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罗宜富 《中国岩溶》2004,23(1):25-29
通过实地调查、样方统计、标本采集等,对荔波小七孔地区岩溶植被的生境条件、区系组成、群落学特征等进行了初步的分析研究.结果表明:该区植被区系十分丰富,在12km2的范围内,自然分布的维管束植物高达375种,分别隶属于117科、272属;地理成分也相当复杂,既有世界分布、泛热带分布、热带美洲和热带亚洲间断分布、热带亚洲至热带非洲分布,又有北温带分布、东亚和北美间断分布、西亚至中亚分布和中国特有分布.此外,区内岩溶植被多元顶极演替特征也很明显,常绿阔叶、落叶阔叶与常绿落叶阔叶混交林共存.小七孔的这种植被群落特征主要由其气候、土壤、小生境差异及其相互配置的不同而引起.  相似文献   
The updated study shows that the taphrogenesis of basement of the Fushun Basin is not a kind of instantaneous process. It intensified gradually and went to extreme in the sedimentary stage of the Guchengzi formation, and then, it weakened rapidly and stopped soon afterwards; the depression did not take place after the taphrogenesis. On the contrary, it almost happened simultaneously with the taphrogenesis. The depression went at a high speed from the beginning of the sedimentary period of the Xilutian formation, and then weakened gradually in the sedimentary period of the Gengjiajie formation. The evolution course of the synsedimentary structure of the Fushun Basin can be summarized as the following six stages: slow taphrogenesis and high speed depression to accelerated taphrogenesis and high speed depression to high speed taphrogenesis and high speed depression to retarded taphrogenesis and high speed depression to gradual halt of taphrogenesis and reduced depression to slow depression and gradual halt of depression. The tectonic evolution resulted in the formation of the "lower taphrogenesis and upper depression" structure. The formation of the binary structure might be due to the suspension of taphrogenesis and the change of the regional structure stress field, but the depression kept going. The result of calculation combining the analysis of the synsedimentary structural frame, the back-stripping method of the subsidence history of the basin basement and the simulation of thermo-settlement history indicates that the great sedimentary space required by the "upper depression part" consists of two parts, namely, 40% from compaction of sediments and 60% from slow depression of the basin basement during a long period of time. Gradual halt of the depression in the Fushun Basin may be attributed to the reversal of the lithosphere hot-recession and gravity isostasy adjustment which may be the result of new hot-events in the depths and accompanied invasion of extremely thick diabase sill, thus revealing a new forming mechanism of "fault subsidence at the base and depression on the top" structure.  相似文献   
The Yishu fault zone (mid-segment of the Tanlu fault zone) was formed in the Presinian. Periodic tectonic activities and strong seismic events have occurred along the fault zone. During the initial stage of the Caledonian Movement, with the proceeding of the marine transgression from the Yishu paleo-channel to the western Shandong, uneven thick sediments, composed mainly of sand, mud and carbonates of littoral, lagoon, and neritic facies, were deposited in the Yishu fault zone and western Shandong, and constructed the bottom part of the Lower Cambrian consisting of the Liguan and Zhushadong formations. Through field observations and the lab-examinations, various paleoseismic records have been discovered in the Liguan Formation and the Zhushadong Formations of the Yishu fault zone and its vicinity, including some layers with syn-sedimentary deformation structures that were triggered by strong earthquakes (i.e. seismite, seismo-olistostrome, and seismo-turbidite). Paleoseismic records developed in the Zhushadong Formation are mainly seismites with soft-sediment deformation structures, such as liquefied diapir, small liquefied-carbonate lime-mud volcano, liquefied vein, liquefied breccia, convolute deformation (seismic fold), graded fault, soft siliceous vein, and deformation stromatolite, as well as seismites with brittle deformation structures of semiconsolidated sediments. Paleoseismic records preserved in the Liguan Formation are not only seismo-olistostrome with a slump fold, load structure, and ball-and-pillows, but also seismo-turbidite with convolution bedding, graded bedding and wavy-bedding. However, in the western Shandong area, the closer to the Yishu fault zone, the greater the thickness of the Liguan Formation and the Zhushadong Formation, the greater the number and type of layers with paleoseismic records, and the higher the earthquake intensity reflected by associations of seismic records. This evidence indicates that tectonic taphrogenesis accompanied by strong earthquake events occurred in the Yishu fault zone during the initial stage of the Caledonian Movement, which embodied the break-up of the Sino-Korean Plate along the Paleo-Tanlu fault zone at that time.  相似文献   
2015尼泊尔大地震及喜马拉雅造山带未来地震趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2015年4月25日尼泊尔Ms 8.1级大地震是发生在喜马拉雅造山带中段的低角度逆冲断层运动, 特点是震源很浅, 震中烈度达Ⅺ度, 震害严重。破裂带走向北西西—南东东, 穿越尼泊尔首都加德满都, 使首都建筑遭受严重破坏。该震是1934年以来尼泊尔最大地震, 标志着喜马拉雅带自1950年以来半个世纪的平静期已经结束。自2005年进入新活动期, 至2015年尼泊尔大地震发生已达到活动高潮。预计将持续十到几十年。根据历史地震资料分析, 今后可能沿喜马拉雅带走向发生纵向迁移, 将在喜马拉雅带东段发生更大的地震, 从而使地震高潮达到顶峰而结束, 可能对我国西藏东南、不丹和印度边界产生破坏。另外还可能沿着与喜马拉雅带走向垂直方向向北迁移(即横向迁移), 在几年之内即可在西藏、青海引起破坏性地震, 需要相关省市做好监测预报和防灾工作。   相似文献   
沈春芳 《地震》2004,24(3):121-124
文中探讨了我国台湾地区(北纬21.5°~25.5°,东经119.5°~123.0°)自1900年以来5次明显的强震成丛性活动现象,每次成丛性强震活动高潮期的能量释放持续时间由几个月至4年多不等,丛与丛间的间隔时间也各不相同,两者之间似存在着互补的关系。研究认为,这种强震成丛性活动不仅与该区所处的特殊地理环境与构造条件密切相关,还可能与大陆及周沿地区8级以上的巨大地震有关。  相似文献   
阿克苏地区位于塔里木地块西北缘,是研究Rodinia超大陆裂谷裂解过程的关键地区.在阿克苏地区裂谷序列中,发育有不整合面.通过对阿克苏地区巧恩布拉克组、尤尔美那克组和苏盖特布拉克组碎屑锆石的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄测定,对Rodinia超大陆裂谷期不整合面的形成时间、不整合面上下地层的物源变化以及不整合面的构造意义进行了讨论.碎屑锆石测年结果显示:尤尔美那克组于708 Ma后开始沉积,苏盖特布拉克组于577 Ma后开始沉积,被剥蚀的阿克苏群为尤尔美那克组和苏盖特布拉克组提供了局部物源.结合前人资料分析表明:①巧恩布拉克组与尤尔美那克组之间角度不整合面形成于717~708 Ma之间,苏盖特布拉克组与下伏地层间不整合面形成于580~577 Ma之间;②阿克苏地区724~717 Ma之间发生了一次幕式裂陷作用,这次幕式裂陷作用可能代表了 Rodinia超大陆裂谷裂陷期的高潮;③苏盖特布拉克组与下伏地层间不整合面是Rodinia超大陆裂谷裂-坳转换界面,这个界面时限为580~577 Ma;④"雪球地球"事件显著地促进了不整合面形成时的剥蚀作用,巧恩布拉克组与尤尔美那克组之间的角度不整合面、苏盖特布拉克组与下伏地层之间的不整合面的形成分别受到了 Sturtian冰期、Gaskiers冰期的影响.在本文中,不仅阿克苏地区裂谷期不整合面的成因机制得到了探讨,也一并完善了阿克苏地区裂谷的演化模式.  相似文献   
中国的用水何时达到顶峰   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
从中国实际用水增长业已放慢的趋势、已经开始启动的供水价格的大幅上升趋势和水价与用水的关系、经济增长方式由粗放型向集约型转变(高耗水行业已经接近顶峰)和用水与产业结构的关系、日益严格的环境立法和执法对用水的影响、中国水资源本身的限制等5个方面,分析中国的用水变化趋势,提出中国的农业用水量、工业用水量和总用水量目前均已接近顶峰,可望在10年内达到顶峰,最大用水量不大可能超过6500×108m3。  相似文献   
峨眉地幔柱与峨眉地裂运动有何关系?它对中上扬子区二叠纪天然气藏有何影响?研究地幔柱和地裂运动对塔里木盆地油气勘探和开拓新的油气资源有何意义?这些均是复杂而有挑战性的问题。在多年研究峨眉地裂运动基础上,利用前人对峨眉地幔柱的研究成果,探讨扬子板块西北缘拗拉槽群形成与峨眉地幔柱关系,以及峨眉地幔柱产生的热力作用对烃源岩转化和优质储层的影响。对比塔里木盆地和四川盆地构造演化史,建议塔里木盆地油气勘探加强地幔柱和地裂运动对油气成藏条件影响的研究,同时开展地幔柱对2个盆地无机成因油气资源的探索,争取发现新的油气资源。  相似文献   
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