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我国作为海洋大国,近年来海洋事业进入快速发展时期,合成孔径雷达以其自身的技术特点在海洋遥感监测中发挥了重要的作用。在以往的海洋监测中大多采用星载合成孔径雷达获取海洋数据,但因星载SAR受到卫星搭载平台和运行轨道等因素影响,对局部地区高时效的数据获取还存在一定的制约因素。本文通过对无人机机载微型全极化合成孔径雷达对海岸带、海岛礁、海洋动目标高分辨率成像和应用分析研究,为无人机机载SAR在海洋监测中的应用提供了全新的技术手段。  相似文献   
南海永乐龙洞位于西沙群岛永乐环礁,是迄今为止发现的最深的海洋蓝洞,水文环境及理化因素特殊,90 m以下水体为无氧环境。为研究永乐龙洞浮游植物的群落组成及其昼夜变化,于2017年3月在龙洞、潟湖及外礁坡进行浮游植物样品采集。研究结果表明:龙洞内叶绿素a浓度呈现随深度先增大后减小的趋势,日间浓度最大值层出现在40 m层(0.42μg/L),夜间则出现在20 m层(0.59μg/L)。永乐龙洞微微型浮游植物丰度介于1.1×10^3~5.1×10^4 cells/mL。聚球藻在上层水体占优势(0~20 m),40 m以下水层原绿球藻丰度对微微型浮游植物丰度贡献率最大(90%以上),微微型真核浮游植物丰度在整个水体都较低(除20 m层)。微微型浮游植物昼夜存在明显差异,夜间其丰度最大值层为20 m层,日间则上移至表层。本研究共记录微型和小型浮游植物5门41属55种(含未定种)。其中,硅藻门25属34种、甲藻门12属15种、金藻门1属1种、蓝藻3属、隐藻1属。微型和小型浮游植物丰度介于3.3×10^2~9.8×10^4 cells/L。甲藻丰度对浮游植物总丰度贡献率最大,其次是硅藻,隐藻和蓝藻丰度仅在少数水层占优势。微型和小型浮游植物昼夜变化明显,夜间丰度最大值层为20 m层,日间则出现在40 m层。微微型、微型和小型浮游植物垂直分布与叶绿素a浓度垂直分布一致性高。龙洞浮游植物的种类数和丰度高于潟湖和外礁坡。  相似文献   
中国沿海常见蜑螺科贝类的DNA条形码   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA条形码不仅为物种鉴定提供了有效方法,而且也有助于分类学和生物多样性研究。本研究旨在探讨将COI和16S rRNA基因序列应用于中国沿海蜑螺科贝类物种鉴定的可行性,获得了该科3属7种贝类61个个体的COI和16S rRNA基因序列。基于COI基因序列的种内遗传距离为0.00—1.29%,平均为0.67%;属内种间遗传距离为4.62%—19.25%,平均为13.02%;基于16S rRNA基因序列的种内遗传距离为0.00%—0.48%,平均为0.23%;属内种间遗传距离为2.47%—8.48%,平均为6.37%。两种基因序列在所研究的蜑螺中,种内遗传差异均小于种间遗传差异,存在明显的条形码间隙,所有物种在系统发生树上都表现为独立的单系群。结果表明,线粒体COI和16S rRNA基因序列可以作为DNA条形码标准基因对蜑螺科贝类进行有效地物种鉴定。  相似文献   
长腹剑水蚤属(Oithona)是广泛分布于海洋近岸和外海海域的中小型桡足类中最为丰富的类群之一,由于个体小且形态差异微小,通过传统的形态学分类法对其进行准确鉴定难度较大。本文对南海分布的长腹剑水蚤属内的5个种,即瘦长腹剑水蚤(O.tenuis)、羽长腹剑水蚤(O.plumifera)、刺长腹剑水蚤(O.setigera)、伪长腹剑水蚤(O.fallax)和长刺长腹剑水蚤(O.longispina)线粒体COⅠ基因序列以及DNA数据库中长腹剑水蚤属其他地区种类COⅠ基因序列进行比较分析,使用ABGD (Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery)和GMYC (Generalized Mixed Yule Coalescent)模型进行物种界定,分析种间种内遗传距离,并构建系统进化关系。结果显示ABGD和GMYC模型均可以很好地对长腹剑水蚤进行种类划分;种内遗传距离为0.0%~1.6%,种间遗传距离为17.7%~44.5%(Kimura 2-parameter双参数模型),表明种间出现较高的分化;贝叶斯系统树和最大似然树进化树结果均表明,简长腹剑水蚤(O.simplex)与其他种类相距较远,羽长腹剑水蚤和拟长腹剑水蚤(O.similis)中存在隐种的分化,分别是我国南海海域和地中海的羽长腹剑水蚤以及朝鲜海峡和北海的拟长腹剑水蚤,种间遗传距离分别为18.6%、22.9%。  相似文献   
DNA甲基化参与调节动物配子发生和胚胎发育过程,TET基因负责DNA主动去甲基化,在基因印迹去除和细胞全能性获得中起重要作用。为了解海洋贝类配子发生和胚胎发育过程中DNA去甲基化如何发生,本研究以虾夷扇贝为研究对象,鉴定了其TET基因,并分析了该基因在性腺和胚胎幼虫发育中的表达变化。结果表明,虾夷扇贝基因组中含有1个TET基因(PyTET),该基因长39127 bp,包含10个外显子,编码1592个氨基酸,其蛋白具有完整的2OGFeDO超家族的加氧酶结构域。在性腺发育过程中,PyTET基因表达峰值出现在休止期精巢和增殖期卵巢,原位杂交结果显示其在精原细胞、精母细胞中均有表达,在卵母细胞中的表达明显高于卵原细胞;在早期发育过程中,其峰值出现在囊胚期。以上结果提示虾夷扇贝配子发生和胚胎发育过程中均发生了DNA主动去甲基化,这将有助于系统了解表观调控在贝类发育中的作用。  相似文献   
为了实现大地测量成果高效便捷的管理,采用MySQL建立服务器数据库,利用C++builder开发客户端连接服务器数据库,通过MAC地址和IP地址申请访问服务器,进行大地测量成果的登记、编辑、借阅、注销等操作。使用EAN13码对大地测量成果文件进行唯一性编码,使用TSC条码机打印条码粘贴到大地测量成果,使一个EAN13码关联一个大地成果文件。通过条码扫描器实现了大地测量成果文件的扫码定位、扫码借阅、扫描注销等操作。借阅成果文件时直接打印借阅凭条,作为大地测量成果文件的借阅凭证,提高了大地测量成果文件管理的安全性和高效性。  相似文献   
A loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was designed and evaluated for rapid detection of the toxic microalgae Alexandrium catenella and A. minutum, which can produce paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). Two sets of four specific primers targeting these two species were derived from the sequence of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of ribosomal DNA. The method worked well in less than an hour under isothermal conditions of 65℃. LAMP specificity was validated in closely related algae as a comparison, suggesting the strict specificity of the LAMP primers. Two visual inspection approaches were feasible to interpret the positive or negative results. The detection limits of A. catenella and A. minutum samples using the LAMP assay were found to be 5.6 and 4.5 pg DNA, respectively. The sensitivity of this LAMP assay was 10 or 100-fold higher than Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method in detecting the two microalgae. These characteristics of species specificity, sensitivity, and rapidity suggest that this method has the potentiality in the monitoring of red tide caused by A. catenella and A. minutum.  相似文献   
基于DNA条形码技术的乌苏里江中下游漂流性鱼卵鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marine ecosystems provide a wide variety of diverse habitats that frequently promote migration and ecological adaptation. The extent to which the geographic distribution of marine organism has reshaped by human activities remains underappreciated. The limitations intrinsic to morphology-based identification systems have engendered an urgent need for reliable genetic methods that enable the unequivocal recognition of fish species,particularly those that are prone to overexploitation and/or market substitution. In the present study, however, an attempt has been taken to identify two locally adapted fish species, Siganus sutor(Valenciennes, 1835) and Seriolina nigrofasciata(Rüppell, 1829) of order Perciformes, which happens to be the first record in Odisha coast,Bay of Bengal. The diagnostic characteristics of Siganus sutor are: dorsal fin XIII-10, anal fin VII-9, pectoral fin 15,pelvic fin II-3, while that of Seriolina nigrofasciata dorsal fin VI-I-35, anal fin I-17, pectoral fin 16, pelvic fin 5. All COI barcodes generated in this study were matched with reference sequences of expected species, according to morphological identification. Bayesian and likelihood phylogenetic trees were drawn based on DNA barcodes and all the specimens clustered in agreement with their taxonomic classification at the species level. The phylogeographic studies based on haplotype network and migration rates suggest that both the species were not panmitic and the high-frequency population distribution indicates successful migration. The result of this study provides an important validation of the use of DNA barcode sequences for monitoring species diversity and changes within a complex marine ecosystem.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton growth rates and mortality rates were experimentally examined at 21 stations during the 2017 spring intermonsoon(April to early May) in the northern and central South China Sea(SCS) using the dilution technique, with emphasis on a comparison between the northern and central SCS areas which had different environmental factors. There had been higher temperature but lower nutrients and chlorophyll a concentrations in the central SCS than those in the northern SCS. The mean rates of phytoplankton growth(μ_0) and microzooplankton grazing(m) were(0.88±0.33) d~(–1) and(0.55±0.22) d~(–1) in the central SCS, and both higher than those in the northern SCS with the values of μ_0((0.81±0.16) d~(–1)) and m((0.30±0.09) d~(–1)), respectively.Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing rates were significantly coupled in both areas. The microzooplankton grazing impact(m/μ_0) on phytoplankton was also higher in the central SCS(0.63±0.12) than that in the northern SCS(0.37±0.06). The microzooplankton abundance was significantly correlated with temperature in the surface. Temperature might more effectively promote the microzooplankton grazing rate than phytoplankton growth rate, which might contribute to higher m and m/μ_0 in the central SCS. Compared with temperature, nutrients mainly affected the growth rate of phytoplankton. In the nutrient enrichment treatment,the phytoplankton growth rate(μn) was higher than μ_0 in the central SCS, suggesting phytoplankton growth in the central SCS was nutrient limited. The ratio of μ_0/μn was significantly correlated with nutrients concentrations in the both areas, indicating the limitation of nutrients was related to the concentrations of background nutrients in the study stations.  相似文献   
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