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姜亚飞  王万金 《贵州地质》2014,31(2):147-149,146
贵州岩溶石山区岩溶洪涝洼地发育、内涝灾害造成了大量的耕地破。查明洪涝洼地成因并有效进行治理,对防灾减灾、生态环境治理、促进石山区经济社会发展具有重大意义。本文阐述了大海子岩溶洪涝的特征及其危害,探讨了洪涝洼地的成因,有针对性地提了治理方案。可为同类型治理工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Despite progress being advanced with spatial approaches to crime and crime control, the geography of crime harm has to date received little attention. The recent development of “Crime Harm Indices”, which weight crimes by an estimate of the relative harm they cause, offers an opportunity to improve on volume based spatial analysis approaches to identify where crime harm concentrates.This study aims to address this issue via the use of a Crime Harm Index (CHI) developed for New Zealand. By contrast to localized ‘harm-spotting’ analysis, we apply a census unit based approach to identify, at a macro level, the neighborhoods and wider communities suffering the highest crime harm in New Zealand. This approach enables harm to be viewed not only as a total Index but as a rate controlled for population and allows for the identification of census based sociodemographic factors which predict harm. Specifically, this paper compares the CHI with the New Zealand Priority Locations Index (PLI), an existing census unit based crime analysis tool which combines crime and demographic variables to identify communities vulnerable to crime and disorder issues.In this study CHI and PLI scores were calculated for Census Area Units (normally containing 3000–5000 population) across New Zealand. Bivariate correlations and a general linear model were used to determine the relationships between the CHI and PLI and additional population related variables. The CHI and PLI were weakly correlated, with population size and urban/rural categorization also accounting for CHI variance. Mapping techniques are used to illustrate outlier locations where the CHI and PLI differ widely and to identify location features which may assist in explaining CHI/PLI differences.This work exemplifies a novel geographic approach to the problem of crime harm with implications for resource allocation at national through to local levels. Wider implications for the theory and practice of crime and crime harm control are discussed, along with limitations of the study and areas for further research.  相似文献   
随着经济的发展,我国对高层建筑,以及智能建筑物的防雷很重视,具体的防雷措施也做的很到位.但相对于一些古建筑物来说,特别是砖木,砖石结构建筑,在防雷方面却没有引起足够的重视,现阶段能够大量保存的砖木、砖石结构建筑大部分都是具有重要历史、艺术、科学价值的革命遗址、纪念建筑物、古文化遗址、古城址、古窑址、古墓葬、古建筑、石窟寺、古民居、石刻等文物,因此对这些建筑的防雷措施应该更加重视.本文做了关于砖木、砖石结构建筑闪电分流系数研究,仅供参考,希望对砖木、砖石建筑物雷电防护工作起到一定的作用.  相似文献   
雷电电磁辐射的危害及安全对策   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
陆斌 《广西气象》2006,27(3):58-60
分析雷电电磁脉冲的起电机制、传播途径及其对电子设备的危害,提出对雷电电磁脉冲的防护措施。  相似文献   
高温热浪与干热风的危害特征比较研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
综述了高温热浪与干热风气象灾害在危害特点、类型与指标、气候特征、形成原因、对全球气候变暖的响应、防御技术与应对策略等6个方面的内容。并对两者进行了比较,高温热浪和干热风既有共同点又有区别和联系,两者均是一种较短时间尺度的重大天气灾害,高温低湿是两者主要的基本天气特征;在形成原因——主要是环流特征异常和对全球气候的响应等方面两者基本上是一致的;在同一地域同一时间两者也可能同时发生;在干旱季节有利于这两种灾害的发生发展和加重危害。在危害特点、类型与指标、气候特征、防御技术与应对策略等方面有所不同,高温热浪是一种综合性的气象灾害;而干热风是一种农业气象灾害。  相似文献   
分析雷电电磁脉冲的起电机制、传播途径及其对电子设备的危害,提出对雷电电磁脉冲的防护措施。  相似文献   
江西省生物入侵的现状、危害及对策   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
近年来,江西生物入侵现象日益严重,严重威胁着当地的生物多样性和生态安全。据此,在研究分析江西生物入侵现状、危害及特点的基础上,结合江西实际,提出了具体的控制对策。研究结果认为,江西生物入侵已呈现出传入的途径增加、频率加快,入侵的生物种类增多且分布区域扩大,入侵的潜在威胁不断增大等发展态势,严重威胁当地的生态安全和人民的身体健康,并造成了巨大的经济损失。要有效防治生物入侵现象,应坚持“预防为主、防治结合”的原则,强化生态安全保护意识,建立健全法律、法规,建立生物引进风险评价制度,加强协调和管理,加快对已入侵生物的综合治理。  相似文献   
室内空气中污染物对人体的危害及控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了室内空气中污染物甲醛、苯、氨、TVOC、氡的来源,讨论了这些污染物对人体健康的危害。对2005年南京市装修房室内的150个空气样本5项污染物检测结果分析统计表明,检出率为100%。其中氡浓度范围为10Bg/m3-230Bg/m3,氨0.1mg/m3-0.3mg/m3,甲醛0.01mg/m3-1.42 mg/m3,苯0.005mg/m3-0.10mg/m3,TVOC为0.005mg/m3-1.62 mg/m3,超标率较高的是甲醛和TVOC。介绍了改善室内空气质量、控制室内空气污染的方法。  相似文献   
Syringe exchange programs (SEPs) aim to reduce the harm associated with injection drug use (IDU). Although they have been accepted as critical components of HIV prevention in many parts of the world, they are often unwelcome and difficult to set up and maintain, even in communities hardest hit by IDU-related HIV transmission. This research examines socio-cultural and political processes that shape community and institutional resistance toward establishing and maintaining SEPs. These processes are configured and reinforced through the socio-spatial stigmatizing of IDUs, and legal and public policy against SEPs. Overarching themes the paper considers are: (1) institutional and/or political opposition based on (a) political and law enforcement issues associated with state drug paraphernalia laws and local syringe laws; (b) harassment of drug users and resistance to services for drug users by local politicians and police; and (c) state and local government (in)action or opposition; and (2) the stigmatization of drug users and location of SEPs in local neighborhoods and business districts. Rather than be explained by “not in my back yard” localism, this pattern seems best conceptualized as an “inequitable exclusion alliance” (IEA) that institutionalizes national and local stigmatizing of drug users and other vulnerable populations.  相似文献   
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