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新元古代晚期—寒武纪早期是地球历史演化的关键时期,整个生物圈、大气圈和水圈在此期间都发生了巨大的变化,海水成分在其间也发生了明显的变化。而石盐流体包裹体恰恰记录了该时段海水主要离子成分的转变:海水成分从新元古代晚期的“文石海”,快速转化为寒武纪的“方解石海”;同时海水中的碳、锶、硫同位素都发生了剧烈的改变,其中海水硫酸根的硫同位素从新元古代冰期前的20‰左右,迅速升高到新元古代冰期后的35‰左右,甚至可以到45‰,海相蒸发岩沉积中的硫酸盐沉积(主要是石膏、硬石膏)则直接记录了当时海水中硫酸根的硫同位素变化。现有研究表明,新元古代晚期——寒武纪时期的海相蒸发岩沉积记录了当时海洋中存在着地质历史时期最大的硫同位素异常,即“Yudomski事件”。塔里木盆地的寒武纪早期、中期蒸发岩记录了“Yudomski事件”的硫同位素异常高值(35‰左右,甚至更高),表明这一起源于新元古代晚期的同位素异常事件持续到了寒武纪的早期和中期;塔里木盆地奥陶纪早期的蒸发岩、鄂尔多斯盆地奥陶纪中期蒸发岩和美国Williston盆地奥陶纪晚期地层的蒸发岩的硫同位素数据相似,都在+25‰左右则记录了较低的海洋硫同位素值,表明起源于新元古代冰期之后的“Yudomski事件”的硫同位素异常,持续到了寒武纪的中期,而结束于寒武纪的晚期。  相似文献   
Although Late Cambrian microbial build-ups were recognized in the Point Peak Member of the Wilberns Formation in Central Texas (USA) nearly 70 years ago, only a few studies focused specifically on the build-ups themselves. This study focuses on the interpretation of the regional (15 measured sections described in literature representing an area of 8000 km2) and local (field and drone photogrammetry studies in a 25 km2 area from within south Mason County) microbial build-up occurrence, describes their growth phases and details their interactions with the surrounding inter-build-up sediments. The study establishes the occurrence of microbial build-ups in the lower and upper Point Peak members (the Point Peak Member is informally broken up into the lower Point Peak and the upper Point Peak members separated by Plectotrophia zone). The lower Point Peak Member consists of three <1 m thick microbial bioherms and biostrome units, in addition to heterolithic and skeletal/ooid grainstone and packstone beds. One, up to 14 m thick, microbial unit associated with inter-build-up skeletal and ooid grainstone and packstone beds, intercalated with mixed siliciclastic–carbonate silt beds, characterizes the upper Point Peak member. The microbial unit in the upper Point Peak member displays a three-phase growth evolution, from an initial colonization phase on flat based, rip-up clast lenses, to a second aggradation and lateral expansion phase, into a third well-defined capping phase. The ultimate demise of the microbial build-ups is interpreted to have been triggered by an increase of water turbidity caused by a sudden influx of fine siliciclastics. The lower Point Peak member represents inner ramp shallow subtidal and intertidal facies and the upper Point Peak member corresponds to mid-outer ramp subtidal facies. Understanding the morphological architecture and depositional context of these features is of importance for identifying signatures of early life on Earth.  相似文献   
马海丹  杨继媛  陈爱林  侯先光  唐烽 《地质学报》2019,93(11):2715-2728
本文报道澄江生物群似斜纹海绵属Paradiagoniella的两个新种:橄榄形似斜纹海绵P.oliviformis sp. nov. 和锥形似斜纹海绵P. conicasp. nov. 。两个新种具有似斜纹海绵属的基本特征:体壁薄;由排列不规则、分级的十字骨针为基底构成骨骼;除十字骨针外,还穿插排列有五射针、六射针、弯弓形和针形双尖单轴针等。然而与模式种不同,两个新种十字骨针分级不明显;同时,两个新种在外形、骨针组成、最大十字骨针射长比等方面,与本属的其他种都存在明显差异。新材料的发现增加了寒武纪早期原始海绵物种多样性,为研究海绵动物早期起源演化提供了新信息。  相似文献   
作为一种经常大于鲕粒的包覆颗粒类型,核形石以其不平滑的圈层被解释为微生物成因,区别于成因存在较大争议的鲕粒,而且常与鲕粒和其他类型的碳酸盐颗粒相互共生;作为一种在围绕着生物碎屑和非生物碎屑核心的序列式纹层化作用过程中形成的球形或假球型生物沉积构造,核形石还常常单独产出和分布,所以又被解释为微生物碳酸盐岩,或者被归为球状叠层石。在辽东半岛寒武系第二统碱厂组和馒头组之中,厘米级别大小的核形石密集发育在三级层序的顶部,成为一种时间特化的相。另外,以下重要特征将辽东半岛寒武系第二统的核形石特征化,包括: (1)与凝块和微凝块共生;(2)多为球状和椭球状;(3)由不均一的非纹层状致密泥晶和微亮晶构成;(4)核形石皮层以及核形石间凝块中发育特别的蓝细菌鞘钙化化石等。尽管穿越成岩作用过滤器去解释古代核形石复杂的形成机理存在着巨大的挑战,也尽管形成这些核形石的复杂生物膜钙化作用细节需要更加深入地研究才能得到更好地了解,但是,辽东半岛第二统碱厂组和馒头组核形石中直接的微生物化石证据,尤其是核形石内较为丰富的钙化蓝细菌鞘化石,使其成为一个了解光合作用生物膜建造核形石的典型实例。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地阿克苏地区寒武系第二统第三阶肖尔布拉克组主要由微生物白云岩组成,代表性的剖面在阿克苏市西南90 km处的苏盖特布拉克。由于成岩作用改造严重,对这套微生物碳酸盐岩的特征和形成环境的认识还存在很多分歧,制约了勘探工作。通过详细野外勘察和室内研究,将肖尔布拉克组微生物岩分为4种结构类型: 凝块结构、纹层结构、砂屑结构和骨架结构。首次对凝块结构和纹层结构进行了亚类型的划分,其中凝块结构可划分为蠕虫状、网状和斑点状3种亚类型,纹层结构可划分为致密纹层、短薄纹层、颗粒纹层以及单纹层、纹层组、复合纹层。肖Ⅰ段—肖Ⅲ段发育凝块石白云岩、凝块—层纹石白云岩和层纹石白云岩,肖Ⅳ段发育凝块石微生物丘,肖V段下部发育网状结构凝块石白云岩,肖V段上部发育砂屑白云岩和肾形菌骨架岩。白云石化作用、溶蚀作用、重结晶作用是改变肖尔布拉克组微生物岩结构最重要的成岩作用,且该组下部比上部遭受了更强的成岩作用改造;微生物岩结构对成岩作用改造的抵抗能力为: 砂屑结构>纹层结构>凝块结构。根据微生物岩结构,推测肖Ⅰ段—肖Ⅲ段形成于潮坪环境,肖Ⅳ段和肖V段下部形成于深水潮下环境,肖V段上部形成于浅水潮下环境。以上成果为认识塔里木盆地肖尔布拉克组微生物岩的平面分布规律和今后开展被成岩作用强烈改造的白云岩型微生物岩的研究提供了一个重要参考。  相似文献   
During the Cambrian, gypsum-bearing evaporites formed in the Sichuan Basin, SW China. These rocks are important for oil and gas sealing, but details of their distribution and origin are not well established. This study examines the regional distribution and origin of the gypsum-bearing evaporites using a comprehensive analysis of drilling data from 34 wells, 5 measured cross-sections in the basin and surrounding area, and 96 maps of area-survey data. Results show that in the stratigraphic succession, the gypsum-bearing evaporites occur mainly in the Lower Cambrian Longwangmiao Formation, the Middle Cambrian Douposi Formation, and the Middle-Upper Cambrian Xixiangchi Group. Geographically, the rocks are found mainly in the southeastern part of the basin, and the distribution of deposits shows an overall SW-NE trend. The sedimentary environments for evaporite formation were evaporative lagoon and inter-platform basin in a platform setting. Gypsum was generated by the underwater concentration of sea water in a strongly evaporative environment. Both an evaporative restricted platform and a mixeddeposition restricted platform model appear to be applicable to the development of gypsum in the Sichuan Basin. The gypsum-bearing evaporites with the best sealing capacity are located mostly in the southeastern part of the basin. These constraints can be applied directly to regional exploration, and have implications for the regional paleogeography and paleoclimate.  相似文献   
郑斌嵩  牟传龙  梁薇  陈超 《地质学报》2018,92(7):1524-1540
在扬子地台东南缘,下寒武统龙王庙阶清虚洞组主要由浅水碳酸盐岩组成。在野外露头剖面实测和室内镜下薄片观察的基础上,大量风暴沉积被发现于不同剖面清虚洞组的不同层位中,同时大量风暴诱发形成的沉积构造被识别出来,包括侵蚀基底、粗粒滞留沉积、粒序层理、平行层理、丘状交错层理(少见并且值得怀疑)以及沙纹层理,组成了多种类型的风暴沉积序列。结合更靠扬子东南缘的深水剖面中重力流沉积的缺乏,可以推断早寒武世龙王庙期扬子地台的沉积模式为碳酸盐缓坡。结合风暴的形成机制以及清虚洞组风暴沉积的发育特征(尤其是粗粒滞留砾屑的定向排列和典型丘状交错层理的缺乏),可以推断研究区风暴沉积形成于强烈的冬季风暴作用,并且早寒武世龙王庙期华南的古地理位置应当位于中纬度地区,这一结论对一些著名的全球古地理重建方案提出了质疑。同时中纬度地区大规模发育蒸发岩和碳酸盐岩还佐证了寒武纪地球处于热室(Hothouse)时期。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地塔西南地区和田河气田周缘寒武系中统发育厚层膏盐岩,其下白云岩溶蚀裂缝-孔洞型储层发育条件好。多个层系具备烃源岩发育条件,除寒武系下统玉尔吐斯组外,震旦系、南华系也是可能的重要生油层系,油气资源丰富。盐下发育多个规模较大的构造圈闭,且由于膏盐岩层的滑脱作用,断裂很难断穿盐层,后期保存条件好。因此,寒武系中统膏盐岩与下伏白云岩组成本区重要的储盖组合,勘探领域具有非常好的前景。  相似文献   
王龙  吴海  张瑞  李昌伟 《地质论评》2018,64(1):62-76
随着对现代碳酸盐沉积环境的系统调查和解释、以及对碳酸盐沉积原理认识的深化,自20世纪60年代,一系列碳酸盐沉积相模式得以建立,其中最引人注目的是Wilson和Tucker的工作。但在镶边陆棚及缓坡模式得到了广泛认可和使用的同时,对陆表海和淹没台地型沉积未能予以足够的重视。与过去相比,现今的海平面是相对较低的,因而没有出现陆表海广泛发育的情况。但在漫长的地质历史时期,陆表海曾经覆盖了广泛的克拉通区域,是碳酸盐沉积最重要的场所之一。本文在系统总结前人成果的基础上,将用于描述大尺度碳酸盐岩沉积环境的碳酸盐台地分为镶边陆棚、缓坡、陆表海、孤立台地和淹没台地5种类型分别描述,并重点强调了陆表海和淹没台地的沉积模式。华北地台寒武系大面积分布的潮坪沉积、鲕粒滩相灰岩和竹叶状风暴砾屑灰岩,以及频繁出现的台地淹没事件,为阐明陆表海和淹没台地的沉积提供了绝佳实例。这些实例和研究表明了碳酸盐沉积环境的多样性和沉积过程的复杂性,以及将今论古的困难性,从而为碳酸盐沉积原理的认识和沉积环境的解释提供新认识和新思路。  相似文献   
Systematic extinctions can leave major morphological gaps between living crown-group clades. Such morphological gaps would be perceived, from a neontological point of view, as major evolutionary transitions. In order to fill these morphological gaps and to map the evolutionary steps toward major evolutionary transitions, we need to integrate extinct stem-group taxa in phylogenetic studies. However, the recognition of stem group has not been widely adopted in the study of early animal fossils, despite that all fossils are stem groups at one level or another. Part of the difficulty is that stem groups may not have all features that collectively diagnose the respective crown group, and they can have unique (autapomorphic) features, making them tantalizingly similar to and frustratingly different from the crown group (e.g., stem-group eukaryotes can be prokaryotic and stem-group animals can be protistan). The need to embrace stem groups and to implement the PhyloCode, in order to achieve phylogenetic clarity and to offer key paleontological insights into the origin and early animal evolution, is illustrated in debates on several controversial Ediacaran and Cambrian fossils.  相似文献   
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