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波—流相互作用是复杂水动力条件下流体相互作用的主要方式之一,由波—流相互作用形成的复合流沉积是目前沉积学在流体相互作用这一领域研究较多的一种沉积类型。以已有的文献为基础,对波—流相互作用下细砂级颗粒的运动机制进行了综述,预测了波—流相互作用的沉积特征,总结了复合流的沉积构造鉴别标志。取得的主要认识有: (1)波—流相互作用总体上属于衰弱流(waning flow)悬浮沉积,其微观的沉积机制可分为5种: 越过崩落点的喷射沉积(S1)、残余涡动沉积(S2)、未到崩落点的喷射沉积(S3)、背流面的崩落沉积(S4)、垂直降落沉积(S5);(2)波—流相互作用的沉积过程总体上受悬砂量和沉积时间的控制,5种微观沉积机制在不同的悬砂量和沉积时间条件下可形成不同的沉积机制组合,从而导致不同的底床形态;(3)复合流沉积构造鉴别标志主要有: 复合流波痕、复合流层理、爬升型复合流层理、不对称丘状交错层理、准平行层理和频繁交替的不能充分发育的浪成波纹层理与流水层理等6类。上述认识对于复杂水动力条件下的沉积学研究及对深水、浅水沉积环境的识别均具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
内波、内潮汐沉积和复合流沉积是二十余年来在古代深水环境中新发现的一种具牵引流性质的沉积相类型,由于地层沉积记录十分有限,制约了深水底流沉积的沉积学研究。大比例尺实测地质剖面和精细露头测量表明,底流沉积发育于凭祥盆地深水沉积之中,通过对其沉积构造精细剖析和古水流测量,识别出内波、内潮汐沉积和复合流沉积,其中内波、内潮汐沉积以双向交错层理、单向交错层理、透镜状层理为特征,复合流沉积以复合流层理、丘状交错层理和较陡的爬升波纹层理为特征,进一步表明存在浊流和底流的交互作用,为古代地层中的深水底流沉积提供了又一研究实例。  相似文献   
宁夏香山群徐家圈组发现深水复合流沉积构造   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
宁夏香山群徐家圈组是由灰绿、黄绿色轻微变质中—细粒砂岩、钙质砂岩及粉砂岩和页岩(板岩)组成的深水沉积。在上部灰绿色页岩所夹的中层钙质粉砂岩中发现了复合流层理、准平行层理、不对称小型丘状交错层理;在下部灰绿色厚层—块状中—细粒长石石英砂岩的顶面发现了小型波痕,波痕的形态、波长与波高的分布规律均表现出复合流(combined-flow)的沉积特征。本文根据水槽实验和现代海洋沉积观测所总结出的复合流底床相图和前人在研究地层中较浅海浊流(超重流)与波浪所形成的复合流沉积时给出的复合流沉积示意图,分别对徐家圈组所发现的①小型2D波痕至小型3D波痕的演化和②复合流层理、平行层理、准平行层理和小型丘状交错层理的叠置关系及其纹层所反映的流动方向与沉积时浊流方向的关系,进行了解释。结果表明,所发现的复合流层理、准平行层理、不对称小型丘状交错层理及小型波痕应为复合流沉积,并依据徐家圈组存在内波、内潮汐沉积的事实,推测为深水短周期内波与浊流形成的复合流沉积。这可能是地层中深水复合流沉积构造的首次发现,同时也是内波与浊流形成的复合流沉积的首次发现。  相似文献   
The Mesoproterozoic Pandikunta Limestone, a shallow water carbonate platform succession in the Pranhita-Godavari Valley, south India, displays well developed climbing ripple lamination and storm deposited structures, such as HCS, wave ripple-lamination, combined-flow ripple-lamination and low angle trough cross-stratification. Different types of stratification developed in calcisiltite with minor amounts of very fine quartz sand and silt. The climbing ripple structures exhibit a complex pattern of superposition of different types (type A, B and S) within cosets pointing to a fluctuating rate of suspension depositionversus bedform migration, and an unsteady character of the flow. Close association of climbing ripple structures, HCS with anisotropic geometry, wavy lamination and combined-flow ripple-lamination suggest that the structures were formed by storm generated combined-flow in a mid-shelf area above the storm wave base. The combined-flow that deposited the climbing ripple structures had a strong unidirectional flow component of variable magnitude. The climbing ripple structure occurs as a constituent of graded stratified beds with an ordered vertical sequence of different types of lamination, reflecting flow deceleration and increased rate of suspension deposition. It is inferred that the beds were deposited from high-density waning flows in the relatively deeper part of the ancient shelf. The structures indicate that the Pandikunta platform was subjected to open marine circulation and intense storm activities. The storm deposited beds, intercalated with beds of lime-mudstone, consist primarily of fine sand and silt size carbonate particles that were hydrodynamically similar to quartz silt. Detrital carbonate particles are structureless and are of variable roundness. The particles were generated as primary carbonate clasts in coastal areas by mechanical disintegration of rapidly lithified beds, stromatolites or laminites, and the finest grade was transported to the offshore areas by storm-generated currents.  相似文献   
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