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史富全 《探矿工程》2020,47(11):37-43
油气井发生溢流或井喷后,立即关闭防喷器,关井期间防喷器需经受关井产生的水击压力作用。本文在对井喷关井水击的传播物理特征分析的基础上,推导直接关井水击压力计算公式,综合考虑井筒流体含气率、气液两相流型、固相类型等对水击波速的影响,推导水击波在气、液、固三相混合流体中传播速度计算公式,并通过算例对水击波速影响因素进行分析。计算表明水击波速对含气率变化非常敏感,钻井液含气率在0~0.001的时候,水击波速几乎是发生了突变,水击波速在含气率为0.001时仅为385 m/s,相比纯钻井液情况下降了67%,而钻井液固相含量、套管的内径和壁厚对水击波传播速度影响较小。  相似文献   
四川平武银厂金矿区钻探施工中遇到漏失、缩径、岩心破碎、易孔斜和钻孔事故频发等施工难题,施工难度极大。本文结合地层特点,通过采用绳索取心液动锤、高密度低失水泥浆体系、跟管钻进等工艺技术措施,提高了钻进效率和施工质量,大幅度减少了孔内事故的发生,为顺利完成钻孔施工任务奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
文章结合国内外CSR取心技术的现状和所生产钻机的特点,为满足国内对空气反循环连续取样(心)、冲击回转、定向钻进等多种高效钻探工艺对钻机的需要,从钻机整体结构设计、整体布局进行详细考量,采用质量可靠的液压件、动力机等外购件,摒弃传统钻机设计周期长、动力小、机械化程度低、对地形和钻探工艺适应性低等特点,研制出了一台高效、可靠、机械化程度较高的FD-600型全液压动力头式反循环取样钻机。在3次野外生产试验中充分体现出了优越性,可满足砂金勘探、工程施工等取心钻探的要求。  相似文献   
我国目前能源结构对化石燃料依赖度过高,在全球能源转型的大环境下,作为一种新型清洁能源,干热岩具有储量巨大、资源丰富、分布广泛等优势。针对干热岩勘探开发中高温硬岩钻进的技术难点,对YZX178型液动潜孔锤进行了结构优化,并在某干热岩井中进行了试验应用。试验结果证实了YZX178型液动潜孔锤用于干热岩等坚硬地层进行冲击回转钻进的可行性和高效性,获得了与螺杆钻具接近的机械钻速,且具有节能环保、安全性高、维护方便、节约成本、高温适应性强等优势,但仍需进一步解决其工作寿命与牙轮钻头相匹配的问题。  相似文献   
干热岩试验性开发井钻井施工,在高温硬岩的地层条件下,如何实现高效钻进仍存在很多技术难点。空气潜孔锤钻进技术是解决硬岩地层钻进的有效方法之一,潜孔锤钻头是空气潜孔锤钻进的关键器具。根据青海共和干热岩GH-01井空气潜孔锤钻进技术应用情况,分析探讨了空气潜孔锤钻头断齿、掉齿、磨损严重、使用寿命短等问题,从钻头结构设计、钻头材料选取、钻头冷压固齿工艺等几个方面对空气潜孔锤钻头进行了优化。固齿优化过程中采用有限元分析方法,对钻头冷压固齿过盈量进行仿真分析计算,根据分析计算结果确定最优固齿过盈量。通过对潜孔锤钻头结构、材料、加工等优化,为适用于高温硬岩的空气潜孔锤钻头研制提供了借鉴。为提高空气潜孔锤钻进综合效率,为干热岩钻探开发提供了技术支持和技术储备。  相似文献   
空气潜孔锤钻进技术不仅可以提高钻探效率,而且不损害地热储层,因此在地热井中的应用十分广泛,但是仍受到钻探深度和出水量的限制。在湖南永州舜皇山基岩地热深井钻探过程中,常规牙轮钻进与泥浆钻进工艺存在钻进效率低、堵塞储层、影响出水量的可能。应用空气潜孔锤钻进技术实现了钻探深度的突破,钻探深度达到1820 m,实际出水量400 m3/d,出水温度43 ℃,符合设计指标。本文总结了相应的钻进工艺措施,以期促进对该技术在地热深井中的推广应用。  相似文献   
袁店一井煤矿风井井筒基岩段施工中遇工作面大量涌水,排水能力无法满足掘砌需要。为保证井筒掘砌施工安全,提出施工钻孔直达风巷的方法进行快速泄水,但已无法进行传统泥浆钻进。通过采用长距离悬空钻杆结合空气潜孔锤钻进技术以及孔口管的安装等施工工艺和措施,有效解决了岩粉上返、水压过大、钻杆摆动等施工技术难题,快速地完成了泄水孔的施工,成功将井筒基岩段涌水排入井下水仓,从而确保了井筒的安全和快速施工。  相似文献   
Schmidt‐hammer exposure‐age dating (SHD) was applied to the problem of dating the diachronous surfaces of five distal river‐bank boulder ramparts deposited by snow avalanches plunging into the Jostedøla and Sprongdøla rivers in the Jostedalsbreen region of southern Norway. Approaches to local high‐precision linear age calibration, which controlled in different ways for boulder roundness, were developed. The mean age (SHDmean) and the maximum age (SHDmax) of surface boulders were estimated for whole ramparts, crests and distal fringes. Interpretation was further assisted by reference to R‐value distributions. SHDmean ages (with 95% confidence intervals) ranged from 520 ± 270 years to 5375 ± 965 years, whereas SHDmax ages (expected to be exceeded by <5% of surface boulders) ranged from 675 to 9065 years. SHD ages from the Jostedøla ramparts tended to be older than those associated with the Sprongdøla, rampart crests were younger than the respective distal fringes, and use of relatively rounded boulders yielded more consistent SHD ages than angular boulders. The SHDmean ages indicate differences in recent levels of snow‐avalanche activity between ramparts and provide insights into rampart dynamics as boulders are deposited on rampart crests and, in smaller numbers, on the distal fringes. SHDmax ages provide minimum age estimates of rampart age (i.e. the time elapsed since the ramparts began to form) and suggest that at least some of the ramparts have been developing since the early Holocene. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Rapid, field‐based assessments of rock hardness are required in a broad range of geomorphological investigations where rock intact strength is important. Several different methods are now available for taking such measurements, in particular the Schmidt hammer, which has seen increasing use in geomorphology in recent decades. This is despite caution from within the engineering literature regarding choice of Schmidt hammer type, normalization of rebound (R‐) values, surface micro‐roughness, weathering degree and moisture content, and data reduction/analysis procedures. We present a pilot study of the use of an Acoustic Energy Meter (AEM), originally produced, tested and developed within the field of underground mining engineering as a rapid measure of rock surface hardness, and compare it with results from a mechanical N‐Type Schmidt hammer. We assess its capabilities across six lithological study sites in southeast Queensland, Australia, in the Greater Brisbane area. Each rock exposure has been recently exposed in the 20th/21st century. Using a ‘paired’ sampling approach, the AEM G‐value shows an inverse relationship with Schmidt hammer R‐value. While both devices show variability with lithology, the AEM G‐values show less scatter than the Schmidt hammer. We conclude that each device can contribute to useful rock hardness testing in geomorphological research, but the AEM requires further field testing in a range of environments, and in particular on older and naturally‐exposed rock surfaces. Future evaluations can extend this pilot study by focusing on sampling procedures, energy sources, and data reduction protocols, within the framework of a comparison study with other rock hardness testing apparatus. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
针对回填土地基,通过量纲分析得到强夯加固深度和累积夯沉量的计算公式,结合已有工程资料对所提出的计算公式进行验证。结果表明:该公式能够较为精确地预测填土地基的加固深度与累积夯沉量;分析表明:累积夯沉量与加固深度比值随着诸多要素而变化,仅在确定的落距和夯锤半径范围内的才可以作为常数进行推广;最后分析夯锤半径及厚度对强夯效果的影响。  相似文献   
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