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Hedgehog信号通路参与动物神经系统发育、分节等诸多发育过程,研究该信号通路对理解动物的发育与演化机制有重要意义。对软体动物而言,目前Hedgehog信号通路的研究较少。本文克隆了腹足纲软体动物笠贝的hedgehog基因,利用整装原位杂交技术研究了其在胚胎发育过程中的时空表达规律;并与重要发育基因brachyury及soxb的表达模式进行了比较。结果表明,笠贝hedgehog基因与神经外胚层及中/内胚层相关,可能调控了幼虫神经、肌肉及消化道的分化。通过比较原肠胚及担轮幼虫不同阶段的基因表达模式,研究了hedgehog基因相关的组织和细胞随个体发育进程的动态变化。这些结果为理解软体动物形态发生和重要器官的分化机制提供了基础。  相似文献   
作家梁晓声人要做到三神:静神、愉神和养神。心态平衡不仅使神经系统处于融洽舒缓的正常状态,还能使气血调和、外濡肌腠、内溉脏腑,起到防疾抗衰的功效。歌唱家李谷一我爱吃野菜,因为是纯天然食品,污染少,而且有营养和各种功效:马兰头有清火润肺的功效,尤其适合夏天吃;水土不服,常上火的人可以吃点鱼腥草。  相似文献   
海胆胚胎是研究神经发育生物学的理想生物模型.血清素能神经系统在海胆早期胚胎发育过程中形成最早,主要由血清素能顶端神经节和受体细胞网络构成,对海胆幼虫的游泳行为具有调控功能.本文对海胆幼虫血清素能顶端神经节和受体细胞网络的发育过程,以及血清素能神经系统的功能等方面进行了综述.  相似文献   
海胆胚胎是研究神经发育生物学的理想生物模型。血清素能神经系统在海胆早期胚胎发育过程中形成最早,主要由血清素能顶端神经节和受体细胞网络构成,对海胆幼虫的游泳行为具有调控功能。本文对海胆幼虫血清素能顶端神经节和受体细胞网络的发育过程,以及血清素能神经系统的功能等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   
论文在经典灰色关联分析理论的基础上,应用T-S模糊神经系统的模糊系统和模糊逻辑,结合神经网络的自适应性,对灰色关联分析的数据取值以及取值区间进行重新定义和划分。再进行定量归一化,对灰色关联分析方法进行了改进。文中以广东省滑坡危险性评价为例,将改进的灰色关联度分析方法应用于滑坡危险性的评价。通过对影响滑坡危险性评价因素的T-S模糊神经系统分析,对滑坡的危险性评价提供了更科学、合理的依据。  相似文献   
沈细中  张文鸽  冯夏庭 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):1119-1122
大坝变形预报时,存在影响因素多且各因素之间的相互关系复杂,常规的变形预测方法难以满足大坝安全监控的要求。自适应神经模糊系统(ANFIS)兼备神经网络的自学习、自适应能力,以及模糊系统良好的知识表达性能。在系统分析大坝变形主要影响因素的基础上,以水库库水位、温度及时间效应为影响因子,建立基于自适应模糊神经系统的大坝变形预测模型,并以三峡二期围堰为例进行实证分析。研究表明,该模型计算简便,适用性强,精度高,为大坝变形预报提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
<正>国家地理National Geographic2010年1月封面专题:生态机械人尽管听上去很像科幻片,独臂人士拥有一个灵活自如的仿真机械手越来越成为现实。这都有赖于仿生科技的发展。无须其他多余装置,残障人士用意念就能驱动机械手,因为部分神经系统被重新部署,神经末梢与肌肉群相连,肌肉群上的电极  相似文献   
The authors discussed the method of wavelet neural network (WNN) for correlation of base-level cycle. A new vectored method of well log data was proposed. Through the training with the known data set, the WNN can remenber the cycle pattern characteristic of the well log curves. By the trained WNN to identify the cycle pattern in the vectored log data, the ocrrdation process among the well cycles was completed. The application indicates that it is highly efficient and reliable in base-level cycle correlation.  相似文献   
Under strong seismic excitation, a rigid block will uplift from its support and undergo rocking oscillations which may lead to (complete) overturning. Numerical and analytical solutions to this highly nonlinear vibration problem are first highlighted in the paper and then utilized to demonstrate how sensitive the overturning behavior is not only to the intensity and frequency content of the base motion, but also to thc presence of strong pulses, to their detailed sequence, and even to their asymnletry. Five idealised pulses capable of representing "rupture-directivity" and "fling" affected ground motions near the fault, are utilized to this end : the one-cycle sinus, the one-cycle cosinus, the Ricker wavelet, the truncated (T)-Ricker wavelet, and the rectangular pulse "Overturning-Acceleration Amplification" and "Rotation" spectra are introduced and presented. Artificial neural network modeling is then developed as an alternative numerical solution. The neural network analysis leads to closed-form expressions for predicting the overturning failure or survival of a rigid block, as a function of its geometric properties and the characteristics of the excitation time history. The capability of the developed neural network modeling is validated through comparisons with the numerical solution. The derived analytical expressions could also serve as a tool for assessing the destructiveness of near-fault ground motions, for structures sensitive to rocking with foundation uplift.  相似文献   
在全球海域里生活着375种鲨鱼,有的鲨鱼凶猛残忍,如噬人鲨、双髻鲨,有的鲨鱼个体庞大但很温顺,如鲸鲨。可是在这众多的鲨鱼中,还没听说过有“醉鲨”。难道是不是鲨鱼误喝了白酒,导致喝醉了呢?有一天,在墨西哥东部妇人岛附近,一名潜水员潜入海下工作,忽然,他发现离自己不远处有一  相似文献   
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