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Farmland abandonment is a global problem and considered one of the most important areas in land use change research. Farmland abandonment research currently focuses on understanding the factors that affect farmland abandonment and developing scientific models to simulate farmland abandonment. The study reviewed the natural and political factors driving farmland abandonment and summarized the main models for farmland abandonment simulation together with their advantages and disadvantages. We discuss the main ecological effects of farmland abandonment and propose farmland abandonment research directions. The study found that: (1) the influence of labor cost change and ageing labor force on farmland abandonment needs further investigation, (2) simulation models for farmland abandonment must include the decision-making mechanism of individual farmers and focus on macro large-scale abandonment prediction models, and (3) the influence of farmland abandonment on landscape culture must be investigated in detail.  相似文献   
高顶山矿区位于广安华蓥市城区东南约5km处。长期的采矿活动,导致区内矿山地质环境问题突出,严重影响华蓥山地区人民的生命财产安全。矿山地质环境问题亟待解决。本文通过分析区内主要存在的矿山地质环境问题,提出通过矿山地质灾害、矿山土地恢复、矿山地形地貌景观恢复治理,河道综合整治、道路修复、生态保育、产业提升等措施;消除安全隐患,保障区内人民生命财产安全;改善生态环境,实现华蓥山地区生态环境全面恢复,生态环境质量提升,提高环境承载力,实现区内"山青、水秀、林美、田良"的目标。并对区内的产业转型升级进行了探讨,提出将高顶山矿区建设成具有科普和教育价值的旅游景观目的地;利用矿区独具特色工业人文景观和别致的自然景观,将高顶山矿区建设成集"科普、休闲、康养、户外、探秘"五大功能于一体的矿山公园,推动矿业经济转型升级,促进产业结构转型和经济社会可持续发展。  相似文献   
中国耕地土壤相对湿度时空分异   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以全国653个农业气象站1993-2013年耕地的土壤相对湿度数据为基础,运用地统计方法,分析中国耕地土壤相对湿度时空分异特征与规律。结果表明:自1993年以来全国耕地的土壤相对湿度呈现波动上升趋势。全国耕地的土壤相对湿度普遍大于60%,分布区域自4月中旬开始随夏季风推移不断向北向西扩大,自10月下旬开始向东、南方向缩小。耕地土壤相对湿度值随土壤深度的增加而增加。年际尺度上,耕地的土壤相对湿度在夏秋季上升速度最快,变化幅度随土层深度增加而变小。土壤相对湿度与降水量存在较强的正相关关系,与潜在蒸发量、气温普遍存在较强的负相关关系。土壤相对湿度与各气象要素的相关性随深度加深而减弱。春、夏、秋季气象因素对旱地土壤相对湿度影响较大,冬季气象因素对水田影响更大。  相似文献   
对南秦岭北大巴山地区广泛分布的一套基性岩墙群中的辉绿岩进行采样,并进行了锆石U-Pb年代学、全岩地球化学分析。结果显示,岩石形成年龄为435~433 Ma,为早志留世晚期岩浆活动产物。这些辉绿岩具低硅、高碱、高钛的碱性岩特征。岩石微量及稀土元素具板内玄武岩特征,轻稀土元素相对富集,轻重稀土元素分异明显,富集不相容元素Ba、Nb、Ta,而K、Y、Yb相对亏损;K及Rb的负异常表明岩石源区残留角闪石或金云母,部分熔融模拟结果显示岩石起源于尖晶石角闪石岩高程度部分熔融。综合地球化学特征及前人研究结果,认为北大巴山地区在早古生代处于大规模伸展裂陷背景下,岩石圈的拉张诱发了低熔点的交代岩石圈地幔熔融,进而形成了这条碱性岩浆带。  相似文献   
新型珊瑚海水混凝土力学性能试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解决全珊瑚海水混凝土(coral aggregate seawater concrete,简称CASC)的脆性问题,采用碱式硫酸镁水泥(basic magnesium sulfate cement,简称BMSC)为胶凝材料和剑麻纤维为增韧材料制备了一种新型全珊瑚海水混凝土(NCASC),系统测定了基本力学性能,并与普通硅酸盐水泥制备的CASC、碱式硫酸镁水泥砂石混凝土(basic magnesium sulfate cement concrete,简称BMSCC)、普通砂石混凝土(ordinary portland cement concrete,简称OPC)以及普通轻骨料混凝土(lightweight aggregate concrete,简称LAC)的力学性能进行对比。结果表明:立方体抗压强度(f_(cu),m)在15~35 MPa范围内的NCASC的轴心抗压强度(f_c,m)、劈裂抗拉强度(f_(sp),m)与f_(cu),m之间具有较显著的线性关系;对于f_(cu),m为15~35 MPa的混凝土,相同强度NCASC的f_c,m高于OPC、LAC及BMSCC,其f_c,m与f_(cu),m比值最大,大致在0.85~0.96之间,NCASC的f_(sp),m比OPC和LAC高,但比BMSCC低,且随着强度的提高,OPC与NCASC的f_(sp),m间的差距在增大,而LAC和BMSCC与NCASC的f_(sp),m间的差距在缩小;在强度等级C15~C55的范围中,NCASC和CASC的f_(sp),m、f_c,m与f_(cu),m之间的关系基本可以采用相同的线性回归方程来描述,利用这两个回归线性方程得到对应于标准强度等级的CASC和NCASC的f_(sp),m和f_c,m数据,为CASC力学性能研究与结构设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   
退耕还林(草)等生态工程对区域用地结构及生态系统服务功能产生了重要影响。本研究基于RUSLE模型,并辅以遥感监测与GIS空间分析方法,对北方农牧交错带西段2000-2015年退耕状况及其引起的土壤保持功能变化分3个时段(2000-2005年、2005-2010年及2010-2015年)进行了探究。结果表明:北方农牧交错带西段地区2000-2015年耕地面积净减少1663.83 km2,以转为林地、草地、建设用地为主,其中耕地转林、草地净减少面积为1113.64 km2,草地和未利用地是新增耕地的主要来源;15年间土壤保持功能提升显著,退耕还林(草)工程的实施使土壤保持量增加了56.50×104 t,2005-2010年由退耕所带来的土壤保持增加量在3段时期中最高;不同坡度等级的生态退耕引起的土壤保持增加量差别较大,总体随着坡度升高呈下降趋势,但在25°以上的陡坡耕地由退耕还林(草)带来的土壤保持效益又有所升高。研究对于评估北方农牧交错带西段地区实施退耕还林(草)等工程的生态效益具有重要意义,并能为区域生态保护与修复工程的建设规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   
陕北地区退耕还林还草工程土壤保护效应的时空特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper looks at the Green for Grain Project in northern Shaanxi Province.Based on remote sensing monitoring data,this study analyzes the locations of arable land in northern Shaanxi in the years 2000,2010 and 2013 as well as spatio-temporal changes over that period,and then incorporates data on the distribution of terraced fields to improve the input parameters of a RUSLE model and simulate and generate raster data on soil erosion for northern Shaanxi at different stages with a accuracy verification.Finally,combined with the dataset of farmland change,compared and analyzed the characteristics of soil erosion change in the converted farmland to forest(grassland)and the unconverted farmland in northern Shaanxi,so as to determine the project’s impact on soil erosion over time across the region.The results show that between 2000 and 2010,the soil erosion modulus of repurposed farmland in northern Shaanxi decreased 22.7 t/ha,equivalent to 47.08%of the soil erosion modulus of repurposed farmland in 2000.In the same period,the soil erosion modulus of non-repurposed farmland fell 10.99 t/ha,equivalent to 28.6%of the soil erosion modulus of non-repurposed farmland in 2000.The soil erosion modulus for all types of land in northern Shaanxi decreased by an average of 14.51 t/ha between 2000 and 2010,equivalent to 41.87%of the soil erosion modulus for the entire region in 2000.This suggests that the Green for Grain Project effectively reduced the soil erosion modulus,thus helping to protect the soil.In particular,arable land that was turned into forest and grassland reduced erosion most noticeably and contributed most to soil conservation.Nevertheless,in the period 2010 to 2013,which was a period of consolidation of the Green for Grain Project,the soil erosion modulus and change in volume of soil erosion in northern Shaanxi were significantly lower than in the previous decade.  相似文献   
为了揭示黑龙江哈尔滨白渔泡国家湿地公园沼泽、林地和农田土壤物理、化学和生物性质的差异,于2018年7月25日~8月2日,在湿地公园内,在天然芦苇(Phragmites australis)沼泽、林地、旱田和水田中设置采样地,采集不同深度(0~10 cm、10~20 cm和20~30 cm)的土壤样品,测定土壤样品的物理、化学和生物指标。研究结果表明,白渔泡国家湿地公园不同采样地土壤指标存在差异;与天然芦苇沼泽土壤相比,其它采样地土壤的含水量明显偏低,土壤全氮、全磷、碱解氮和有机质含量都明显偏小,水田土壤速效磷含量偏大;天然芦苇沼泽土壤脲酶、硝酸还原酶、纤维素酶、蛋白酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶活性都高于林地和农田土壤,水田0~10 cm和10~20 cm深度土壤的硝酸还原酶活性显著高于旱田和林地;与天然芦苇沼泽土壤相比,旱田土壤小于0.25 mm的小团聚体含量偏大,而其它采样地土壤的各粒级团聚体的比例变化较小,水田土壤团聚体平均重量直径比天然芦苇沼泽和旱田土壤低。  相似文献   
许红梅  郭炎  李志刚  林赛南  李娈琼 《地理科学》2020,40(12):2055-2063
以武汉市蔡甸区为例,结合多源、多时段的村级农地流转数据,采用探索性空间分析和多元线性回归分析方法,揭示大城市近郊农地流转的时空特征及影响因素。研究发现:① 流转规模呈跨越式增长,经历快速增长和短期减速增长两个阶段,流转速度受土地政策影响较大;农地流转的空间分布由随机转向集聚,高高集聚区由主干道沿线转移至以农业为主的平原街镇,低低集聚区由不显著到集中于城镇化水平较高的街镇;② 控制自然、区位、社会经济等因素后,发现流转主体、流转用途对农地流转具有显著影响。建议清楚把握农地流转时空演化特征,合理选择流转主体和流转用途,以优化大城市近郊的人地关系,促进城乡统筹和乡村振兴。  相似文献   
Yu  Wanhui  Zhang  Lijuan  Zhang  Hongwen  Jiang  Lanqi  Zhang  Ankang  Pan  Tao 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(3):439-454
The effects of human activities on climate change are a significant area of research in the field of global environmental change. Land use and land cover change(LUCC) has a greater effect on climate than greenhouse gases, and the effect of farmland expansion on regional drought is particularly important. From the 1910 s to the 2010 s, cultivated land in Songnen Plain increased by 2.67 times, the area of cultivated land increased from 4.92×10~4 km~2 to 13.14×10~4 km~2, and its percentage of all land increased from 25% to 70%. This provides an opportunity to study the effects of the conversion of natural grassland to farmland on climate. In this study, the drought indices in Songnen Plain were evaluated from the 1910 s to the 2010 s, and the effect of farmland expansion on drought was investigated using statistical methods and the Weather Research and Forecasting Model based on UK's Climatic Research Unit data. The resulting dryness index, Palmer drought severity index, and standardized precipitation index values indicated a significant drying trend in the study area from 1981 to 2010. This trend can be attributed to increases in maximum temperature and diurnal temperature range, which increased the degree of drought. Based on statistical analysis and simulation, the maximum temperature, diurnal temperature range, and sensible heat flux increased during the growing season in Songnen Plain over the past 100 years, while the minimum temperature and latent heat flux decreased. The findings indicate that farmland expansion caused a drying trend in Songnen Plain during the study period.  相似文献   
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