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随着我国煤炭资源去产能整合煤矿的增多,复采工作面临空窄煤柱采动失稳问题日益凸显,已严重制约矿井安全高效生产。为此,针对辛安煤矿复采1402工作面辅运巷道5号钻场临空窄煤柱稳定性控制的工程难题,运用数值模拟与理论分析相结合的方法,探究5号钻场临空窄煤柱稳定性采掘扰动响应特征,提出5号钻场临空窄煤柱动态注浆加固技术方案并开展现场应用和效果检验。研究结果表明:1402工作面辅运巷道掘进对5号钻场临空窄煤柱稳定性影响较小;在1402工作面回采期间,距5号钻场18~6 m范围,临空窄煤柱集中垂直应力由非对称马鞍形分布逐渐过渡为拱形分布;距5号钻场6 m时,临空窄煤柱承载叠加垂直应力超过煤体强度,塑性区完全贯通,极易破坏失稳;现场采用MP364型注浆材料及专用注浆设备对5号钻场临空窄煤柱前后5 m区域进行加固,动态注浆始终超前工作面10 m,通过深孔窥视和气体监测手段验证临空窄煤柱良好的封堵固化效果,保障了工作面安全回采,为我国整合矿井类似条件下煤柱稳定性控制提供借鉴和参考。移动阅读   相似文献   
本文以阿尔泰山两河源保护区采金废弃矿区为研究区,从地形、土壤、水分和地表植被4个方面出发,结合矿区现有条件,设置11种恢复措施,选取丰富度指数、优势度指数、多样性指数、均匀度指数、生物量、植被盖度、物种数及土石比等7个评价指标,采用主成分分析法,得出不同恢复措施的主成分得分及生态效益排名。结果表明,单一恢复措施,如推平、羊群驻扎、泥浆等基本上是从某一个方面来考虑生态恢复的,存在一定的缺陷,恢复效益排名比较靠后;多种措施相结合,不仅能改善土壤环境,也会引起植物群落多样性格局的变化,生态恢复效益很好;同一种恢复措施,施行年限越长恢复效果越好。  相似文献   
基于前人研究成果以及现场的实测结果,采用卓资山露天钼矿微震监测项目产出资料,提取了5类微震事件的波形特征和时频特征。波形特征显示:微地震的振幅、辐射均匀性和频率变化特征表明微地震是由于岩层受到单力偶和剪切力作用破裂而产生;爆破具有P波初动方向向上、S波不易识别的特点,包含“初震段、主震段、尾波段”三段变化形态;小型边坡滑坡波事件属楔体滑坡,是由多个“加速—缓冲—终止”构成,波形是由包络线呈“V”字形的多组脉冲波列组成;机械开采震动事件具有自振能量不变、脉冲幅度相差很大、持续时间间隔不确定的特点;运输车辆波形振幅具有形态“弱—强—弱”、等频率、包络线呈多段纺锤形的特征。时频空间分布可以分为相对独立、界限分明的两类:一类包含微地震、爆破、机械开采、小型边坡滑坡事件,另一类只包含车辆运输事件。  相似文献   
王腾飞  王蒙 《探矿工程》2020,47(10):61-66
随着国家和社会的发展,人们对生态环境越发重视。在经济发展的过程中,因采矿而遗留下了大量的废弃矿坑,这些矿坑的治理迫在眉睫。飘台作为一种治理高陡光滑岩壁的有效方法,在实际工程中被大量使用,然而对飘台稳定性的分析大多停留在简单的公式上。本文设计了一种适用于陡立矿山岩壁治理的砼制飘台结构,提炼了计算飘台稳定性的公式并结合FLAC3D数值模拟软件,对飘台的稳定性进行了分析。研究结果表明,此砼制飘台比较适用于陡立矿山岩壁的治理。  相似文献   
高顶山矿区位于广安华蓥市城区东南约5km处。长期的采矿活动,导致区内矿山地质环境问题突出,严重影响华蓥山地区人民的生命财产安全。矿山地质环境问题亟待解决。本文通过分析区内主要存在的矿山地质环境问题,提出通过矿山地质灾害、矿山土地恢复、矿山地形地貌景观恢复治理,河道综合整治、道路修复、生态保育、产业提升等措施;消除安全隐患,保障区内人民生命财产安全;改善生态环境,实现华蓥山地区生态环境全面恢复,生态环境质量提升,提高环境承载力,实现区内"山青、水秀、林美、田良"的目标。并对区内的产业转型升级进行了探讨,提出将高顶山矿区建设成具有科普和教育价值的旅游景观目的地;利用矿区独具特色工业人文景观和别致的自然景观,将高顶山矿区建设成集"科普、休闲、康养、户外、探秘"五大功能于一体的矿山公园,推动矿业经济转型升级,促进产业结构转型和经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   
Predicting the location of gully heads in various environments is an important step towards predicting gully erosion rates. So far, field data collection and modelling of topographic thresholds for gully head development has mainly focused on gullies that formed in forested areas, rangelands, pastures and cropland. Such information for gullies in badlands however is very scarce. Therefore, this paper aims to extend the database on gully head topographical thresholds through data collection in a badland area and to improve the prediction of gully heads forming at sites with a very low erosion resistance value. For this, we chose a badland site located in central Italy that is characterized by biancana forms and both active and dormant gullies. The definition of the conditions under which present‐day gully heads developed allowed a better modelling of the gully head threshold equation, with modification of a previous model and the exemplification of how to use the updated model. The model shows that the resistance to gully head retreat depends on slope gradient and drainage area at gully heads, land use at the moment of gully development (as numerically expressed using parameters derived from the Runoff Curve Number method), surface rock fragment cover, presence of joints, pipes, and factors/processes affecting detachment rate. This study attempted to better understand environmental conditions that control the development of gully heads in badlands through a combination of field data collection of gully heads, an analysis of land use changes over 10 centuries, focusing on the period 1820–2005, and land use management through repeat photography and a critical examination of historical documents. © 2018 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
玲珑花岗岩岩基东侧的招平断裂带是胶西北矿集区的主要控矿构造之一。布设于招平断裂带中段大尹格庄矿区的地震剖面,揭示了招平断裂带中段深部的结构构造特征,地震剖面显示,玲珑岩基内部有多个类似"拱弧构造"的岩浆侵入形成的弧形界面,由此推测存在2~3期的岩浆活动。剖面显示了3期构造组合样式,第1期为以招平断裂带和宋家河断裂为组合倾向SE的铲式断裂,底部似汇入统一的构造滑脱带;第2期为倾向NW的错断了招平断裂带的反倾伸展断裂;第3期为NE向延伸以花状构造为特征的走滑断裂。前两期反映构造发育处于伸展环境,第3期显示为左行走滑。招平断裂带深部延伸存在分支复合现象,形成由2个主裂面夹持的透镜状岩片。地震反射剖面数据的获得对深刻理解该区域中生代岩浆构造演化过程和深部找矿具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
The use of heavy machinery during opencast coal mining can result in soil compaction. Severe soil compaction has a negative impact on the transport of water and gas in the soil. In addition, rainfall intensity has traditionally been related to soil surface sealing affecting water transport. To assess the effects of rainfall intensity and compaction on water infiltration and surface runoff in an opencast coal mining area, the disturbed soils from the Antaibao opencast mine in Shanxi Province, China, were collected. Four soil columns with different bulk densities (i.e., 1.4 g cm-3, 1.5 g cm-3, 1.6 g cm-3, and 1.7 g cm-3) were designed, and each column received water five times at rainfall intensities of 23.12, 28.91, 38.54, 57.81, and 115.62 mm hr-1. The total volume of runoff, the time to start runoff, and the volumetric water contents at the depths of 5 cm, 15 cm, 25 cm, 35 cm, 45 cm, 55 cm, and 65 cm were measured. Under the same soil bulk density, high rainfall intensity reduced infiltration, increased surface runoff, and decreased the magnitude of change in the volumetric water contents at different depths. Under the same rainfall intensity, the soil column with a high bulk density showed relatively low water infiltration. Treatments 3 (1.6 g cm-3) and 4 (1.7 g cm-3) had very small changes in volumetric water contents of the profiles even under a lower rainfall intensity. Severe soil compaction was highly prone to surface runoff after rainfall. Engineering and revegetation measures are available to improve compacted soil quality in dumps. Our results provide a theoretical basis for the management of land reclamation in opencast coal mine areas.  相似文献   
Concentrated erosion, a major feature of land degradation, represents a serious problem for soil and water resources management and a threat to ecosystems. Understanding the internal mechanisms (de-)coupling sediment pathways can improve the management and resilience of catchments. In this study, concentrated erosion and deposition forms were mapped accurately through field and aerial unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) campaigns, in order to assess the evolution of connectivity pathways over a series of three contrasted and consecutive flood events occurring between October 2016 and January 2017 (return period ranging from 0.5 to 25 years) in a small Mediterranean agricultural catchment (Can Revull, Mallorca, Spain; 1.4 km2). In addition, a morphometric index of connectivity (IC) was used to identify the potential trajectories of different concentrated erosion forms and deposition areas. IC predictions were calibrated by identifying the optimal critical thresholds, i.e. those most consistent with field observations after each of the events studied. The results found that the index performed well in predicting the occurrence and the length/area of the different type of landforms, giving kappa (κ) coefficients of variation ranging between 0.21 and 0.92 and linear correlations R2 between 0.33 and 0.72. The type of landform affected the correspondence of IC predictions and field observations, with lower thresholds the greater the magnitude of their associated geomorphic processes. Rainfall magnitude proved to be a very important factor controlling the development of erosion and deposition landforms, with large differences in length/area between the contrasted events. The evolution of the observed trajectories revealed feedback dynamics between the structural and functional connectivity of the catchment, in which morphological changes determined the spatial distribution of the processes’ activity in the successive events and vice versa. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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