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中国物理海洋学研究70年:发展历程、学术成就概览   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文概略评述新中国成立70年来物理海洋学各分支研究领域的发展历程和若干学术成就。中国物理海洋学研究起步于海浪、潮汐、近海环流与水团,以及以风暴潮为主的海洋气象灾害的研究。随着国力的增强,研究领域不断拓展,涌现了大量具有广泛影响力的研究成果,其中包括:提出了被国际广泛采用的“普遍风浪谱”和“涌浪谱”,发展了第三代海浪数值模式;提出了“准调和分析方法”和“潮汐潮流永久预报”等潮汐潮流的分析和预报方法;发现并命名了“棉兰老潜流”,揭示了东海黑潮的多核结构及其多尺度变异机理等,系统描述了太平洋西边界流系;提出了印度尼西亚贯穿流的南海分支(或称南海贯穿流);不断完善了中国近海陆架环流系统,在南海环流、黑潮及其分支、台湾暖流、闽浙沿岸流、黄海冷水团环流、黄海暖流、渤海环流,以及陆架波方面均取得了深刻的认识;从大气桥和海洋桥两个方面对太平洋–印度洋–大西洋洋际相互作用进行了系统的总结;发展了浅海水团的研究方法,基本摸清了中国近海水团的分布和消长特征与机制,在大洋和极地水团分布及运动研究方面也做出了重要贡献;阐明了南海中尺度涡的宏观特征和生成机制,揭示了中尺度涡的三维结构,定量评估了其全球物质与能量输运能力;基本摸清了中国近海海洋锋的空间分布和季节变化特征,提出了地形、正压不稳定和斜压不稳定等锋面动力学机制;构建了“南海内波潜标观测网”,实现了对内波生成–演变–消亡全过程机理的系统认识;发展了湍流的剪切不稳定理论,提出了海流“边缘不稳定”的概念,开发了海洋湍流模式,提出了湍流混合参数化的新方法等;在海洋内部混合机制和能量来源方面取得了新的认识,并阐述了混合对海洋深层环流、营养物质输运等过程的影响;研发了全球浪–潮–流耦合模式,推出一系列海洋与气候模式;发展了可同化主要海洋观测数据的海洋数据同化系统和用于ENSO预报的耦合同化系统;建立了达到国际水准的非地转(水槽/水池)和地转(旋转平台)物理模 型实验平台;发展了ENSO预报的误差分析方法,建立了海洋和气候系统年代际变化的理论体系,揭示了中深层海洋对全球气候变化的响应;初步建成了中国近海海洋观测网;持续开展南北极调查研究;建立了台风、风暴潮、巨浪和海啸的业务化预报系统,为中国气象减灾提供保障;突破了国外的海洋技术封锁,研发了万米水深的深水水听器和海洋光学特性系列测量仪器;建立了溢油、危险化学品漂移扩散等预测模型,为伴随海洋资源开发所带来的风险事故的应急处理和预警预报提供科学支撑。文中引用的大量学术成果文献(每位第一作者优选不超过3篇)显示,经过70年的发展,中国物理海洋学研究培养了一支实力雄厚的科研队伍,这是最宝贵的成果。这支队伍必将成为中国物理海洋学研究攀登新高峰的主力军。  相似文献   
卡里马塔海峡水体交换的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four trawl-resistant bottom mounts, with acoustic Doppler current profilers(ADCPs) embedded, were deployed in the Karimata Strait from November 2008 to June 2015 as part of the South China Sea-Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange and Impact on Seasonal Fish Migration(SITE) Program, to estimate the volume and property transport between the South China Sea and Indonesian seas via the strait. The observed current data reveal that the volume transport through the Karimata Strait exhibits significant seasonal variation. The winteraveraged(from December to February) transport is –1.99 Sv(1 Sv=1×10~6 m~3/s), while in the boreal summer(from June to August), the average transport is 0.69 Sv. Moreover, the average transport from January 2009 to December2014 is –0.74 Sv(the positive/negative value indicates northward/southward transport). May and September are the transition period. In May, the currents in the Karimata Strait turn northward, consistent with the local monsoon. In September, the southeasterly trade wind is still present over the strait, driving surface water northward, whereas the bottom flow reverses direction, possibly because of the pressure gradient across the strait from north to south.  相似文献   
上层海洋对台风"凯萨娜"(2009)的响应特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文利用多源卫星遥感数据和Argo浮标数据对2009年台风"凯萨娜"过后,南海上层海洋的物理和生态响应特征进行了分析。结果表明,"凯萨娜"引起的上升流流速最大可以达到1.6×10~(–3)m/s,台风过后,海表面温度(SST)下降显著,最大降温幅度可以达到6℃,海表面高度降低,先前存在的中尺度冷涡进一步加强。台风过后,沿着台风路径,叶绿素浓度升高,最大值可以达到2 mg/m~3以上,初级生产力升高到台风过境前的5倍。SST的最大降温中心与海面高度下降区域以及叶绿素浓度升高的区域一致。Argo数据表明台风诱发了强烈的垂向混合和艾克曼泵吸,不同位置处,垂向混合和艾克曼泵吸的强度不一样。通过混合和泵吸过程,台风可以把海洋内部的营养盐输送到海洋表层,对整个南海的物理和生态过程有重要影响。  相似文献   
An experiment using the Community Climate System Model (CCSM4), a participant of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase-5 (CMIP5), is analyzed to assess the skills of this model in simulating and predicting the climate variabilities associated with the oceanic channel dynamics across the Indo-Pacific Oceans. The results of these analyses suggest that the model is able to reproduce the observed lag correlation between the oceanic anomalies in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean and those in the cold tongue in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean at a time lag of 1 year. This success may be largely attributed to the successful simulation of the interannual variations of the Indonesian Throughflow, which carries the anomalies of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) into the western equatorial Pacific Ocean to produce subsurface temperature anomalies, which in turn propagate to the eastern equatorial Pacific to generate ENSO. This connection is termed the “oceanic channel dynamics” and is shown to be consistent with the observational analyses. However, the model simulates a weaker connection between the IOD and the interannual variability of the Indonesian Throughflow transport than found in the observations. In addition, the model overestimates the westerly wind anomalies in the western-central equatorial Pacific in the year following the IOD, which forces unrealistic upwelling Rossby waves in the western equatorial Pacific and downwelling Kelvin waves in the east. This assessment suggests that the CCSM4 coupled climate system has underestimated the oceanic channel dynamics and overestimated the atmospheric bridge processes.  相似文献   
基于参与第六次耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)的8个地球系统耦合模式所输出的历史模拟结果,本文通过与观测对比,评估了CMIP6模式对东南印度洋亚南极模态水的模拟能力,并预估了在中等强迫情景和高强迫情景下,该模态水潜沉率、体积及性质的变化趋势。结果表明:与Argo观测相比,CMIP6模式中南印度洋混合层偏深且上层海洋的位势密度偏小,因此其模拟的东南印度洋亚南极模态水潜沉率偏大而位势密度偏小。不同CMIP6模式之间模拟的东南印度洋亚南极模态水潜沉区存在差异,混合层侧向输入是导致这一差异的主要原因。此外,在历史模拟和两种情景试验中,东南印度洋亚南极模态水均呈现出潜沉率和体积减小、温度升高、盐度和密度降低的趋势。其中,在高强迫情景下,变化趋势最大,中等强迫情景次之,历史模拟中的变化趋势最小。这表明,辐射强迫越强,东南印度洋海表温度升高和淡水输入增加的趋势越大,导致混合层变浅及其南北梯度减小的趋势越快,东南印度洋亚南极模态水潜沉率、体积和性质变化的趋势也随之增大。  相似文献   
卡里马塔海峡贯穿流将中国南海的低盐水输运到爪哇海,与印度尼西亚贯穿流(印尼贯穿流)携带的西太平洋高盐水在印度尼西亚海(印尼海)交汇,二者通过混合、浮力强迫等过程相互作用。这改变了印度尼西亚海的水体热盐性质,影响局地海气交换和热带太平洋-印度洋之间的热盐交换。依据卡里马塔海峡、龙目海峡和望加锡海峡的实测表层海流数据,采用被动示踪法和数值模拟诊断实验,分析并研究了2支海流在季节尺度上的相关关系及其相互作用。观测结果表明,卡里马塔海峡贯穿流与印尼贯穿流的表层流季节变化存在负相关,且超前1个月达到相关系数最大值,其中印尼贯穿流下游的龙目海峡表层流与卡里马塔海峡贯穿流关系更密切。被动示踪结果显示,卡里马塔海峡释放的示踪粒子主要向南流入爪哇海,然后经巽他海峡、龙目海峡及班达海方向流出,但很难进入到望加锡海峡北部;望加锡海峡释放的表层示踪粒子主要经龙目海峡和班达海流入印度洋,但无法进入到爪哇海及卡里马塔海峡。数值诊断实验结果表明,卡里马塔海峡贯穿流在冬季阻挡了印尼贯穿流表层海水的南下,从而使其表层流产生明显的季节变化;而望加锡海峡贯穿流对卡里马塔海峡贯穿流的影响较小。在季节尺度上,卡里马塔海峡贯穿流对印尼贯穿流尤其是表层流,有着重要影响,但印尼贯穿流对卡里马塔海峡贯穿流的影响较小。  相似文献   
Near-bottom currents play important roles in the formation and dynamics of deep-water sedimentary systems.This study examined the characteristics and temporal variations of near-bottom currents, especially the tidal components, based on two campaigns(2014 and 2016) of in situ observations conducted southeast of the Dongsha Island in the South China Sea. Results demonstrated near-bottom currents are dominated by tidal currents, the variance of which could account for ~70% of the total current variance. Diurnal tidal currents were found stronger than semidiurnal currents for both barotropic and baroclinic components. The diurnal tidal currents were found polarized with predominantly clockwise-rotating constituents, whereas the clockwise and counterclockwise constituents were found comparable for semidiurnal tidal currents. It was established that diurnal tidal currents could induce strong current shear. Baroclinic tidal currents showed pronounced seasonal variation with large magnitude in winter and summer and weak magnitude in spring and autumn in 2014. The coherent components accounted for ~65% and ~50% of the diurnal and semidiurnal tidal current variances,respectively. The proportions of the coherent and incoherent components changed little in different seasons. In addition to tidal currents, it was determined that the passing of mesoscale eddies could induce strong nearbottom currents that have considerable influence on the deep circulation.  相似文献   
Lag correlations of sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs), sea surface height anomalies (SSHAs), subsurface temperature anomalies, and surface zonal wind anomalies (SZWAs) produced by the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model: Grid-point Version 2 (FGOALS-g2) are analyzed and compared with observations. The insignificant, albeit positive, lag correlations between the SSTAs in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean (STIO) in fall and the SSTAs in the central-eastern Pacific cold tongue in the following summer through fall are found to be not in agreement with the observational analysis. The model, however, does reproduce the significant lag correlations between the SSHAs in the STIO in fall and those in the cold tongue at the one-year time lag in the observations. These, along with the significant lag correlations between the SSTAs in the STIO in fall and the subsurface temperature anomalies in the equatorial Pacific vertical section in the following year, suggest that the Indonesian Throughflow plays an important role in propagating the Indian Ocean anomalies into the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Analyses of the interannual anomalies of the Indonesian Throughflow transport suggest that the FGOALS-g2 climate system simulates, but underestimates, the oceanic channel dynamics between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. FGOALS-g2 is shown to produce lag correlations between the SZWAs over the western equatorial Pacific in fall and the cold tongue SSTAs at the one-year time lag that are too strong to be realistic in comparison with observations. The analyses suggest that the atmospheric bridge over the Indo-Pacific Ocean is overestimated in the FGOALS-g2 coupled climate model.  相似文献   
海洋再分析资料中IOD-ENSO遥相关的海洋通道机制分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
徐腾飞  周慧 《海洋学报》2016,38(12):23-35
本文利用滞后相关分析,研究了海洋再分析资料(SODA、ORAS4和GODAS)中的IOD-ENSO滞后遥相关关系,并与观测资料进行对比。结果显示,3套再分析资料中热带东南印度洋秋季海表温度/海表高度异常和赤道太平洋冷舌次年秋季海表温度/海表高度异常之间显著相关,与观测结果一致。在次表层,观测和再分析资料均显示,热带东南印度洋秋季海表温度异常与赤道太平洋次表层海温异常之间的显著相关关系在冬季至次年秋季沿赤道太平洋垂向剖面向东移动,并于次年夏季和秋季在冷舌区上升至海表。热带东南印度洋和赤道太平洋冷舌滞后1年的相关关系是由海洋通道机制引起的,即IOD事件引起印尼贯穿流流量异常,导致赤道太平洋温跃层异常,激发赤道Kelvin波向东传播,从而影响赤道中-东太平洋冷舌海表温度异常。观测及SODA与ORAS4资料中,热带东南印度洋和赤道太平洋冷舌滞后1年的相关关系在去除ENSO信号后仍然显著,表明海洋通道机制是独立于ENSO事件的;而在GODAS资料中,这些显著相关关系在去除ENSO信号后消失。印尼贯穿流流量异常和Niño3.4及DMI(Dipole Mode Index)指数之间超前-滞后12个月的相关关系显示,在SODA和ORAS4资料中,印尼贯穿流流量同时受到ENSO和IOD的影响,与观测结果一致;而在GODAS中,印尼贯穿流流量异常仅与Niño3.4指数显著相关,极少受到IOD事件的影响,这部分解释了GODAS资料中去除ENSO信号后,IOD-ENSO滞后遥相关关系消失的原因。  相似文献   
Lag correlations between sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTA) in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean(STIO) in fall and Nio 3.4 SSTA in the eastern equatorial Pacific in the following fall are subjected to decadal variation,with positive correlations during some decades and negative correlations during others. Negative correlations are smaller and of shorter duration than positive correlations. Variations in lag correlations suggest that the use of the Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD) as a predictor of the El Nio Southern Oscillation(ENSO) at a lead time of one year is not effective during some decades. In this study,lag correlations between IOD and ENSO anomalies were analyzed to investigate why the IOD-ENSO teleconnection disappears during decades with negative correlations. Anomalies induced by the IOD in the equatorial Pacific Ocean during decades with negative correlations are still present,but at a greater depth than in decades with positive correlations,resulting in a lack of response to oceanic channel dynamics in the cold tongue SSTA. Lag correlations between oceanic anomalies in the west Pacific warm pool in fall and the equatorial Pacific cold tongue with a one-year time lag are significantly positive during decades with negative correlations. These results suggest that oceanic channel dynamics are overwhelmed by oceanatmosphere coupling over the equatorial Pacific Ocean during decades with negative correlations. Therefore,the Indonesian throughflow is not effective as a link between IOD signals and the equatorial Pacific ENSO.  相似文献   
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