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The simultaneous transfer of pore fluid and vapour was studied in the unsaturated shallow subsurface of a Plio-Pleistocene marine mudstone badland slope in southwestern Taiwan during the dry season using field monitoring data and numerical simulations. Data from field monitoring show mass-basis water contents of ~0.05 to ~0.10 that decrease towards the unsaturated ground surface and were invariant during the middle part of the dry season, except for daily fluctuations. In addition, the observed daily fluctuations in water content correlate with fluctuations in bedrock temperature, especially at depths of 2.5–5.0 cm. Periodic increases in water content occurred most notably during the day, when the bedrock temperature showed the greatest increase. Water contents then decreased to the previous state as bedrock temperature decreased during the night. Calculated vapour fluxes within the mudstone during the day increased up to 6 × 10−6–1 × 10−5 kg m−2 s−1, deriving a 0.01–0.02 increase in mass-basis water content at 2.5 cm depth for a 12-h period. This agrees with field monitoring data, suggesting that increases in water content occurred due to vapour intrusions into the bedrock. Pore water electrical conductivity (EC) showed periodic variations due to vapour intrusion, and gradually increased between the ground surface and depths of 2.5–5.0 cm. In contrast, pore water EC gradually decreased between 15 and 40 cm depth. Calculated water fluxes at depths of 2.5–40.0 cm varied from −4 × 10−6 to −2 × 10−9 kg m−2 s−1. These fluxes generated an increase in solute concentrations at the ground surface, with negative values of water flux indicating an upwards movement of water towards the surface. We show that the increase in solute content due to solute transfer from depth is highly dependent on variations in water flux with depth. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Subsurface dams are rather effective and used for the prevention of saltwater intrusion in coastal regions around the world. We carried out the laboratory experiments to investigate the elevation of saltwater wedge after the construction of subsurface dams. The elevation of saltwater wedge refers to the upward movement of the downstream saltwater wedge because the subsurface dams obstruct the regional groundwater flow and reduce the freshwater discharge. Consequently, the saltwater wedge cannot further extend in the longitudinal direction but rises in the vertical profile resulting in significant downstream aquifer salinization. In order to quantitatively address this issue, field-scale numerical simulations were conducted to explore the influence of various dam heights, distances, and hydraulic gradients on the elevation of saltwater wedge. Our investigation shows that the upward movement of the saltwater wedge and its areal extension in the vertical domain of the downstream aquifer become more severe with a higher dam and performed a great dependence on the freshwater discharge. Furthermore, the increase of the hydraulic gradient and the dam distance from the sea boundary leads to a more pronounced wedge elevation. This phenomenon comes from the variation of the freshwater discharge due to the modification of dam height, location, and hydraulic gradient. Large freshwater discharge can generate greater repulsive force to restrain the elevation of saltwater wedge. These conclusions provide theoretical references for the behaviour of the freshwater–seawater interface after the construction of subsurface dams and help optimize the design strategy to better utilize the coastal groundwater resources.  相似文献   
Groundwater in India plays an important role to support livelihoods and maintain ecosystems and the present rate of depletion of groundwater resources poses a serious threat to water security. Yet, the sensitivity of the hydrological processes governing groundwater recharge to climate variability remains unclear in the region. Here we assess the groundwater sensitivity (precipitation–recharge relationship) and its potential resilience towards climatic variability over peninsular India using a conceptual water balance model and a convex model, respectively in 54 catchments over peninsular India. Based on the model performance using a comprehensive approach (Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency [NSE], bias and variability), 24 out of 54 catchments are selected for assessment of groundwater sensitivity and its resilience. Further, a systematic approach is used to understand the changes in resilience on a temporal scale based upon the convex model and principle of critical slowing down theory. The results of the study indicate that the catchments with higher mean groundwater sensitivity (GWS) encompass high variability in GWS over the period (1988–2011), thus indicating the associated vulnerability towards hydroclimatic disturbances. Moreover, it was found that the catchments pertaining to a lower magnitude of mean resilience index incorporates a high variability in resilience index over the period (1993–2007), clearly illustrating the inherent vulnerability of these catchments. The resilience of groundwater towards climatic variability and hydroclimatic disturbances that is revealed by groundwater sensitivity is essential to understand the future impacts of changing climate on groundwater and can further facilitate effective adaptation strategies.  相似文献   
我国作为海洋大国,近年来海洋事业进入快速发展时期,合成孔径雷达以其自身的技术特点在海洋遥感监测中发挥了重要的作用。在以往的海洋监测中大多采用星载合成孔径雷达获取海洋数据,但因星载SAR受到卫星搭载平台和运行轨道等因素影响,对局部地区高时效的数据获取还存在一定的制约因素。本文通过对无人机机载微型全极化合成孔径雷达对海岸带、海岛礁、海洋动目标高分辨率成像和应用分析研究,为无人机机载SAR在海洋监测中的应用提供了全新的技术手段。  相似文献   
地下水稳定同位素组成的时空变化特征可以反映不同时期、不同区域地下水补给来源的差异。通过青海湖沙柳河流域浅层地下水氢氧稳定同位素组成的时空变化特征以及地下水、河水与降雨之间的补给关系的分析,结果显示:季风时期,地下水主要受降雨入渗和河流侧向补给为主,在补给过程中蒸发作用是影响地下水稳定同位素值的主要因素;非季风期,冰雪融水对低值区的地下水影响显著,同时降水的快速入渗则是该时期高值区地下水的主要补给方式之一。地下水同位素高值区,地下水与河水间补给作用较弱,补给时间超过5个月;地下水同位素低值区,地下水与河水补给关系较为密切,补给时间在1~4个月间。本文所得结论可初步反映干旱半干旱内陆流域地下水稳定同位素特征以及补给方式的基本规律,在一定程度上可为流域地下水及其他水体间的转换研究提供科学依据,并为地下水资源管理和水环境治理提供一定理论指导。  相似文献   
赵晓玲  朱玲玲 《地下水》2020,(1):46-47,146
阜阳是安徽省人口最多的市,工农业生产主要取用地下水,总硬度是该市浅层地下水主要超标组分之一。近5年来,该市浅层地下水总硬度平均值呈现缓慢增高的趋势,标准差亦在缓慢增加,近两年总硬度数值间差异明显增大。利用spss软件,分析近年浅层地下水的pH、TDS、总碱度、氯化物与总硬度的相关关系,结果可知:pH、TDS、总碱度、氯化物与总硬度都存在极显著的线性相关关系,其中,仅有pH与总硬度是负相关,其余均为正相关关系,总碱度与总硬度为低度线性相关,TDS、氯化物与总硬度呈中度线性相关。结合阜阳市浅层地下水的埋藏条件、补给来源、监测井的地理位置和地下水开采历史,得出该市浅层地下水总硬度升高主要与人为污染和地下水超采有关,外来的污染物来源主要是农业污染和生活污染。  相似文献   
分布式光纤声波传感器(Distributed Acoustic Sensing,DAS)是近年来兴起的超密集地震观测系统,具有一系列观测密度高、观测成本低、耐受恶劣环境等优势,在油气行业得到了广泛应用,也引起了天然地震学界的关注.本文简要回顾了DAS系统的测量原理、发展历程、技术方案、介绍了测量原理及其响应特性,然后围绕多个观测实验,介绍浅部结构成像、深部结构探测和地震监测三个方向的典型应用实例,最后讨论了DAS系统在天然地震学研究中应用面临的挑战和发展趋势.  相似文献   
由于地震勘探仪器呈现小型化、无线化、智能化发展趋势,传统操作平台无法满足便携式勘探仪器使用需要.因此本文利用Android移动设备便携性、普及性高,用户基础好的特点,实现了基于Android平台的无线微震采集站布站与监控软件.该软件在大范围野外施工中,为施工人员提供包括定位、测距、测角、网络监测等全程可视化布站功能,同时提供监测施工中小型、大型微震采集站阵列实时网络情况,以及采集站状态的智能控制、数据实时监控等功能.经过施工测试,软件稳定性好、便携性高,极大提高野外施工效率.  相似文献   
钻进过程状态监测旨在实时描述钻进工况,判断运行性能优劣程度进行非优追溯,及时指导司钻人员调整作业操作,保证钻进过程安全、高效、稳定开展。钻进工况是钻进系统运行状态的反映,因此开展面向状态监测技术的钻进工况识别研究具有重要的理论和应用价值。本文针对钻进工况识别问题,基于状态监测数据,建立基于支持向量机的钻进工况识别模型,对钻进工况进行识别。综合工况识别结果,对钻进效率进行评估,并对影响钻进效率的因素进行讨论,寻找提升钻进效率的手段。最后,采用钻进现场实钻数据进行仿真实验,验证所提方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
经物探分析在河北省张家口尚义县大青沟镇南海子村东南1.0 km存在深部断裂构造,为了寻找开发坝上地区地热资源,决定在该位置施工一口2000 m深地热井,即穿过该断裂构造寻找导水通道,完成地热井施工任务。施工中采用了CMD180T型钻机,该钻机采用了先进的全液压传动系统,自动化程度高,性能优异,可大大降低操作人员的劳动强度且易于搬迁、易于操作。其优势在这次地热井工程施工过程中得到了充分的体现。  相似文献   
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