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基于地缘政治视角,分析本世纪初发生在原苏联地区“颜色革命”的诱发因素,认为美国根据其地缘战略格局对“颜色革命”发生地存在一定程度的主观选择性,国家内部经济、政治、社会等层面的矛盾也同样作为发生背景。在中亚地缘格局动态分析的基础上,结合中亚五国形势,从时间和空间双重维度对中亚地区未来发生“颜色革命”的可能性进行识别与评判,得出1) 整体来看,中亚近期内爆发“颜色革命”可能性较小,但从长远来看不能掉以轻心。2)土、乌未来稳定可期,塔、吉、哈需谨防“颜色革命”卷土重来。  相似文献   
近10年来,美国页岩气革命已经改变了全球现有的能源格局,吸引着越来越多的国家投入到页岩气的勘探开发中来。本文介绍了美国页岩气革命的发展历程及取得的成就;简述了中国页岩气革命的发展历程和现状。结合美国页岩气革命的先进经验,及我国页岩气资源特征及开发特点,针对性地提出了中国页岩气勘探开发技术的发展建议,对中国页岩气革命的大发展具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
自2014年6月国际油价暴跌开始,世界油气市场进入低迷阶段。而当美国二叠纪盆地巨量页岩油藏发现和开发之后,从2016年中期开始,美国陆上油气钻采活动逐渐增加,钻井承包商与钻井公司携钻机蜂拥而至二叠纪盆地和其它油田。这新一轮油气市场可能回复的迹象,进一步促进了钻井设备的更新换代,以工厂化作业为标志的新型先进钻机将供不应求,而大多数老旧机械式钻机则面临淘汰。另一方面,由于这二三年油气市场的低谷,许多高级技术人员和熟练操作人员被裁员,人才大量流失,而新型先进钻机也需要具有专门技能的人员操作,于是近期美国许多公司把保留和培养钻采技术人才放在重要位置,制订和实施了许多培训人才的策略和措施。本文对近期美国陆地油气钻井活动的主要特点和态势进行了分析。  相似文献   
油页岩勘探开发现状及进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油页岩是当今世界热门的非常规油气资源。受石油危机的影响,全球寻找替代能源的脚步不断加快。继美国凭借页岩气革命逆转其天然气长期依赖进口的局面之后,多个国家包括中国越来越重视油页岩这一清洁型的接替能源。本文对油页岩勘探开发现状及进展进行了详细阐述:1油页岩是一种高灰分、有机质含量丰富的未成熟烃源岩,沉积环境有陆相、湖相以及海相三种,其矿床类型可分为近海型和内陆湖泊型;2油页岩在世界范围内储量丰富,美国是油页岩储量最多的国家,中国的油页岩资源也十分丰富,但可采储量明显低于探明储量;3在测井响应方面,油页岩具有低密度、高电阻率、高声波时差及高自然伽玛的特点,主要识别方法有log R重叠法、电阻率法、密度测井法等;4油页岩地震识别方法主要包括甜点属性预测法以及基于岩石物理模型的正反演有机质含量预测法;5油页岩主要对含油率进行评价,可使用的方法包括干馏法、测井评价法和岩石热解法;6页岩油开采是油页岩勘探开发的难点,主要技术包括干馏、原位开采和热转换加工技术等。研究结果对了解油页岩的特征、发展动态、关键技术以及进一步推动油页岩勘探开发具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
This conceptual review article provides a critical appraisal of Sustainable Consumption and Production research, which is currently framed by two generic positions. First, the ‘reformist’ position, which focuses on firms pursuing green eco-innovations and consumers buying eco-efficient products, represents the political and academic orthodoxy. Second, the ‘revolutionary’ position, which is a radical critique of the mainstream, advocates the abolishment of capitalism, materialism, and consumerism, and promotes values such as frugality, sufficiency, and localism. We find this dichotomous debate problematic, because it is intellectually stifling and politically conservative (in its outcomes). To move beyond this dichotomy, we propose a third position, ‘reconfiguration’, which focuses on transitions in socio-technical systems and daily life practices and accommodates new conceptual frameworks. For each of the three positions, we discuss: (1) the scale and type of change, (2) views on consumption and production in exemplary approaches, (3) underlying theoretical, epistemological and normative orientations, (4) policy implications, and (5) critical appraisal. The conclusion compares the three positions, provides arguments for the fruitfulness of the reconfiguration-position and offers four critical reflections about future Sustainable Consumption and Production research agendas.  相似文献   
以浙江岬湾砂质海岸象山皇城海滩为例,运用抛物线模型,分析得出皇城海滩的冲淤演化动态,并通过历史岸线形态对比探讨皇城海塘对其的影响,最终提出防止海岸侵蚀的对策。研究结果表明,皇城海滩北部有一定的侵蚀,其平面形态还未达到静态平衡,处于不稳定状态;皇城海滩北段海塘修建得过于靠海,致使海滩最重要的泥沙补给源——后滨沙丘被阻断,甚至消失,同时大潮水位可直接淹没海塘堤脚,加上海塘前为近破波,滩面水流和泥沙运动剧烈,最终导致堤前滩面的冲刷。基于此,防止海岸侵蚀的最佳对策是在拆除、重建海滩北部部分海塘后再进行适当的海滩养护。通过对皇城海滩的稳定性研究,了解海塘建设的影响,可为浙江岬湾海滩资源的合理开发、海岸防护工程建设提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   
A pollen record from a sediment core drilled underneath the Acheulian site of Fontana Ranuccio provides new data on the vegetation characters in central Italy during the late Early Pleistocene, in a forest phase possibly corresponding to a substage of Marine Isotope Stage 21. A number of tree taxa nowadays extinct in Europe (Cathaya, Tsuga, Taxodium type, Carya and Pterocarya) are present at Fontana Ranuccio in a temperate phase characterised by dense forest conditions, dominated by Alnus and Pterocarya. The comparison of the Fontana Ranuccio record with other dated sites distributed along the Italian peninsula indicates that the floristic and vegetational characters of the Mid Pleistocene revolution present a rather distinct succession of biostratigraphic events. Compared to other Early Pleistocene pollen records from southern Europe, the Italian Peninsula shows greater floristic similarities with the Eastern Mediterranean regions than with the Iberian Peninsula. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
lintroductionGeographicinformahonSystem(GIS)hasbeendevelopedtosuchadegreethatitseemstobeakindofpanaceawhengeographicproblemsarediscussedwhereverinPapers,onclasses,inrePOrtSorinresearchplans.AtpresentitisasthoughthatgeographywasnotgeographywithoutmentioningGIS.Itremindsusofquanhtahvegeography1flatoncebroughtanewlookforgeogr'aphicresearchfromthe1960stothe1980s.DuringthatPeriod,quanhtahvegeographyhadthesimilargoodfortUnetoGIStodayasitwasfrequenhyappliedindiscussingconcernedgeognphicproblems…  相似文献   
The differential equations which generate a general conformal mapping of a two-dimensional Riemann manifold found by Korn and Lichtenstein are reviewed. The Korn–Lichtenstein equations subject to the integrability conditions of type vectorial Laplace–Beltrami equations are solved for the geometry of an ellipsoid of revolution (International Reference Ellipsoid), specifically in the function space of bivariate polynomials in terms of surface normal ellipsoidal longitude and ellipsoidal latitude. The related coefficient constraints are collected in two corollaries. We present the constraints to the general solution of the Korn–Lichtenstein equations which directly generates Gau?–Krüger conformal coordinates as well as the Universal Transverse Mercator Projection (UTM) avoiding any intermediate isometric coordinate representation. Namely, the equidistant mapping of a meridian of reference generates the constraints in question. Finally, the detailed computation of the solution is given in terms of bivariate polynomials up to degree five with coefficients listed in closed form. Received: 3 June 1997 / Accepted: 17 November 1997  相似文献   
Meeting the food needs of the growing and increasingly affluent human population with the planet’s limited resources is a major challenge of our time. Seen as the preferred approach to global food security issues, ‘sustainable intensification’ is the enhancement of crop yields while minimizing environmental impacts and preserving the ability of future generations to use the land. It is still unclear to what extent sustainable intensification would allow humanity to meet its demand for food commodities. Here we use the footprints for water, nitrogen, carbon and land to quantitatively evaluate resource demands and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of future agriculture and investigate whether an increase in these environmental burdens of food production can be avoided under a variety of dietary scenarios. We calculate average footprints of the current diet and find that animal products account for 43–87% of an individual’s environmental burden – compared to 18% of caloric intake and 39% of protein intake. Interestingly, we find that projected improvements in production efficiency would be insufficient to meet future food demand without also increasing the total environmental burden of food production. Transitioning to less impactful diets would in many cases allow production efficiency to keep pace with growth in human demand while minimizing the food system’s environmental burden. This study provides a useful approach for evaluating the attainability of sustainable targets and for better integrating food security and environmental impacts.  相似文献   
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