了常规反演方法对大型系数矩阵的求逆计算,从而提高了密度反演的稳定性,同时由于利用测井资料作为匹配目标,密度反演的精度也得到了提高.模型试算和涪陵页岩气田的实际资料应用实践均表明了该方法能够有效地提高密度反演的精度与稳定性.  相似文献   
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