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伴随着"生态文明"、"乡村振兴"等国家战略的提出,地质文化村成为拓展服务领域、促进地质工作与社会经济发展融合的重要抓手。本文以地质文化村的六维属性为切入点,探讨了地质文化村的空间载体、建设主题、利益主体、主要功能、行为准则、价值导向等内涵,提出地质文化村是以村域为空间载体,以突出"地质+"或"+地质"文化为主题,以共建共享为发展模式,以多元化功能为特征,以"轻质建设"和"生态旅游"为基准,以人地关系和谐为目标的特色村落。建设重点应以乡村五大振兴为总纲,围绕基础设施和公共服务体系、地质文化产品IP、高效产业及项目、多元人才体系、地质保护措施、文化村管理机构等方面开展;未来应通过强化规划衔接、制定行业标准、开展全国试点、加大资金投入、搭建宣传营销平台和进行系统培训等路径,促进地质文化村的健康持续发展。  相似文献   
鉴于北极特殊的地理位置和自然环境,北极科技外交往往是各国参与北极事务的起点和实现北极利益的先导。中国也概不能外,北极科技外交对保障北极科研装备、提高北极认识水平和促进北极资源开发等都具有重要意义。回溯中国参与北极事务的历程,北极科技外交是其中的主要线索和核心内容,现已取得了一些成绩。但作为域外国家和发展中国家,中国北极科技外交还面临着缺乏顶层设计、政策和资金支持不足以及若干国际因素的掣肘。对此,中国应通过充分发挥政府的主导作用、强化和完善运行机制、扩展北极科技外交的广度和深度等加以改进。  相似文献   
杨联锋  段云星 《探矿工程》2020,47(11):44-50
山西省清徐县区域地质调查项目设计800、2000、3000 m科学钻探孔,以调查填补新生界底板埋深控制空白区,各孔钻入基岩30 m完钻。要求全孔取心,岩心采取率≮85%,岩心直径≮60 mm,采用塑料保护管采取原状岩样。针对超深软土层、各组地层特性及厚度未知、钻遇基岩完钻深度未知、大直径高保真全孔取心、项目价格远低于目前市场成本等难题,经过“水源钻机+大提钻取心+长裸眼孔段”实施800 m孔、“岩心钻机+绳索取心+套管固井”实施640 m参数对比孔,创新性使用“水源钻机+绳索取心+长裸眼孔段”工艺完成了2000 m孔的施工。该工艺岩心采取率达到93%,孔径和孔斜符合地质要求,为3000 m孔顺利施工打下了坚实的基础,为同类型项目提供了经验和借鉴。  相似文献   
李军  褚宏亮  李滨  贺凯  高杨 《中国岩溶》2020,39(4):453-466
文章在分析采矿型崩滑灾害发育特征的基础上,得出西南煤系地层山区地下采动型崩滑灾害常发生在层状碳酸盐岩与碎屑岩地层组成的褶皱翼部和核部的陡崖带上,与地形地貌、地层结构与地下采矿工程活动等因素关系密切,并指出薄矿层开采诱发大型山体崩滑灾害的具体过程:①采空后覆岩顶板塌落—覆岩顶板离层,采空区上覆岩层内部及层间自下而上应力传递;②地下水运移通道形成,并加快更大范围岩体结构破坏及扩展,加速了岩体结构面的松动与破坏;③上覆岩层不均匀沉降导致坡脚压裂,山体大型岩体结构面逐渐拉剪或压剪变形扩展,最终山体发生累积损伤与大规模崩滑灾害。此外,传统经验公式的计算方法对此类采矿型崩滑灾害已不适用,建议开展西南煤系地层山区地质结构与地下采动诱发崩滑灾害的相互作用关系、薄矿层采空区上部山体累积断裂损伤—岩体松动、裂隙扩展-岩溶管道流、裂隙流变化的链式响应机制、地下采动型崩滑灾害评价方法等关键科学问题的研究,以推动采矿型地质灾害防灾减灾工作的发展。   相似文献   
《China Geology》2020,3(3):385-401
Recently, continuous breakthroughs have been made about deep gold prospecting in the Jiaodong gold province area of China. Approximately 5000 t of cumulative gold resources have been explored in Jiaodong, which has thus become an internationally noteworthy gold ore cluster. The gold exploration depth has been increased to about 2000 m from the previous <1000 m. To further explore the mineralization potential of the Jiaodong area at a depth of about 3000 m, the Shandong Institute of Geological Sciences has drilled an exploratory drillhole named “Deep drillhole ZK01” to a depth of 3266 m. Hence, as reported herein, the mineralization characteristics of the Jiaojia metallogenic belt have been successfully documented. ZK01 is, to date, the deepest borehole with an gold intersect in China, and constitutes a significant advance in deep gold prospecting in China. The findings of this study further indicate that the depth interval of 2000 m to 4000 m below the ground surface in the Wuyi Village area incorporates 912 t of inferred gold resources, while the depth interval of 2000 m to 4000 m below the surface across the Jiaodong area possesses about 4000 t of inferred gold resources. The Jiaojia Fault Belt tends to gently dip downward, having dip angles of about 25° and about 20° at vertical depths of 2000 m and 2850 m, respectively. The deep part of the Jiaojia metallogenic belt differs from the shallow and moderately deep parts about fracturing, alteration, mineralization, and tectonic type. The deep zones can generally be categorized from inside outward as cataclastic granite, granitic cataclasite, weakly beresitized granitic cataclasite, beresitized cataclasite, and gouge. These zones exhibit a gradual transitional relation or occur alternately and repeatedly. The mineralization degree of the pyritized cataclastic granite-type ore in the deep part of the Jiaojia metallogenic belt is closely related to the degree of pyrite vein development; that is, the higher the pyrite content, the wider the veins and the higher the gold grade. Compared to the shallow gold ores, the deep-seated gold ores have higher fineness and contain joseite, tetradymite, and native bismuth, suggesting that the deep gold mineralization temperature is higher and that mantle-sourced material may have contributed to this mineralization. ZK01 has also revealed that the deep-seated ore bodies in the Jiaojia metallogenic belt are principally situated above the main fracture plane (gouge) and hosted within the Linglong Granite, contradicting previous findings indicating that the moderately shallow gold ore bodies are usually hosted in the contact zone between the Linglong Granite and Jiaodong Group or meta-gabbro. These new discoveries are particularly significant because they can help correct mineralization prospecting models, determine favorable positions for deep prospecting, and improve metallogenic prediction and resource potential evaluation.  相似文献   
老挝万象盆地属于沙空那空盆地的次级盆地,沉积了厚层的钾石盐矿,而钾石盐中还存在着部分水不溶物,通过研究不同成钾区域的钻孔发现:水不溶物主要包括硬石膏、方硼石、白云母、石英、水氯硼钙石、碳酸盐矿物以及零散的黄铁矿,通过水不溶矿物在钻孔中的分布及组合特征发现,钾盐从析出到结束,水不溶物出现规律性特征:钾石盐含量越多方硼石含量也越多,而硬石膏且越少,并在钾石盐高峰期出现鲕粒方硼石,鲕粒方硼石分布表明成钾晚期沉积环境为动荡的浅水环境.水不溶矿物组合、形貌特征及硼同位素分析研究显示,在万象盆地成钾阶段,钾盐沉积不是一成不变的而是具有明显的阶段性,其过程可以分为石盐沉积晚期,钾盐沉积早期,钾盐沉积中期和钾盐沉积晚期等4个不同阶段,其中钾盐阶段中期为钾盐沉积高峰期.因此,水不溶物研究能够很好地反演钾盐沉积环境,可作为古蒸发岩沉积研究的重要指标.  相似文献   
极地钻探是获取极地冰层或冰下环境样品和在极地冰层或冰下布放科学观测仪器的最直接方法,是开展极地科学研究的必要技术手段。美国是开展极地钻探较早的国家之一,也是极地钻探强国。相比美国,我国极地钻探技术尚处于起步阶段。本文以《美国冰钻委员会长期科学规划2021-2031》为基础,结合其官方网站和相关文献资料,梳理了美国极地钻探科学目标和极地钻探技术现状,并简要介绍了过去10年美国极地钻探的现场工作情况及其在未来3年的工作计划,以期为我国极地钻探发展提供参考。  相似文献   
金田龙  王勤 《江苏地质》2021,45(4):375-383
岩石的变形机制和力学性质对认识活动断裂带的孕震机制和发震过程都具有重要意义。圣·安德列斯(San Andreas)转换断层是太平洋板块与北美板块的构造边界,也是重要的地震活动带,总结了美国南加州地震中心对圣·安德列斯断层钻孔断层岩的研究进展。对断层泥的高速摩擦实验发现:动力弱化现象只在高速滑移时才发生,伴随着摩擦生热,岩石的摩擦系数显著降低。断层泥中富镁黏土矿物的富集可以显著降低断层的摩擦系数,促进蠕滑,黏土矿物的不均一分布可导致断裂带变形行为和地震分布的突变。与断层泥和碎裂岩不同,粉碎岩形成于快速传播地震的断裂端部,具高孔隙率和高渗透率,流体活动性强。此外,断层岩的有机质成熟度可用来追溯古地震造成的热异常。在川滇中国地震科学实验场开展科学钻探项目,研究断层岩样品的显微结构、物理性质和变形历史,以期为理解大陆汇聚与转换挤压过程中复杂的地震活动提供重要信息。  相似文献   
沉积相研究发展与人类的生存和矿产资源勘探开发密切相关。该文在简单回顾了近200年的沉积学发展历史的基础上,分析了国际和中国沉积学关注的学科热点问题。国际沉积学会重点关注的问题主要包括国际大洋钻探计划、深-时气候变化与全球海平面变化、源-汇系统、碳酸盐岩沉积环境、混合沉积、微生物岩、陆架边缘三角洲、重力流、细粒沉积、构造-沉积学、火山沉积学和地震沉积学。中国的沉积学家的研究则主要着眼于陆相沉积、陆相盆地沉积模型、南海沉积、不同类型盆地沉积过程差异、浅水三角洲与陆架边缘三角洲、不同尺度与不同地质年代源-汇系统、中国南部小型克拉通盆地内的碳酸盐岩沉积等问题。总体上,当前研究热点主要包括:(1)陆相沉积环境;(2)滨岸与浅水沉积;(3)深水沉积与事件沉积;(4)碳酸盐岩沉积;(5)沉积过程与新方法。开展多类型盆地沉积动力学研究、创建具有中国区域特色的陆相沉积学理论体系、多学科交叉渗透、开展综合定量沉积学研究、创新沉积学研究方法和高效油气勘探开发是未来中国沉积研究的主要发展态势,沉积学这一重要的地质学分支学科将会更有效地指导油气资源勘探和开发。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2021,4(4):541-552
The intersection of the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR) and the Central Basin Rift (CBR) of the West Philippine Basin (WPB) is a relic of a trench-trench-rift (TTR) type triple-junction, which preserves some pivotal information on the cessation of the seafloor spreading of the WPB, the emplacement and disintegration of the proto-Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc, and the transition from initial rifting to steady-state spreading of the Parece Vela Basin (PVB). However, the structural characteristics of this triple-junction have not been thoroughly understood. In this paper, using the newly acquired multi-beam bathymetric, gravity, and magnetic data obtained by the Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China Geological Survey, the authors depict the topographic, gravity, and magnetic characteristics of the triple-junction and adjacent region. Calculations including the upward continuations and total horizontal derivatives of gravity anomaly are also performed to highlight the major structural features and discontinuities. Based on these works, the morphological and structural features and their formation mechanisms are analyzed. The results show that the last episode amagmatic extension along the CBR led to the formation of a deep rift valley, which extends eastward and incised the KPR. The morphological and structural fabrics of the KPR near and to the south of the triple-junction are consistent with those of the western PVB, manifesting as a series of NNE-SSW- and N-S-trending ridges and troughs, which were produced by the extensional faults associated with the initial rifting of the PVB. The superposition of the above two reasons induced the prominent discontinuity of the KPR in deep and shallow crustal structures between 15°N–15°30′N and 13°30′N–14°N. Combined with previous authors’ results, we propose that the stress produced by the early spreading of the PVB transmitted westward and promoted the final stage amagmatic extension of the CBR. The eastward propagation of the CBR destroyed the KPR, of which the magmatism had decayed or ceased at that time. The destruction mechanism of the KPR associated with the rifting of the PVB varies along strike the KPR. Adjacent to the triple-junction, the KPR was destroyed mainly due to the oblique intersection of the PVB rifting center. Whereas south of the triple-junction, the KPR was destroyed by the E-W-directional extensional faulting on its whole width.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   
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