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岩浆底侵的热-流变学效应及对峨眉山大火成岩省的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王振华  陈赟  陈林  宋海斌 《岩石学报》2018,34(1):91-102
岩浆底侵在大陆地壳的形成和演化过程中起着非常重要的作用。本文基于二维热传导方程模拟不同规模的地壳底侵产生的热-流变学效应,以及幔源岩浆温度和含水量对底侵厚度的影响;并以现有的岩石地球化学分析、深部地球物理探测结果为约束,模拟了峨眉山大火成岩省内带幔源岩浆底侵对应的地表热流随时间演化,探讨了形成幔源岩浆底侵的潜温和初始熔融的深度制约。结果显示:1)幔源岩浆底侵引起的热扰动的耗散时间取决于岩浆底侵的初始厚度。以幔源岩浆侵入温度为1300℃,20km厚的地壳底侵为例,热扰动完全耗散需经历约150Myr;而5km厚的地壳底侵,只需经历50Myr热扰动已基本耗散殆尽。2)在初始阶段,岩浆底侵会造成岩石圈强度的显著降低;随着热耗散的进行,岩石圈强度会逐渐恢复;在热扰动耗散殆尽之后,岩石圈强度反倒比底侵前的岩石圈强度更大。这表明岩浆底侵不但可以导致地壳增厚,还会最终导致岩石圈的强化。3)温度对地壳底侵厚度的影响比含水量的影响要大得多。将我们的模型应用于峨眉山大火成岩省,结果表明内带地壳底侵的热耗散需持续上百个百万年,岩浆潜温超过1500℃,初始熔融深度超过200km。  相似文献   
中国东部燕山期的大规模岩浆活动,即侏罗纪—白垩纪(150—100 Ma)的碱性流纹岩-碱性玄武岩-金伯利岩-钾镁煌斑岩-碳酸岩及其管道系统,分布于江南造山带内侧和郯庐断裂带南段以西的华北地台内,累积面积超过30万km2.该期短时限内大规模活动的岩浆事件代表了中国东部地质历史演化中的一次大火成岩省(LIP)事件,实质控制着中生代以来中国华北—扬子地台的构造格局变化、资源能源形成与地质环境变迁.晚侏罗世—早白垩世(150—100 Ma)的大火成岩省,是中生代中期古太平洋大火成岩省沿中国克拉通东部边缘活动的一部分,是包括昂通爪哇(Ongtong-Java)(Mahoney et al.,1993;Ingle and Coffin,2004)—中国东部在内的超级地幔柱上涌,在岩石圈板片对流,挤压地幔物质快速上升,引起陆域内长英质地壳物质大规模重熔的结果,形成:(1)髫髻山组—张家口组碱性流纹质-玄武质双峰式火山岩及其管道系统,与华北大规模金-多金属矿成矿作用密切相关;(2)辽宁瓦房店—山东蒙阴—安徽栏杆,湖南宁乡—贵州镇远一带的金伯利岩—钾镁煌斑岩±碳酸岩±基性超基性杂岩及其管道系统,与金刚石、金-铂族元素等成矿关系密切;(3)辽东—胶东半岛、南岭—滇黔桂交界地区的连片花岗岩,是硅质大火成岩省(SLIP)的管道系统(plumbing systems),与金刚石矿、金-铂族元素矿、钨锡铌钽矿、锂-钾-铷-铯-铀矿等,以及油气等战略性关键金属成矿关系密切.同时,巨型岩浆作用引发的富含钾、磷及稀土等微量元素的基岩形成优质土壤层对生态多样性的助益等有利和/或有害的环境效应,直接关系到地球家园的生态环境.因此,中国东部燕山期大火成岩省产生深刻的岩浆-构造-资源-环境效应.  相似文献   
There is a correlation of global large igneous province (LIP) events with zircon age peaks at 2700, 2500, 2100, 1900, 1750, 1100, and 600 and also probably at 3450, 3000, 2000, and 300 Ma. Power spectral analyses of LIP event distributions suggest important periodicities at 250, 150, 100, 50, and 25 million years with weaker periodicities at 70–80, 45, and 18–20 Ma. The 25 million year periodicity is important only in the last 300 million years. Some LIP events are associated with granite-forming (zircon-producing) events and others are not, and LIP events at 1900 and 600 Ma correlate with peaks in craton collision frequency. LIP age peaks are associated with supercontinent rifting or breakup, but not dispersal, at 2450–2400, 2200, 1380, 1280, 800–750, and ≤200 Ma, and with supercontinent assembly at 1750 and 600 Ma. LIP peaks at 2700 and 2500 Ma and the valley between these peaks span the time of Neoarchaean supercraton assemblies. These observations are consistent with plume generation in the deep mantle operating independently of the supercontinent cycle and being controlled by lower-mantle and core-mantle boundary thermochemical dynamics. Two processes whereby plumes can impact continental assembly and breakup are (1) plumes may rise beneath supercontinents and initiate supercontinent breakup, and (2) plume ascent may increase the frequency of craton collisions and the rate of crustal growth by accelerating subduction.  相似文献   
峨眉山近55a来水资源变化的多时间尺度分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
郭洁  李国平 《气象科学》2008,28(5):552-557
利用峨眉山1951-2005年逐月气温和降水观测资料,利用高桥浩一郎公式计算出地表蒸发量及水资源量.分析了峨眉山近55a来降水量、蒸发量及水资源的气候特征和变化趋势,并利用墨西哥帽子小波变换分析了水资源的时间-频率的多层次时间尺度变化特征,揭示了在不同时间尺度下峨眉山水资源序列变化的周期和突变点,并根据主周期对未来水资源变化趋势进行了预测.  相似文献   
峨眉山玄武岩的岩相与岩体结构   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
峨眉山玄武岩是西南地区水电工程的主要建基岩体,其岩体结构明显受其建造的控制,不同地区,不同岩相的玄武岩,由于岩石组合及原生结构特征等的差异,而具有不同的岩体结构特征。本文结合拟建金沙江溪洛渡水电工程,雅砻江官地水电工程等实例,从岩相角度分析了玄武岩岩相及原生结构及原生结构对其岩体结构的控制作用。  相似文献   
分布于哀牢山-红河断裂带西南侧的金坪上二叠统玄武岩属于低钛拉斑玄武岩(LT)(Ti/Y<500)。其地球化学特征总体与洋岛玄武岩(OIB)相似,根据其岩相学、主量元素,微量元素特征,将其划分为LT1和LT2两个地球化学亚类型,它们的分布和主要地球化学标志为:LT1分布于下部,高Mg^#(48-63),SiO2(50%-56%),高∑REE(118-145μg/g)、低Fe2O3(1.36%-1.63%),Na2O(1.88%-3.17%),TiO2(1.37%-1.92%),高Th、U,低Nb,Ta和Sr负异常;LT2分布于上部,低SiO2(47%-56%),Sr强负异常,二者地球化学特征的差异是同一母岩浆经不同的分离结晶和同化混染作用的结果,金平与宾川峨眉山的化学地层学对比表明,金平LT1和LT2玄武岩与宾川峨眉山玄武岩下部的LT1、LT2十分相似,它们可能是同时,或在类似的环境下形成,金平玄武岩属于峨眉山大火山岩省的一部分,同为峨眉地幔柱早期活动的产物。新生代哀牢山-红河断裂的左滑剪运动导致了宾川与金平玄武岩的错位。  相似文献   
峨眉山玄武岩浆喷发对贵州西部区域成矿贡献研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
早、晚二叠世之间大规模峨眉山玄武岩喷发是峨眉地幔热柱基性岩浆活动的高峰期.峨眉山玄武岩在贵州西部地区广泛分布,它不仅以矿源层形式参与钼、铜、铅、锌、金、锑、汞、铊等以地下水热液成矿作用为主的层控矿床的形成,而且它自身形成火山气液型矿床--玄武岩铜矿及伴生热液型铂、钯等矿化点;再者它是外生矿床--高砷煤、高氟煤、高硫煤、高汞煤形成的主要原因.  相似文献   
The Mawson Formation and correlatives in the Transantarctic Mountains and South Africa record an early eruption episode related to the onset of Ferrar-Karoo flood basalt volcanism. Mawson Formation rocks at Coombs Hills comprise mainly (≥80% vol) structureless tuff breccia and coarse lapilli tuff cut by irregular dikes and sills, within a large vent complex (>30 km2). Quenched juvenile fragments of generally low but variable vesicularity, accretionary lapilli and country rock clasts within vent-fill, and pyroclastic density current deposits point to explosive interaction of basalt with groundwater in porous country rock and wet vent filling debris. Metre-scale dikes and pods of coherent basalt in places merge imperceptibly into peperite and then into surrounding breccia. Steeply dipping to sub-vertical depositional contacts juxtapose volcaniclastic rocks of contrasting componentry and grainsize. These sub-vertical tuff breccia zones are inferred to have formed when jets of debris + steam + water passed through unconsolidated vent-filling deposits. These jets of debris may have sometimes breached the surface to form subaerial tephra jets which fed subaerial pyroclastic density currents and fall deposits. Others, however, probably died out within vent fill before reaching the surface, allowing mixing and recycling of clasts which never reached the atmosphere. Most of the ejecta that did escape the debris-filled vents was rapidly recycled as vents broadened via lateral quarrying of country rock and bedded pyroclastic vent-rim deposits, which collapsed along the margins into individual vents. The unstratified, poorly sorted deposits comprising most of the complex are capped by tuff, lapilli tuff and tuff breccia beds inferred to have been deposited on the floor of the vent complex by pyroclastic density currents. Development of the extensive Coombs Hills vent-complex involved interaction of large volumes of magma and water. We infer that recycling of water, as well as recycling of pyroclasts, was important in maintaining water supply for phreatomagmatic interactions even when aquifer rock in the vent walls lay far from eruption sites as a consequence of vent-complex widening. The proportion of recycled water increased with vent-complex size in the same way that the proportion of recycled tephra did. Though water recycling leaves no direct rock record, the volcaniclastic deposits within the vent complex show through their lithofacies/structural architecture, lithofacies characteristics, and particle properties clear evidence for extensive and varied recycling of material as the complex evolved. Editorial responsibility: J. Donnelly-Nolan  相似文献   
拟建的白鹤滩水电站的坝基为峨眉山玄武岩。峨眉山玄武岩由火山熔岩类、火山碎屑熔岩类、火山碎屑岩类和沉积火山碎屑岩类所组成。火山熔岩又可划分为斜斑玄武岩、块状玄武岩和杏仁状玄武岩;火山碎屑岩包括集块岩、火山角砾岩以及凝灰岩;而沉积火山碎屑岩类则由沉火山角砾岩和沉凝灰岩所组成。不同类型岩石的结构构造、矿物成分和形成环境不同,导致它们的岩石力学性质和工程性能也不相同。块状玄武岩、斜斑玄武岩和沉积火山碎屑熔岩的抗压强度和抗风化能力都比较大,因而具有很好的工程地质稳定性;杏仁状玄武岩、火山碎屑熔岩的抗压强度稍低,但抗风化能力很好,因此也具有较好的工程地质稳定性;而火山碎屑岩包括火山角砾岩、凝灰岩的抗压强度和抗风化能力都很低,往往形成岩体中的软弱夹层,工程地质稳定性较差。  相似文献   
The Pelotas Basin is the classical example of a volcanic passive margin displaying large wedges of seaward-dipping reflectors (SDR). The SDR fill entirely its rifts throughout the basin, characterizing the abundant syn-rift magmatism (133–113 Ma). The Paraná–Etendeka Large Igneous Province (LIP), adjacent to west, constituted the pre-rift magmatism (134–132 Ma). The interpretation of ultra-deep seismic lines showed a very different geology from the adjacent Santos, Campos and Espírito Santo Basins, which constitute examples of magma-poor passive margins. Besides displaying rifts totally filled by volcanic rocks, diverse continental crustal domains were defined in the Pelotas Basin, such as an outer domain, probably constituted by highly stretched and permeated continental igneous crust, and a highly reflective lower crust probably reflecting underplating.The analysis of rifting in this portion of the South Atlantic is based on seismic interpretation and on the distribution of regional linear magnetic anomalies. The lateral accretion of SDR to the east towards the future site of the breakup and the temporal relationship between their rift and sag geometries allows the reconstitution of the evolution of rifting in the basin. Breakup propagated from south to north in three stages (130–127.5; 127.5–125; 125–113 Ma) physically separated by oceanic fracture zones (FZ). The width of the stretched, thinned and heavily intruded continental crust also showed a three-stage increase in the same direction and at the same FZ. Consequently, the Continental-Oceanic Boundary (COB) shows three marked shifts, from west to east, from south to north, resulting into rift to margin segmentation. Rifting also propagated from west to east, in the direction of the final breakup, in each of the three segments defined. The importance of the Paraná–Etendeka LIP upon the overall history of rupturing and breakup of Western Gondwanaland seems to have been restricted in time and in space only to the Pelotas Basin.  相似文献   
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