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基于地缘政治视角,分析本世纪初发生在原苏联地区“颜色革命”的诱发因素,认为美国根据其地缘战略格局对“颜色革命”发生地存在一定程度的主观选择性,国家内部经济、政治、社会等层面的矛盾也同样作为发生背景。在中亚地缘格局动态分析的基础上,结合中亚五国形势,从时间和空间双重维度对中亚地区未来发生“颜色革命”的可能性进行识别与评判,得出1) 整体来看,中亚近期内爆发“颜色革命”可能性较小,但从长远来看不能掉以轻心。2)土、乌未来稳定可期,塔、吉、哈需谨防“颜色革命”卷土重来。  相似文献   
庞加欣  王灵桂 《热带地理》2019,39(6):911-918
韩国“新北方政策”与“一带一路”倡议的对接合作为中韩两国带来了重要发展机遇。文章主要探讨韩国“新北方政策”的内涵及其与“一带一路”倡议对接的进展、机遇与挑战,得出双方对接的合作机遇主要在政策沟通、设施联通、贸易投资和资金融通4个方面,同时也存在着制度性风险、地缘风险和投资合作风险的三大挑战。在具体对接过程中,产业、金融、物流3个领域可能成为突破口。  相似文献   
许阳贵  刘云刚 《热带地理》2019,39(6):855-868
利用拓展贸易引力模型,借助Eviews等工具分析了影响中国与“一带一路”沿线国家贸易规模的因素,以及中国对外直接投资的滞后性对双边贸易的影响。结果表明:1)中国与“一带一路”沿线国家贸易规模受到经济发展水平、市场规模、政治制度、贸易畅通性、便利性、中国对外直接投资、民间文化交流紧密度的影响;2)中国对外直接投资对于带动中国与“一带一路”沿线国家间的贸易规模具有正向作用,但其效应具有一定滞后性;3)中国对外直接投资对于带动中国与不同“一带一路”沿线国家贸易规模的引力大小不同,可分为投资带动力巨大型、投资带动型、投资一般型、投资带动力不足型4种类型,中国与东南亚、西亚和撒哈拉以南的非洲国家贸易规模受中国对外直接投资带动作用较强。  相似文献   
“一带一路”倡议是新时期中国为加强对外开放提出的全球化合作倡议,资源环境的优化配置对全球化发展意义重大。气温作为重要的基础数据和输入要素,对其进行空间化处理是实现大尺度区域资源环境优化配置的前提。本文基于地理信息技术(GIS),运用距离平方反比法(IDS)、协同克里格法(CK)、回归距离平方反比法(RIDS)和回归协同克里格法(RCK),对“一带一路”地区1980—2017年的2679个气象站点的月平均气温和年平均气温数据进行插值,获得了“一带一路”地区10 km分辨率的气温空间分布数据。交叉验证结果表明:① IDS、CK、RIDS和RCK插值法在整体上均较好地展示了“一带一路”地区气温的地理空间分布规律,4种插值方法的月均气温的均方根误差分别在1.93~2.43、1.78~2.14、1.31~2.23和1.23~1.92 ℃之间;年均气温的均方根误差分别为1.94、1.83、1.37和1.27 ℃;② 在“一带一路”地区,加入协变量分析的CK插值精度整体优于IDS,并且削弱了IDS的极值现象;③ RIDS和RCK对年均气温的插值精度分别较IDS和CK提高了29.4%和30.6%,表明加入地理要素并进行残差修正的插值精度得到了进一步提高。总体来看,RCK插值法对气温数据的插值精度最高,可以考虑将此方法作为“一带一路”地区温度等气象要素的插值方法。  相似文献   
综合运用石油自给率、流动比率等方法,以“一带一路”沿线国家为研究对象,对1995—2014年各国石油资源流动类型时空演变进行研究。结果表明:1)1995—2014年石油净补给型国家数量较为稳定,无产型或低产型国家的石油贸易倾向变化相对较小;基本自给型国家数量占比最大,1995年占比1/2,其余四个年份占比稳定在1/3;净支出型国家数量显著增加,至2014年其中有5个国家保持不变,表明这些国家的石油产量具有较大的优势。2)1995年和2014年汇地国家均为39个国家,其中有34个国家一直保持汇地职能,空间分布上呈东多西少,南多北少,东西分化以西亚、中亚、东欧为界;有14个国家一直保持源地职能,其空间分布格局与汇地相应,西多东少,南多北少,主要分布于西亚、东欧及中亚;交流地数量较少,呈分散分布,且分布地不稳定。3)从数量变化来看,研究期内汇地略有增加,源地略有减少,交流地略有增加;“一带一路”源地总出口量与汇地总进口量的比呈逐年降低趋势。  相似文献   
宋周莺  祝巧玲 《地理科学进展》2020,39(11):1785-1797
中巴经济走廊是“一带一路”6大经济走廊之一,而贸易畅通是“一带一路”建设的核心环节。研究中巴贸易关系演变及其影响因素、分析其贸易潜力,对推进“一带一路”建设具有重要的示范作用。论文从中巴贸易发展态势、商品结构、空间格局等方面揭示中巴贸易关系,运用随机前沿引力模型分析中巴贸易关系的主要影响因素、并探析其发展潜力,以期为推进中巴经济走廊建设提供科学支撑。研究发现:① 中巴贸易发展迅速,中对巴贸易顺差持续扩大;中国主要出口机械及电气设备等资本密集型产品,主要进口纺织原料及纺织制品等初级产品和劳动密集型产品。② 中国各省份与巴基斯坦的贸易合作存在明显的空间差异,东部沿海省份与巴贸易联系较紧密,西部各省份除新疆外与巴基斯坦贸易额均较小。③ 中国多数省份对巴贸易商品结构发生显著变动,其中,新疆、山东等进出口商品结构多元的省份的变动相对较小。④ 中国各省份的经济发展水平和市场规模对中巴贸易拉动较强;海运距离对中巴贸易规模有显著的负向影响;领土接壤为中巴组织边境贸易提供了良好条件;铁路和水运口岸的建设对中巴贸易具有积极影响。⑤ 中国各省份与巴基斯坦均有较大贸易潜力,内蒙古、云南、广西、陕西等省份的合作潜力更明显。  相似文献   
“贸易畅通”是“一带一路”建设的重要内容,重庆作为中国西部地区内陆开放高地,贸易发展优势明显。运用贸易强度指数和HM指数,分析2001—2017年重庆与东盟国家贸易格局和贸易依赖程度,并分析影响重庆与东盟国家贸易格局的影响因素。结果表明:①重庆与东盟国家贸易联系紧密,增长速度快,贸易总额在“一带一路”沿线六大区域中始终保持领先地位;②马来西亚和泰国成为重庆与东盟国家中最重要的贸易伙伴,越南、新加坡、菲律宾和印度尼西亚紧随其后,而与缅甸、柬埔寨、老挝和文莱的贸易总额较少;③在进口方面,形成以马来西亚、泰国和越南为首的多元进口格局,泰国和越南进口伙伴地位上升。在出口方面,形成以马来西亚为首的多元出口新格局,越南出口地位下降;④在市场相互依赖程度方面,重庆出口对东盟国家特别是马来西亚和新加坡贸易市场的重要性程度上升,而对东盟国家市场依赖程度较小;⑤产业结构、贸易通道、文化交流和政策等是影响重庆与东盟国家贸易格局的重要影响因素。  相似文献   
为探究世界遗产丝绸之路沿线遗址点遗产诠释与重游意愿的影响关系,研究将遗产诠释分为现场遗产解说与非现场遗产传播两部分,并以旅游体验为中介变量,游客特征为调节变量,构建“遗产诠释-旅游体验-重游意愿”的结构关系模型。研究表明:(1)非现场遗产传播正向影响现场遗产解说;(2)遗产诠释需要通过深刻的旅游体验才能更好地影响重游意愿;(3)遗产诠释与重游意愿的影响关系部分受游客性别和文化程度的调节,其中非现场遗产传播更能在高文化程度的游客中发挥其对重游意愿的影响作用,同时更能在男性游客中发挥其对旅游体验的影响作用。  相似文献   
Climate condition over a region is mostly determined by the changes in precipitation, temperature and evaporation as the key climate variables. The countries belong to the Belt and Road region are subjected to face strong changes in future climate. In this paper, we used five global climate models from the latest Sixth Phase of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) to evaluate future climate changes under seven combined scenarios of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways and the Representative Concentration Pathways (SSP1-1.9, SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, SSP4-3.4, SSP4-6.0 and SSP5-8.5) across the Belt and Road region. This study focuses on undertaking a climate change assessment in terms of future changes in precipitation, air temperature and actual evaporation for the three distinct periods as near-term period (2021-2040), mid-term period (2041-2060) and long-term period (2081-2100). To discern spatial structure, K?ppen-Geiger Climate Classification method has been used in this study. In relative terms, the results indicate an evidence of increasing tendency in all the studied variables, where significant changes are anticipated mostly in the long-term period. In addition to, though it is projected to increase under all the SSP-RCP scenarios, greater increases will be happened under higher emission scenarios (SSP5-8.5 and SSP3-7.0). For temperature, robust increases in annual mean temperature is found to be 5.2 °C under SSP3-7.0, and highest 7.0 °C under SSP5-8.5 scenario relative to present day. The northern part especially Cold and Polar region will be even more warmer (+6.1 °C) in the long-term (2081-2100) period under SSP5-8.5. Similarly, at the end of the twenty-first century, annual mean precipitation is inclined to increase largely with a rate of 2.1% and 2.8% per decade under SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5 respectively. Spatial distribution demonstrates that the largest precipitation increases are to be pronounced in the Polar and Arid regions. Precipitation is projected to increase with response to increasing warming most of the regions. Finally, the actual evaporation is projected to increase significantly with rate of 20.3% under SSP3-7.0 and greatest 27.0% for SSP5-8.5 by the end of the century. It is important to note that the changes in evaporation respond to global mean temperature rise consistently in terms of similar spatial pattern for all the scenarios where stronger increase found in the Cold and Polar regions. The increase in precipitation is overruled by enhanced evaporation over the region. However, this study reveals that the CMIP6 models can simulate temperature better than precipitation over the Belt and Road region. Findings of this study could be the reliable basis for initiating policies against further climate induced impacts in the regional scale.  相似文献   
Approximately 80% of the road network in Brazil is unpaved and shows evidences of a high erosion potential. In the semi-arid Caatinga Biome in the northeast of the country, a monitoring programme has been done for two years in order to analyze runoff and sediment production from unpaved rural roadways and from embankments. Sediment production ranged from 0.30 to 0.92 Mg/ha yr, higher than in undisturbed areas, but generally lower than that reported for unpaved roads in other regions. However, this is a semi-arid area with low rainfall and runoff and, hence, with a limited hydrological connectivity and sediment production. Sediment production on an embankment with no vegetation was around ten times higher than on an embankment with vegetation. On the road surface, annual sediment production (normalized for gradient) in a section with traffic was three times higher than for a road surface without traffic. In addition, events that occurred after roadway maintenance activities generated peaks of sediment concentration of over 5000 mg/L. These results suggest that sediment production from roads and embankments with bare surfaces is at least one order of magnitude higher than in undisturbed catchment areas. Maintenance activity and vehicle traffic contribute to an increase in sediment availability and impact on the sediment concentration, but less intensely on sediment loads, which depend on the runoff magnitude of the events occurring after roadway maintenance. It was also found that the natural vegetation of the semi-arid region potentially captures sediment on roadway embankments; thereby playing an important role in breaking connectivity between the sediment flow from unpaved roads and the natural drainage system of the catchment.  相似文献   
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