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围海造地是人类开发利用海洋的重要方式,也是人类拓展生存空间及生产空间的重要手段.世界上大部分沿海国家或地区都有围海造地的历史,也因此积累了比较丰富的成功经验及失败教训.我国海岸线长、海湾多,改革开放以来,东部沿海地区一直是我国经济增长最活跃、工业化和城市化进程最快的区域.  相似文献   
根据生态系统服务功能理论,利用RS和G IS技术,以土壤含水量为基础因子,对青藏高原区草地生态系统的土壤水分保持功能及其价值的动态变化过程进行有效评价,以直接的货币形式反映出青藏高原主要草地类型的土壤水分保持功能的大小。通过计算和分析发现:(1)由于草地类型分布面积、单位面积保持量的影响,各种类型草地提供的土壤水分保持功能及其价值贡献率有较大差异,按照大小依次为:高寒草原类、高寒草甸类,高寒荒漠类、高寒草甸草原类和温性山地草甸类;(2)草地对土壤水分保持量及其价值呈现出较强的阶段性变化过程;(3)由于各种草地类型所处地理区域不同、草地本身各种自然特点和整体生态功能的不同,青藏高原草地生态系统提供的土壤水分保持功能及其经济价值呈现出明显的地域分布规律:自西北至东南逐渐降低。应该说,由于青藏高原地域、地理和独特气候等原因所致,本文计算得出的青藏高原草地生态系统土壤水分保持功能及其价值的具体数值不一定十分准确,但是能在一定程度上反映出土壤水分保持功能的强大及其在生长季中随时间变化的动态过程和基本规律(这种规律性结论与前人研究结论一致),这是一种在区域尺度上揭示草地生态系统土壤水分保持功能及其价值动态变化过程的方法尝试,这也是对动态评估生态服务功能的一种有益尝试。  相似文献   
针对青岛市水资源本地供给的特点,本文将统计模型法与机理模型法有机结合,基于区域水资源水量平衡原理,构建基于GIS的青岛市本地水资源供给预估方法,并设置不同的自然补给情景,对未来青岛市本地水资源的供给及其空间异质性进行有效预估及分析。结果显示,气候变化背景下青岛市本地水资源供给将持续出现供给短缺且不均衡分布的特点;三种不同情景下青岛市整体本地水资源供给量呈减少趋势,即使偏丰状态情景下也存在不同程度的减少,且空间分布差异性明显;综合三种不同情景下青岛市各行政单元的本地水资源平均预估量(万m~3),呈现西海岸新区(37 974.8)平度市(21 133.2)莱西市(11 747.1)胶州市(11 496.0)崂山区(11 301.6)即墨区(7 789.6)城阳区(3 972.7)市内三区(3 682.0)的空间分布特征。因此在今后的水资源调配过程中,不仅要关注需求量,同时也要关注气候变化影响下本地水资源供给的空间差异性,特别是供需短缺严峻的区域,以达到将水资源配置与适应气候变化工作有机结合的目的。  相似文献   
海河南系子牙河流域湿地生态系统健康评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对海河流域水资源极度短缺、水质高度污染等典型问题,借鉴国内外湿地健康评价方法,选取海河南系子牙河流域为研究区,结合监测数据、遥感影像和统计数据等多源数据,构建基于PSR模型(Pressure-State-Response)的湿地生态系统健康评价指标体系,运用GIS空间分析技术,对多类型流域大尺度湿地生态健康进行综合、分类和分区评价,探讨其主要控制因素和空间分布规律,并对比不同类型湿地的健康状况。结果表明:子牙河流域湿地健康指数为0.723 1(Ⅳ级),处于疾病状态,出现这种状态的主要控制因素有水质TN、COD_(Cr)、NH_3-N、TP、景观破碎度、河流断流几率、COD_(Mn)、河流连续性等;五种不同类型湿地健康指数关系为河流湿地(0.788 1)沼泽湿地(0.734 3)滨海湿地(0.650 4)湖泊湿地(0.625 5)水库湿地(0.560 4);受空间异质性的影响,流域湿地健康呈现出中游最差、下游次之、上游相对较好的分布格局。因此,亟待采取有效的湿地保护与管理措施,保障湿地的生态完整性和功能可持续性,提高湿地生态系统健康水平。  相似文献   
考虑"陆源产生-河流输移-入海输出"的整体过程,根据土地利用、农业人口和畜禽养殖等数据,利用输出系数模型(ECM)模拟估算胶州湾海岸带2000—2013年氮、磷非点源污染负荷及其时空分布特征,并通过对比河流入海实测值与模型模拟结果,获取氮、磷非点源污染入海系数。结果表明:胶州湾海岸带各入海河沿岸氮、磷负荷年际下降趋势明显,空间上则呈现出"北高南低",耕地和农业人口是主要污染源;氮、磷入海通量与陆源污染负荷分布规律一致,氮、磷污染的入海系数均在0.6以上。河流及其流经区的空间异质性导致入海系数的差异化,其自然净化过程会对氮、磷污染物造成损失。因此为有效地缓解胶州湾海岸带非点源污染现状,应将源头控制、过程修复与末端治理有机结合起来。  相似文献   
Presently, research is lacking regarding the diagnosis and evaluation of habitat degradation in enclosed bay systems. We established a diagnostic model for enclosed bay habitat degradation (EBHD model) using a multi-approach integrated diagnostic method in consideration of driving force-pressure- state-influence-response. The model optimizes the indicator standardization with annual average change rate of habitat degradation as the basic element, to reflect accurately the impact of the change and speed of degradation on the diagnostic results, to quantify reasonably the contribution of individual diagnostic indicator to habitat degradation, and to solve the issue regarding the influence of subjective factors on the evaluation results during indicator scoring. We then applied the EBHD model for the Sansha Bay in Fujian Province, China, evaluated comprehensively the situation of habitat degradation in the bay, and screened out the major controlling factors in the study area. Results show that the diagnostic results are consistent in overall with the real situation of the study area. Therefore, the EBHD model is advantageous in terms of objectivity and accuracy, making a breakthrough in diagnosis and evaluation for habitat degradation in enclosed bay systems.  相似文献   
The process of habitat degradation varies in habitat type and driving force which shows certain spatial and temporal heterogeneity on regional scales. In the present study, a new diagnostic model for enclosed bay habitat degradation was established, with which the spatial and temporal variation patterns of habitat degradation during 1991–2012 in Sansha Bay, Fujian, China was investigated. The results show that anthropogenic disturbance is the major controlling factor for the habitat degradation in large temporal heterogeneity in the bay. On the other hand, the habitat degradation experienced signifi cant spatial variations among six sub-bays. Under the joint action of temporal and spatial heterogeneity, the degradation trend in growing scale shows a more signifi cant correlation with the distribution of local leading industries along shorelines. Therefore, we quantifi ed the main characters of habitat degradation in Sansha Bay, and have understood the relationship between the status of habitats spatio-temporal variation value and the main controlling factor leading to the changes. However, a defi ciency of this research is the lack of or inaccessible to the detailed data, which shall be better solved in the future study for accessing more data from more sources.  相似文献   
目前国内海岸带城市洪水淹没风险领域中较多关注单一致灾因子(风暴潮)导致的淹没,缺乏对导致海岸带洪水发生的其他致灾因子的自然属性和社会属性的综合考量。根据风险的内涵,借鉴国外综合性风险评价理念,将洪水淹没自然机理模型与概念框架模型相结合,选取能表征风险发生概率的自然过程指标以及能表征风险危害性后果的社会经济类指标,构建具有针对性的海岸带型洪水淹没风险评价指标体系,对青岛市洪水淹没风险进行综合评估。研究得出青岛市洪水淹没风险指数值为0.3240,根据我国主要海域自然灾害等级划分(表3),可知其风险等级为3,危险性属于中等水平;确定了青岛市洪水淹没风险的各类致灾体与其影响因素之间的相关性;并得出洪水淹没风险的自然因素和人为可控因素两类关键性控制指标制定短期和长期性的适应策略和行动,充分利用可调节因素,有效加强并提高防范性指标,以期到达最大程度上降低青岛市洪水淹没风险。  相似文献   
Unbalanced inputs and outputs of material are the root cause of habitat degradation in Sansha Bay,Fujian Province,China. However,the cumulative pollution varies in different geographic locations and natural conditions in the enclosed bay. In this study,hydrodynamic conditions,sediment characteristics,and aquaculture methods were recognized as the underlying causes of spatial heterogeneity in the distribution of nitrogen and phosphorous pollutants,the two major controlling factors of habitat degradation in the bay area. In order to achieve the goal of balancing nutrient inputs and outputs in Sansha Bay,we developed a feasible and practical zone restoration strategy for reasonable adjustment and arrangement of aquaculture species and production scale in accordance with varying hydrodynamic conditions and sediment characteristics in six sub-bay areas(sub-systems). The proposed zone restoration strategy lays a solid foundation for habitat restoration and management in Sansha Bay.  相似文献   
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