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潘云雨  梅金星  徐静  高翔  潘俊 《探矿工程》2022,49(2):135-144
文章主要介绍了ZHDN-SDR 150A 型高频声波钻机设计及其验证测试,为该钻机应用于污染场地调查和治理提供理论依据和技术指导。论文阐述了钻机总体设计思路及主要性能参数指标,系统分析了高频声波动力头、钻机主体、配套钻具结构设计及其技术创新。该钻机在两种不同地层进行了验证测试,各项测试指标均达到设计要求。将验证测试结果与国内外同类钻机对比表明,ZHDN-SDR 150A型钻机主要性能参数与关键装置已处于国内先进和国外并跑水平。该型钻机在振动频率、地层适用性、钻具使用寿命等方面优势显著,但是存在过高温度运行条件下钻进效率降低、智能自动化水平不足的问题,需进一步研发耐高温强硬度新材料和改进远程无线操控系统。  相似文献   
在保证轴承安全而经济的运转条件下,轴承装配间隙取最小值,根据流体润滑理论,选择合适的润滑油;对于厚壁轴瓦,在磨合之后应调整到运转间隙。这样就可以充分利用轴承的使用寿命。  相似文献   
Damage or collapse of buildings vulnerable to seismic forces may cause human casualties, and seismic upgrading of such structures is a practical solution to this deficiency. The study presented here proposes a simple approach to prevent structural collapse by separating the superstructure from its foundation to let the superstructure slide during extreme ground shaking. The sliding mechanism contributes to cap the horizontal force exerted on the superstructure. In such approach, the key is to maintain the friction force between the superstructure and the foundation sufficiently low and stable. This research proposes to realize a controlled sliding mechanism, which acts as a structural fuse, by means of carbon powder lubrication at the bases of the structure's columns. The fundamental behaviour of the proposed structural system, named the base shear capping building, is investigated by shaking table tests and numerical simulation. Both experimental and numerical results showed that graphite lubrication is an efficient and robust lubrication material, maintaining the friction coefficient between the steel column bases and mortar foundation at around 0.16. The sliding at the bases significantly reduced the acceleration transmitted to the superstructure, keeping the base shear coefficient not greater than about 0.40. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
山西古交矿区钻探施工中遇到严重漏失现象,采用传统的粘土球、水泥球、快干水泥、801堵漏剂加木屑等材料堵漏方法,均无效果,经过摸索和实践,采用聚丙烯酰胺+切削膏进行堵漏,取得了很大的成功,施工效率高、施工成本低、堵漏效果好,同时还减少了钻具的磨损,沉淀了钻渣,净化了冲洗液。  相似文献   
针对鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地气田水平井A点前钻井施工过程中易发生井壁失稳、煤层坍塌等复杂情况的现状,选用"减少储层损害、减少环境污染"的"双保"(易降解,有利于环境保护;易酸化解堵,有利于保护油气层)天然高分子钻井液体系及分段采取合理的维护处理措施,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   
涪陵页岩气田属川东南地区川东高陡褶皱带包鸾-焦石坝背斜带焦石坝构造,主要开发上奥陶系五峰组—下志留系龙马溪组页岩气层,岩性主要为灰岩、泥岩、页岩,钻井施工中易漏、易塌、易喷。井型为三开结构水平井,一开、二开采用水基钻井液体系。通过技术研究,确立了以氯化钾、聚胺页岩抑制剂等为主剂的水基钻井液体系,形成了适合涪陵页岩气田勘探开发的浅层气预防、井壁稳定、降摩减扭、防漏堵漏等系列水基钻井液技术,较好地满足了钻井施工要求。  相似文献   
Kenshiro  Otsuki  Takayuki  Uduki  Nobuaki  Monzawa  Hidemi  Tanaka 《Island Arc》2005,14(1):12-21
Abstract   The fractality of fault zones of thickness T for the 248-m-long core from a borehole penetrating the northern segment of the seismic Chelungpu Fault, Taiwan, was analyzed. The frequency curve of T shows that the fractal dimension is normal when T is smaller than a characteristic thickness T c, and it becomes abnormally large when T exceeds T c. The fractal dimensions of size and spatial distributions of T increase as the mean distribution density of T increases, which is inconsistent with the evolution laws for ordinary brittle faults. This discrepancy implies that the thickening rate of T when T is more than T c is not constant, but a decreasing function of fault displacement. The slow thickening rate is related to the elastohydrodynamic lubrication which was effective on the fault when T exceeds T c. This slip instability mechanism can explain the large, fast and smooth slip on the northern segment of the Chelungpu Fault during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake.  相似文献   
Kenshiro  Otsuki  Takayuki  Uduki  Nobuaki  Monzawa  Hidemi  Tanaka 《Island Arc》2005,14(1):22-36
Abstract   The seismic slip that occurred during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan showed contrastive behaviors in different regions along the Chelungpu Fault: A large and smooth slip occurred in the north, while a relatively small slip associated with high-frequency seismic wave radiation occurred in the south. The core samples from shallow boreholes at northern (Fengyuan) and southern (Nantou) sites penetrating the seismic Chelungpu Fault were analyzed. The fault zones at the northern site are characterized by soft clayey material associated with clayey injection veins. This suggests that the fault zones were pressurized during ancient seismic slip events, and hence the elastohydrodynamic lubrication occurred effectively. In contrast, the fault rock from the southern site is old pseudotachylyte that has been shattered by repeated ancient seismic slip events. Statistical analysis of many pseudotachylyte fragments reveals that the degree of frictional melting tended to be low. In this case, the seismic slip is restrained by the mechanical barrier of a highly viscous melt layer. These contrastive fault rocks were produced by repeated ancient seismic slip events, but the two corresponding mechanisms of friction are likely to have also occurred during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, thus causing the contrastive slip behaviors in the north and south.  相似文献   
近年来,随着油气勘探开发的深入,大斜度井、水平井的增多,定向井及水平井位移越来越长,遇阻通井现象频频发生,完钻电测一次成功率低,影响了建井周期。本文通过对川西、川东北等地区部分定向井及水平井完井电测遇阻原因分析,从钻井液角度出发,提出“强抑制-交联-固壁”技术、高效润滑段塞技术等相应对策提高电测一次成功率。现场应用表明,这些钻井液技术对策为提高完井电测一次成功率、解决电测遇阻问题提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
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