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童馗  邢立达  姜巽  彭光照  叶勇  江山  丑春永  李轲  李智武 《地质通报》2018,37(10):1771-1776
四川西昌盆地白垩系小坝组尚未发现骨骼化石记录,其白垩系恐龙动物群的信息全赖于足迹化石。2017年,在喜德县洛甘发现小坝组迄今最大型的恐龙足迹群。该足迹点保存了大量的兽脚类足迹。足迹保存条件较差,但具备了基本的形态学特征。总体来看,兽脚类足迹具有尺寸较小(8~13cm),中等中趾前凹(0.5~0.6)和第Ⅱ趾和第Ⅳ趾间较宽趾间角(70°~100°)的特征;少量足迹保存了跖骨垫。初步分析认为,洛甘兽脚类足迹与四川盆地夹关组的兽脚类足迹Eubrontes和Grallator形态类型相似,为两地在白垩纪中期具有类似的恐龙动物群的观点提供了新的证据。该发现对于西昌盆地的古气候、古地理和地层对比都具有重要的意义,足迹详细分类还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
何情  邢立达  王晓丽  潘正华  胡毅  路硕 《地质通报》2017,36(9):1506-1513
安徽齐云山兽脚类足迹群是目前中国晚白垩世保存最好的恐龙足迹群之一,对其沉积环境的研究为恢复白垩纪末期恐龙动物群的生活环境提供了证据。研究区足迹全部为兽脚类凸型足迹,与无脊椎动物遗迹Palaeophycus tubularis和Scoyenia sp.保存在一起,指示陆相沉积中的浅水沉积。通过薄片鉴定,足迹层位主要为岩屑砂岩,其平均粒径、标准偏差、偏度和峰度4个粒度参数特征与典型的河相砂一致;粒级分布直方图、概率累积曲线图及散点图表明,足迹层位从下到上颗粒逐渐变细,水动力条件变弱,沉积环境由河床沉积转变为边滩沉积。综上,齐云山兽脚类足迹点沉积环境为大型曲流河沉积,足迹保存在边滩沉积的下部,是白垩纪末期干旱气候条件下兽脚类恐龙动物群的水源地。  相似文献   
Abstract   Abundant dinosaur fossils including dinosaur footprints, eggs and nests, teeth and bones have been found from the Cretaceous non-marine deposits of Korea. Among them, dinosaur tracks are the most distinctive, and some track sites are among the most famous in the world. Until now, 27 dinosaur track localities have been discovered from the Cretaceous strata in the Gyeongsang Basin and several small basins. Ornithopod tracks are most abundant at most Korean track sites, and most of them are identified as Caririchnium ; that is, large ornithopod footprints with wide hoof impressions. Most theropod tracks are found in Neungju Basin and they consist of various types of small or medium-sized bird-like footprints, and other large footprints. Sauropod tracks are also abundant in the Gyeongsang Basin. The sauropod tracks vary in size, shape, and pattern of trackway, and suggest that diverse sauropods existed in this area. These diverse tracks in South Korea suggest that various dinosaurs flourished at the margins of lakes distributed in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   
描述了河北省赤城县寺梁山土城子(后城)组一例极可能的兽脚类恐龙蹲伏迹及相关的足迹,该蹲伏迹也是该组地层目前发现的最大的兽脚类足迹。虽然缺乏前足迹和尾迹。但因保存了左跖骨印、关联的坐骨及可能的耻骨胼胝印被定为蹲伏迹。该蹲伏迹是世界上第三例非对称的兽脚类恐龙蹲伏迹。  相似文献   
记述了辽宁义县早白垩世九佛堂组的一件初鸟类(Avialae)化石,其嘴里无牙,前肢明显长于后肢,尾巴由20多节尾椎组成,叉骨呈U字形,飞行羽毛超过了身体的长度。各种特征表明,新发现的初鸟类真正具有了飞行能力,代表了恐龙向鸟类演化过程中的又一中间环节。正式将其命名为中华神州鸟(Shenzhouraptorsinensisgen.etsp.nov.)。  相似文献   
A new theropod dinosaur, Shidaisaurus jinae gen. et sp. nov., has been described on the basis of an incomplete skeleton. The specimen was found near the base of the Upper Lufeng Formation (early Middle Jurassic) in Yunnan, China. It is the first theropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Yunnan. Shidaisaurus jinae is distinguishable from other Jurassic theropods by certain features from the braincase, axis, and pelvic girdle. The absence of any pleurocoels in the axis or in any anterior dorsal vertebrae suggests that the new Lufeng theropod is relatively primitive and more plesiomorphic than most of the Middle to Late Jurassic theropods from China. Most Chinese taxa of Jurassic theropod dinosaurs have not been well described; a further detailed study will be necessary for us to determine their phylogenetic relationships with Shidaisaurus jinae.  相似文献   
胡松梅  邢立达  王昌富  杨苗苗 《地质通报》2011,30(11):1697-1700
记叙了中国陕西省商洛市邵涧村下白垩统东河群2个大型兽脚类恐龙足迹,并将其归于Megalosauripus isp.。 东河群的时代与热河生物群同期,邵涧Megalosauripus isp. 可能可与热河生物群的大型兽脚类恐龙之足部形态做简 单对比。此外,邵涧Megalosauripus isp.造迹者的体长约为7.4m,这意味着早白垩世的陕西中南部亦存在着大型的 兽脚类恐龙。邵涧Megalosauripus isp.的发现,不仅为中国早白垩世恐龙足迹增加了新的成员,而且为将来在该地 区下白垩统中发现大型兽脚类恐龙的骨骼化石提供了确凿的依据。  相似文献   
A new theropod dinosaur,Shidaisaurusjinae gen.et sp.nov.,has been described on the basis of an incomplete skeleton.The specimen was found near the base of the Upper Lufeng Formation(early Middle Jurassic)in Yunnan,China.It is the first theropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Yunnan.Shidaisaurus jinae is distinguishable from other Jurassic theropods by certain features from the braincase,axis,and pelvic girdle.The absence of any pleurocoels in the axis or in any anterior dorsal vertebrae suggests that the new Lufeng theropod is relatively primitive and more plesiomorphic than most of the Middle to Late Jurassic theropods from China.Most Chinese taxa of Jurassic theropod dinosaurs have not been well described;a further detailed study will be necessary for us to determine their phylogenetic relationships with Shidaisaurus jinae.  相似文献   
江苏省新沂市马陵山地区的4个神秘的印记,传统上被解释为“李存孝打虎处”的“虎爪印”和“人足迹”,重新将其解释为大盛群田家楼组恐龙足迹。这些足迹中只有一个最深的“虎爪印”保存了可识别的趾印,表明它是一个有着后内侧拇趾印的兽脚类恐龙左足迹,是一道单步约50cm的直线行迹的一部分;另一种解释是该足迹为小型蜥脚类恐龙的右后足迹,形成行迹的右侧部分,其左侧部分没有保存。马陵山足迹点提供了恐龙足迹如何影响中国民间传说的另一个案例。  相似文献   
描述了河北省赤城县寺梁山土城子(后城)组一例极可能的兽脚类恐龙蹲伏迹及相关的足迹,该蹲伏迹也是该组地层目前发现的最大的兽脚类足迹。虽然缺乏前足迹和尾迹,但因保存了左跖骨印、关联的坐骨及可能的耻骨胼胝印被定为蹲伏迹。该蹲伏迹是世界上第三例非对称的兽脚类恐龙蹲伏迹。  相似文献   
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