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海南省连片贫困地区农户致贫风险分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
农村贫困与减贫是世界性难题,也是中国各级政府高度重视并着力解决的重大民生问题。基于农户及致贫风险的文献梳理,从区位、社会和劳动力3个要素维度构建了农户致贫风险分析的二元Logistic回归模型。采用484户农户问卷调查数据,分析了海南省连片贫困地区农户的致贫风险,提出有效减贫和持续发展对策。研究发现:① 海南连片贫困地区生态环境良好但贫困发生率较高,家庭劳动力较充裕但受教育水平较低,子女教育支出负担重,因病因残致贫比例较高,女性务工人口较多,农户自身脱贫致富的发展动力不足。② 海拔高度200 m以下、男性户主、拥有残疾或患病成员、务工人口比例低、女性务工人员占比高、以及单位劳动力供养学生数高的农户具有更大的致贫风险。③ 研究未发现女性户主、少数民族、低受教育水平户主、大型规模家庭有更高的致贫风险,女性成员比例、抚养比等因素对农户贫困影响较小。激发农户内生动力、大力发展特色化和规模化农业、增加农户就业机会、加强针对农民工、女性务工人员和病残群体的社会保障等减贫政策制定实施是实现脱贫攻坚目标的重要途径。  相似文献   
Zhou  Kan  Liu  Baoyin  Fan  Jie 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(8):1363-1381
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The border areas of the Tibetan Plateau and the neighboring mountainous areas have a high incidence of earthquakes with a magnitude greater than Ms 5.0, as well...  相似文献   
The interplay of eustatic and isostatic factors causes complex relative sea‐level (RSL) histories, particularly in paraglacial settings. In this context the past record of RSL is important in understanding ice‐sheet history, earth rheology and resulting glacio‐isostatic adjustment. Field data to develop sea‐level reconstructions are often limited to shallow depths and uncertainty exists as to the veracity of modelled sea‐level curves. We use seismic stratigraphy, 39 vibrocores and 26 radiocarbon dates to investigate the deglacial history of Belfast Lough, Northern Ireland, and reconstruct past RSL. A typical sequence of till, glacimarine and Holocene sediments is preserved. Two sea‐level lowstands (both max. ?40 m) are recorded at c. 13.5 and 11.5k cal a bp . Each is followed by a rapid transgression and subsequent periods of RSL stability. The first transgression coincides temporally with a late stage of Meltwater Pulse 1a and the RSL stability occurred between c. 13.0 and c. 12.2k cal a bp (Younger Dryas). The second still/slowstand occurred between c. 10.3 and c. 11.5k cal a bp . Our data provide constraints on the direction and timing of RSL change during deglaciation. Application of the Depth of Closure concept adds an error term to sea‐level reconstructions based on seismic stratigraphic reconstructions.  相似文献   
Most of the Southeast Atlantic Ocean is abyssal, and global bathymetries suggest that only ~3.2% of the areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ; also known as the high seas, as defined in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea [UNCLOS]) are shallower than 2 500 m. This study mapped bathymetry and characterised substrates in selected seamount summit areas, including several that have been or may become fishing areas. The southernmost location, the Schmitt-Ott Seamount, has exposed volcanic bedrock with surrounding flats covered by thin biogenic sediments and/or coral rubble that appears ancient. At Wüst, Vema, Valdivia and Ewing seamounts the basaltic base appears to be overlain by coral caps and other coral substrates (sheets, rubble). Adjacent summit plains have biogenic sediments of varying thickness. Vema has a flat, roughly circular summit, <100 m deep, with the shallowest point being a 22-m-deep summit knoll; the upper slopes have ancient coral framework, but the summit has a mixture of coralline and volcanic rock and coarse sediments, including extensive areas with coralline algae and kelp forests. Valdivia Bank is a 230-m-deep, flat, rocky area (~11 × 5 km), protruding steeply from the extensive multi-summit Valdivia subarea of the Walvis Ridge. The distribution of past fisheries in the Convention Area of the South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (SEAFO) was considered in relation to the new information on bathymetry and substrate.  相似文献   
经物探分析在河北省张家口尚义县大青沟镇南海子村东南1.0 km存在深部断裂构造,为了寻找开发坝上地区地热资源,决定在该位置施工一口2000 m深地热井,即穿过该断裂构造寻找导水通道,完成地热井施工任务。施工中采用了CMD180T型钻机,该钻机采用了先进的全液压传动系统,自动化程度高,性能优异,可大大降低操作人员的劳动强度且易于搬迁、易于操作。其优势在这次地热井工程施工过程中得到了充分的体现。  相似文献   
建设韧性城乡的技术途径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国地震多发、灾害严重,迫切需要提升抗震能力,实现韧性城乡的建设。本文围绕建设韧性城乡的技术途径,梳理了工程抗震技术发展的历史沿革,阐述了韧性城乡的提出背景。基于震害类比、实验验证和理论分析,总结提炼工程结构抗震能力“散”、“脆、”偏、“单”评估法,指出应以“整而不散”、“延而不脆”、“匀而不偏”、“冗而不单”的传统抗震技术及隔震与消能减震新技术作为实现韧性城乡的技术途径。  相似文献   
刘伟  黎洁  徐洁 《干旱区地理》2019,42(3):673-580
借鉴社会—生态系统研究领域的恢复力概念,结合可持续生计分析框架和基于资本的评估方法,构建易地扶贫移民生计恢复力评价指标体系。运用陕南安康市3个区县的657份农户实地调研数据,采用因子分析方法和多元线性回归模型,从微观农户视角实证分析和评估易地扶贫移民的生计恢复力及其影响因素。结果表明:易地搬迁农户物质、社会资本分布不均衡,不同搬迁类型和时间对农户生计资本分化产生作用。物质、金融和社会资本积累水平以及环境、健康服务可及性等均是搬迁户提升生计恢复力的前提和基础,而搬迁类型对移民生计恢复力表现出显著的负向作用。建议政府充分发挥政策优势,针对不同搬迁类型和时间移民进行精准帮扶,着力解决搬迁户生计资本的薄弱环节,不断提升其生计恢复潜力。  相似文献   
为保证海上风电升压电站建设的经济合理与安全可靠,合理确定海上风电升压电站平台高程十分必要。文中从波浪与潮位的遭遇组合、最大波高取值与现行相关标准的比较、最大波峰高度计算的合理性等方面,全面分析了确定海上风电升压站平台高程各组成项取值标准的合理性,研究认为现行标准明显偏高。建议海上升压站平台底部高程按"100年一遇极端高水位+重现期50年波列累积频率1%的最大波峰高度+安全超高"确定。结合工程实例计算分析,按本文建议可使海上升压站平台高程明显降低,从而节省工程造价,还可减轻升压站工程对周边风机的遮蔽影响,以达到多发电量的效果。  相似文献   
传统的农村公路核查需要人工实地抽查或通过GNSS设备进行信息采集验核,存在成本高、效率低等问题。遥感影像具有成像范围广、时效性高、成本低、能客观反映现实情况等优点。相比于传统方法,将遥感影像引入农村公路核查,能客观、准确、高效地对农村公路相关信息进行核查。本文基于国产高分辨率遥感影像,结合农村公路遥感核查业务,采用遥感影像道路提取算法,设计并实现了一种农村公路核查方法。将本方法应用于某中部省份农村公路遥感核查业务,实际应用表明该方法能有效提高现有农村公路遥感核查的工作效率。  相似文献   
The coastal plain of the Río de la Plata constitutes a large wetland which develops on the right margin of the river estuary. Anthropic activities such as intensive exploitation of groundwater carried out in the vicinity of the wetland can modify the natural hydrological regime. The aim of this work is to asses the effects of intensive aquifer exploitation in coastal wetlands using hydrogeological models. Such models allow to evaluate changes in the environmental conditions of wetland at regional level. The hydrogeological model exposed in this work shows how the intensive groundwater exploitation affects the wetland area, generating important variations both in the groundwater flows and in the salinity of the groundwater. Identification of these modifications to the environment is important to generate guidelines leading to minimize these affectations.  相似文献   
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